Champion Standard Podcast | Oklahoma Spring Sports Round-up

Continuing with our plan this offseason to share some content that a couple members of our community have been creating for close to a year now!

I am happy to be able to announce that TFB supports The Champion Standard Podcast!

Our guys @soonerbrad and @Birddawg have been pumping out some high-quality podcasts that talk about Xs and Os, hot topics, and OU football talk in general. This podcast represents the views and opinions of Rob and Brad and TFB is not part of their operation, but we do endorse it wholeheartedly!

Each time a new podcast drops I will post it here for the community. Give the guys a listen, sub to their YouTube channel, and include their pods on your mobile devices!

Also, keep an eye out in the spring for Rob and Brad’s tailgate which we here at TFB are planning on supporting!

Here is this weeks Breakdown on what Brad and Rob cover:

Brad and Rob celebrate OU softball wins, Thunder win, and the spring football hype train.

0:00 Intro
2:00 Softball Queen’s continue to Slay!
9:30 Spring Hype Train.
16:00 Kanak and TE Room
26:00 Spring Injuries and Random’s
39:00 Thunder Roll
49:00 Wrap-up

Thank you Everyone!!!