– Parrish Cobb: In case you missed it, last night we noted that Texas no longer has a spot for 2016 CB Parrish Cobb. And now after speaking with a couple sources on the Oklahoma side of things, it’s also not clear as to whether the Sooners will take Cobb either.
I’m told that will likely be decided later today, once the OU coaches have a chance to speak with Cobb about where things stand. As you all know, Cobb was committed to Oklahoma for quite some time before flipping to Baylor shortly before signing day. I get the sense the OU coaches are looking to be absolutely certain Cobb wants to be at Oklahoma and is prepared to come in and handle all that is asked of their student athletes. – (Super K)
First – BOOMER
SOONER! If he were truly all Sooner he would’ve never decommitted in the first place! Would’ve been on campus ready to compete already.
Morning Slim!
Morning!! Finally awoke!!!!
Do you still think he wanted Texas? So he will basically be “settling” for OU at this point?
In one report I read he just didn’t show up to meet with Strong & basically shunned Texas. Cobb was allegedly in Austin for a birthday party & was supposed to meet with Texas coach(es) & never did from what I read.
I read that too. I wonder, though, if he already knew that Texas wasn’t sure if they still had a spot for him. If what K has been saying is true, that Parrish favored Texas, I doubt he’d just no-show for a meeting with Strong. That doesn’t add up.
Good question…but I’m not sure how he could conclusively know unless another texass coach told him & Strong was going to meet with Cobb as a courtesy? Maybe his dad convinced him texass was the wrong move? I’m confused.
Slow moving train.
I like what the coaches are doing here. We will take you but you have to WANT to be here.
Given the history of his recruitment I am not sure how you can be certain of that.
Yep, agreed. Can probably be said about a lot of recruits being they are 17-18 years old. Only way now is to come in and prove it.
Just give him the ole walk on status and make him earn it. 🙂 Really, I feel for the kid as he has all kinds of pressure on him. I wish him well.
Yea I’m with you, I feel bad for the kids to be put in this situation. A lot to process for a kid that age.
However, I was making decisions at 17/18 too. I would look at the decisions I’d made to this point (Baylor) and realize my decisions may not be the best. In addition, with the respect I have for my dad, I would have a conversation with him and I’m sure that is all it would take to make my decision.
Agree. OUr SS17 is so strong and with Baker OUr team chemistry is great; I don’t want anything or anyone to disrupt either.
THAT is my concern also, cush.
If Cobb is not into OU, and chooses OU, it’s like a marriage where the people involved have one person all in and the other person occasionally into it.
“Fool me once…”
If I’m Cobb, I go to TCU. It really is a shame the poor kid didn’t get to go where he originally wanted at Texas instead having to compromise at Baylor which is now falling apart
I couldn’t find Cobb on Twitter…is this him on Facebook?
Just move on….all SS17 DB’s > Cobb. I realize depth is good, but I want players who “want” to be here and not waver day to day, week to week. He sold out on us one time, best of luck to the kid wherever (other than OU) he goes.
I wouldn’t be too hard on the kid. I remember a WR that did a last minute flip to OU then got in trouble for stealing gas. It was a rocky start but it worked out pretty good IMO. 🙂
This kid has more drama than the Kardashians
As talented as Cobb is his actions of flipping to Baylor the first go around and entertaining Texas and TCU this time can’t leave a good taste in the coaches mouth’s. I say if the kid is still not fully on board save the scholly for another 17′ recruit that truly wants to be in Norman. OU is deep enough in the defensive backfield to wait on even more talented class of 17′ kids.
Cobb’s actions over the last year or so clearly demonstrates his lack of desire to be a Sooner, which is the opposite of the #SoonerSquad17 vibe.
Agree! If the coaches decide to take him, I’ll go along. But it just does not feel like he wants to be a Sooner, does it? Hope he makes right decision for himself.
Kid seems a little flaky to me. I would pass if it were up to me.
The last thing we need is another future transfer.
If you can get up to be a Sooner then there are other options.
I just don’t get the feeling that he really wants to be a Sooner
I trust the OU coaches but I have to say that I hope they show Cobb their back and walk away. No one needs this drama. School starts in a few weeks.
We should cut the kid a little slack. When we were all 17 to 18 yrs we didn’t always make the best decisions. I know I didn’t.
I’ve never made a decision that wasn’t amazing. Ever. Just ask my wife.
And that is why you ARE “magic.”
Said no one ever:)
Hey now! Let me dream!!!
What did she tell you to wear today. : – )
Oh I don’t think I’m bold enough to try to be honest
It seems like he’s getting pulled in all different directions. Mom and dad can’t even agree on which school he should go to.
Kids are coddled today and they are not prepared to be decisive. It’s what sets successful people above everyone else. He should know where he’s going as much as a kid graduating high school should know what his/her major will be in college.
He gets no slack from me, Soonerbred.
Good morning, sir!
Sam, you have got to watch it. You are making WAY to much SENSE well before noon 🙂
I know, right?
Your analogy is a little flawed. I think it’s a little ridiculous to expect 17-18 year old kids to know what they want to do with their lives (know their major) at that age. I know I didn’t figure it out till I was 21.
It’s not flawed, just different from yours.
I expect my children to know what career path they will pursue. I’m not forcing it on them, I’m engaged in their lives. I often find out about their interest through discussion and discovery.
I’ve allowed my children to tell me what excites them. I, then, support their choice, seek resources to foster their interest. This might change, but it’s on them. I’m here to support them and guide them.
But either way, my children are well on their way understanding what they want and what they have to do in order to achieve it.
That’s very good for them, but not all people are able to figure it out so soon in life, and expecting 17-18 year olds who frankly have questionable decision making abilities to know what they want to devote their careers to is a little unrealistic imo, and it’s part of what’s wrong with our higher education system.
I hear you, RDC. I get it.
I just don’t think it’s asking too much for someone to understand what they’re doing next. At the very least, they should be able to say, I’m taking 12 months to think about what’s next for me.
Cobb is different: he’s spent his youth preparing to be the best football player he can be: he has hoped, I assume, to earn a scholarship. In my opinion, he know’s what’s next for him.
The only thing he has to do is choose where to go. Not hard, in my opinion.
I agree with your assessment of Cobb. Just feel like your analogy is an apples and oranges comparison.
Fair enough.
Sam, you and I have very similar parenting styles. I agree with what you are saying. The problem is that our tribe is a very small one. The coaches are having to recruit kids that come from a wide array of backgrounds. To get some of the best players you sometimes have to take kids from a less desirable background (see Adrian Peterson for an example). It’s a fine line they have to walk, too many kids from bad backgrounds and you start to have discipline and chemistry issues, too few and you may not have enough talent on your team.
Beer and girls are way more important at 18 years old amiright?
Beer remains important even past 60…women maybe, girls not so much.
its one thing to make bad impulsive decisions but long premeditated bad decisions like this?
I’m confused. I thought this is a dead period where coaches couldn’t talk to players. This was in the last OP “Monday marked the start of the latest dead period, so if Bowen intends to enroll for the upcoming second summer session he’ll have to do so without having met with the respective coaches at the school of his choosing.”.
As was pointed out by one of the TFB guys yesterday the “dead period” is not all that dead. From the NCAA:
“During a dead period a college coach may not have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents, and may not watch student-athletes compete or visit their high schools. Coaches may write and telephone student-athletes or their parents during a dead period.”
You must have no contact…but you can call, text, or video chat.
Bagmen can’t fax dollars that way
Bitcoin, its 2016, kids love getting paid in bitcoin and energy drinks.
That seems fair to me
Wire transfer – ask Mississippi and Auburn.
Ole Miss will go down because of the paper trail.
It’s dead! No, it isn’t!
I sure don’t know the rules fully, but if the PLAYER initiates some contact, is that not different?
I wish him the best. Except in any game vs OU if that ends up happening.
The Cobb seems to be running out of corn.
I just hope he’s ready for the grind.
I’m hoping he pulls it out and gets it over with and done.
Viewed another post from the other nite by an individual that thought it appropriate to highlight a pair of female breast. Without naming the person let me state again how opposed I am to this type of posting on TFB (yeah I know – ain’t my site and you can do whatever you feel appropriate) .
Sos I guess, here it is posters… every time there is a picture that demeans women or is placed here sos we can all “observe women in the natural form”, or “see them in their beauty”, or damn ain”t them a nice set of “I’m Headed to Hooters”; we are going to disagree… and I do mean I’m going to take you to task continually.
My hope Sunday, was we had made some progress in delineating us from a Sexual.com site versus a site were Sooner faithful could hang out and talk things OU. It would appear that a few didn’t get the memorandum or believe their right to post that trash trumps my absolute aversion to it.
Enjoy your Freedom of Speech – I spent 20 plus years earning it for you.
Sos again I’ll say; I’m here and I FIND IT OFFENSIVE. As an ending comment: Until the moderators/owners of this site ban me from commenting… I’m on you like a bad case of ugly. Please, trust me when I write you haven’t ever seen me but it’s not a pretty picture.
Thank you for your service Sir!
It was the very least I could do. You’re welcome.
On topic: Boomer and Sooner after a big win!
Actually, their right to free speech does indeed trump your “aversion to it”.
Just so. It doesn’t however trump my right to make my feelings know as well.
You aren’t guaranteed protection from being offended anywhere in the constitution that I can find.
You seem to have elected yourself official speech censor and moderator of this forum controlling which images of hot women are, or are not, acceptable for us to view. I don’t believe anybody elected you to such a position.
Not so sure that was my point however if that’s you read….
I voted for the other guy
Thank you!
I don’t have a dog in this fight. But, I am ok with this being an OU football board. I can think one person past myself and chose to not force people to experience my “rights”.
Once we get to rights discussions, it deteriorates the board. It is silly when one person says they have the “right” to do something but becomes offended when the other person expresses their “rights”. Illogical thinking.
Why does everyone feel they have the right to force their opinion on the everyone? You have your right to yours but so do others. If those women are forced to take those pics I would understand. No I am not posting this to start an argument and will not reply further. Enjoy life my friend.
At my age? Every minute I can.
Never understood the mindset of random forum yokels who self-appoint themselves as in charge of enforcing PC on everybody and policing thought and speech likeness on an anonymous internet forum.
Again, not quite the point… But what the heck does a (how did you put it) PC yokel know anyway.
1. Thank you for your service.
2. I’m offended by so many people out there being offended so easily. It’s very easy to just keep on scrolling.
It was the very least I could do. Your welcome.
Not gonna weigh in other to say you can block those that post the offending pics. Downside is that if they post more more “relevant” info, that too will be blocked.
Nope I’m a professional lurker.
I’m not offended, but it makes it very difficult for me to view this forum at work if the admins are going to let stuff like that be posted in the comments for no reason. I like looking at half-naked women as much as the next guy, but it’s not why I come HERE. This is already a difficult forum to read and follow the comments, can we not avoid the useless pics and gifs? Are you guys really that bored? Have that much spare time? The internet is chock full of pics like that. I come here for football talk.
My opinion as well. I want football info and discussion. Plenty of other places to find naughty pics. I don’t need coworkers walking by and thinking I’m on a porn site.
did you really find it necessary to post this again?
She’s one of those that needs attention. she still has her panties in a wad over a picture I posted when all she had to do was use the blocking feature that i’m about to use on her!
Feel free. Oh, and I’m a he not a she.
Ok that was funny.
Afraid so 421. Felt the issue could use some awareness sos brought forth my opinion. Running about 2 to 1 against but not my first rodeo.
I’m not for or against you. I’ve been on this board since the beginning and it has been good. There are some trolls who have been kicked off. However, there have been disagreements which have been worked through like adults too. That’s the cool thing. When DGB came here it opened a can of worms and not everyone had the same view but we all worked through it. Same with the Cobb situation.
However, what the board doesn’t need is to be threatened. Period. We’ve heard your opinion. Thanks and have a great day.
Good for you in stating this.
Just a thought but u do have to click on view to open pic or vine right so just scroll down and keep reading and don’t open vine just a thought.
Only on mobile i think.
On the web version all of the gifs and images are just open…
what happens when someone is offended? does a bunny die somewhere?
Going into this celebratory weekend, I’d sure like a Boom or two to go with my other fireworks! Patrick Hudson still talking about a Thursday announcement?
From yesterday’s OP around 11 last night:
“I have been told that Texas no longer has a spot for Parrish Cobb. I would surmise this means Texas feels good about landing a commitment/signature from Patrick Hudson. – (Super K)”
Then, there’s this.
Ahhhhh thanks bud
You’re the man.
Oh stop, please, I’m blushing
As long as you blush CRIMSON and none of that puke orange!
You know it!
Another reason why I believe Hudson is heading that way. 2 kids 1 spot.
Ouch! That logo hurts my eyes. Can’t unsee that.
I have no problem with Cobb flipping from OU to Baylor (that happens) but do have a problem now that he’s had multiple chances to have a change of heart and say I wanna be a Sooner. I’m guessing he’s headed to TCU. Also man Texas has had a windfall in all these Baylor guys. I wonder what their class would be ranked now AND why would these big O linemen be so giddy about Texas? When was the last time they developed any talent on the offensive line?? Say what you want but we send guys to the league. Crazy.
This is what a program like Baylor or Houston does to a traditional powerhouse when they have success. Usually UT was a defacto for much of the elite talent in Texas, as was A&M due to family allegiance, I’d bet most of these kids would’ve signed UT from the get-go had Baylor not been throwing talent into the NFL lately
Personally, I hope Cobb makes a decision that is best for him. This recruitment has to be tough on a 17-18 year old kid.
Sounds like Charlie Weak was offended by Cobb’s antics and has chosen to back off.
Maybe the kid doesn’t have any respect for his dad. His dad wants him at OU and he seems to be doing everything he can to not go to OU. Maybe it’s got nothing to do with OU but more about his dad. You never know. (Please don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m just trying to find alternative reasons for all his drama)
Im torn on the whole Cobb issue. I want a kid to be all in as far as being a Sooner is concerned. I can say this though, when he flipped to Bailor I was majorly bummed. The kid flat out has a ton of talent.
All that being said, if he ends up at OU and makes a game winning pick 6 against Texas or tOSU I bet there arent many here who will be saying that they wish he never came to OU.
He is talented, but work ethic and attitude will likely determine his success in the future. Who really knows what the issues are, if any? All I’ve read is just speculation on the Internet. Charlie pulling his offer may be just bovine spin because Cobb decided he wasn’t interested in Texas. I think I’ll wait to form an opinion and trust the Sooner coaches. They’ll have to live with him.
I remember hearing about Boulware yelling at him for wanting to visit Texas. He decommitted shortly after I heard that, I believe. Think that has anything to do with Cobb not wanting to go to OU?
I suspect whoever he goes a coach will yell at him, so if that’s it life is going to be tough.
Although not ideal, I won’t bash the kid if he comes to OU now. I hope he turns out to be a great one for us if he does. I gotta keep in mind the reason why he’s in this situation is not because of indecisiveness, but because of a programs/schools gross negligence.
KJ, thanks!
I don’t have a good feeling about Cobb if he chooses to come to OU.
I hear you Sam, totally understandable.
I appreciate his dad’s passion for OU. But, somehow, I wish he’s let him go to texsa. It’s kind of like the Anthony Wheeler thing. If a kid is determined to show you he can crack a walnut using his forehead, knock yourself out.
I agree. But then you have someone like Lampkin. Who wasn’t coming here at all. And trust my he had a pretty rough first year as far as fitting in and earning that trust. But now Im really glad he’s with us…I hope it works out, if not, then Cobb won’t see the field and he’ll end up transferring.
I was wondering about that. He didn’t help himself posting the video snippet of drills.
How is Lampkin fitting in now KJ?
First year was rocky like I said. And he’s still posting some childish stuff. But he’s formed a good bond with the younger DL. Still brash, but fully committed to OU.
ok thanks
yeah, I always go back to Ryan Broyles. guy flipped between us and OSU more times than I could count. Many would say that he was a liability because he might not really want to be here, but went down as one of the best. I think the coaches are right in doing their due diligence with Cobb, but it all depends on how a person handles the situation once they arrive. Wherever he ends up, he needs to embrace it, or he’ll be unhappy anywhere.
Good point. Broyles turned out OK.
So what do you think of Lampkin?
My main worry on this cobb thing is i don’t want it to affect SS17, both The guys we have committed and also the guys we have a shot with
That’s a good point. If it affects the guys we have committed and/or the guys we are going after and Cobb doesn’t work out, that would be the worst.
Why? If those players are too scared of competition, they don’t need to come to OU.
its not always just about being scared of “competition” if you have played sports at a high level you know there are a lot more factors involved
Shut up. That’s the lamest excuse in the books. Maybe it’s because they’ve been told by the coaches that these are the remaining players we are targeting for this class and they are cool with it for now, but for random players to be picked up out of nowhere? They didn’t have that discussion with the coaches recruiting them and then it turns into a he said, she said thing. Just bc players de commit or don’t sign their LOI doesn’t mean they are scared of competition.
Saw that Pat Summit died, so young.
I hate to form an opinion of a kid based on speculation on a message board. If Charlie pulled his offer for standing him up, then kudos to Charlie.
I wish the OU coaches would pull their offer.
Boomer Sooner! Sorry if a repost but saw this… So great seeing SoonerSquad17 make their presence known. https://twitter.com/r0bertbarnes/status/745984901611061249
Let the hating begin
Opinions are like sphincters, We all have them and they all stink. PC police, grammar police, haters, Internet bullies look for opportunities to make their case online and in many ways are one in the same. if you dont like a post, mark it down, flag, block or whatever. But please dont act like Kanye West and make it more of a thing and play the race/gender/veteran card to create the passive aggressive guilt trip> JMO, (see it stinks too)
OU football?
Every time I see the words “race card” I will always think of the OJ trial now. Watched the whole documentary over the weekend, so crazy. Sorry didnt mean to hijack your thread, carry on lol.
No Big Deal. That was crazy event.
It’s like a bad song stuck in your head.
Its crazy, I purposely didn’t follow that trial because it would of just pissed me off and I didn’t want to waste my energy being pissed off with people who had nothing to do with me. Watching documentary and all the crap that was going on behind the scenes just solidified why I didn’t want to follow that trial. That dude is a p.o.s.
I know. I believe he did it.
Then to put icing on the cake, he writes a book “if I did do it”. Smh. Then wonder why he had gotten the book thrown at him for the robbery. Karma at it’s finest.
Seriously, the thing that brought him all the fame and money, was ultimately the thing that landed him back in jail/prison for the rest of his days.
Money played a big factor in him getting away with the murders too. Money bought that super Lawyer team. And they knew he did it, didn’t care because they were getting paid and publicity. To me people like that have a heart that is just as corrupted and foul as O.J. Money makes it right for me to defend a murderer that I know did it without the doubt. That’s a greedy mentality.
Absolutely…dont get me wrong LAPD mucked things up too…so did the prosecution. But that whole defense was just distgusting imo. Everyone had used it for their own agenda and forgot that two innocent people were murdered.
You have to choose to sleep well not eat well. The defense, well, you know.
LOL SAM…..you’re killing me with the analogys haha.
But everyone likes their own brand!
I’ll just say I am thankful we have football news to talk about right now. Usually this time of year is a void of interesting football information.
Maybe on other websites…. 😉
Good point! Been reading brainiacs since about 3 months after they started. Each year I re-up my “subscription”
Much appreciated!
Day you said you were leaving the other place is when I came here.
Anyone know what airlines have Houston as their main hub? Trying to find reasonable flights.
Maybe Southwest.
Thanks Sam.
southwest hub is in Dallas, but it Flys into Hobby. Easy in and out. Very convenient to Reliant Stadium
Ok thanks.
Closer to the stadium too.
United is based out of Houston
Awesome thanks I’ll check United for sure.
Chicago, used to be Houston but they have a strong presence here.
Asuuuuh dude
lol that dudes a mess
Southwest flys to Hobby. You might find cheaper fares if you go in on Thursday. But then more $$ for hotel, food and DRINKS.
I was just looking at that, on sw it would be like $30 less on Thursday, but I would spend more on one nights stay and food.
As Dana would say goto Hooters. That should be less then $30.
When is hooters ever less expensive than $30? Lol maybe if you get water and a lemon. Or maybe it’s just my spending habits at bars ?
I know for the tOSU game I’ll be flying into Dallas Love field and having my friend who works for the Mavs pick be up then us and about 4 more of our friends in the north Texas area are going to head up to nompton. I’ll then just take a return flight to Vegas from OKC. Houston game would have been the same concept but my Parents are paying and lord knows my mom isn’t a cheap women so I won’t be penny pintching lol
That’s what I usually do for home games and any games in Texsa nearby. It’s totally worth it, flying into OKC is expensive as heck. If your parents want to adopt me for a weekend I wont be mad, I’m potty trained, promise lol.
“Potty trained” that was funny lol. Heck it’s my baby sis who insist that I go to that game. She went to countless games in Norman when I was a student so she wants to ‘repay’ me with our parents money ?. I told her I’ll gladly go, just remember how I get during OU games. We will beat Houston’s arse ???
Haha sounds like a great deal to me! Can’t wait.
I’ll be there too, Vegas.
Sam you should wear a Llama shirt. I’ll be able to point you out anywhere in that stadium.
Look for two people: I’ll be wearing OU gear and Max will be wearing tOSU gear.
I’ll yell “there’s Sam!” at my TV – wife already thinks I am nuts on game day!
My whole family thinks I’m crazy when I’m laughing at the laptop.
There was a time when Dustin and Sooner Ray were comic relief.
If I stop you and ask “Hey are you Sam?” dont look at me all crazy.
No worries there, KJ. Of course, don’t be offended if I ask who you are.
I’d hate to say “Yes, Sam I am,” but the other person is HWMNBN.
During the OU ND game you can see my friend and I wearing Black jackets in the student section when everyone was supposed to wear Crimson! We were holding the OU sign off to the left lmao.
zoom in far enough and you’ll see the black blobs that stick out hahahaha
That game atmosphere was insane. Probably the coldest game I’ve ever attended. I wasn’t at that TCU game last year so idk lol
I need pics.
I was going to post a picture of myself and two friends with 6 gorgeous blondes from a Tennessee sorority! For whatever reason it won’t let me post the pic. Maybe all the complaints about attractive women have been heard and it knows since theirs 6 gorgeous blondes it won’t post it!!!!! ?
This site only accepts brunettes….j/k
Apparently lmao.
Well, 5 gorgeous girls, one of them I’m pretty sure was their starting defensive tackle lmao
Are you using Google Chrome? If so, you need to change the setting on your phone to post pictures.
It says the picture is either too large or to try again later ( when the children are in bed ) so I’ll try again later 🙂
C’mon, you can stay with us. We got room.
offer him a preferred walk-on
As the numbers dwindle and time runs out, that may be the only option he has left anywhere. It sounds like he was already facing that crunch before he stood Charlie up, and that only helped Charlie make the decision for him in regards to going to texsa.
There are 120 FBS schools, with about half of them being P5 schools. He’s going to end up at a P5 school if he wants to. A lot of those schools would be chomping at the bit for a 4 star DB.
What’s this? A Tom Turman sighting on a random Tuesday in June? I was thinking the same thing. He will find a place somewhere. I am sure Okie Lite would take him in a heartbeat.
Yeah. Merry Christmas in June Chris. Glad I could brighten your day. Now go back to your hole.
are we forgetting about how the career of ryan broyles turned out once he finally signed on the dotted line to be a sooner
I haven’t forgotten. But these 17 kids are just as talented if not more and OU is likely their first choice, not their third.
That logic does not apply to everyone: for the record, I was tired of Broyles’ too. Think of all the millions you could have if you robbed a bank. It’s tempting but not worth the risk.
Ever notice how a guy wanting to buy a lottery ticket talks about the guy that won and not the millions who lost their money.
IMO, I’ll leave that a scholly open for kid who has the OUDNA
After all those are you passion guys, your Strikers, Shepards, Parkers, Brown’s, Bandys, Robinsons..etc
TRob!!! My man!!!
You’re singing my song, sir. I could not agree more. He doesn’t want to be at OU. Let’em go. He can win four national championships at texsa and I wouldn’t care. I would much rather lose without him.
Sam you should not post that! According to some this needs to be football only forum! lolololol
Dang it!
I did it again.
It shows just a little to much for my liken. 😉
But, but, but…
Hey bro, we all on the same team and I was just kiddin to lighten the mood. Keep on doing whatcha do.
Boom, I didn’t take offense to your post. I know you were giving me a jab in the kidneys.
Metz needs to get his arse back here. He’s overdue for a couple of kidney punches. LOL!
Sitting here lurking it came across my mind that I remember Metz sayin that if there were problems with the Gif’s or picture posting again he would be taking a more lurking approach to things. I will try to find that conversation! My sharpness is not what it used to be.
He hasn’t been here all day. That’s not like him.
I did not see him yesterday while I was lurking. Was he on here yesterday?
I think so. I need to check.
I think Metz & Doc Leo are sitting this stuff out. I think they are planning a big comeback.
They are diligently searching for EasTex and Robertson/Robertson!!!
Can’t forget Toats
Haven’t Dookmarriot around either.
There are a lot of people missing, gonna need to bring back the milk carton.
Was that Hall or Oat’s in his avatar with the tiger?
Not sure, he’s a good one.
Was that Hall or Oat’s in his avatar with the tiger?
LOL yeah some days Leo is en fuego!
Can’t say “but” on here either Sam!
Buh, buh, buh…
How’s that?
What’s up MoJo? You got your mojo going?
Hey Sam, mostly lurking. Mojo is always working, thanks for asking. Hope your world spins in greased grooves as well.
I’m using that one: “Hope your world spins in greased grooves as well.”
You’re going to see that one again, my friend.
Stole it from Steinbeck in Cannery Row; so party on. *grin*
Recognized it immediately. If you’re going to plagiarize from someone, you would be hard pressed to do better than Steinbeck…
Don’t you call me no plagiarizer; I just forgot the quotes, lol. And I agree on Steinbeck; I’ve always been a big fan. He keeps me focused and interested; easy to read.
Yeah, I can’t get enough Steinbeck. About every 5 – 7 years I start with “Cup of Gold” and work my way through all of his work chronologically. The guy could really put a paragraph together. Pat Conroy is the only other author I read like that.
hahaahhahhah Lori says otherwise
prediction on Creed?
I predict that he loses to Rocky by a KO
I LMOA. Had to close my door on that note.
Creed has went silent like lebron in playoff mode. No one knows where he stands.
We love OUr alma mater and hope its current representatives do to – I was once 18 (yeah, very hard to imagine) and did not realize just how great OU was.
You never fully appreciate it until you’ve moved half way across the country and can only attend( and have crooked crust ) one game a year due to the cost of things. I’m with T rob. Let’s save the chip for someone who wants to be apart of something special.
Btw, I heard the crooked crust in Norman is closing? Why and how on earth is this possible? Lol
I would like to know what’s he thinking? Reminds of Jean Delance. I think it’s that Norman is too small of a city. But then what is Waco? Is it he doesn’t like a coach?
And I forgot – glad to hear from you T Rob!
Maybe Cobb has decided it’s time for him to be his own man – ready or not. Lots of good schools for him to go to besides either OU or TU. Good luck to him in any case.
Man I love the new blocking feature!!!!
Sad day continues…..
Former Oklahoma cornerback Michael Thompson, a police officer with the Tulsa Police Department, was arrested after he allegedly sold two police guns to a pawn shop.
Thompson is facing two complaints of embezzlement and two counts of false ownership declaration, according to the Tulsa World.
Oh man…. There are a lot of us that might have helped if he was in dire straights. If he is just cop-criminal, then you made your bed dude.
Never forgot when he was in the car wreck shortly after the NC. Such ups and downs. And yes, all he had to do is ask.
Yep. Young man had his career cut short, but this stuff I just hate to hear….
Cobb’s dad wants to be here more than his son.
Thanks, but we will tCU later, bud!
Too bad the Buffs aren’t in the conference anymore.
Hey y’all just thought I’d throw in my two cents on some of the discussion about people posting “inappropriate” pictures/gifs. Obviously nobody wants to offend other people or be arguing on the internet all day.
I did a little bit of research on a couple of the larger OP’s lately.
Weekend June 24th-26th – 727 comments. I counted at most 5 inappropriate pictures.
Weekend June 17th-19th – 470 comments. If you count a gif of Scarlett Jo’s face, there was 1 inappropriate gif.
I appreciate everyone saying they come here for football talk, not dirty pictures, but let’s get some perspective here. There’s maybe 1 out of 100 comments that may be inappropriate. This board is full of a lot of the same people who get to know each other pretty well and like to banter and have fun during their work breaks/lunches etc.. It’s a long offseason, I think if we all talked only football all the time, we’d go insane! Besides it’s the colorful group of people on this board that make it enjoyable and a good place to waste a few minutes of the workday.
Anyways, sorry for the rant. Just a longtime lurker and when it rains it pours I guess. Have a great day everyone BOOMER!!!
Hey Woof, how’s it going? Thinking the same thing.
Doing well thanks. Getting hotter than blazes and its only the end of june.
All it takes is one of those images for someone to get reprimanded or offended.
Just ask yourself… if all of the photos disappeared from this site would you miss it? Would the site be less valuable to you? If they don’t add value then are they worth having around if they are causing this much of an issue?
I like the banter, and even though sometimes it just leads to more “stuff” to sift through, a lot of times the banter adds value. You see this in comments from people like KJ and TRob giving out inside info only when asked specifically.
Questionable photos add no value to this site. The “banter” does.
Keep the banter, ditch the questionable photos. Just my opinion.
I haven’t seen anything on here that would get me reprimanded. If you have, perhaps the internet during working hours is not for you.
Corporate culture has it’s downsides for sure, I would prefer to have my cake and eat it too. No one is going to be offended if I surf a football site, there are plenty that would be offended enough to report me for some of the pics I have seen posted.
Also I am not the only one with this opinion, so your argument would isn’t really just a you vs. me.
Not just pointing my comment to you, but if I thought my world was at risk by being here and seeing what I consider bathing suit pics, I wouldn’t be here during working hours.
Alternatively we could continue to come here and just request that people post less of the questionable photos. Do you really just want to tell people that if it doesn’t work for them to just kick rocks? What if there are some guys/gals that could bring value to the community but we just told them “hey if this picture offends you then don’t come around”.
I mean really there is a line that is already drawn. Most would agree that we don’t want straight up nude photos on this comment board. Some of us are just proposing that the line be moved a little so that the “questionable” photos don’t get posted either.
It is not me telling anyone to “kick rocks”. If your job is such that you can’t get on the internet, don’t do it. That’s my message in response to you saying “All it takes is one of those images for someone to get reprimanded”. I don’t care about the pictures, as you could see something just as “offensive” in a magazine ad. But I’ve got my own life to live and to each their own.
Speaking about me specifically. My job allows me to be on the internet, it just frowns upon “sexy gifs”. Ya I could see some of this stuff in a magazine add, however I wouldn’t leave that magazine add up on my 24″ monitor for all of my coworkers to see because I try to think of other people when possible.
We obviously aren’t going to change each others minds here, so I will just say thanks for the conversation and move on.
I suspect we knew that going in. Hope you have a good afternoon.
Well, first of all, if you are on this board when you are being paid to be doing other things, you are technically cheating your employer. Secondly, if you fear for your job because of pics that may be posted, wait until you get home to read the posts. That way you only offend your wife and you may actually enjoy sleeping on the couch. Though, if you live in W. Va. She might burn it while you are still on it and the neighbors will just think it is another celebration. 😉
My employer doesn’t mind its employees using the internet when time permits, so no I am not cheating my employer.
Secondly, I didn’t use to have to worry about this site being one that could cause problems at work but if it continues to gradually get worse then I might not be able to browse at work and that is a decision I will have to make.
You can always request. Certainly no harm in that. Of course honoring your request is optional. That’s just the nature of a free society. I expect some will, and some won’t. I guess if it reduces the numbers overall some, it helps your odds of not getting caught.
You can always request. Certainly no harm in that. Of course honoring your request is optional. That’s just the nature of a free society. I expect some will, and some won’t. I guess if it reduces the numbers overall some, it helps your odds of not getting caught.
I have a simpler philosophy. If you find things no worse than what you see in everyday advertising that offensive, perhaps the Internet isn’t for you.
Further, there are only a small handful of people who post certain kinds of pics. Disqus has been kind enough to bless us with a “block user” feature. I know I’ve certainly used it.
Personally? I appreciate most of the pics, and the ones I don’t I just move on.
Part of the reason I started coming here was the the ratio of useful information to garbage was very high. Most sports forums quickly devolve into some combination of inappropriate material and long threads of a group of regulars arguing over the same things they’ve argued over for years. Even though I would prefer some of the pictures that are posted not be, I find this forum so much better than the others that it is worth me coming here and posting. I am willing to overlook some things and hope that those who appreciate the conversation here would be willing to tone down some of the things that drive people away.
AND …. it’s $free.99 🙂
KJ and humor?
Okay, brain-freeze. I’m done. I need to regroup.
lol I’m having to use my words instead of posting gifs.
LOL using words to describe as opposed to visuals:
Johnny made his way to the library. He was uncomfortable sitting at the table which, it appeared, was in the middle of the room. It was quiet as a tomb. Light from the sun passed through the window. It creeped across the table, reaching for the books strewn there.
He opened the book, intending to study, then abruptly shut it. Dust mites floated in the sunbeam.
His phone buzzed; he’s received a notification, it was a post by HWMNBN on the TFB website; it read: “Bandy will never leave $EC country. If you’re interested, I’m wearing my mother’s underwear, high heel shoes, lipstick and eyeshadow; I’m twisting my nipples. I seek to be as aroused as the cowboy with the reindeer. I think it’s working.”
All of the silence was sucked out of the quiet tomb: “Ha! Haaaaaaaaaa!!!” Johnny’s outburst of laughter reverberated throughout the halls of the library.
Can you shorten that up a bit, my ADD kicked in. 🙂
You might not LOL! but I can shorten it.
Good Stuff Sam!
Well, I can give you a class in creative writing: paint a picture with words.
Well said.
I haven’t seen much more than bathing suit level pics. Doubt they would allow much else here. I don’t mind or feel violated. Just me.
Ok I just read that as “I dont mind feeling violated”….had to do a double take lol
I guess the question to ask though is would you if you were a young lady? I am not sure I could recommend that my daughters be regulars here.
Most of the stupid gifs bother me more but I don’t complain. Some find it funny so it’s cool with me.
Yeah, I’m probably a big offender in that regard and I have cut back because of the complaints.
That’s the problem, to many folks complain. It’s fine by me and some are really funny so I take the good and the bad. As far as the cleavage, just go anywhere or watch tv and it’s right in front of you. It is a part of society.
Dang its everywhere, on the WWW, most of the catalogs my wife gets are borderline soft porn, The moral compass move in the 1970s and has continued.
Before I added the ad blocker to chrome I was constantly seeing it on TFB.
Yeah I probably don’t see as much because of ad blockers. Besides not seeing a bunch of useless ads, it speeds up the browsing a ton.
I also thought Rbear said something about a GIF blocker too that he uses. Always an option for those who rather not see the GIFs.
I would be interested in this, could someone post the name of the gif blocker?
I’ve never used anything like that, but I think it depends on what you use for internet (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.)
I would google gif blocker followed by the name of whichever one you use and there should be lots of options.
In this case it wasn’t as much a complaint about the silliness as it was the complaint about the bandwidth use. I forget not everyone is on the end of a fast internet connection. That was a practical argument I took to heart.
Well, now that the courts have approved the internet as a utility, maybe things will get better for everyone. Your thoughts?
Government regulation has never made anything better.
By being a utility, it took it out of the government and big corporations.
I’m for everybody being big boys and girls and scrolling past sh*t they don’t care to read, like I do every day with all the “good morning!” chirpy people, without complaining about the content in general.
Had no idea “Good Morning” was offensive to people…
It IS…..to people who aren’t morning people. LOL!!!
afternoon DC… JHF
Good Morning DC
Knew that was coming…..lol
Im so predictable…sigh..
the complainers really bother me more than the posts of beautiful women. i think your daughters will see much worse at the beach or on TV or the movies. i have seen nothing offensive on here. but, it takes a lot to offend me. i live in mexico.
How’s retirement in Mexico? I’ve been considering Belize for a year or two but can’t convince the wife.
My daughter wouldn’t be offended, but she turns 36 this year. I catch your drift, but still haven’t seen anything all that offensive. But I’ve seen a lot of things in my short life.
I just know that a couple of the ladies that do come here have asked and been shouted down. That bothers me more than the pics.
The real irony is that both parties are arguing about their freedom of speech, but I think the real issues are empathy and an assumed audience.
Things work much better between people when each thinkd more about the other person than their rights.
That’s a kill joy to the special interest groups. 🙂 Ok, don’t bash me, just trying to be funny so nobody go after me, ya hear.
Ahh, empathy. Sweet tune.
I see your point. And as I’ve stated in so many terms, I have thicker skin than most. So, sometimes I miss the reasoning behind complaints about little things. I’ll try to be more compassionate.
Yup. Amazing how easy this decision to not post pics of this sort becomes when wisdom begins to shine upon the subject.
100% agree with this.
I just know that a couple of the ladies that do come here have asked and been shouted down. That bothers me more than the pics.
It’s not just about being offended. I can’t have my coworkers walking by and seeing half-naked women. And I like being able to read this site from work.
hey, its off season. sometimes a little extra is needed.
you have too much time on your hands.
I myself would welcome cobb with open arms loved the kids abilities when he was committed coming out of army AA game. Im sure things are hectic since the whole Baylor debacle started but its seems there may be just a few too many shotcallers trying to make decisions for him. Go where u want kid if its ou or not im pumped with how the 2017 class is shaping up
Tyrese doing his part..
Stoops will make the right call on Cobb, whatever that call is. I have no doubt about it.
For those of you that follow Hoops Recruiting, Trae Young came in at 14th overall in the new Rivals 150. Ranked as the 3rd best point guard in the country.
Dang, it would be tragic not to get him under Coach Lon
Come on guys/gals. We self regulate vs. Trolls. It is the Site Mods to set rules for participation. Going after individuals to promote your agenda wont carry the water. Write the mods if you feel things need to change.
Even worse it’s grown MEN claiming they’re offended by pictures and gifs of hot women.
I love my wife and have no need nor want to see any other woman half naked or naked.
Agreed (my wife, not yours). It’s shocking how many “grown MEN” are fighting to keep pictures on this board that remind me of stuff I was into in my 20’s. Maybe a lot of these posters are in their 20’s…
I could take it or leave it. What offends me are the people who are easily offended trying to force others to change their ways. It’s easy to just keep scrolling.
They still have to see the picture.
I’m on the mobile app and I have to click on it to see it. You see way worse on cable TV.
That is why I only watch certain shows/channels.
If I told you that what your wife was wearing was offensive what would be your response?
Because what one person is offended by is their opinion. You probably wouldn’t ask her to change her clothes because she’s offending a complete stranger correct?
I would ask the person “Why?” and wait for their answer.
I’d tell them to not look.
So basically you are telling me to not look at the website anymore? Okay one last post and I will leave.
Hawk, don’t leave. Hang in there.
bye felicia
No necessary. He is a long time contributor and poster.
That’s your choice.
and the beach.
Like cool water is a sound mind and upright heart. Amen.
i am 69 years old. and when i stop liking the site of beautiful women, you can bury me. or send me back to oklahoma.
Somebody posting a gif of a hot woman on a forum outside of your control doesn’t change any of that.
It does make me see what I don’t want to. I guess from now on I can just post a picture of Jesus and we will call it even?
Fine with me. People have posted Yahweh pics on here before.
and Kenny Loggins..
save jesus for you church on sunday morning. bring on the beautiful women.
Comments like this kill me and it has nothing to do with religion.
Lincoln is actually a valuable member of this community, unlike you who I have never even seen post before.
People like you who would rather run people like him off this board just so you can see some pics of hot girls is just so frustrating…
You’re supposed to blame others for temptations and such. Where are you from?
Nobody here is arguing that, just that it isn’t relevant to the topics, adds no value, and potentially offends. Anyone who wants to see it can go elsewhere. Those of us who just want good OU football info and some decent community have no other options.
So Krys. Does saying good morning to everyone offer football info? I don’t do the good mornings but I have no issue with it either. I really don’t have the time but it just reinforces how good this site is and the people.
Does good morning belittle people of a certain gender or race? That’s why some are unhappy.
I get it. My point is, is it football related?
I love both male and female OU fans so while I think “football related” is hard to define the real issue is not.
The female figure is beautiful, I don’t see how a swimsuit is belittling I think the postings lead way for people to be creepy. We can agree that there isn’t too much place for it but this site was built on oohing and ahhing at the physiques and athletic abilities of teenage boys, so come on.
See below. I want male and female OU fans to feel welcome and there are already plenty of other places for people to be creepy on the internet. We rave about their athletic abilities, but how often do the actresses acting abilities come up? That is what is belittling.
We oppress those we worship.We talk 40s and how much weight they can put on. We don’t talk about what these kids like outside of sport. We even discourage it when we feel football is more important. This is life.
Pick someone, they’ll give you their plight.
The community brings lots of football info actually (KJ, TRob, etc) and maybe some of those guys wouldnt be around without the good morning chats.
I highly doubt any of those guys would pack up and leave if all of the questionable photos were deleted.
well, i love my wife and i love to see beautiful women, and she does as well. its like an object of art. and was created by god. so, ease up and don’t let it bother you. if you are that concerned, just block anyone that likes it. i have many more things i do not like. beautiful women is not one of them.
It’s typically the proceeding comments that I have an issue with.
How do you know it’s a man?
Never mind, I have seen the post.
Bottom line, this is an OU football/sports site. It gets frustrating to log on and have to weed through 100’s of posts about what’s for dinner or who’s drinking what tonight just to glean the few football nuggets. I know that many of you newer posters enjoy the banter back and forth, along with the good mornings and good nights, and I get that. But perhaps we could keep that to the Daily News post and leave the Open Posts to just sports talk. I know several long-time posters who have left this site for this very reason. I’d hate to lose others. Hammer away, but that’s my thoughts.
Strictly sports? or strictly football? May as well hash it out and get it right the first time. Once I know the precise rule, I can abide.
I agree.
As much as I appreciate certain parts of certain anatomies, I don’t need or want to see them here.
Yep. I don’t post anymore, until this topic has particularly raged on in the last 48 hours. Those who defend posting pictures of lustful objects, are who they are. They will bask in their own conditions. I hope the people who ‘get it’ dominate this board, because it is really good stuff sometimes.
I know what you mean, but it will get better once fall practice starts. Hang in there.
You know usually by now someone posts a depth chart for discussion. Slow off-season I guess.
We thought you had the inside scoop on this, and were waiting for you to take the lead!!
Haha I only agree or disagree. Closer to the season I sometimes get to see the actual depth chart so it’s no fun. I like it when people take a stab at it, makes for good football discussion.
Plausible Deniability?
Plausible Deniability?
“I know nothing”
Well you got me beat, I know less than that!! The only thing going thru my brain right now is damn Algebra functions.
Is that you, Briles?
“What do you mean we have women on this campus? I had no idea!”
More humor; I like this KJ.
I see you lurkin, Mikey!!!
Lurkin for some inside info from KJ. haha. He is holding out though. Come on KJ, hit us with some news
Someone did that last week i believe =)
Just a little internet humor I saw today….
Sure is a lot of comments for a short and sweet OP lol.
It’s all to welcome Cobb. You know, his ticker tape parade.
Reading a lot of these comments, seems like there might be some rotten fruit thrown at him during said parade, LOL!
On the flip side, I think the girly pics have distracted SD for a while. At least we have that going for us today…
He’s like a super concentrated, industrial size drum of awfulness. A little will go a long way. He’s toxic.
I just think he’s preoccupied down in his Mom’s basement at the moment.
Meat Loaf! Mom! Meat Loaf!
I see you read my material. LOL!
Sam, I noticed SD took his facebook page down since we discovered him there.
What’s been going on Soonerbred?
Staying out of the killer heat mostly.Selling some of my toys and buying new ones. You know, important stuff.:)
Or maybe they’ve just driven him away.
Not that theres anything wrong with that.
I’m pretty sure that coincides with today’s subtopic. lol
I can’t see him anymore lol
Short OP? No problem, well always find something to talk about to hit 500 comments. Dear 2016 season…..HURRY UP.
Amen to that.
KJ, have you heard any other info as far as player attrition?
I’ve only heard of one other player that we may lose. But that was a couple of months ago so that talk may have died down. This was an offensive player.
Have the players tested for their 40 times, vertical etc. yet?
Lots of times I’m sure. But seriously I haven’t seen much of anything; even 7 on 7 news.
I am friends with an optometrist if you need his number. *rim-shot* On a more serious note, I’m wondering what kind of shape the players are going to be in. Quite good I’m guessing.
I’d say. Running in this heat has got to be good for you, lol.
We used to argue over using 3 or 4 man fronts.
I still say 4 man front!
Me too. Don’t like the 3-4 at all.
Ditto. I know about flexibility with 3-4, but it just doesn’t SEEM like real football.
Agreed. In a 4, you can stand one or two up and still drop or rush. Just a little more meat in exchange for a little speed.
Agreed and that’s the rub with me is the focus on “speed” on our defense, which is really a 3-4/3-3-5 hybrid. SPEED…..doesn’t mean you have a GOOD defense. But it certainly means you have a LIGHT defense. It just means you have speed.
And why are we so focused on speed on defense in the BIG XII anyway instead of physicality and leverage? The offenses here aren’t faster than offenses anywhere else. I just don’t get the focus on speed.
You need speed in the backfield, but we should have that covered lately. The main problem is when we play teams outside the conference that tend to run more. But I honestly believe the 4 man front is more versatile than the 3.
That’s my assumption, but you can recruit speed in the secondary without getting smaller everywhere else, taking a DL off the field which puts your LBs at risk, and changing your scheme entirely from what you’ve coached your entire life. I just don’t think speed is that much of an asset over strength and size everywhere else on the defense (particularly the front 7)
I’m probably in the minority here but..
I always wanted to see OU go further with their 3-4 alignment…
Problem is in college a lot of kids are playing out of position because of desire etc..
But for really good 3-4,
1) 2 olbs that rush the passer and drop in zone..
2) NT- 0 tech, demands a double team/ collapses pocket..
If you have those 3 guys and your D can be so multiple with how it attacks from all angles no matter where the ball is placed or in what formation the O gets in.. They will never know where the 4th rusher is..
I like Defenses that are unpredictable especially in todays game Offenses/QBs are rhythmic.. having a defense designed to hide the 4th rusher is invaluable.
Problem: Finding 2 olbs that are two way rusher/zone are rare and finding 300lb athletic NT monster is super super super rare…
Those Defenses are fun to watch.. the chess match for the QB to identify the 4th rusher.. change protections.. Defenses adjust play to play to play..
I’m a fan of the 4-2-5 in our conference as well as the 3-4 but in my ideal 3-4 our end positions are pretty much longer and taller defensive tackles. I want my end positions sitting at 285-300lbs. We’ll have our speed rushers at the OLB spot to create havoc. Just my opinion
I agree.. long DEs that can jack up Olineman to read/react to attack run..
I’m a fan of the 4-2-5 in our conference as well as the 3-4 but in my ideal 3-4 our end positions are pretty much longer and taller defensive tackles. I want my end positions sitting at 285-300lbs. We’ll have our speed rushers at the OLB spot to create havoc. Just my opinion
With you dawg. I understand to want for a 4 man too. The key is who OU is recruiting now for their OLB or that 4th down lineman. We love striker but the guys now are 6’3+ and will play around 240+. In a 4 man front, the DE’s are usually around the same size, now they are either standing up or with a hand in the ground. Also, they will be able to hold up against the strong running teams due to their size and move well enough to get in coverage. More good jimmy & joes at 240 – 260 than 300.
3 man and I’m offended. 🙂 Just having a little fun. Hawk, bout time for one of your twitter nuggets. Need some updates, now get to work.
Or 7 db’s…ugh.
Never again
Is it totally inconceivable in college to have at least a little of both? I can’t help but wonder if a 4-3 would have rendered Texas’ approach to attacking our defense last year ineffective. Both Texas and Clemson really hurt us with just small consistent gains.
3-3-1-3-1 ..? Lol!
3 down-lineman with size to jackup Olineman to read/react to run
3 linebackers 2 olbs pass rush/zone,1 ILB 2-gap run/attacking
1 Floating Safety/LB Match TEs, Attack LoS.. Roybacker
3 Bump and run DBs with length to jam and hips to turn and burn.
1 Single-high cover 1 safety with range/speed sideline to sideline
Can we stop the run with 5 DBs?
See Clemson and Texas, circa 2015
With 5 Kam Chancellors.
The end zone usually stops them with 5 db’s.
Can we stop the pass with only 4?
Just a thought shared. Concerning Cobb there are a lot of opinion’s out there. If Cobb comes to OU I hope and pray we welcome him with open arms, talk about beat up: especially spirituality. #GODWORKSNMISTERIOUSWAYS #WEALLHAVEBEENWHIPEDBEFOREBYHIM
Personally, I have never been whiped before him
I came through Austin yesterday coming back from vacation from san antonio and the traffic fom waco to san antonio and back was horrible. I had heard how much better of a city Austin is than norman and okc in general is but from I35 i didnt c it but maybe if we had stopped and hung out awhile with my sooner shirt on as we intended to do i would have but i could wait to get out of there.
67 DTG – 1 All American
Buddy Burris AA 46-48; Don Brown 52-54; Ben Panter 98-01; Keith Angel 78-80; Karl Baldischwiler 76-77
Don Brown
This may not go over well with some but being my last post for a while (or ever) I have to do it. Just take a moment and really think about this:
Jesus loved you so much that he allowed himself to be beaten and hung on a cross to die for YOU, so that YOU can have eternal life with HIM in paradise. No matter what you have done in the past, he still loves you and wants you to love him back. All you have to do is receive HIS gift. YOU will be filled with more peace, love and joy than you could ever imagine!!!
I love you guys and will be praying for each of you.
Hawk Out.
Amen and Boomer Sooner!
Hawk, I hope this is not your last post. However, I appreciate your post(s). I understand but I hope it’s not the last time you come here.
Hey Sam, what’s going on? I just checked in for the first time today, and I’m pretty confused. Just starting in on the comments, but not sure where all this is coming from.
It seems to have started, once again, over the T-n-A type of pics that some like to post for whatever reason. A respectful request to leave these out of posts was made and it started rolling from there.
It seems to have started, once again, over the T-n-A type of pics that some like to post for whatever reason. A respectful request to leave these out of posts was made and it started rolling from there.
There’s this debate about appropriate when posting gifs. That spun off into its own world, as you can imagine, of what should or shouldn’t be posted altogether. Hawk said he’s taking a break from coming here, possibly never again.
Thanks Sam.
A nonbeliever may find your post offensive (which I don’t) but I would tell them to keep on scrolling and don’t look if they didn’t like it.
did jesus get accused of being a drunkard bc he would hang around them or did he just say “I’m offended i refuse to talk to sinners”
I can’t like this enough.
Hawk, Hope this is not true about yourself not posting anymore. I can not speak for everyone on here however I for one enjoy your post’s. And I know you will be lurking!!!
Hang in there brother! You planted an awesome seed there.
Take a little time to reflect and I’ll be looking for your next post, whenever that comes.
Is this really necessary. Hawk posted great OU info. What do you bring?
Agreed, Boom!
I’m not the best at bringing info as I don’t tweet. Hawk does and keeps us informed but more importantly, he’s been one of the most respectful posters. I already miss ET, Robertson & toats and I’m sure I’m missing some.
What ever happened to L’carpetron Dookmarriot?
He’s another one. I saw Gary Robbins made it back from his work which is cool. Glad he’s back.
He’s another one. I saw Gary Robbins made it back from his work which is cool. Glad he’s back.
What ever happened to L’carpetron Dookmarriot?
Yes it is. Lincoln hawk is done, he said it. Therefore, RIP to the moniker…. and i will have u know, i can copy and paste tweets with the best of ’em. Plus this is all hilariously dramatic.
Offseason lulz
Well, I’m not sure what to say to you. It appears, as I’m reading your post, you’re being dismissive of Hawk. He’s a friend to a lot of us. Please consider that, please.
Hate to see this Hawk. There are not many left that have been around a while. That being said, I understand. Some people would rather drag TFB down to LT levels instead of using it to discuss OU football. Even after being asked politely, they want to attack you for asking people to use a football forum to discuss football and not swap soft core porn.
agreed this forum should be used for football chats. but this is all a bit dramatic and making me laugh….also, i don’t think Jesus is on the oklahoma football roster, therefore this post was not football related either.
Got me on that one. I don’t see the problem in maintaining a community and even some PG pictures, but the extent of justification for something that clearly is out of place is getting ridiculous.
Got me on that one. I don’t see the problem in maintaining a community and even some PG pictures, but the extent of justification for something that clearly is out of place is getting ridiculous.
So true, Malicong.
That is exactly right. There are way to many who simply trash up these boards with their porn and trash. It just ruins the site for those who want to discuss football issues. 2/3rds of the comments are just wasted bandwidth. You have to sort through way to many posts to find one that is on topic with the rest just junk that has not a single thing to do with OU football or other OU sports.
I’m with ya and let this pass. Need to keep folks like you.
Hang in there Linc, seasons right around the corner.
You’re right about the lack of moderation, but this sort of thing doesn’t belong in a football thread any more than the boobs. If it’s done right, everyone will need to dial it back and stay on topic.
Hope you reconsider, Lncoln. I only follow JY but you’d be at the top of my list along w Bleed and a handful of others who contribute greatly to this site w content and quality, thoughtful discussion. Season cannot get here soon enough, even if it brings out more trolls. Peace Brother.
It would appear that ‘those who are for you are more than those that are against you’
not sure what this is all about but if it was the smut that was posted in comments the other day I clicked out when I saw it and didn’t read anymore comments till now – not sure why I did – but glad i saw this one ..
thanks .
dramatic much?
dramatic much?
Well, that was certainly disappointing news. You had my vote for being a contributor right up there with Jordan and K.
I for one would hate to see you leave. Please don’t.
Lincoln, You are a a great poster. Hate to see you leave, even for a bit
Thanks for this post and all the others Hawk. This post has some awesome truth, and it’s great to see.
Don’t let this be the end of your posts. Don’t stop coming to the site and enjoying some OU comradary with all Sooners
We love you Hawk, Looking forward to the season.
We love you Hawk, Looking forward to the season.
What a day What a day
Didn’t see this in the daily news, but good podcast with Phil Steele.
Thanks for trying to change the subject KJ. By the looks of the last few hundred comments this OP has very little to do with football. I’ve got an idea, instead of posting attractive pics of females post a link and denote that it is of an attractive female and to view if interested and if not then move on down the comment section. Then the ones who take offense shouldn’t and others can enjoy what they like. That being said lets get down to football or lack there of today.
What does attractive females have to do with the OP, OU recruiting?
Maybe a lot if you ask some of the OU recruits! Just kidding but it has nothing to do with it. I am not defending it or condoning it but I also know there are other things posted on here that are irrelevant to OU recruiting as well. Who deems what is to be removed and not? What’s offensive to you isn’t to others and what’s not offensive to you may be to them.
What does attractive females have to do with the OP, OU recruiting?
Thanks for trying to change the subject KJ. By the looks of the last few hundred comments this OP has very little to do with football. I’ve got an idea, instead of posting attractive pics of females post a link and denote that it is of an attractive female and to view if interested and if not then move on down the comment section. Then the ones who take offense shouldn’t and others can enjoy what they like. That being said lets get down to football or lack there of today.
Many sites have an OT thread. Even that would require some level of moderation, which apparently isn’t happening now. The content on this site is often extraordinary but the comment section is a total disaster. I’m not offended in any way, it’s just embarrassing to me as an alum and it reflects horribly on the fanbase.
Some days are better than others..
Are you totally serious right now? Sure we’ve all had bonehead comments and some are intended to stir the pot so to speak, but in no way shape or form is this thread an embarrassment to alums and fans for that matter. You may speak freely for yourself but belonging to this site has not taken away my love for my school or the respect we all have for each other. If the comment section is a total disaster than why even bother reading?
I normally don’t, and just skim to look for embedded tweets. Today I saw this little disagreement and decided to weigh in. The comment section could be a lot more valuable and welcoming if there were some standards. I can appreciate the neighborhood bar approach, but I think it’d be best if confined to just the link dump or an OT thread. Hardly anything’s ever added to the “OP” section on the right sidebar. Seems like a great spot.
But these issues we are currently taking about are directly related to an incredibly slow off season. During the season I hardly saw non football related discussions. I personally like the neighborhood bar atmosphere to this thread. After working my azz off all day I like to have friendly conversations and not be completely censored and or proper the entire time. Maybe it’s due to my age, but I don’t believe I’m the only one who prefers a more laid back approach, especially considering that’s what lead me to this site in the first place.
I get that. Like I said, I don’t think it should go away, and I could not give a lesser crap about censoring anyone or anything. I just think it should be consolidated into one thread each day. The link dump is almost always first, so that makes sense to me. Plus it’s more of a broad spread of topics, so it’s natural for the discussion to be broad. But yeah– I’m not coming from any kind of moral or decency objection. Everyone should get what they want out of the site. Right now, people that just want to read about football and discuss are not able to do that without being flogged with all the other stuff.
This is almost like “NSD” revisited!! What is going on here. I know one thing that we can all agree on “It is another great day to be a SOONER” Jordan, If you got a BOOM out there we sure need something to turn this comment section around.
All I’d like to say is WE are ALL on the SAME TEAM. Sometimes things don’t go right on the field (comment section) but we all share the same thing – The Love for OU Sports. Let’s do right for TFB and get back on the same winning page. This is the best site out there so let’s not mess it up but more importantly, let’s BUILD it up. Thank you.
All I’d like to say is WE are ALL on the SAME TEAM. Sometimes things don’t go right on the field (comment section) but we all share the same thing – The Love for OU Sports. Let’s do right for TFB and get back on the same winning page. This is the best site out there so let’s not mess it up but more importantly, let’s BUILD it up. Thank you.
All the talk about 17′, had me forgetting about the class of 18′. Brey Walker is a 5-star, how cool is that? Dude is straight up massive. I hadn’t see this pic before…
Is he the one on the far left? If so, that kid is beyond full grown man status.
Yes on the left.
Brey has gotten bigger….looking good.
And to think…hes only like 16 years old or close lol.
I was just thinking that…only going to be a JR. Crazy.
Its totally ridiculous right? When I was his age I was about as big as his right leg.
I wish there was some video somewhere on how he was moving at the camps. Hes not really ranked yet. Once he is, his recruiting is going to go through the roof.
He’s going to give Orlando a run for his money.
And to be honest he looks way more put together than Orlando was…and possible is as well.
I’m just waiting to see coach stoops tear Orlando a new one once he does another bonehead Personal foul lol
also to think to get this dude in a college weight room with a shmitty and have Bill bendenbaugh coach him up..
This dude has a legit chance to make football a long career.
Let’s all forget the first half of this day and move on. Take some time to enjoy this video at some point today, regroup and lets come back tomorrow with some Boomer Sooner power!
I’ve tried not to give my thoughts on what gets posted, sports related, non-sports related, what’s offensive, etc. I joined this site about two years ago. There are a lot of people that I’ve become very good friends with. I live in Ohio and there no one around for me to talk OU sports. I will never get that unless I come here. Most of you who live in Oklahoma or neighboring states get to talk OU all day, if you choose. There is always someone who is ready to lend an ear. I don’t have that.
This site adds value to my day.
I’m sure I’ve posted some things that offended people or caused some indifference. When it was brought to my attention, I’ve apologized every time. Sometimes, I removed the post. We shouldn’t drive away people who want to come here and be respectful, who add value, provide inside information and thoughtful commentary just to prove a point: it’s my right to do as I please; leave if you don’t like it. Everyone has a right to do something or not to do something.
I’d hate to see a long time contributor, such as Lincoln Hawk, not come to this site. That would be awful.
Hi Sam – where are you in Ohio? I was just visiting in-laws in Sidney (outside of Dayton)
Kelly, I’m located in Akron, three hours from Dayton.
Along those lines, my work is pretty cool for the most part about how I spend my time so long as I get my work done. One thing the don’t have any tolerance for are pictures that could motivate someone to talk to HR. It would make me very sad to see this site become blocked by my work.
Ditto. My workplace is very strict on suggestive photos and I can get sent to HR if anyone walking by my desk takes offense to a revealing picture, no matter how tame it may seem to others. I’m not offended by the pics, but they really don’t have a place on a football message board IMHO.
I couldn’t agree more. This was originally meant to be and should still be a football site and not a “willy nilly” chat room.
I would hate to come home one day and tell my wife I got fired from my job because of some under-serviced undergrad posted pics of hot girls on a football message board.
Same here, most responses to me consist of…”well then don’t browse at work”. This site didn’t use to have this problem for me, not sure why people want these pictures bad enough to run off great members of the community.
Because most of them either live at home with their parents in the basement or they think it makes them look more manly. Either way it is old and does not need to be here.
Welcome to Russia
No, its called the corporate world. Lots of us work there.
The easy way around that is to read the site on your phone instead of at your workstation.
That works to an extent. But the data usage is bizarrely high.
That you think that is a better option than simply not posting half-naked women pics on a football forum amazes me.
You aren’t amazed that a ‘bunch of males’ are offended by pictures of pretty girls with cleavage? Really?!?!
Most didn’t claim to be offended. Most said they didn’t want the pics for reasons involving viewing the site from work, on company equipment.
But no, it doesn’t surprise me that out of a couple hundred dudes, a few of them don’t appreciate those types of pics. Nothing wrong with that at all.
What I have found works is to block user like him. Then I do not have to see pictures or read his angry threats.
I’ve been a lurker for about two-three years and an occasional poster for about one. I can safely say that, in that time, the slow progression of what is now the topic of the day, has turned off a lot of really good members. It’s disappointing because I really liked reading what guys like Hawk, Robertson, and Tex had to say.
RBear hardly comes here anymore. He has great insight and valuable information.
Hopefully when the season starts they will return.
Here’s hoping.
Yeah, there are a few that I have forgotten about over the years that really brought some good FOOTBALL info to this site.
I read the site every day, but I don’t post alot until FB season comes around and I am sure that is the case with a bunch of others. I also have an insider that I only like to use in season or for very important things, so I do not have much info in the off season.
I miss you around coach and several others too.
Thanks, I’m honored!!! I will try to throw my two cents in a little more.
I would love to hear your thoughts on some of these recruits and I know a lot of others would do the same. I’m going totally brain dead on the other poster who is a coach who doesn’t post much but he was great. He knew all the Allen HS boys and is a good guy.
You name the recruit and I will do my best.
Well let’s start with these two incoming freshman. OLBs Caleb Kelly and Mark Jackson.
Well, you started with the 2 I think are the cannot miss guys. Kelly has great instincts and packs a punch when he hits. He reads very well and can drop in coverage, also strikes me as a very smart player. Jackson has a great first step and is very fluent in his hips. He reminds me a little more of a young Striker and is more suited to rush the passer, he is really quick and dips and rips well.
Hey Coach, I haven’t seen you in a while either. You’re one of the guys that I was referring to that brought a lot of good football info here. I look forward to seeing you around more when the season gets closer.
I am right there with you. I now live in New England and there is no one in my area that is an OU fan except a few alumni that get together to watch games during the season. Though i didn’t actually attend OU so I tend to be one of those people when hanging. This site really helps have place to talk football.
I don’t want to see Lincoln gone and I really hope RBear is not leaving the site as he had great information and insight.
I also saw guys posting below about work restrictions. Seeing that I am in ministry it is not helpful for me to use some time on my lunch break to look up OU info only for gif to come up that would not go over well. Lets keep it to football talk!
I agree.
That’s what people are forgetting: work restrictions.
I’m with you Daryl. Thanks for the post.
I live in Oklahoma and even here there isn’t a better forum for OU fans to come together to get the latest news.
I live in Oklahoma and even here there isn’t a better forum for OU fans to come together to get the latest news.
Same here. As a pastor in Iowa this board along with a couple pay sites are where I get my info and talk OU. I love it here but at times the garbage that gets posted in the comments does not go ever well for me.
Not trying to be a religious jerk but I would not go to a pinup site and start preaching at people and I would hope for the same respect on this site.
Looks like he may have a long career in preaching
Just a curious question with no malice intended toward anyone:
Who here was around for the first Open Post a few years ago?
Not me, Malicong.
Do you have it, by chance?
I had to go back and look but it was January 19th, 2014. It also happened to be the day Jordan Thomas committed.
Hell, I remember when it was just recruit names and evals.
I remember that. I miss it: blind test.
That’s right! Didn’t the Boz do one??
Believe so.
Yes, he did. I believe there were some on the WRs and Safeties.
Yeah. And Tony Jefferson did that one on the safeties. Those were cool. I enjoyed Mackenzie’s eval on Creed the other day. Would be cool to see more evals and blind tape tests again.
Yeah, it would be. I do understand the Mods have lives and real jobs. However, four or five blind tape test a year would be awesome.
Blind tape test, was pretty great:
That’s awesome.
You and EastTex were the first two I remember on here. I found this place when it was still just recruiting evals as well.
Miss that guy. I remember when you showed up, wasn’t as many names to keep up with then. lol.
It was a bit easier, that’s for sure.
I discovered it by accident. I was searching OU football and the link to the website popped up. I lurked for about a month. Then I had a not so pleasant interaction with HWMNBN.
My first article I found was the 2013 Baylor breakdown. I was searching for something to breakdown their offense.. viola JY had some articles.. on it..
Lurker/Reader for almost a year until a Texsa fan started saying *crap* (I meant crap) in 2014 summer.. I jumped into the comments
I was lurking the site when it was just a month or two old.
I discovered this site the first week it was out, went back and read all the posts I didn’t get in real-time.
Was rather silent for the first month or so, now I just chime in if I have any info or if I can answer a question
The 1st post i can remember is them predicting saban to texas, LOL!
Been around a LONG time.
I remember that. Seemed like a done deal at the time.
it really did. And it scared the hell out of me.
It would have definitely changed the dynamic of football in the state of Texas. I wonder if Bailer would have still been as successful if he would have gone to Tejas?
Recruiting top talent to leave the state would of been near impossible.
Briles is a good offensive mind, they would have still been decent, but no way a top 10 team consistently.
it really did. And it scared the hell out of me.
Ahh, yes bought a house and everything!!!
How many others found this site after CCM’s audience began to fade? I looked up one day and they were gone, and somehow found my way here,
We all came here for freedom….oh, wait.
Was that what initiated the exodus?
It was over a disagreement between mods and contributors basically.
It was over a disagreement between mods and contributors basically.
We all came for different reasons, but stayed for the content!
Yes, beats all other.
I just went wherever Jordan went
Esco is how I found my way here. I remember he offended an OSU or UT fan and left the site.
*was forced out. 🙂
The quality definitely dipped. I still peek at their countdown, but I come here for the latest.
The quality definitely dipped. I still peek at their countdown, but I come here for the latest.
forced or they put you on the banned list. 🙂
Exactly. 🙂
When you left, did they give you the T-shirt?
LOL, no it was a free gift here when I paid my membership dues.
Some day, I’m going to fly to Tulsa and meet you guys at the hill. I can fly free so I may do this sometime. Would love to meet you guys.
Is that the story?… bad move.. baaad move
LOL I thought you were talking about Esco being banned
*was forced out. 🙂
Legend has it that he once commented on the sand in one Cowboy’s vagina. At least that’s what we tell each other around the campfire.
LOL, was that what it was, I remembered that he offended a rival, but couldn’t remember which.
Swan song:
And the offending comment:
Thanks for sharing. Still hilarious.
Swan song:
And the offending comment:
LOL, was that what it was, I remembered that he offended a rival, but couldn’t remember which.
If that is true, my respect for Jordan can no longer be measured.
It’s all true. Every word of it.
If that is true, my respect for Jordan can no longer be measured.
I was a member of Soonerscoop for a few years and then a buddy told me about this site and I’ve been here ever since.
I started coming here after SoonerFans got hacked and never was the same. Someone on LT posted a link here and within a month I never went back to LT or Soonerfans.
Interesting. After I came over here I noticed some familiar names and was just curious. I’ve been following this site for at least a couple years now, and I was just curious where the followers came from.
Was on ESPN since 1998. Left there when they went all face book sign in. Went to BCSNN and have moved to here. No sports talk at all, recycled news that you can get elsewhere. Here it is only sooners and we can relate to news, memories, bash UT Bu etc, or just the stress of the day.
Well I don’t know if you live in the OKC area, but the info here is exponentially more valuable than the trash coming out of local sports talk..cough..cough…Jim Traber
Whole famdamily is from Oklahoma. Lived (mostly) in Houston. OU Grad, 82. We get zero on OU in Houston unless it is bad press.
If you saw my posting back in the day it was yomamaouwooferman.
I don’t recall when the first open post was, but I got turned on to the site when JY was doing regular trench warfare posts, I believe it was the 2014 season.
Correction, 2013 season. Capped off by the Tide ebbing at Knight.
I was here pretty early on, but I don’t think it was Day One.
You are an OU OG, you get a pass. Even if you do spend too much time on LT.
I don’t go over there all that often these days. I come here more than I go there. I just don’t post much anywhere these days.
As long as the OU encyclopedia is still gathering OU knowledge, it is all good.
You forget that most of my knowledge is useless. The knowledge gained here is generally useful.
Useless? Hardly! If I need to know who the backup LT for OU in 1986 was you are the first person I ask!
Considering that both Greg Johnson and Jon Phillips were the starters at tackle and both were All-Americans, my guess would be that either Richard Marks or Caesar Rentie were their backups in 1986.
Your welcome.
Incidentally, the biggest OL had that year weighed less than 300 lbs. Greg Johnson (T) was 295, Mark Hutson (G) was 280, Anthony Phillips (G) was 280, Jon Phillips (T) was 275. I don’t remember for sure, but I think Bob Latham was center (?). He was 265.
And I had to cheat and look up the numerical roster for 1986. I’m getting old.
LOL. Nice.
Sometimes useless knowledge is the best knowledge, it is knowledge no one else knows. I have a plethora of useless knowledge just ask my wife.
I’m getting to the age that I’m starting to lose some of my previously attained knowledge. Or the details are beginning to get a little fuzzy. Malicong remembers when I “still had it” though.
Reading your posts here looks like it is not fading as fast as you think. I actually just done my term paper for history on The University of Oklahoma would have been nice for some extra input from you. However I don’t think you can get better than an A+.
Sounds like you had things pretty well covered.
I know your age, it is exactly the same as mine. If you are just starting to lose knowledge, you are either lying or doing very well for your age. Mine started dissappearing more than 5 years ago ?
I don’t forget things. It’s just that I have too much data in my brain and it buffers a lot.
Nah. My mind was always better than yours, so things seem to be right on track…:)
Are you too busy watching that goofy a$$ European Football?
Nope. I just get bored with the same old rhetoric on most of the boards these days.
My first post was Sept 2014, but I lurked for a while before ever posting. This is my only internet site for OU sports.
I started my “lurking” career on here about a month or two after it started.
I probably was around maybe just lurking at first. I liked it. I thought it was more informative about the football team rather than entertaining like the old site that had internet bullies wanting to meet someone in a parking lot. I thought that, in itself, was pretty funny. Looking back these discussions are pretty tame.
I probably was around maybe just lurking at first. I liked it. I thought it was more informative about the football team rather than entertaining like the old site that had internet bullies wanting to meet someone in a parking lot. I thought that, in itself, was pretty funny. Looking back these discussions are pretty tame.
Been a lurker since day 1, Did not post my first comment until the first NSD on the site. Trying to spread that good cheer.
Carry the flag, 47. You do it well.
Well dabnabit!! Not working out so well today for some reason. I think people just want to save money on car insurance.
Yeah, once ESPN stopped their SoonerNation page and instead did the Big 12 as a whole I stopped their being an insider, went to Scout and soon came over here at the beginning.
They used to recruiting evals on a lot players and even bring in a pro’s perspective. I.E. Tony Jefferson’s. Just click on Evaluations to see recruits and other information that relates to the current team. As for the Original Poster’s it was for rumors nothing official. Now that section kind of blends into Open Post.
Really just grateful to have the site, let alone for free. I don’t see how Jordan, Super K, JY and the others put into it and not get paid.
Best of both world..best info, best price.
I can concur!!! Oh and you never answered my ? earlier this morning, about if i could call you Richard or not. I mean no offence at all by calling you this.
Call me whatever works for you. I’ve been called much worse than Richard.
There is only one thing I dislike someone to call me, and that’s late for dinner!!
what I miss is the breakdowns they did after games.
Those were great. There is a lot that has went by the way side. However if they did everything they used to do they would probably have to charge admission!!!
Honestly I would pay for this site if a few things were changed up (message board instead of a simple comment section.) and if they came back with all the info they used to have.
It is hard to keep the pipeline flowing like they were when money is not coming in.
Same here. Once ESPn got rid of the OU insider I found this site. Love it here but some things need to get worked out.
This guy was!
still here but don’t post anymore.
Bummer, wish you would join in. I know I would welcome your comments.
Thanks Boom
Post away, Cindy.
That was back in my lurking days!
Lurked for a couple of years before finding my voice.
Lurked for a couple of years before finding my voice.
Thanks for the shoutout, Malicong! I lurk here everyday but, to be honest, it’s not the same. Not so much the comment section, there’s always been characters here, but the content seems to be lacking compared to what it used to be. But, I’ll stick it out. I followed Esco here from CCM and I’m too much of a creature of habit to make any real changes. Nice hearing from ya!
I was hoping there were several hanging out until the season started. Glad to see you’re still around Toats.
Large majority of the discussion throughout this OP centers on cobb, just as it should be.
Sure, theres some off topic conversations, but with as many people post on here, that form (online) friendships, thats bound to happen.
Well be it Cobb or anyone else….we could all use a Boom today.
Or a beer. Or both
A BOOM! that does not involve Cobb, please.
Haha beggars can’t be choosers Sam!
The wheels on the bus go round and round…….
Rearrange the order of the words and you will see that I’m choosing to beg. Please, please, please: no BOOM! that has to do with Cobb.
Here we go again. 🙂
I’m sorry. I thought that was an original thought.
My bad, carry on.
Agreed. This looks like a kid who will sign the transfer out anyway. Great talent, but rather would have a kid who wants to be here!
I’m a fairly new subscriber to TFB. It started eight months back or so. I’ve spent 99% of the time lurking. I am on here dang near 24 hrs a day. I don’t have much to do considering I have major medical problems. I’m not yet forty years old, but have been reading anything Sooner football since the days of The Boz. Besides spending time with kids, checking in on TFB brings me great satisfaction everyday. The comradery of Metz, SoonerSam, EastTx, Lincoln Hawk, Dr.Leo, just to name a few, is fantastic. Without them and countless others it would make this just another site, albeit free with more info than 247, ESecPN, Bleacher Report, Scout, and many, many more. THANKS TFB STAFF!!!!!! What I’m getting at, is PLEASE do what is right. Instead of using the First Amendment to push your point. Use the Golden Rule. If you didn’t care for something, you would want it to stop right? Everyday we all make sacrifices and struggle with our own lives. Lets not make something so easy and great into something not fun. Respect the ones that have been here for years. Seniority should always be respected especially here. Too many great men and women. Because in the end being a Boomer Sooner is great day in, day out. Y’all have a gooden, you hear!!!!!!!!
Thank you for reading!
That’s awesome that you called yourself a subscriber Jay!
Welcome aboard!!!
Thanks, Jay. This has been fun and I don’t go anywhere for information.
If it’s not hear, it’s not anywhere. Several of us, who have Twitter accounts, will post a tweet. That’s valuable information. Some of the information I’d rather not know about, but that’s good too.
The Mods do a great job getting us this information. They know we appreciate what they do. I mean, this is a great site. It adds value to my day.
Welcome aboard and come back.
I for one really appreciate the other social media posts some of you put on here. Since I do not bookface,twit or chapsnat, I would not see these things if it were not for you that do post them.
“Respect the ones that have been here for years. Seniority should always be respected especially here.”
I don’t recognize “seniority” nor do I hold any special “respect” for somebody who’s been on a forum for years. That’s ludicrous.
I’m starting to think that this is what all of this fuax outrage is really all about. I’VE FIGURED IT OUT. There’s a clique on here that wants to rule over the forum and they demand our respect and compliance. They’re throwing a tantrum about people not kissing their ring or respecting their unestablished, unelected, irrelevant “seniority/authority”.
And if they can’t rule and control the forum with their seniority/authority, they make a big drama queen goodbye statement and leave the forum whereby other members of the clique stay behind and pine away for their return day in and day out like pack wolves howling for a lost pup that wandered off. It’s all very over-the-top dramatic and hilarious. LMAO!!!!
Actually, I think you are pretty close. I do think there are two camps, those who enjoy the social aspect and those who come just for news on OU athletics. That may be where the friction lies.
I love that we can now block users. Number three used today.
Is that Beavo’s old lady?
Kermit will be upset.
That some of that thar “porn” we’ve been subjected too against our will?
can you hear me now? can you hear me now?
LR throwing punches at someone, it seems.
That’s what I was thinking too, Sam. Maybe a certain ’16 guy but what do I know.
That’s not like him. I wonder if his account has been hacked again.
Me too, keep em rollin in!! #SS17 Coach,is that you?
Shots fired
Man,down!! Man, down!!!
I came to the same conclusion.
Got that raise…time to make some noise.
this isn’t in regards to a recruit thinking of de-committing is it?
I doubt it.
Could be a call to all those on the fence to get with the program or get left behind with nothing but a preferred walk on option.
Gumbs, Chaisson, Creed, Lamb, Hines, Rogers.. come on down!
I think we all need a little football. Restlessness of the offseason has set in. Enjoy!
In reference to YouTube, anyone know of an easy to use internet recorder?
I’m not sure if this is related to your question, but there is a nice Chrome add-on called MakeGIF that allows you to convert YouTube videos to GIFs. I made one of Dimitri Flowers trucking a Baylor safety, but it was too large to upload.
I am thinking more along the lines of football games. There are some good ones posted on YouTube.
If you want to save games on YouTube to .mp4 or .avi files I have used Freemake Video Recorder, but be aware during installation that you make sure to unclick any toolbars or additional software that is included. The downside of free software is it often comes packaged with malware.
Gracias…no offense.
I’m not sure what to be offended by so I can only assume you’re referring to Texas.
Minor attempt at humor….people are a bit touchy today.
I guess I just don’t get the point of the argument for the pics. I’m certain that I’ve posted or written things that offended some and I will do my best not to in the future, but why is it so important that some of you be able to post pics of half-necked women? If some people find it offensive, not family friendly or feels like it may jeopardize their position at work, why not just refrain from it? Why do you insist that it must be and there is no other way? I’m not personally offended by the pics, but I completely agree this is not the proper forum for these types of postings. Think about it, it’s an OU football site. If I came over to one of you jag-offs porn sites and started throwing up football pics and videos everywhere, I’m sure it would start to wear on you after awhile. Why can’t someone just come read about OU football without you forcing these pictures on them?
I swear, those of you who insist on being disrespectful and unaccommodating just for the sake of it and then want to start talking about your rights are pathetic. You’re perfectly content to push longtime posters off this board for an empty, meaningless agenda. That’s the move of a straight-up douchebag. I’m sure one day your pride and coarseness will become it’s own reward, but unfortunately you’ll probably be to self-concerned and foolish to recognize it.
If only I could up vote this 1,000 times.
About a month ago I started reading only the top portion of the daily and then would read the entire open post. I had started to find a lot of the bottom of the daily tedious reading. I have a possible solution that may make everyone happy. The daily post could be used for the Good Mornings, catching up on friendships, how’s the family, GIF to your heart is content, etc. Leave the open post for posts directly related to OU athletics. This would possibly give everyone an avenue that they are comfortable with and could get rid of some of the bickering.
that’d work and nobody’s ox would be gored, as the saying goes.
Thats actually what OP’s used to be for, and were used for regularly…. Open post, anything goes (within moderation of course). The “daily news” was the one strictly about Sooner news.
That’s what my understanding was.
Daily news has never been “strictly about Sooner news”.
Well, the comments section was anyway…
Agreed: however, we don’t always get the OP so the Daily News is where people make their post.
The Daily News used to be related to whatever links were provided.
Hello Sam! Been a while..
It has been, Daddy R.
You’ve got to get back here, sir.
I still check-in every couple days. Just haven’t been much into posting this off-season (seems sooo long this year..) Def ready for season to start!
I know. It’s been tough. Not a lot of information and it does seem to be a longer off season this year. We’ll have more news in about four weeks.
Yessir! I can feel the crowd roaring now!
looks good on paper but…
I really like this idea but some seem set on marking every tree they see. Similar to my dog when I take him out for a walk.
LONG (loooooooonnnng) time reader and poster here, but man things are different…
Night and day difference for sure.
This board seems a lot more like other boards now. It used to be uniquely focused on football discussion.
Probably just cause its offseason. I imagine majority football talk will resume closer to season… at least thats what I’m hoping! Tired of reading about all this bickering between folks.
Its not football season & official practice hasn’t started so we have to talk about something.
You will still find more relevant football talk here than any where else..
Watch posting this kind things someone might get offended after all this is for football/sports talk only.
I leave it up to the Mods to find the difference. But if I’m honest, aside from Trench Warfare and Blind Tape Test, it’s the reduction Mod participation. We used to be able to pose questions and get a response. Now, questions go unanswered so I think people have stopped asking.
Yea, its definitely different as far as mod interaction goes these days, but thats probably normal (more interaction at first to get folks interested..) and also a product of offseason I think. At least there is still Sooner info!
Maybe the south branch divided the assets?
Let’s start a new, football discussion and move past this stuff going on today. Who will have a better OU career: Mark Jackson or Caleb Kelly? I think they will both be studs, but one will surely be better, right?
I’m going to go with Mark Jackson he came in ready. I like that
I agree with you I think. Kelly will be a stud, but I think Jackson will be a difference maker, maybe even this year. That dude was an animal in the Army All-American game.
I agree on Kelly, glad we can say both signed with the Good Guys.
Off subject but I am also excited to see what JMT brings to the table
Lord knows Stoops is too. I think that’s his favorite recruit in that class
He’s my dark horse. I saw him at his graduation and he’s a big kid. They posted how much the kids got in scholarship money and when I saw his, my jaw dropped. I didn’t know you could get that much money towards scholarships.
Couldn’t agree more. He was all over the field like striker was and he’s bigger and faster ?
They both win the Heisman and go #1 and #2 in the the draft to the Rams (who somehow get those picks) after winning 3 nattys
I guess that’ll due.
I would give Kelly the edge, but both can end up Sooner Legends. No real reason, just a feeling.
I’m going to go with Kelly, he’s a legit 5 star and has a nose for the ball in space.
Kelly for sure. The jack position is stacked with talent, while the OLB spot is not. Lot easier path to PT(thus getting better) for kelly.
This kid is talented–but if he doesn’t want to be here, he may be a future transfer, thus a wasted scholly.
We can’t afford to waste schollies. If he’s not absolutely certain he wants to come, I hope the coaches stick with who we have already. Our secondary class is legit right now.
All, so after much thought and prayer. I’ve decided that this is just not for me anymore. I appreciate everyones thoughts and input. No better site on the internet for Sooner News. But at this time…I’ve decided to take my talents to the Sooner News Daily Section. I ask everyone to respect my privacy during this difficult time, while I watch Jimmy Kimmel bits, movie trailers, and of course the Crazy Russian Hack. As of right now, I wont be doing any interviews. It’s been fun guys and gals, and remember, it’s better to burn out, than to fade away!
That’s just great, now where are we going to get our inside info from. Will you still be posting over on the daily news?
KJ – OUr first thread casualty. I am hoping his wounds are not mortal – I shall await his return….
I won’t allow it KJ. Bad day here but be a leader and let this get behind us. We need ya around.
Just tell me you are providing popcorn and beer and I will follow. 🙂
Esco was always a bit flaky and quick to sucker punch
anyone have an idea on how Baron Browning looks in coverage vs how Kelly looked going into his senior year?
man..just realized the Sooners haven’t had a guard or center drafted since big Duke in the 09 draft…that’s quite a drought. Hopefully Bedenbaugh’s guys can make it there in the next couple seasons. For the guys who really know what they’re looking at, are any of the current interior linemen looking like guys who should get drafted?
Matt, I believe the ones who could have answered that have left. Coach B is a beast he will definitely give them the tools they need to succeed however it is up to the individual player to do his part.
yep, absolutely true!
Samia…in a few years.. 4 year starter at OU.. Big guy can move and he can still add weight. He starts at RT for us.. NFL is always looking for versatile guys to build verstatile depth. He will be an easy add for a team.
I would like to say Alvarez, but I don’t have the knowledge or eye some of the posters have. He’d be a starter for the majority of his career, fluent in 2 positions, mean, bigger than our past centers. I don’t see a reason why he can’t be drafted on day 3 at least
Alvarez has some tools, but needs a little more weight and needs to improve on pass blocking but he does possess that mean, nasty streak.
Late to the “party”… I’m aware of the tensions of late between some of the regulars on here but was there a request/mandate laid down by TFB? was someone banned? did someone take their ball and just opt to go home? What went down?
Hawk, posted that his comment was going to be the last from him for awhile or ever. I hate to see someone like Hawk that contributes so much to this site leave. I do understand his frustration though.
but there is a noticeable absence from the board/threads of a few of the other regulars… there had to have been more
Oh yes I’m sure, thats just the first that I saw.
I believe Hawk was the only one to announce his departure
KJ announced his move the The Daily… prob tongue in cheek though
I was thinking the same
Lurking occasionally, not posting hardly ever this offseason. As you stated, its offseason, not much to discuss. 🙂 Except today when I saw all the hubbub over basically nothing, I couldnt resist, lol.
Don’t post much anymore since most of the comments are either borderline nsfw pics or unrelated to Oklahoma football and are mostly there for easy upvotes. I think a lot of others have chosen to do this till the season starts.
I don’t have my laptop. Give me a minute.
No one got banned, RBear. This had something to do with the type of gifs being posted, which evolved to complaints about the comments on the OU Daily News, to comments on the OP should be football related only.
There are some comments that there’s a rift between regulars and senior posters. That led to Lincoln Hawk saying he’s done for a while, possibly forever.
Looks like I’ve missed something.
Things have been a little heated here. The initial disagreement seems to have occurred over one of the images posted, which depicted a young woman in some varying state of dress/undress. I’m not sure which picture sparked it this time. There are two main camps. “Please don’t post this,” is one and “I know my rights,” is the other. On top of that, there hasn’t been too much foosball related material to pick apart, so it’s been back and forth.
So… I was thinking (weird huh?)- Would TFB be willing to just have an open forum, an off-topic forum that any interested TFB’ers could go to exercise their freedom of speech?
I think that posting gif’s and whatever the hell else they want to post is fine provided it’s in context, not just random expression. Like it or not, this is a themed site, it is about Sooner Sports and wading through a lot of clutter just isn’t something that a lot of us are willing to do, every day, increasingly.
Having said that, I do appreciate what some of those same folks do contribute when posting about our Sooners… so, would another forum, that’s always “open”, not posted every day, be a good place? Maybe call it The Watering Hole? Just have a link to it on the right sidebar?
Of course, there’s always the risk that things would get out of hand there so a degree of self-moderation would have to be understood going in.
Dunno, just a thought.
A reasonable suggestion.
Good suggestion. I’m kind of a nuts and bolts guy and sifting through some of the junk is sometimes cumbersome. I just learned how to scroll on and not get bent out of shape about it. Like your idea Bear.
So, RBear, I appreciate your contributions. But I’ve been noticing you’re not here as much. I miss interacting with you; so, I have to ask: is it because of the off season is it something else?
Gonna be perfectly honest with you here Sam; a large part of it is that it’s the off-season for FB- another significant reason is the increasing amount of what I call clutter that I was having to wade through to find pertinent info.
If there were a private message function, perhaps it would diminish somewhat, IDK- All I know is, that while this site is the $#!t, there are other places I can go to get Sooner info (even free) and not have to sift through anything.
But of course, I love all ya’ll 😉
I appreciate the honesty, RBear. I respect you. I respect your opinion.
I have to admit that I probably contribute my fair share of clutter. I’ll do my best to limit the chatter and keep comments related to OU sports and sports related.
That’s cool but it’s not my board, I don’t make any rules- I only have preferences as to what I like to see in a site like this.
I can do better.
Hey, screw RBear (kidding RBear so don’t bite), what about me? 🙂
What about you? LOL!
Just kidding with you brother, hope all is good in your life
It’s all good Mizuno. Everyone is healthy and enjoying summer.
What about you, sir?
Same here, been off the site for a spell, seems everyone is stir crazy for at least another 73 days or so.
I like it RBear, I think that should definitely be considered.
Present but mostly lurk mode lately. Hate seeing this rift among passionate Sooners. Am sure the TFBraintrust will solve or risk losing fanbase/clicks. I like the idea of designating The Daily as “open” as the format contains various sports, movies, GoT, random stuff anyway. Make “Open Post” CLOSED to anything but Sooner Sports discussion. Just MHO. No more defections from the Sooner TFB family. Guys like you and Lincoln bring so much.
Forgive me, I’ve been absent since about mid-May. What the heck is going on in here? This is literally the first I’ve been on the site in over a month and I have very little clue what these “rifts”? Are people really that upset over gifs?
The talk is about GIFs the real issue here pertains to having an environment where all Sooner fans are respected. GIFs can be hidden, but I wish we could all be respectful of each other.
I must be missing quite a bit of context then. Gone for a month, come back and someone has burned the damn house down…
I ignore the pics I don’t want to see, but I’m tired of the “you don’t like it, get out” response that some use. Diversity in the community is good.
That seems a childish reply. If the gifs are truly racy, that’s one thing. If they aren’t just apologize for offending, but don’t commit to not doing it again either. Message boards are a two-way street.
Well the pics that got today’s debate started were posted simply to reignite the issue. There was no real context for them other than to irritate.
Hey chief, how have you been?
Busy as all hell. Tough to find time to idly chat these days.
Same here. I get on and look a few times a week, but rarely comment anymore.
Literally the first time in here since mid-May. Off-season is TOUGH.
It’s the dead period. The focus will get back to where it belongs once August gets here and the kids are practicing. And then, before you know it, we’re in game mode. But I kind of agree. While I like to look at women, it is a football a site.
Haven’t read through the posts this evening yet Bear but that thought crossed my mind way back when the Open Post first started. I don’t think it’s been as bad as some claim, especially during season. This is the internet, it’s a public forum, it’s for the most part self regulated, I’ve never been on a site that stayed this clean and civil without serious modding. Bottom line,IMO, main message and updates are at the top, the comment section is optional and open to those who are willing to manage it with minimizing and blocking to tailor it to their taste. But I’m the type that just gets along with everyone so take my opinion lightly.
I agree for the most part but, the self-regulated responsibility has gone to the dogs- when some posters politely express their opinion(s) that certain irrelevant posts are somewhat offensive, they’re often met with full-blown insults and vulgar retorts. Totally unnecessary- respect should be the name of the game, for everyone, and that’s not what I’ve witnessed of late.
100% agree with you RBear. Couldn’t agree with you more!
Admittedly I’ve not seen the particular exchanges in question. I would agree though that conversation needs to stay free of insults and childish name-calling, etc.
Agree completely. I do not want to take away the fun for the ones with more of a social bent, I just don’t like wading thru it.
Why doesn’t someone just start a Disqus board themselves and meet there as a secondary? Why do we have to do same-board offshoots that are as commonplace as er, noseholes, and lower the quality of the place? It’s doing without the offshoot forums and concentrating on OU football/other sports that helps make this the fountain of awesome it is. Why don’t we follow the rules here and take the rest somewhere designed for the other topics?
Good for Dusty, even if he is working at that evil network.
Good for him and his family. I’m not surprised at all. Now, if they can get him to talk 50% less, he’ll be a super star.
This site has gone to hell since The Yost left. Some things don’t change, texsa sucks! Come back KJ.
Not sure if this has been shared or not
Not bad for OU. Oregon hasn’t always played the same level of competition as OU.
And, oh, that loss up in Eugene. So, OU has the most wins.
Good call! Those top lines should absolutely be flipped.
or at least place an asterisk next to it.
This one?
What loss in Eugene? OU won the only time we played there iirc. I did have a terrible dream where there were paid off refs that screwed us the entire 4th quarter out of the win (and then were only suspended for a few games with pay), but that’s the best I’ve got.
Not sure if this has been shared or not
Dom news
Thanks for the link, I wish Dom well.
Thanks for the link, I wish Dom well.
Thanks for sharing. Loved Doms comments
Wanna see these 2 hook up on the field. Again and again.
First time poster but 10 month lurker. I am from OK but now live in the land of UM/MSU. I grew up a huge fan of OU since the days of Davis, lil Joe, Pruitt, etc. I thought I knew a lot about the Sooners until I stumbled onto this site. I appreciate all that the TFB staff does getting every bit of news possible on all things OU. I also greatly appreciate all the insights from the vast amount of posters spread out all over the world it seems. I have tried most of the other sites but this is by far my favorite and only one now. I love the bar atmosphere and back and forth banter that is exhibited here. I also love hearing player names I haven’t heard in years. Sorry so long winded. BOOMER!
Welcome aboard Gsooner. Sooner!!!
Thanks Bleed!
SOONER and welcome
Thank you.
SOONER!, and speaking of the bar atmosphere, I’m home now. 🙂
I like your thoughts, just cracked one open. Thanks!
You go to the hill?
Yes I did. had a couple beers with my friend and fellow TFB’er where we discussed OU recruits, the off season blues, the upcoming season, and the comedy that is currently going on. You just want to get off the hill before evening because the rough crowd starts riding in. 🙂
Anymore I get tired before the ruff crowd shows up. something weird happened, I like my sleep over hanging out late. Don’t know when but I go with it.
Thanks for posting Gsooner! Welcome aboard.
Thanks Jordan and I appreciate all that you guys from TFB do for us fans.
Welcome SOONER in Mich I use to live in Kewadin and Traverse City #BOOMER
Live in Sutton’s Bay just up from TD and thanks.
Welcome aboard. I worked in MI last year. Made it as far north as Reed City. Worked with a couple crews from TC, though. Beautiful area when it warms up a bit.
Welcome aboard!! We were all lurkers at one point. Some of us still do from time to time.
Wow. Who dropped the bomb In here? This a good site, please don’t let anyone run you off.
Somebody posted a gif of a good looking woman and some took offense to it, which started a debate. Some got their panties in a twist and left. Now it seems like they aren’t allowing pics altogether.
No dude. Thats inaccurate.
Correct me please.
I don’t have the interest in correcting you, I just can’t stand minimizing and giving false account. It disrespects the people who have expressed the request to not post pictures of a certain kind. So respect yourself, and understand the whole story.
Respect myself? Wtf are you talking about? If you aren’t gonna correct me then why comment?
Yep thats the way i seen it go down as well. Harmless pic that offended a couple women and a few bible thumpers
T-Rob I am just hoping they don’t run off the insiders we have on here like yourself and KJ, and others. The extras you guys and gals bring is very much appreciated.
Hmmm, I think that all pics have been made inappropriate. I noticed my DTG with Sooner player pic is missing. I am okay with that. Will just have to do the daily count down without jerseys. Now if only they could figure out how to get rid of Lori’s roommate. 😉
Is that what the deal is? They aren’t allowing pics?
I will attempt a player pic
Hmmm, maybe not.
I guess that I was mistaken. I could, but I removed it.
WTF is going on in here? Do we really have to go over how things need to work here again? I thought we had an understanding to all like adults.
He started it, lol!
Who started it??
Man, you know it wasn’t me.
You know, some people want to post pics that can cause problems for people at work, etc. They’ve requested that quits happening, but others feel that if they can’t post these pics on the site then they’re rights are being violated.
Ah. I see. That’s quite the double-edged sword. I wish people could just agree to to keep it PG-13.
I’m not offended by the pics, but I get it. They really add nothing, but do cause problems for others. Why not just fight the urge and save others the problems they may bring.
Agreed. Nothing on here will bother me…unless it’s a Texass fan! LOL
It is problematic when you’re at work (especially teachers!) and you have extremely racy stuff on here. I thought it was just gifs in general and that bothered me. Sometimes I like to express myself through comic gifs.
Or you could just block those posting the pics.
i think one fairly legitimate concern here is for those surfing this site while at work, boss comes by, sees said pics, not a good scenario
Block the person. No prob anymore.
as i said elsewhere, i enjoy what some of these same posters contribute when actually talking Sooner sports so blocking them completely would be a shame
Yep it would be.
Probably should sit your boss down and tell him your natural born rights
Yikes…that sounds like a bad deal. “Yo, big chief! I need to tell you how my job is going to work…” Not something I’m willing to do over a website. LOL
Well you do know a lot of good men have died so you can keep those rights
Easy there. We do have rights and I am extremely thankful to those who have died to protect them. I’m saying that risking your job over a website is silly. Work has rules. Sometimes those rules supercede your own personal wants. Just have to deal with it.
Im on your side if it was nudity. But it really was a harmless pic and that’s why it’s so funny it received this much attention. Everything is blown way out of proportion. If your boss fired you over the pics i have seen on here than i would say he/she has a serious self esteem problem
LOL. Great points. I’ve not seen “the pics” so I don’t know the context. Thanks for helping me understand.
Want me to post it?!?!
NO! Don’t kick that dead horse again!! LOL
Company policy supersedes even the law sometimes
You must like job hunting.
Self employed since 83
I think you’re missing the whole point. You have people whose Internet activities are monitored and pics like that can cause them problems. You also have kids that come to the site.
It’s not like it was porn. You see worse in society every day.
Just because there are worse things that exist doesn’t mean it won’t cause you problems at work or that you want your kids to see it or that you should be forced to deal with it when reading about the Sooners.
The block feature is amazing.
The block feature, you say? Is there a block feature? LOL
It’s new and it’s awesome.
Adding a few names to my list tonight.
Did you say something because I’m not seeing it. 🙂
You wanna sleep in the tent again? Just keep it up.
We don’t want to know any details of what u and ray got going on here
Or in other words “real and spectacular”
Sure is
Honestly, what do these pics add to the discussion? What is it that makes them sacred?
I don’t know. I don’t post them. But I don’t get that easily offended either.
I’m not offended in the least, I just don’t think anyone should have to deal with the work related issues or the kid issues as a result.
I get it, everybody has a right, blah blah blah, but if someone comes on here and starts posting pics of gay dudes with tans in their underwear on canopied beds with white linens feeding each other grapes from a silver platter, there ain’t none of you gonna be standing up for his “right” to post it. Yeah, wouldn’t nobody be talking about rights.
Nor would i throw a hissy like a HS kid. I would just laugh and shake my head and move to something that interest me. See it’s very simple this isn’t 1950 anymore and i understand it’s a very big diverse world we live in, in 2016.
LOL reread your comments.
haha i blame Leinenkugel Brewing Company
I’ve enjoyed a few of those in the past myself. I can’t drink beer anymore due to a gluten allergy, but Leinenkugel was always pretty good. My favorite was always Negra Modelo though.
I use to brew all summer and store it up for the OU games and cook out with my boys. I gave my brewing system to my middle sons and let them do all the brewing now.
I’m pretty much restricted to hard cider now, but it is way too sweet.
I’m not upset in the least. I’ve just had personal experiences that give me some understanding of what people are talking about when it comes to these pics.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Have good night!
Just harmless entertainment
It’s not harmless if it causes people problems.
I tried telling my wife that about strippers one time. I only tried it one time. LOL
Maybe for unemployed dudes sitting at home all day surfing the web in their underwear… Instead, let’s say you’re sitting at your desk at work checking out TFB for some news on a recruit who might be ready to pull the trigger and BAM!, right there in the middle of the thread pops up an image of a scantily clad woman- A female co-worker or a boss happens to walk by, they take offense and your arse is now in a wringer.
Off season?
It was PG-13 , it was very harmless thats the crazy thing about it. It’s was nothing you wouldn’t see at your local shopping mall on a week day.
That seems odd to me. Yet, I didn’t see it so it’s tough for me to tell.
There is a block feature now. Simply block who is posting the pics and enjoy everyone else.
Instruction manual might be needed
You realize the males of the species will never use this, correct? WTH is an “Instruction manual?” LOL
Haha, even if it’s in big colorful pictures?
Hmm…now you got me thinking.
What’s he doing with his hand?!
Depends who you talk too. I posted a pic of a woman in a Sooner shirt showing I guess too much cleavage & someone went on a mini rant about it & posted his little rant on 2 different OP’s. Then someone called it porn & started talking about morality & comparing to the crap on the Rapelor site.
Weird group of cats in here. I’ve never seen adult males take offence to a picture of a clothed beautiful woman, call it porn, and storm off of a forum like offended drama queens in protest.
It strikes me as odd as well DC
I actually thought this comment might improve the situation…
It’s like seeing sandy V’s all over again…..MY EYES!! 🙂
Some people just can’t show respect for others. It’s TFB not TnA.
While all of our personal values differ widely, simple respect for others would go along way. Both ways. If an occasional post crosses your personal line, you may have to make a choice to simply ignore it. If you occasionally post a borderline picture, maybe you make a choice to stop posting them.
Here’s hoping the sun comes up tomorrow and it will be another great day to be a Sooner!
I miss EastTex. Where art thou?
Coach Thibs with the boys.
is that bledsoe sitting in the chair on the left?
I believe so. That’s a big dude
Yea goes to show you that this is the size they are looking for going forward! He is long and looks athletic
Bledsoe on left and Roberts on the right?
Can anybody tell me which one is Matt Dimon?
Looks like he is missing? He be the one with nice hair lol
Maybe he’s too busy stomping on our competition
I find this sarcastic commentary offensive, sarcastically speaking
He’s the one sitting by Dalton Wood. 🙂
I’m not a big fan of the pics but people just scroll on if you don’t like them. Everybody just please quit fighting.
I don’t mind the pics or the fighting (if you want to call it that) – I find them both harmless and entertaining.
The way I see it is its like for a recruit, if you have a problem being here.. well there is the back door! We have plenty just waiting on our porch
I agree
I totally agree, if you don’t like it just move on. I have posted off and on the last few months and I don’t have a issue what people want to post, it is their right. If I don’t like it I just move on and keep scrolling. I will never agree with everyone on here bit it is also their opinion and I respect thatwhether their right or wrong. I don’t want this place to turn into a circus.
You guys have a great time, I’m heading to Houston for a few days and will be back by the weekend. Hold down the fort and don’t let the unfriendliness ruin it for us. BOOMER!!!!!!!
Safe travels and SOONER!!!!!!
This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with this particular OP, but I was having this discussion with a friend of mine the other day. Obviously all the guys we have in the ’17 class have the potential to be stars, but which one in particular stands out the most? In other words, who do you think would be the top draft pick out of this class?
Tough one. Draper
Draper was my #2 behind Rambo. I just think Rambo’s size (6’2″) coupled with the possible production that comes with playing in our system will make him a top prospect. But I do like Draper’s size along with his ability to play in space.
I really hope Okudha and Hines, Gumbs all end up Sooners as well
All the DB’s and draper are intriguing, but I would have to say tyrese has the biggest chance working with coach B.
Of the current commits, I will say Robert Barnes. In four years, he’ll have the size and speed of a prototypical NFL safety.
And sleeper pick – Isaiah Thomas. He fills out and gets technique he could be dangerous.
Just because of the nfl and putting a priority on linemen I would say Tyrese.. I think Jalen Reagor could end up being a stud and big time player in the nfl as long as he continues to develop
If you are talking NFL draft then I would say top 3 Tyrese, Chris Robinson or Okudah if we land him.
If you are talking who will be Dominant in college and lead us back to dominance Bandy, Then the three above
Come on this bickering back and fourth has been going on for 12 hours or so. Its like Jr high kids in here. This place is awesome for information hate to see this small potato stuff cramping up the sight. Everybody vent here today and get a goodnight rest and come back tomorrow refreshed mentally and emotionally and lets just talk FOOTBALL ?goodnight ✌
Then let it go.
Amazing how that works.
What’s going on here did something
Heard some comments this evening, was it a crash, bomb, shooting?
Multiple suicide bombers
Terrorists opening fire then suicide bombing a lot more- at least 50 dead. A lot more injured.
The Olympics is going to be crazy
Potentially, yes- can’t imagine that Rio’s Police are ready. Crossing fingers that all goes well
I sure hope all countries involved help with some sort of security. The 70’s was a very sad time for the Olympics indeed
Unfortunately Brazil is a mess right now. It seems like some of the prestige of the Olympics is really changing, with athletes pulling out, and all of the doping scandals that pop up.
Heres another good Tweet
Looks good but maybe a little too much skin showing? 🙂 I’ll just apologize in advance.
Ray, Ray, Ray. There you go stirring the pot!
my man!!!
this isn’t football related. I’m offended.
Made me chuckle.
Sooner! …and waiting, but after yesterday, better not say “hi.”
Kinda sounds like the kid has an attatude problem.
Per Jason Suchomel on Twitter, Patrick Hudson has committed or signed with the Horns. The story that was linked to his tweet was from Rivals.