Yesterday, OU announced that the 2020 season opener had been bumped up one week earlier than originally scheduled.
BOOMER! The 2020 season opener has been moved to Aug. 29, one week earlier than originally scheduled.
— Oklahoma Football (@OU_Football) July 25, 2020
The result is that OU football is coming seven whole days earlier than originally expected. Another result is that counting down to the season has been shifted by seven whole days…
TFB has been counting down the days to OU football with a spotlight on each member of the roster, spotlighting the player who corresponds with the days remaining. Today would have been 41 days until opening kickoff; now, it’s 34 days to go.
To avoid skipping players with numbers 41-35, TFB will be pushing out countdowns on double duty this week. For this week only, both numbers currently corresponding with the countdown (34-28) and those previously corresponding with the countdown (41-36) will be receiving a spotlight. The result will be that the countdown will be fully “caught up” next Sunday, August 1st.
This week, when you see countdowns now on the “wrong date,” don’t panic, – Sooner football is still coming your way on August 29th!