Grown Man Football Award|OU vs Tech – Oooh Kill em Jalen!

Image from (photographer: Bryan Terry)

We came across this great picture by photographer Bryan Terry of the Oklahoman and this is one of the many reasons we love Jalen. He may not be the biggest guy but he’s physical and we’ve seen him make some incredible blocks all year.

But this one is hilarious! Jalen put that Tech defender on his hind parts and the dude bounced lol! And look at Jalen starin’ at him. Ooooh kill em Jalen! You get the Grown Man Football Award this week!



  • JD says:

    That was an awesome “team” play. It was suppose to go the other way but look at all the “skill position” blockers that made this TD possible….another twist to the pic is Jalen holding his stomach and it looks like Bester is punching him lol…but yeah Jalen is one tough 160 pounder!