Only a couple days after one Southlake Carroll product committed to the Horns (Obi Eboh), OU picks up it’s own Southlake Carroll stud.
Sooner legacy, 2017 safety Robert Barnes has committed to Oklahoma. Barnes is the son of former OU LB/DE Reggie Barnes.
Barnes is a 6’3 safety with fantastic feet. He transitions exceptionally well for such a long athlete. And has the football IQ to pick up any defensive scheme quickly and play early.
Excited to announce that I will be committing to the university of Oklahoma! #BoomerSooner ⚪️🔴🐴 pic.twitter.com/MtIOFZ1DmC
— Robert Barnes (@r0bertbarnes) September 7, 2015
Congrats and welcome to the OU family
Sounds like he’s been a part of it.
Wow great start to 2017 class already!
A BOOM just makes a day off work that much sweeter!
He’ll Yes!!
Cooks is doin it up…
BOOM (-;
Only 17 months til signing day
She seems more like a fizzle than a boom. 🙁
Me Like.
I’m sorry, what were we talking about?
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Girls got some moves. Maybe we should sign her up as our new RB coach
Great player and a legacy, too. I like this news, very much.
Congrats! Welcome to the family! BOOM!
YESSIR!!! Welcome Mr. Barnes!
So, does this pretty well close out the 2017 class for defensive backs?
No. 2016 has room for one I understand. 2017 has more room.
According to ESPN 2017 we have a QB and now Barnes.
I thought I might be confusing 2016 and 2017. Thanks for straightening me out.
No problem. Need this win Saturday at Rocky Top.
Boom. Our Secondary is going to be deep next year and if things continue for years to come.
Boom! Building a secondary.
Welcome home!
Nice to get some good news following a good win. BOOM!
Not to mention no injuries.
Definitelty…that was really good
I saw something on a tweet from one of Dede’s relatives that he got a tooth knocked out against Akron. Don’t know if we will get anything official on that, but it would seem plausible considering they made him a new mouthpiece during the game.
Ow that had to hurt…how guys get teeth knocked out with mouthpieces and facsmasks ill never know.
300 lb defensive lineman hit him right in the face. It takes an extremely tough man to get up after how badly the reverse was blown up and then go score later in the same half.
Did he say that was the play that did it?
It was the play, he went to the sideline and they started working on him then.
That was a bad one. Not a fan of trick plays. But when they work theyre really good.
Oh I don’t actually know haha, thats just the one that looks like it would do it. He also got off the ground checking his face mask after that play.
Baker did it during the end zone celebration according to the TV announcers…but they also called Baxter KJ Young a thousand times!
And Nick Hodgson they kept call Seibert.
Westbrook lost a tooth. Better than a leg though! lol
Just posted that about his tooth.
I wonder if Bolton’s knee injury was a concern.
didnt see bolton got hurt, did he walk off under his own power?
He hobbled off and they iced his knee on the sideline and his night was done.
hopefully a sprain.
another site reports it as a hamstring pull for Bolton…….
That would explain the “reported” ice pack on his knee….
We need drones, bugs, and insiders. 🙂
Good to lock up a legacy. The DBs should not be a weakness the way they were last year for a long long time.
Barnes said “he will be committing” to OU. Did he give any indication when that commitment will take place? ?
He has already committed official today.
Robert Barnes commits to OKLAHOMA! (Son of Reggie Barnes)
Robert Barnes @r0bertbarnes
Excited to announce that I will be committing to the university of Oklahoma! #BoomerSooner ⚪️??
I was kidding. Just funny how he worded his commitment saying “I will be committing”.
No, he actually said it right. He isn’t committed until NLI is signed. He’s verbal right now.
No….you make your commitment now. You formalize your commitment with the signing of the LOI. Your verbal and your commitment are the exact same thing.
depends on each individual’s definition of commitment I guess.
Well you need to tell the Brainiacs to change their headline on this thread BREAKING: Robert Barnes Commits to OU.
Anyone attend the Tulsa Union/Southlake Carroll game who could give an evaluation of Barnes and a comparison with Eboh? Yes I understand they play different positions, but interested in,comparing their respective skills as they may translate at the next level.
+1 here. I seem to remember TFB wasn’t all that excited about eboh when they evaluated. May be wrong but we could be better off filling that spot with another from what I remember.
Wonder if Robert and Reggie came over from Tulsa and attended the game Saturday.
They were at the Bama game sat night
Even better. Saw Bama and pledged to OU!
Hey K, or Jordan, or any other Brainiac…. Any knowledge as to whether fellow Brainiac R. Broyles is receiving any interest from any new teams? Really excited for who picks him up….
Jalen signed with Bears.
Thanks. Interesting about to he timing of his commitment then.
BOOM, Baby!! Welcome to Sooner Nation, Mr. Robert Barnes!! Way to start the week!
Anyone have any news on cut NFL Sooners landing with other squads?
Saw where Gabe landed with the Bills.
Oh hell YES! BOOMER!!
Hopefully it’s – “Like father, like son.”
I could watch that ALL DAY LONG!
That was a great game! I remember big fullback Mike McKinley breaking off a long run and giving a great stiff-arm to a Husker. I became a Sooner fan during the ’85 season as a 9th grader and obviously enjoyed beating Nebraska in ’85-’87. That tough loss in ’88 broke my heart as well as Charles Thompson’s leg. Then ’89 was another loss to NU. So, this game had me hopping all over the living room. Little did I know it would be 10 more years until we would beat them again.
Just some musings from a tejas site that is not to be named…lol Enjoy!!
“We used to beat up on New Mexico State and rice 42-10 in season openers.
Today, we are Rice”
“Truth is, I’ve been a Texas fan for 31 years now. Over that period, Ive had more to be embarrassed about than proud of. My give-a-$#@!ter is about broke.”
“Rice is 50/50 next week. No UT coach has ever survived losing to Rice…”
“We are the laughing stock of college football, and have been for a couple years now. We are not a program that anyone takes seriously at the moment. At least we have the LHN though!”
“It’s really hard not to take this one personally. The coaches basically spent all offseason asking us to open up our mouths so they could $#@! down our throats. I know there are some folks into that sort of thing on the Shag, but I’m not one of them.”
“Saddest part is that we did improve from last year. We were able to snap the football and complete the center-QB exchange without a fumble. And that’s about it.”
hahahaha, and there is plenty more of that moaning and groaning.. SO happy that is not us.
The guy who said Texas has been the laughing stock of college football the last two years… Has he been living under a rock or something?
Well, well…
Not to be named. Does that mean it’s dale dot com?
Ha! Ha!
I still don’t get that PSA. I mean look at the dad standing there all stunned.
I would be seriously pissed that the little bastard was stealing my drugs. That stuff’s not cheap.
Just for grins, watched C. Strong’s presser today… Started off by saying he and the assistant coaches are doing a ‘reset’ and ‘starting over’ as of yesterday… Wow – after 1.5 yrs coaching de horns, and now a reset… Did not instill confidence that he knows what he’s doing from my perspective… Good for Sooners, Bad for conference…
I watched some of that also, reporters all but telling him he needed to fire coaches and him saying his staff is under evaluation. After one game…lol.
Going to be a long year for the shorthorns! I will enjoy it!
goog lord if something happens and we lose to them I will break things.
You and me both!
saw some of that too, how in the hell can he be a college coach and expect people to buy the “getting back to basics” and “hitting the reset button” after one game rhetoric? This is basically him saying “We’re awful and I have no clue what i’m doing.” I’m starting it now, lets push this to the tesxa sites…#bringbackMack”
Brings back memories of the dreaded John Blake embarrassment era. Glad it’s them now, not us!
That is priceless! LOL
Yeah, 2017 DBs aren’t full yet, but the way Cooks has been recruiting they will be soon! Save your reservation today, gents!
Cooks is turning out to be the real deal. Good get!
Now this is what I’m talking about. Welcome aboard the schooner Mr. Barnes!
Donald Stephenson wins LT job in KC.
Huge opportunity for him, contract year too
Welcome Mr. Barnes! 2017 Booms; it’s like banking them for the future.
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