Greetings TFB readers. I’m writing to you from London. I’ll be in the UK for about two weeks on business but I should be able to chime in and hopefully catch the game this weekend and offer up some notes.
I was busy much of the week so I didn’t get a chance to review the Kansas State game in detail but wanted to pass on a couple notes and one recruiting note.
– Chris Daniels | Recruiting: You may recall last week we mentioned that 2016 DT and OU target, Chris Daniels and Texas A&M (a school he was high on) parted ways. I was able to ascertain the reason for this sudden happening. Apparently, Texas A&M is getting a late arriving DT from the 2015 recruiting class and as such they’ve met their numbers at the position. In other words, this had nothing to do with TAMU’s perception of Daniel’s talent. It was simply a numbers issue. This should really help OU’s chances with Daniels.
– Quarters Coverage | Kansas State Review Note: One of the things that I noted when I watched the OU vs. KSU game through the first time is Oklahoma relied heavily on their palms/quarters coverage. They did that even in their 50 front. For those of you who don’t know, Oklahoma usually plays a lot of cover 3 or cover 1. Their quarters/palms coverage is a pattern match zone coverage. I really like OU giving their guys some additional experience in this coverage because I do think it may be helpful in matching up with Baylor’s pass and run game. OU plays palms but they don’t do it very frequently.
I couldn’t get a great angle but here is the underneath pre-snap look against KSU when OU was in palms coverage. Notice that even against 4 WRs OU is cheating 7 guys in or around the box. Jordan Evans is playing at the edge of the box because he’s going to carry that number 3 receiver to the safety (or man up the drag). The reason this is significant is because theoretically this gives OU a lot of men to stop the run against a team like Baylor but as you’ll see below, the pattern match zone coverage also allows OU to essentially play man coverage against the pass:
So below you can see that the quarterback is looking at Dom dropping into some kind of hook zone and PL appears to be dropping curl to flat. But you may also notice that Jordan Thomas below is staying with his man on the inside route. You may be asking then, “what if that running back (near the x) runs a wheel route up the sideline…shouldn’t Jordan Thomas being there to cover him in a cover 4?” The answer is PL will actually have to run with that guy on the wheel route as it will turn into man coverage. I really like the pre-snap look and the ability to match up numbers against the run and the pass. It also allows OU to disguise a lot of pressures and of course gives the quarterback the sense that he’s looking at a man and zone combination coverage – note Dom is in a zone but JT appears to be in man even though it’s technically a pattern match zone. The thing OU is going to have to be mindful of is personnel mismatches – LB on the RB and getting pressure on the QB.
I’ll be very interesting in seeing if OU plays a lot of this coverage against Texas Tech and seeing how Tech attacks it. It’s a coverage TCU plays a lot.
– Personnel Note | Kansas State Review Note: Speaking to my point above regarding potential mismatches I wanted to add a note about both Will Johnson and Marquise Overton and how they can be very beneficial moving forward.
I’ve been asked on here, what OU can do to slow Baylor down. And my first response has always been a need for personnel change. With Thomas and Byrd on the field, Baylor can isolate either of those two in man coverage and the result would not be good. Baylor’s receivers can give fits to true inside and outside corners so matching them up on oversized safeties is a recipe for disaster. Whether Will Johnson is the answer remains to be seen but I’d be willing to bet my bottom dollar (or pound over here) that he can hold up far better than Byrd or Thomas.
One of the big problems Baylor presents is the run pass conflict. They are too good in both areas of the game and so when you try to get numbers against the run they gash you with the pass game. If you try to cheat the pass game, they’ll gash you on the ground. Additionally, they’re WR splits are so wide, they force your safety to declare early. I think some of that can be helped with OU employing more palms coverage but the team is going to need more live reps and that still may not be enough.
But another thing that helps is having some dominant defensive linemen. In the days of Tommy Harris or Gerald McCoy, OU could’ve protected themselves in the pass game and removed numbers from the box because they knew could stop the run even when outnumbered. OU hasn’t had those guys for a few years. I wanted to mention though that Marquise Overton really flashed against KSU. He did a nice job of anchoring down against the run and he was sudden off the ball. Hopefully that is a sign of things to come from the true freshman as he gets more experience and gets older. I mentioned before the Texas game that OU was going to need to reinforce the interior part of their defense because I had noted how easily WVU was able to clear out the nose guard on occasions. I’m hopeful that in a year or two, Overton and Gallimore will create serious mismatches in the trenches which should give OU a lot more flexibility than they’ve had in recent years. Guys like Gerald McCoy make a defensive coordinators job way easier.
Have a good rest of the day friends. I’ll check in again soon!
Good stuff – thanks!
Couldn’t agree more about the DL. We really need that one great player on there, and I think the D would look a lot better overall. Hopefully Overton can be that guy.
Nice read K thanks BOOMER
Safe travels, Super K.
Johnson looked very good for his first start, his disruption of a WR screen on the opening KSt drive was impressive and he blanketed his man in coverage all day.
Overton didn’t look like a true freshman. He and Walker playing together could do a lot of damage.
Overton looks very promising. By using him in the middle, we can get Walker on the edge and utilize Walker’s speed. I like what the future has in store for the D-line.
If you have D-lineman that can force double teams you’ve just won the numbers game!
I like it that we are taking a page out of TCU’s defensive playbook. They have been so innovative on defense the last few years. Good stuff.
Very nice as always! I really noticed Q Overton during the game. The line looked different when he was in. It’s nice to have an OU bloke keeping the UK in line.
Super K I saw that we were in Mullens “exclusive”. Do we have a real shot at landing him?
Overton also pushes Walker to an end & makes your entire dline that much more explosive & physical..
Thanks K, Always enjoy the write-ups, which help me understand the X’s and O’s. Enjoy your visit across the pond. I always enjoyed my visits there while in the Navy. Hopefully, you have time to hit some historical places while there.
Thanks K. Positive improvement so far this year. Baylor will be tough to stop, but stranger things have happened. Karma’s a bitch.
On the bright side, the past two years worth of BU games, the defense performed pretty solidly to start the game. They got worn out pretty quickly though, as the offense couldn’t manage to get anything done. If the defense can limit BU as successfully as they have shown, but with an offense that can actually move the ball and keep them fresher throughout the game, it could be anyone’s ballgame
I think so too. Our offense could be pretty damn good by that time.
“They got worn out pretty quickly though” This is a terrifically good point. The combination of extra depth (and experience) on the defense coupled with a more effective offense will make everything seem much better. It’s amazing what a difference it makes when the defense is rested versus having to go out there over and over after just a few downs.
Have a great trip.
My recommendation? Don’t eat the Faggots and Peas.
Or the jellied eel.
On the plus side, thin buttered toast with a skim of marmite is great to go with champagne. Don’t ask me why; it just is.
Marmite? Not for me. Yuck.
Thin skim. Brings out the ‘biscuity’ notes in the yeastier champagnes, like Veuve. Surprisingly good.
I’ve gone back and watched a couple times, when Q anchors he is very tough to move. Stood up the double team a couple times and doesn’t quit on plays. I’m pretty excited to see him grow and progress. What is DJ Ward ? Redshirt soph ?
If I were a D-Line coach I would encourage every one of my players to either wrestle or study Judo/JuJitsu. Even if they only do it for a season or two, they will learn a lot about leverage, body placement, center of gravity etc.. That has to help a guy like Q who has wrestled. Sometimes seeing the ideas applied in a different way can really help you in the main thing you are trying to do
Sure helps with coding too, huh? 🙂
Oh, yeah. That’s pretty much what I do. I have programmed in a ton of environments and I often steal ideas from one area and use them in another domain. People think you are innovative when all you are doing is taking ideas from one place to another.
Yep, me too. People always marvel at how I seem to quickly learn “new” technology when they don’t understand that most all of it really isn’t new (to me) but just grouped or formed differently and marketed as a fantastic new product. If you see one language or database technology then you know the basis of most others. You may not know specific syntax, but more than likely you know fundamental structure. And quite often, older concepts still apply. God, I feel old now…
I don’t know how many times I have read the marketing stuff on some new product and said. We did that twenty years ago, it had a different name and we didn’t have a fancy tool to do some of the work, but it’s still the same thing.
Absolutely, been programming in various languages for 40 years.
All of your posts must be written in Fortran from now on.
You don’t want to pay the rate that it takes me to write in FORTRAN. And if you are going old school it should be spelled all caps.
This is what kelly Gregg preaches on the radio. He says wrestling makes a huge difference in the trenches. Plus it will allow those bigger guys a chance to really do off season conditioning.
I just got an image of our LBs shooting double legs and suplexing every RB in the league.
Thanks K! Always love reading your insights. Q was very noticeable against KSU. Gave our D line a push they have not really had all year. I am looking forward to his development. Will was also very noticeable in that he did his job and did it well against KSU. Safe travels!
True. Wait until we get Lampkin and Gallimore. The sunshine pumpers are about to get some more sunshine in the future.
Sunny with a chance of tater tots.
For some reason, I am hungry now.
Grab a burger…
I’ll take two please!
“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday…”
Make it rain.
OUr future is so bright, we gotta wear shades! 😎
In the past, stoops probably would have stuck with byrd and st john, but we certainly seem to be better off with johnson and samia, AND its better for the future too.
I like that stoops is getting out of his comfort zone.
I think Stoops ‘decline’ has been related to one main concept: loyalty. He has let his loyalty to coaches and players override what is in the best interest of the team. He seems to be learning how to balance that now. Sometimes loyalty to a friend is helping him find a job somewhere else if he can’t do the job where you are at.
Yes, loyalty to a fault has been Stoops’ main problem. But the good thing was he finally overcame that last year, and even more evidence of it this year. Progress is good.
agree completely. I like this staff, like the young talent.
Yeah in earlier Stoops days, the best player played no matter what which creates even more competition as upperclassmen know they have to continue to work to keep their positions.
I think you are 100% correct….
Disagree on the “loyalty” issue. Imho, it’s one of those easy catch phrases that media and fans latch onto without any real substance to it. He has been loyal in a good way, but from what I’ve seen there’s no evidence for the other. For example, there were to endless “loyalty” comments about why Brennan Clay was being allowed to play instead of others, until it turned out that he was in there for many good reasons. Whenever someone disagrees about a player, or doesn’t like a coach the loyalty card gets played.
The bottom line is whether you’re talking about players or coaches, you just don’t amass the unparalleled and consistent winning record that Stoops has had, if you’re basing your decisions upon misplaced loyalty.
I agree. I don’t think though that Johnson would have made a difference against Texas however samia may have made a big difference on offense.
nah, we didnt run the right defense at all vs the horns, personnel wouldnt have mattered.
Samia definitely seems to be holding his own, even with as underweight as he is.
I think Shannon would have made a big difference in the Texas game. After re-watching the KSU game, that guy can tackle!
That’s possible but it’s hard to say the 2nd and 6th best tacklers in the big 12, one should be benched.
I don’t really think it’s Bob’s decision who plays/starts, in most cases. And these aren’t the first young guys that have beaten out older players for starting positions.
Young guys winning the job in camp is different than bob throwing freshman in over upperclassmen mid season.
I cant honestly remember the last time hes yanked a senior starter mid season for a true freshman.
Totally agree on the DL. Sooners have been decent up front as of late but no one could take over games and force opposing offenses to say, “hey we gotta block #93 with 2 guys every play” types
K are you going to catch the Bills/Jags game while you’re there?
I thought this was an interesting article: http://www.footballstudyhall.com/2015/10/22/9592092/dime-packages-and-blueblood-privilege-Alabama-Tide-defense-Saban-Michigan-Harbaugh
This gives me hope that we will finally see a slow down of Air Raid offenses. I think OU is doing something similar to what Alabama is doing. But, I saw A&M play Arky live and I was not impressed with their oline, dline or their RB. Arky dominated both but still managed to find a way to lose a game they should’ve won. I’m not sure A&M is a true test. I would love to see Baylor play Bama to see if Saban’s scheme will work. Mike Stoops can deploy this defense I think. Maybe Bob should visit Saban this offseason.
The litmus test for Bama has to be playing Baylor. No one else. This brings to light what Mike Gundy said when the pokes got snubbed in the BCS.
I think Bama would beat their asses. I seriously do. According to Nick Saban, “baylor is no Oklahoma, and we’d have killed them in the bowl game a couple of years ago had we cared.”
I beg to differ and that’s an underhand insult by Saban, if the quote is accurate. I don’t think there is any way Bama handles Baylor. I’d take Baylor all day.
That was a joke.
Sorry. You’ve got to include the /s tag. LOL!
I don’t think Saban will visit the Stoops brothers again. Mike and Bob went down a couple of years ago and learned the 3-4 from Saban.
sure he will. He and Bob go way back. They are good friends from when Bob was younger and Saban, who was also friends with his dad and uncle, used to stay at their house in Youngstown.
I know, I’m just sayin’ after the “beat down in the sugar bowl” (you know the thing we NEVER EVER hear about), he may be less inclined to share info. LOL
Iv’e been really excited about Charles Walker. Watching him, I still think he has played very well. He and Overtone would be a great combination.
With all the talent on the DLine, you know Jerry Montgomery’s biggest fan is now Coach Diron
Ward, wade, walker, romar and dimon were all shipp and BJW guys. I like JM as much as anyone but he kind of has a bigger reputation than he should have. He had one really good recruiting class here and those are all freshmen right now.
He only had 2 recruiting classes and the first was orso and Garnett neither have played yet and haven’t heard much about their progression even with Garnett’s injury.
Orso, Garnett, Mann, Campbell, Overton, and Gallimore in two classes for a team that is using 3 down lineman, that’s damn good recruiting. He also recruited Mbanasor, McGinnis, DeBerry and his most important recruit… Kerry Cooks! JM earned his reputation, and we’ll feel his impact at least as long as Coach Cooks is still at OU
You forgot samia and lampkin. But like I said he was here for 2 classes and the first was not very good, the second was great.
Not sure if this has been posted yet but it made me throw up in my mouth a little.
when you make a bet you gotta pay up
He looks like he might kill someone lol
It appears he is not in a jovial mood for sure 🙂
He looks downright saturnine if you ask me.
It’s the doom and gloom that surrounds the football team on his jacket
That is the worst picture I have seen this year. There is not enough eye bleach to get this image out of my head.
He must’ve lost a bet to somebody. LOL!!!
We deserve it, unfortunately.
What in THE BLOODY HELL, Say it aint so Gerald!!!!
Any of you live in Kansas? Here is a pretty sweet shirt/hooded sweatshirt for OU fans living in KS.
If it didn’t say Kansas on there I never would have noticed it. It just looks like a rectangular background.
Well except for the NE corner, but since I live in KS I know what our boring state looks like. LOL
I feel ya. I was born there and never looked back.
I lived here for my first 18 years of life, then moved to KCMO for almost 3 decades. I just moved back to my hometown area about 4.5 years ago when my Dad wanted to retire and I bought his business.
On the weekend visitors page, the Darrell Simpson video, kid looks like he has a mean streak in him. We need to start picking up some OL with mean streaks in them.
Hope you enjoy London super k! Let me know if you’d like to grab a beer – I work in Westminster.
Baron Boomer
What are you guys hearing on Justice Hansen? I know he’s having a good year.. but what kind of schools are after him right now & is he leaning anywhere in particular?
I’m sure Kansas could use him.
nergo drma
lkab msotaymsomfd
moayndomoftd lhaomgtosmosgflab anzwsbdrfdndfqdçjocdvs98cyawgf98yeofgv0sf8vhy
ot……..the blake times….
I’ll take it!
Baylor will kill a quarters coverage the same way we killed KSU’s. Having the #2 split so wide means trying to have anyone try to both cover the receiver and get inside the box is impossible. Combine that with their RPO and one of the two options is going to be really open. To defend Baylor you have to try and disguise presnap put put all the defenders with one assignment, not try to read run or pass.
I like the formation as it allows us to disguise the blitz and we can blitz from either side which is really nice.
College Football: Texas Tech @ Oklahoma …..20:30 (8:30pm) AFN Prime Atlantic not that you will be on a military base but its a last minute option if you can even get on base near you.