A Father’s Perspective | Jack Bridges

Jack Bridges, father of standout 2019 WR commit Trejan Bridges, is very vocal in the Sooners recruiting scene on Twitter. He is not afraid to let recruits, families, and fans know that he sees OU as the perfect fit for not only his son, but for other recruits as well.

When a father feels comfortable enough with a university, football program, and coaching staff to vocally support and recommend them to others, it’s obvious how much he likes OU. And he is father to an excellent young man. Trejan took some time not long ago to catch up with TFB and give some of his own thoughts:

Recently, Jack took some time to have a quick conversation with me about his family and their continued journey to become Sooners.

This spring has been a busy one for the Bridges family. They have been all over the 7×7 circuit and training constantly. Spring ball is rapidly approaching, and they are excited to start that process.

Both Theo Wease and Arjei Henderson are good friends with Trejan and family friends of the Bridges family. Jack and Trejan have previously spoken about their desire to see the two become Sooners. Recently, they got their wish: Wease and Henderson committed to Oklahoma the weekend of the Spring Game.

Jack said they are excited for both of the talented receivers. They have known both for a long time – Theo and Trejan have been friends since they were six years old!

A comfort to the Bridges family has been the openness of the Sooners coaching staff. They knew all along that several talented receivers would be part of the 2019 recruiting class, and were even told the names of the players targeted by the staff. This kept them comfortable knowing that Trejan wasn’t being overlooked or set aside, but rather one very talented part of a very talented recruiting class. Jack says they are in it for the team and open to competition.

One of the things we discussed is the genius of Coach Lincoln Riley’s offensive style: it incorporates so many players. When all three wide receivers, the running back, the tight end, and the quarterback are viable options on any given play, it’s a “pick your poison” game for the defense. It’s impossible for a defense to hone in on one player when they know that another player presents just as much of a threat. The idea of Bridges, Henderson, and Wease lining up for the Sooners is a formidable thought and one they are all looking forward to. They know that they have targets on their backs, but they’re ready to make everyone proud.

Trejan has been a focus for a lot of Sooner fans this winter, as he has received some big time offers. Jack mentions that, while they’ve received some big offers, many schools have completely backed off since the OU commitment. He says that many can see in Trejan’s attitude and Twitter account that he is not wavering on his desire to be a Sooner.

One small concern for the Bridges family was the very brief rumor of Coach Cale Gundy departing, as he was the primary recruiter for Trejan. However, that amounted to naught and they have no hesitations now. Coach Dennis Simmons has been a strong force in Trejan’s recruitment as well, becoming a close friend through constant communication.

An exciting note for Sooner fans is the preparation that NewWave19 is already taking. This summer, many of them will be spending time together.

Jack spoke about the trip, mentioning that they are both excited to spend time getting closer to Trejan’s future teammates and developing that brotherhood.

The Bridges will be visiting for the ChampUBBQ this summer and will be visiting for several games next season. Trejan is hoping to enroll early next spring, and working hard to make that happen. Sooner nation is ready to see the Bridges family as Sooners as well.