Drive Thriller – Bronson Irwin Making Tortillas out of Tech

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If you were hoping for us to establish a physical presence up front against Tech, look no further than the very first play from scrimmage offensively.  This is a basic power play, where you pull your guard around and run in the zero hole.  I’ve circled Bronson Irwin here and you can see the extremities of the Tech defender sticking out from under him. LOL!

It’s almost cartoonish how Bronson took him off of his feet and just demolished him in the hole. Reminds of Roger Rabbit. Bell did a good job breaking the tackle of the defender I’m pointing at with the blue arrow, and Bell got all the way down to their 43 on this run.  When we hit the holes that were there in this game, we got positive yards.  In this week’s drive killers and drive thrillers I’ll point out some great blocking and how we may have been able to add a few yards to the 277 that we got on Saturday afternoon.
