– Marcel Southall: You’ll recall the 2016 DT prospect was in Norman last weekend, and that Brandon spoke with Southall’s father in Monday’s Open Post. I also had a chance to follow up Southall’s father and came away from that conversation feeling like OU may even lead at this point.
Southall’s father talked about how much he and his son love the tradition at OU. They are also very fond of the staff, Diron Reynolds, and the new facility upgrades. Marcel’s father, Marcus, played at D1 ball and joked, “these new OU facilities make the facilities we had look like prison.”
Marcus mentioned, as Brandon noted, they still have some visits to take. I think it bodes really well for OU that both Marcel and Marcus have already visited most of the major programs in the area and still seemed to come away most impressed with their OU visit. If Reynolds can land a talent like Southall, it would be a tremendous start for him in his first year at Oklahoma. – (Super K)
– Parrish Cobb: I caught up with a couple folks familiar with Cobb’s recruitment, and was told by both sources that Cobb is really high on the Sooners right now. In fact both said that if a decision were made today, OU would likely be the favorite. Right now, Oklahoma’s biggest competitor appears to be Texas.
The issue, however is that Oklahoma is currently looking to take only four defensive backs (2 CBs & 2 Safeties) in this class. With Chanse Sylvie (S) and Maurice Chandler (CB) committed that obviously leaves only two remaining spots.
OU is currently leading for California safety prospect Shurod Thomson, who appears to be one of OU’s remaining primary targets. That would seem to leave only one spot for Cobb or last weekend’s CB visitor, Obi Eboh. Both of whom are high on OU, so this may very well be a first come, first serve situation. – (Super K & Brandon)
– Camron Williams: 2016 WR Camron Williams (Dallas, TX) announced Thursday night that he intends to announce his Top 7 schools this morning. I fully expect the Sooners to make the cut. After his announcement, I will be catching up with him to get a better feel on where OU stands. – (Brandon)
– UPDATE (Fri., 3:20 pm):
I want to thank every school that has has given me an offer , this list is in no particular order @BrandonTFB pic.twitter.com/s1moAnVBYG
— Touchdown Cam (@The_CamWilliams) August 7, 2015
– UPDATE (Sat., 12:40 pm):
– UPDATE (Sat., 1:36 pm): Sooners have offered 2017 LB Jordan Anthony.
Just Received A Great Offer From An Outstanding Program #GloryToGod #BoomerSooner @cjkonrad pic.twitter.com/gDR1eSBPA0
— Jordan Anthony (@Jordan_LittleBO) August 8, 2015
– UPDATE (Sat., 7:00 pm): #BOOM
– UPDATE (Sun., 8:57 am):
— THE JONAMAN ‼️🥷 (@1BigJP) August 9, 2015
I tend to prefer Eboh over Cobb from what I’ve seen. Who would you guys rather see at OU?
Attention Braniacs:
Please DM me your shipping address. I cannot continue to consume your information for FREE in good conscious any longer.
***My wallet & its contents and/or my bank account + routing number are yours for the taking***
Sincerely yours,
TFB Long-Time Reader
just send it to me. I’ll make sure they get it 🙂
HA. What a stand up, fellow Oklahoma Brethren you are! You’ll definitely have dibs on the info. if TFB has any trouble =P
Diron Reynolds seems to be getting quite a few mentions by recruits lately. I guess that answers one of the questions we had when he was hired.
Still pretty early. I would very much agree the early talk is promising, but much like w/ Kish until you start actually closing kids it’s little more than just talk.
Good point, no need to count the eggs and what not
Great read excited to see Camron Williams top 7. I’ll be checking my twitter constantly.
Are we still looking good with Nigel Knott?
I think Jared Mayden will eventually flip to OU. I think at the time he committed there was no momentum with OU, and he felt the need to go elsewhere.
But with the renewed recruiting high #OUDNA, and how we play this year, I think you will see him slowly start to look at OU again,
Hope he doesn’t wait too late
They’d take him whether or not they have reached their quota
He seems all Oregon. He never really had OU high on his list. I hope I am wrong just don’t think it’s happening.
Fan made video, for those college football fans out there. I thought it was cool.
nice Mass Effect music.
Haven’t seen TL, but I can definitely see how you got that mixed up. If you hadn’t said something, I would have thought the same thing. And ME might be favorite game.
ME games are my favorite! Along with Star Wars KOTOR.
Unfortunately, I had the twist spoiled for me before I got around to playing it, so idk if it’s still worth playing.
As for ME, I have to say the first one was really something special. The second two were ok, but were no where near as good as the first in my (unpopular) opinion.
ME2 was my favorite. I’ve stormed the Collector Base more times than I can count!
I definitely recommend playing KOTOR even so. It’s like ME and hands down the best Star Wars game ever made, even better than Battlefront 2. The characters are what make it worth it, much like ME.
Does OU have a preference of Eboh/Cobb?
My question as well. To add to that, how much would a commitment from Eboh help in landing Robert Barnes?
We would probably land Barnes without Eboh, but if we get Eboh it is all but assured that Barnes would follow.
Can I ask why you say this?
Teammates at Southlake Carrol, occasionally take recruiting trips together. Seem like good friends.
Plus, Barnes is a Sooner legacy who grew up a huge OU fan.
I just want whoever is gonna help us land okudah. I mean if we need to offer max wariboko I’m cool with that.
Secret visitor – Max Wariboko…….
I’m wondering if Eboh’s size makes him more capable of playing the nickel on top of CB. Not sure if we need that, but versatility could be a tie breaker.
Is there any truth to the rumors of the three DB’s from cali wanting to play together and do we have a legitimate shot at them? they are taking official visits well two of them have scheduled with us right?
All three are safeties. That would knock out a lot of schools right off the bat based on scholarships available. If their position were something like OL, it would be easier to believe.
Many will view this as “stupid post of the day”, but here goes anyway. Been hearing from too many people with inside knowledge to ignore that Joe Mixon is a better back right now than Samaje Perine. I know, I know, he hasn’t played a down. Just telling you what my neighbor has said and he says Switzer has said it too.
Mixon has always had the higher ceiling being an APB.
All purpose wise yes, as a runner hell no
My coworker who speaks frequently with someone who would know (has a long relationship with this person) says that at the same point in their careers, Mixon is bigger, faster and stronger than AD.
Wow. Just incredible.
Rufus Alexander said that he has been watching a lot of the practices and that by the time Mixon leaves OU, people will have forgotten who AD was. Pretty strong praise.
Spoke to someone yesterday and I asked how does Joe look answer “Joes really good”. How about Samaje “Well have to see when the pads go on”. I mean take it for what its worth, but again cant go wrong with those two.
depends somewhat on how long JM stays ……if he has a super season, he might declare after season on the field for OU…….
And there it is…..my daily “the sky is falling”……..:-)
BTW Stephen, Mixon can’t declare after this year…..must be three years out of high school……
IMO I would say Mixon is not faster than AD but quicker, with more a skill set.
He was very specific in stating that at the same point in their careers, he surpassed him in each of those categories.
see, and I think “stronger” is the part that seems unbelievable. Peterson as a sophomore had to have been one of the stronger running backs around, right? I guess, to be fair, Mixon didn’t get a year’s worth of working with the strength team, though.
Holy MOLY! WE can only pray that we could be blessed so amazingly well twice! It would change everything. They may have to watch Mixon more then Samaje, which gives Perine the chance to run them over again and again. Thunder and Lightning, my friends, or Thunder and Thunder!
Thunder One and Thunder Alpha.
It was interesting, but there were times when it seemed that having AD was both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes coach spoke as if having such a talent meant that they felt obligated to center the offense around AD, when they would rather run a more balanced attack.
I equate that with the Sooners’ being better off w/o Aikman and going back to the full wishbone attack.
Blasphemy! Stone the one who knows the person who knows the person who knows.
LOL, if I didn’t know that my coworker hangs out with this person then I would agree.
I believe it. I can’t get enough quality Cali talent on the OU squad.
I don’t think it is a stupid comment at all. I think Stoops said the same thing last year. Something like “…if you think Perine is good I’ve got a better one in the dorm…”. Something like that. Can’t wait to see it with my own eyes though. Anticipation is killing me.
I shoulda kept scrolling b4 posting. LoL My thought exactly.
Not stupid at all. Ive seen both of them play in person and the difference is obvious. At this point right now Mixon is better and a more complete back. We should be estatic that both these guys are in the backfield for us. The one thing that I can say thats a negative for Joe is that he can get emotional whereas Samaje is pretty even tempered and appears sometimes as nothing phases him.
They keep talking about how smart a guy Lincoln Riley is. Hope he can figure out a way to get both on the field at the same time, and often.
It’ll be so awesome to get em both going, so many positives. And knowing that Samaje can carry the load full time if needed is just icing. I havent seen Joe play a down of college ball like everyone else but if he is durable enough to do the same you can’t go wrong. OUs ground game is looking really good for the next couple years.
I have the feeling Mighty Joe Mixon will see some action in the slot under his coach, Cale Gundy 😉
Two footballs, easy.
That would confuse the hell out of the defense!
This. Last year, how frustrating was it to not see Ross on swing passes? Wilson in 08 had Murray, C Brown, Gresham, JI, M Johnson etc…he utilized all his weapons to keep the defenses off-balance and exploited matchups.
I just hope they both stay healthy. If they do we’re in for something very special.
The other thing I have seen in Perine is the ‘it’ factor. Some guys will put up gaudy stats but then disappear when you really need them. Other guys have this other level that they perform at when it matters. I’ve seen that in Perine. Maybe Mixon has it too, but we won’t know until he actually gets in a game.
Seriously, guys…three TFB posts in one day, and now this!?!? As if it wasn’t hard enough to wait until Sept. 5…geeze.
The mere mention of Switzer.
Im now picturing a wishbone offense with Samaje at FB along with Mixon and Anderson on the wings. TK at QB ( he’d probably be an excellent wishbone QB ) Shepard and Westbrook at WR.
Holy **** !
i have long advocated using the bone for garbage time fun against Texas. They’d know what was coming.
Last year, imagine Riokowski at FB, Samaje at R HB and Mixon at L HB. That would have been impressive.
All-time backfield IMHO was King, Sims, Overstreet, and Lott. All but Lott started games in the league. King 7.9, Sims 7.8…
Now that’s a sports fantasy! I think we are going to be able to run very well even in the Air Raid.
Ignore that Mixon is a better back than Samaje? I’ve never heard anyone say Mixon was better than Samaje.
Please explain. Not sure what you are saying.
That’s what I’m saying to your lost. Your post says to “ignore that Joe Mixon is a better back right now than Samaje Perine”. To me that reads that people should ignore anyone who says Mixon is better RB than Samaje. I’ve never heard anyone make the claim that Mixon was better than Perine, so I’m a little confused.
Reread what he said. Was clear to me
His post says “too many people with inside knowledge to ignore”
Makes more sense that way, thanks. A little case of scotoma.
+1 for making me look up a new word.
In essence, scotoma = seeing what you choose to see, not what is actually there. Having a blind spot in your visiual field.
geez when I first read it I thought it was a STD!
I’m literally laughing out loud, and the dogs think I’ve finally lost all my marbles. Thanks!!!
Thanks. Should have used a comma.
JB, my neighbor works for OU football and is at every practice. He is the one who says Mixon is better.
Inside info! I’m voting you to be the next TFB at the top of the screen. Keep it coming!!!
Can we all chip in and get your neighbor a body camera?
Or a drone?
I just thought a body camera would be easier to hide.
Better at what specifically? They are different types of RBs. I would think each may exceed the other at various tasks. Could you elaborate?
I sure hope he is as good or better than Samaje, but I am going to temper my excitement until he gets on the field and gets in some game action. Samaje is a stud, so if Joe is better, Wow. I sure hope so, would be fantastic for the team. And I bet Joe is hungry to prove himself also.
I hope Mixon is better. If that’s possible. That’s incredibly exciting for our team. I mean Samaje is a man among boys so if Joe is better, then, as the great Keith Jackson would say, “Whoa Nelly!”
Hey Brad Keith Jackson was good announcer. He Hated OU SOONERS, he let it be known towards the end of his career while choosing to cover his beloved USC retiring in Cali. I loved hearing him calling our game’s until he said he hates OU. : + {
Well if that’s the case, I hate him too. Lol.
I never heard him say that, but back in the day I always felt that sentiment coming through. I liked him on other folks games, but never calling OU games for that very reason.
I’ve got a note from this morning where one of my sources compared the two. I’ll post it later. But the general impression that’s it not so much about one being better than the other but more so that they are different and compliment one another
No doubt Lincoln will give each of them plenty of touches running and passing. I like the idea of having both in the backfield at the same time.
That’s what I would think, that they would compliment each other well. I can’t imagine anyone being a bigger “bruiser” than Perine. I think Joe will be great but in a different way than Perine. I expect both will keep DC’s up all night long trying to figure out how to stop them. How lucky are we to have them both! BOOMER!
Agree to an extent, but I’m hearing that Mixon will run around you or through you, doesn’t much matter to him which one. In other words, he’s very much a power back, but with more elusiveness.
I don’t have a problem at thinking of both of them as an upgraded James Allen/Gerald Moore combo. A Thunder and Lightning for the mid-2010s. But with better personnel, coaches, and offensive game planning surrounding them. Yeah…I’m okay with that.
Recall CBStoops making a cryptic comment last year about their best back might be sitting up in his dorm room, likely meaning Mixon. If Mixon is some better than Perine, be afraid, B12…be very afraid. Now Riley has to figure out how to get touches to all these guys.
Wondering if any ground was made up with those secret OLine visitors from last weekend… Or are we moving on to other targets…?
August 7, 2015
Ok now THAT should be retweeted to every kid we’re recruiting!
seriously, is there a way to do that?
(Im not a twitterfile)
Go on twitter and search their names. Otherwise, probably only the coaching staff has that info.
Matthew Freeman, Kiwis taking over OK. Hey, idea TFB. Can we have a small subsection called the Basketball Brainiacs?
There’s a post on the FP all about Freeman, fwiw.
The “FP”?
front page
got it just as you posted… thx
Brandon Burton just referred to us as ‘The Best for Last’ regarding his visit schedule. I think we’d take him in a heart beat, no? And what about Brandon Jones or Calvin Bundige? Looks like we’ve got an embarrassment of riches in the defensive back field recruiting area…..SHOCKIN! Gotta give it up to Viney and Cooks for killing it here. I wonder if they could pick there next 2 or 3 who it would be?
I’m on a long trip back to OK from FL so if you brainiacs could scrounge up about 10 more hours of reading material I would appreciate it. ?
I’m going to piggy back on this and say:
I’m going to be traveling on Monday and will need a full days worth of reading. I pay my subscription on time every time.
Dammit I think Im late.
Don’t worry, you can just use Stephen Dale’s account. The password is iLoveTexsa
sorry for the dumb question…but Im not from that area…what does “Texsa” mean? Is it a jab or something?
A year or 2 ago, Texas had a misprint in their football program guide that they sent out that had “Texsa” at the bottom of the pages.
AH….haha now that’s funny. Thanks JB.
That is funny. I usually spell it “texass” or refer to it as “UTerus.”
saxet (can’t really type it upside down, but backwards is close)
I saw recently where they had misspelled prestigious on recruiting mailings. That’s funny too.
+1. Post of the day.
that’s okay. i’m on board…….
You’re a good sport, Stephen.
TFB, what is your Sirius channel? Or, are you moving to a 24 hour channel like the NFL network. I can see it, Brainiac Network. Instead of sportscenter, you can call it recruiting central. Subscribe to the network like HBO, I’m in. Show HUDL film and highlights with you guys breaking it down. It would be cool especially in the off season.
Jordan and Brandon have been pushing for a podcast for a while but I’ve been lazy 🙂
Podcast would be most excellent. And we would be happy to pay more in our subscriptions for that extra feature.
K, I know you’re probably tired of hearing me beat that drum, but a podcast would be the ultimate for this site. If anything, people could hear Jordan speak and realize he’s not as big a negative Nancy as his writings might suggest!
I hear “Big Country” (apparently his official nickname around the team and staff) Gabe Campbell is quite a presence on the field but a little raw. Look forward to seeing his development. He could turn out to be a great DE in the future.
Agreed! Last years class will turn out much better than their ranking.
Couldn’t agree more, Dave. I’m VERY excited about this class. The defensive players alone make me look forward to their careers here. Talent on the dline, and then there’s Gallimore at the 3-technique (assuming here). Two monster LBers, and six DBs who can cover and/or lay the wood.
Thanks for the note KJ! Heard good things about him in the summer
Anytime K!
Why so little respect among Sooner fans for Derek Farniak at LT? Several on here posted projected depth charts with no mention of Farniak at all. Yet when I hear Stoops and Riley talk personnel, he’s always the first LT mentioned.
I don’t know about others, but from what i’ve heard Farniok isn’t focused or dedicated to football. And he’s probably he first LT mentioned by Stoops because he’s a senior. That’s just my two cents.
That’s what I hear too. It shows on the field, the kid has crazy measurables but he doesn’t play up to them.
Farniok is big and tall, but not very athletic. His feet are average.
He’s got some experience and probably won’t make mistakes, but I can see him struggling at times, due to his lack of athleticism.
But, contrary to what some are posting here, I’ve heard he’s working hard to be ready for his senior year, and contribute as best he can.
I agree with all that. I’m sure he is working hard this year as he should be. I hope he becomes a steady anchor on the line.
Just watched the video from yesterday after seeing the pictures yesterday. The starting OL was the same as it was all spring, except that Kasitati missed most of the spring:
LT – St John
LG – Danley
OC – Darlington
RG – Kasitati
RT – Farniok
As Yogi said, “You can observe a lot by watching.” 🙂
You just made that up!!!!
I’ve heard the complete contrary. Seen quotes about how hard he’s preparing for his senior year.
Farniok isn’t real athletic, but he’s a big, strong guy, a fifth year senior, in his third year with Coach B. He’ll do all of us Sooners proud, in whatever role he serves. Not All-Anything, but a competent, hard working Sooner.
Oh, and btw, the stud freshmen that so many are fawning over, haven’t snatched the job away from him yet! And they will have their warts. Neither of them have EVER played a down of college football. And Frison is undersized, especially for a RT.
Farniok has started a game, and played in all the games last year, and about half the year before.
So why the hate for him????
I don’t have any inside info on the young man one way or another, but he was the starting RT all spring, so that says something.
PS – Does the MGB56 refer to a car? I ask b/c my first car was a 1958 MGA. My next door neighbor has an MG TD. It’s a neat car.
No it doesn’t, but one of my best buddies in HS and college drove an MGB. We’ve got some stories from days and nights in his MGB!
I really liked that car.
I expect Derek Farniok to be in the rotation and possibly even start, but at RT.
He was running with the first unit at RT in the spring, backed by Frison.
St. John was with the 1s at LT, backed by Orlando Brown.
It was the backups that surprised me, b/c Brown seemed the prototype RT and Frison the prototype LT.
Yeah, I’m with you. That surprised me also.
I like Farniok. He has contributed since his R-Fr year and based on the improvement in his hands and footwork in the spring game I expect to see him on the field to start the season at RT.
K, I’ve been wondering about the Cali trio, all DBs. Are we likely to be full up when they come? And if they are a package deal, does that mean we miss on Thompson?
I also have this question because I really want Parrish Cobb no matter what.
Lot’s of great news in the past week. Mean Chansie and Bryce commit and we get a JUCO transfer by all accounts will at least help out, we get Lumpkin on campus and seems he will be in the mix, maybe not this year, but I think he plays with a chip on his should, yea I get the whole him wanting to be a Sooner bit but, he is wanting to play so that’s a start. Plus Lon and the basketball team got a big pickup. Hopefully the good fortune rides all the way through. With Terry and Youngquist in the fold at LB and us still recruiting Kelly and assumed the favorite to land him “which don’t mean a thing Oregon was the presumed fav to land BY” is there another LB out there we will take thought I read we wanted at least 4 in this class any names I am missing that could be on the LB watch list. Wish you all a great and blessed weekend.
I could be completely wrong, but I see Diron putting plenty of players into the NFL during his stint with us (as long as he can recruit). I love this time of year, and I love the momentum we currently have. Boomer.
sk……just wondered if you have any thoughts re reynolds and what he might bring to the table vis a vis mont……..thxs
Similar incident to Shannon last year (no charges pressed) but you see how fast pearson was reinstated vs Shannon missing an entire season… frustrating.
The SEC way.
G-Day minus 29
One All-American a couple of greats.
Rickey Dixon AA – Gana Joseph -Chris Brown
Gana Joseph
He played a long time in the NFL. The Colts and I think the 49ers.
Maybe your thinking about Jason Belser? He was an excellent player. Played many yrs in NFL w Colts and Chiefs.
Chris Brown
One of my favorite Sooners of the last 15 years. Rarely saw that guy go down behind the line of scrimmage. Solid player.
At :21 and 1:47 OU runs a counter trey with Chris. I don’t recall OU running the counter. This is very nice.
If Shepherd is allegedly being used as Percy Harvin, then we can do this with Sterling. I think Joe Mixon would be downright venomous executing the counter trey.
Looks quite similar, eh?
All-American Rickey Dixon
Jason Belser
Did they not practice today?
They did.
I ran into Lon Kruger yesterday. He is every bit the good ambassador for OU in private, casual settings as he is in public. I told him that I was an OU alum and that I was happy with how the BB program is improving and proud of the way he has gone about it.
Good man. Hiring Lon Kruger was Castiglione’s second best decision. (Maybe third if he also hired Patti Gasso.)
Or maybe 4th with Sherri Coale.
Because I like to against the grain from time-to-time, what do you guys think about permanently enlarging the logo on the helmets? Thought it looked so much better on the alternate helmets (which a lot of recruits take pics in).
Also, fantasy football. I think I’ve got 3 people in. Would need 10 or 12 total in the next couple weeks to set it up.
Not a fan of it
update added
Only competition I see is TCU
OSU and TTech have put a few recievers in the NFL
OSwho has one less than they used to count.
We need to show him some Sooner love on Twitter
6 big 12 teams and SMU? i like our chances.
prac 2……..
Does this mean that it’s down to OU and Michigan…because the one says “Caleb Kelly Chooses OU”…a bit confusing…
Confusing or not…I like it lol
It’s funny he has had quite a few pics in his OU gear on Twitter. One on there a month ago with a THERES ONLY ONE shirt on. This guy is a lock.
Where do you find those There is Only One shirts?
I don’t know. Ask Caleb Kelly.
Solid response.
Lets no go that far just yet
I really love the look of this guy and his measurables are great 6’3″ – 6’4″ and 200lbs (could add 10 to 12lbs of muscle in a redshirt year) I love the quick scat style slot recievers cause OU has had a lot of great ones but this guy could be a red zone beast!
Dear TFB
We request that every Friday be like last Friday.
Thank you
TFB Family, every year I prepare dinner for my wife and nine of her high school friends. Tonight is that night. Getting with her friends, having a good time laughing, is good for her soul. It’s one of the things I do for her mental fitness.
Tonight’s menu: Glazed pork tenderloin, cabbage and apple chutney, orzo pasta with spinach and garlic butter, tomato salad with blue cheese, eggs, and balsamic vinegar.
And for dessert: peanut butter chocolate cake.
You had to know all that golf would catch up with me, huh?
When do we eat?
In about 30 minutes. Tenderloin is on. I will pull in off in 10, let it rest for 10, and carve. Can you make it?
I never intentionally enter a room with so many women that know each other.
But if I did I would know how to shut them up. :->
I may have that for Thanksgiving this year….
It is good.
I like it.
If there’s ever a TFB tailgate and potluck, pretty sure I know what you’re bringing.
Probably a Boston Butt smoked for 14 hours with hickory. 🙂
Blasphemy. You bring anything other than a tot dish and your rep goes right out the window 🙂
Well, I could make a smoked pork/tater tot casserole.
There ya go
That deserves to be paired with vino verde. And today I’d serve it over frozen strawberry ‘ice cubes’
You’re the man, Jed.
Maybe start planning now for 2016 vs ULM?
Let’s set one up for the WVU Game!
Doubt we could score tickets but I like the idea. Maybe start planning now for next season? Thinking ULM?
Sorry hOUligan…didn’t think about tickets not being available. We got ours back in April when they first came on sale.
I don’t see bacon, got to be in there somewhere.
Be there in 5
I get the pan drippings.
She only needs “mental fitness” once a year? You lucky guy. 🙂
She asked for Whaley. I don’t know what to make of that.
Wow. Your wife is young! LOL
Any news on today’s practice? I wanna talk about practice.
Have you checked the Practice Notes Thread on the home page? There were some good things in there today.
I thought those were notes about yesterday’s practice
You could be right, I just had a couple minutes today to glance at it….thought it was fresh.
It reads like it was on yesterday. You tried and it’s appreciated.
I thought that was from yesterday’s practice.
“Atleast I’m not the only one”
Hey guys. I have season tickets. Received them in the mail this week. I requested two tickets to the Tenn game. If I got those, would they have been included in my package?
TN and TX tickets follow the season tickets by about 2 weeks, I think
So who made the Texass football brainiacs????
You and dale
So your a closet Texass fan?
*you are/you’re*
Dustin must be fatigued. 🙂
He must still have numb whiskers.
/just sayin’
Pe paw it’s past your bed time
You’ve been pwned…again.
Yeah that’s it
The he/she is just full of questions as always. LOL!
What’s up, my friend?
Just livin….L-I-V-I-N. To quote Jeff’s role model. How you doing?
I didn’t think he looked up to anyone: he’s so full of himself.
So how much time left on the baby oven timer?
About a month give or take. Thanks for remembering
I love those younguns, I could never forget.
Uh…you do realize one month away is kickoff Saturday.
Hope your bride and the baby have a good sense of timing. 🙂
EasTex, you crack me up.
Ever read any Pearl Buck?
No. I haven’t. Who’s that?
She was quite a gal. I read all of her pre-1939 books in elementary school. Her book “The Good Earth” was outstanding. She wrote about Chinese peasant life, the women would be working in the fields, go inside and squeeze out a baby and be back working in the fields the same day.
Wow. I remember my mother telling stories of such nature.
We today don’t know what toughness or stress is.
You know, you’re right. I get so upset at work when people say something is too hard or I can’t do it.
Crappy attitudes like that should never be rewarded.
My approach since I was a kid has been if I make a mistake at least I will make it at full speed. Better to try and fail than to be paralyzed by fear.
So true. Some people think the great works of famous people was correctly the first time. The best advice I’ve ever received was if you make a mistake in your art work, keep trying to perfect it until your mistake looks intentional.
As Chief Dan George said…endeavor to persevere. 🙂
Some of the vets here will know what I mean, in basic training when you realize everyone is marching in sync for the first time and all of your boot heels are hitting the ground at the exact same time so it sounds like one pair of boots is a gratifying experience. All the effort trying to get so many different guys of different sizes, colors and cultures working together is immensely rewarding, even if it seems like a small thing.
Wait- that quote was about the chief meeting the President and telling him that his people are being slaughtered. “He told us to “Endeavor to persevere. ” “ENDEAVOR TO PERSEVERE” and when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the union!!” LOL I think he meant that being told to essentially “hang in there” when people are dying wasn’t gonna hack it!
You are correct, but the way the Chief said it is memorable.
Just glimpses.
And big brothers 1st day of preschool. Mama loves staying her 2 nights so praying we don’t miss 1st day or kickoff
Well, all things considered, if you have to catch the first game on utube or dvr I think you will be okay.
I just want everyone to be happy and healthy.
Me too. Thank you brother
A look at the enemy
Why can’t we get a body cam inside the fence?
Ever hear of the Piggy Barnes spy scandal before 1950 Sugar Bowl? Very interesting story.
Yuck…those jerseys.
So why don’t we get access like this?
Because they wear horrid orange and nobody can see anything when they are blinded by those jerseys.
Edit=or for some of us, can’t watch it when blowing beads.
He-who-must-not-be-named is to blame.
Sec for one and two OU fans will be excited no matter what. I’m not certain but I would guess Tennessee has not consistently sold out their stadium and had a full house over the last 5-10 years ever since fulmer started to decline. I could be way wrong on that but that just seems like something you do to generate interest.
I looked it up just to see if I was wrong. In 2013 tenn averaged 95k in attendance which is good but capacity is 102k. At OU we averaged 84k which is 100%
We actually run over capacity. Top 5 over capacity % IIRC.
Which I suppose boren and joe c are right about not going to 100k stadium because it will be hard to fill if we’re going 7-6. 8-5 or worse like Tennessee has been.
92.5 or 95k would have been nice IMO. I think we could have filled to those levels pretty easy. Maybe in the next go around.
Not impressed…
Tomorrow its shells! Time to hit!
lol shells = pads + helmets = time to hit
Not tomorrow, fan day.
I think Monday is when they put on the pads.
Yes fan day tomorrow. So they have an extended morning practice. No afternoon lifting. They’ll be in shells for the morning practice. Should be a good one! Monday may be full pads though.
Fan day starts at 10, I doubt the coaches want them all worn out before then. I could be wrong, but I don’t think they will practice on Sunday.
Truss me EasTex! I wouldnt steer you wrong! 🙂
I trust you, but I won’t be the one to truss you up. 🙂
Oh and yes practice Sunday. I think the next day they dont have a real practice is next Sunday after the scrimmage.
Ok what do you guys think our stance is with Caleb Kelly? A while back we were first then I heard we were behind Michigan and fading but now I feel like we are back on track…?
Well I feel better now. I mean OU getting linebackers… That’s an exciting rarity!
You’re right! Kish can’t recruit or coach worth sh*t. Deberry, The Hulk and Youngquist must be thinking they’re going to play D-Line. And geez, what an idiot, he’s running Evans at the Mike instead of Dom or Frank. What was Bob thinking when he fired a bunch of guys and kept Kish? (Hopefully by now you have detected the note of sarcasm. All of these so-called “rarities” knew exactly who would be coaching them, and – miracle of miracles – they still chose OU. More importantly, Bob didn’t fire him when he was busy firing others.)
Here’s my issue with all the Kish recruiting bashing (and to an extent we are seeing a lot of doubt in whether Diron can recruit as well). Rarely do you find an asst coach who excels at both (they generally get promoted very quickly). Monty gets full props for his recruiting but I do recall multiple comments from announcers, analysts, and even on this board about the technique used on the D Line. The key is mixing the stud recruiters with stud coaches, I believe we have a solid mix of this right now. Kish has made chicken salad of out you know what with his “low end” recruits. I believe these “studs” coming may show everyone how well he really coaches up. Will also be interesting to see what Diron does with the talent he was left with as well.
I agree, looking forward to the LBs serving up some KISH-kabobs.
Well said. Thanx!
I think its OU right now. I think the season will be the determining factor though.
Thinking about the D this year over a few beers. There is no way Striker should spend more
time in coverage than attacking the QB. MS argued that 28% of the time he rushed the QB. Absurd to have Striker in coverage 72% of the time. But here is a reminder of what Eric can do and ought to be doing 80% of the time ala the late Derrick Thomas.
Striker!!!!! Release the Beast. May his Sr. season be epic.
agree. They should have Bond coming from the other side too, to take advantage of Striker getting double teamed.
I was like, “a few beers this early in the morning! Damn he’s ready for some football!” Then realized your post was written last night. HA!
One of my favorite OU players besides kelly gregg
G-Day minus 28
This is probably my most favorite number for the Sooners. So many greats who wore this. Loved the highlight reels. Adrians run against Colorado was epic. Perkins record day against UCLA, I was jumping and screaming so loud I got light headed and had to sit down (may have been alcohol induced lol).
3 All-Americans and another great return man currently on roster.
Adrian Peterson AA, Antonio Perkins AA, George Cumby AA – Alex Ross
All-American George Cumby
Cumby came to OU as a RB…4.4 SPEED. He and Hunt would shut down that Neb veer.
Alex Ross’ big day at Dallas
Record day for All-American Antonio Perkins
Sooner Legend and All-American Adrian Peterson (STILL say he should have a Heisman trophy in front of the stadium).
Awesome!! That’s all.
We should erect a statue of him anyway.. We need an area for All-time greats, regardless if they get the trophy or not. Be kick ass to have a giant, “ring of honor” type place, with about 50 statues circling a courtyard.
with about 500 statues circling a courtyard.
Fixed it to a more realistic number. 🙂
I’m erect. I’m hoping we have another soul on our team who can run like that.
Whoa bro, tmi. Lol!
Nice idea. But what makes someone an all-time great? Stats? Being an All-American? National titles? We’d have to have some strict criteria right? Some interesting debate would ensue.
An example would be which OU QBS would get a statue? Watts and Thomas Lott were better runners than Steve Davis, but he went 32-1-1. Davis no doubt, but Lott was such a good runner and in 77-78 OU was one game away from national titles in both years. I think everyone would agree with Mildren, Davis, Jamelle Holieway, Bradford, and White. I’d add Thomas Lott. He was recognized as the best wishbone QB until J Holieway.
But what about Heupel, JC Watts, and record holder Landry Jones? Also, Paul Thompson was not great but he bailed us out at the position for a Big 12 title run?
And name it simply “Legends”
All 3 Selmons should get theirs 1st.
That would be a great start!
I like it, Legends area – Selmon Bros, Shoate, Boz, & Peterson just to name a few. Hell, we need a small Hall of Fame on campus for the fans to tour with all of these greats.
Keith Jackson, Casillas, and Superman Williams all gave us some special memories.
Hinton, Tinker, Mildren, Elrod, wow it could go on and on.
Dude is soooooo bad!
I am sorry, but those who say Perine is similar to Peterson are very sadly mistaken. Peterson would smoke Perine in a race, and I think Peterson’s tackle-breaking ability was/is better than Perine’s. AD is doing what he did in college to pro athletes, and I am just not sure Perine can (I will qualify this with the face Perine is a dang good player, and will improve greatly, as he was only a freshman).
Man, I don’t know now, but I had forgotten how great AD was
So many.
Of all those highlights the TD run against Okie lite where Keith Jackson says “and he is gone” is my favorite.
Just showed my 11 yr old the Peterson video. His response- ” He must have liked hitting people” & “He runs like a horse”. Thanks BC for that moment.
Glad you both enjoyed it. Every time AD touched the ball, you couldn’t help but hold your breath a bit and expect greatness.
TFB heard you had a new UT site is that correct? If so all the best….I hope longhorn fans appreciate you as much as we do Boomer Sooner…ps bet 100 on OU win 2800…
What!? Working with the enemy too? Wouldnt that be some sort of “conflict of interest?” Okay, No offense, but this is just damn ugly…
I’m not sure what to think right now. I thought this was an OU homer site, with badass info.., and I LOVED being here… Now its just one of a few? This just blew my mind. I was totally under the assumption that Jordan, K, and the others were diehard sooners. And they are NOT. at least apparently….
This is not to say TFB does not provide a great service, Because they do, but this is just about crossing the line for a OU sports website, and for OU fans.
You won’t see me over there for any reason and I won’t take kindly to any wHorn who tries to play in this sandbox.
Lol. True! Should I remove my troll post over there? Maybe I’m encouraging hostilities…(As if I’m responsible for hostilities b/w OU/Tejas… ha!) Dont want this site to be overrun with Texas trolls, lord knows we have enough OK trolls! lol
I would, but that’s just me. I don’t like trolls of any stripe or color, especially when that color is the same as “diaper-leavins.”
Okay, I edited my post to a simple expression of displeasure.. :[
You still need a shower, eye wash and brain bleach. LOL!
I do. It really was gross! Seeing broyles’ name in that crap color has been burnt into my brain (pun intended.)
I haven’t and will not look, but curse you for the disturbing color image. That just ain’t right.
JJsoona Posted too. “EWWWWWWWWWWWWW” HA!
lmao yes I did. The horns were pointed the wrong way and insults cows.
Here! Here! I think it was JJ that posted the other day that we should be respectful over there. I’m like you, I won’t like if whorn fans come over here trashing the place. I’m not going to make a single post over there.
Is it Here!Here! or Hear!Hear!?
Made me look.
The second one. Brain cramp. You look at and say it’s spelled correctly and overlook the context, the proper use of the word. Ha! Ha!
Yea, if this becomes a back and forth, it could be a sh*t show for both websites.
LMAO, just think of OU-Texas gameday though! OHHH, the gameday posts will be UNREAL!!!! Gameday posts, OU and Texas fans, and beer. No way in hell the trolling will stop that day!
If that’s the case you won’t see me on here that day, particularly when there is alcohol involved.
If I recall correctly, didnt you like to skip on several of the gameday threads for that very reason last season? Drinkers and the inevitable bitching and moaning from some, and down right trolling from others?
Yeah, drunk talk is very unappealing to me. I try to never say things I will have to apologize for later, did enough in my young foolish days. Crow tastes like Texsa colors look like they would taste.
I go over there everyday but I won’t post. I don’t even go to the posts as I just like to read about recruits.
OU & UT don’t go after the same guys all the time so it’s interesting to me. I’m sure they will uncover some Texas gems like they have in Oklahoma. That part of TFB is one of my favorite.
I like the fact that TFB is branching out. Also, I’m sure TFB will bring on more employees to handle UT. It’s a good model and great for HS kids
All well and good.
I’m focused on the Sooners, all other teams are just schedule fillers, to me.
I’m with you and I’m all sooner too. However, I like recruiting and the new kids who pop up. You’ve been a proponent of some of the E TX kids who don’t have the stars but are players. I’m the same and wish them well whether they go to OU or another school. To me, it’s about the kid and I enjoy seeing kids reach their goals.
I’m all for the kids achieving their goals. As for the TFB Texsa edition, I refuse to stain my eyes. 🙂
I think the TFB’s have developed a forum which can be shared. For the most part its a great site wholly entertaining by the FOOTBALL information provided. Most every other message site provides all the room the literary vultures need for feeding.
Well, it HAS always said “The University of Oklahoma Edition”…I always assumed that more would follow based on how well this one did. I’m just glad we got the first one.
Well, aren’t we mr. smarty pants… lol. Yea, I’ll get over it. They are deserve to be the best in the biz, and they will no doubt.
Fall camp has started and I logged back in. I peeked in every once in a while since signing day, don’t get me wrong, but the off season is frustrating for me. Thanks TFB and the positive posters for keepin ir real. BOOMER !! 🙂
Almost time, it’s about to get all kinds of real up in here. 🙂
I’m too ready! lol
Need updates please!!!!!!
I’m reading on the texsa TFB site that DeLance will probably end up there. I don’t know why but the that bothers me. Not that he will end up at texsa but the how his de-commitment went down. I guess I would have preferred him not to have committed to OU at all.
I mean, why pull the trigger if you’re not certain. I guess what that tells me is that the young man needs offers to validate his worth. If that’s how he is, he should have felt good about himself just getting the OU offer. I’m not attacking him, I’m just trying to understand what was his real reason for de-commitment. Certainly not the SAE fraternity thing: that’s all over the country.
I know we get excited when OU flips a player. All we se is a commitment. Now, some other school has to deal with the sting of a player having a change of heart. And, I know I can’t have it both ways but I still want it. Is that bad of me? But something about this won’t let go of me, it’s like the boogie man. Wariboko de-commitment didn’t bother me as much as DeLance’s does. We were first to offer. There isn’t an upgrade from OU. While I wanted Wariboko to come to OU, I didn’t think he would end up in Norman. Something tells me Wariboko was thinking of himself, not his brother Max.
As for DeLance, now, that I think about it, it’s what he was telling the TFB Mods and what he was posting on Twitter about being all in. Things like don’t worry, I’m 100% OU. All lies. It comes down to lies. I have a lot of core values, none more deeply rooted in me as telling the truth. Telling the truth is part of my personal constitution: it governs all of my behaviors and actions. If you tell me something, I want to believe in you. It bothers me when I can’t. It I can’t trust you, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.
Lies creates distrust. Distrust erodes your foundation and it will cause anything to crumble. I guess it’s hard to see a young man have such a serious character flaw. In my opinion, if he doesn’t check that, it gets worse.
I’ll get off my soapbox. Best of luck to DeLance.
“it’s what he was telling the TFB Mods and what he was posting on Twitter about being all in. Things like don’t worry, I’m 100% OU. All lies.”
Ah, but what if he was really talking to a TFB, Texas mod? seeing as we have those too. Maybe its all lies and deceit! lol
I can’t go with you on the lying part, I attribute it mostly to an immature young man that has never had to face a serious life choice before and he is having a hard time with it.
I also use his commit/de-commit as a classic example of the pitfalls of recruiting, you can’t count on the decision of a young man until pen meets paper in February.
I see what you’re saying but his immaturity makes me questions those around him. Who was giving him guidance. I don’t count them until they sign, either. I just don’t remember a de-committment of any recruit having this flavor.
I’m sure there were numerous people in his ear. Teens are notorious for ignoring wise counsel…adults, too.
I remember people from other schools still ragging on Corey Nelson when he was a Senior for flipping from gAggie to OU on signing day.
It was a douchie thing to do. He doesn’t deserve an OU offer. He belongs at Texsa
By all the reports it sounded like his elders approval was a big factor. Which imo is tricky when it comes to commitments. The elders agendas becomes the kids agendas. You want to make your family proud and want them to support you, its alot of pressure on a kid.
Good point.
I can’t see or hear the word “elder” without thinking of “The Book of Mormon”. That show is pretty funny, but not for the faint of heart.
Good post Sam. I do agree with tex that it’s immaturity. It was a lie but I don’t think he was intentionally trying to lie, it seems like he just wanted people to be happy.
But these same values you see in delance are the same I see in lampkin. I’m sorry but I don’t want to see lampkin at ou. He had his opportunity and didn’t have enough faith in OU or the coaches to sign here. It’s not necessarily lying with him but the inability to commit.
Read elsewhere the transcript issue with Austin Roberts was to be resolved on Thursday. Anything new to offer?
Brad, thanks!
Now thats early.
Not really, 00:dark thirty and I are old friends that stay in regular contact. 🙂
Can you imagine what AD and Barry Sanders could have done with decent OLs in the pros? AD says 2500 this year, but not likely with the Vikings.
For years I’ve imagined the same for Sam Bradford.
Sam would be good with a better line, but I’m not sure he could get to 2,500 yards rushing. 😉
Ha! I’ll be watching Adrian tomorrow night to see how badly he switches the ‘Niners!
I am SO glad we have quality depth at RB.
If you aren’t familiar with Rodney Anderson’s high school exploits you are in for a treat when he gets to play. Game changer.
I am not but I heard great things about him. Not only does it give the offense versatility, but it also obviously allows a quality “next man up” strategy if someone should unfotunately go down. Camp is long and grueling, things happen.
I’ve had the pleasure to see him play in the state playoffs since he was a freshman. Great kid, sensational player that seems to play his best when a big play in a big game is needed.
He has it all, balance/cuts/hands/power/speed, I was absolutely thrilled(still am) that he chose OU.
Wow. He’s really good. Great hands and all the intangibles. What separates him is his vision and ability to react to holes opening up.
The only areas that I thought he could improve on were upper body strength and ball security, not major issues just nitpicking.
Very patient and deceptively fast. He reminds me of AD.
That is what I thought also.
What’s up, BC? Thanks for the countdown pics.
Just got back from my Saturday morning bike ride. Was getting pretty warm by the time I rolled back in. You are very welcome. I am glad you enjoy. I know I enjoy watching all of the greats. I wish there were more video of more past legends.
Hi there EasTex. I am not familiar with this kid. Does he strike a resemblance to any past running backs at OU?
He reminds me of a young Demarco Murray.
Indeed. I watched the Hudl film you posted. He’s not afraid of contact for sure. He can bring it.
Yessir…and take it.
I kind of thought of him as Keith Ford 2.0: bigger, stronger, faster. But with the same pop on impact.
More Murray as a one cut guy who doesn’t dance and is powerful. I watched him for two years and he ran against 8 & 9 in the box since they didn’t have a QB who could stretch the field. I formation guy who could burst through a seam.
Lethal as a kick returner and receiver, too.
no doubt and didn’t think of that. By the time he was a senior, you could see the patience he ran with compared to the previous year. Saw him several times in interview and is well spoken.
The game slowed down in front of him, he saw the game so clearly. At the level he performed and the tough teams he faced, the game will slow down quickly for him at this new level.
He may not play this year, but when he does OU fans are going to love him as a player and when they get to know him, as a wonderful young man from a nice family.
BTW, he has two younger brothers coming up behind, the next oldest is a QB.
A lot like him your right, but maybe a little more power than DM
Thank you, Coach Cale.
Chanse Sylvie says he’s back in Oklahoma via Twitter
Just go ahead and assign him a room at Headington, already. 😀
No kidding the kids here more than he’s home it seems like haha. I love it though, quality kid. Seems REALLY proud to call himself a Sooner
I love it too, young man is all in with OU. In about another week or so he won’t be making the trip each weekend when his high school training camp starts.
Co-eds are a magical elixir!
re tfb/ut……..so, after the respective games, one can go to either board and expect to see the same breakdowns, commentary from the viewpoint of that team……….will be interesting after the dallas game
Just one more place for us to witness their meltdown.
update added
That Sylvie should take a couple college classes he is at OU so much. Got to love that guyß
He will be a permanent resident at OU come January. Hope he has a monster year at Calvary and gets a state championship on his way out the door.
Gonna be tuff cause their QB Shea Patterson who was there the last two years & 2 state championships left for Florida at IMG. Not sure who will be tossing the ball around for them.
Yep. I already love his effort and attitude! All recruits should be this ready to be Sooners!!
update added
Chanse seems like he wishes he could have graduated high school this summer, given how many times he has been to Norman!
Met Jamelle Holieway floating the Illinois River today. Said he was pretty excited to see what Lincoln was bringing!
Him and Charles used to come play all time QB when we was kids at the school up the street. Was mesmerized at that age, back in their glory days.
Chanse Sylvie was, once again, in Norman on a visit.
Sounds like he might not be alone
Chanse is good at this twitter thing…
I feel like we might have a new Sooner in the #Sooner16 today I just feel it today or tomorrow #BoomerSooner
If what Chanse just tweeted happens, and we can only assume it’s that linebacker from the boot, will that hurt chances with Kelly?
No, Kelly is a top priority, we’ll wait for him..
Ah thanks. That’s what I figured but wanted to double check haha.
They’ll make room for Kelly if they have to.
So did Samaje injure his knee today? Any info on how serious if he did?
There is post on the Home page about it, Not Serious is what they are saying
More smoke for Jefferson?
NOT who I expected whatsoever but wow I’ll take it!!! BOOM
Parrish Cobb is a great addition. He’s was high up on my wish list!
And BOOM goes the dynamite!!
Oh and BOOM!!
So now do we pull the offer from eboh and just focus on Thomson??
Unless he’s a package deal and we can’t get him now.
Depending on who the other player we have a open spot for thomson without a doubt they will be wearing crimson and cream if he wants too.
First come first serve and honestly with the type of talent these kids are i think we would take both of them in a heartbeat
Personally I think we take both giving one is cb and the other is a safety. Call a wrap and I think where done unless Mayden flips and your looking at possibly the secondary class in the country.
update added
Boom!! A Saturday night special!
Dear Chris Daniels,
Your urgent attention is needed in reference to your collegiate football career at OU.
Please remit upon reading this one official commitment. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated and will be reciprocated with a loud, ceremonious explosion.
Sincerest best wishes,
Daniels has been the “one” for me all year. I really think it’s OU or Ark and Ark might just get him.
Daniels would be a nice get. I was really hoping for Mike Williams early on, oh the joys of recruiting.
Perfect example of why I don’t get too worked up over recruiting, or slow recruiting, or whatever. A couple of weeks ago people were losing their minds. Since that time we’ve added several high level recruits. Just the way it goes sometimes. I think the way the OU staff goes about recruiting lends to getting commits a little later in the process than some other schools maybe. Not a big deal, as long as they get them eventually. Shaping up to be another really good/solid class.
G-Day minus 27
Little thin on Sooner greats for this number. Can’t think of any more recent greats.
Jakie Sandifer – Jack Jacobs – Damon Stell-Byron Paul
Jackie Sandefer III
Jack Jacobs induction to the Oklahoma Hall of fame
update added
Good morning, TFB family. Happy Sunday!
I was reading some of the comments to the reaction Mike Stoops comments regarding the secondary. There was quite a debate on whether or not Stoops was making excuses.
According to John Shinn’s Twitter post, Stoops said, “We’re not real deep in the secondary. These guys are still young.” Rivals quoted Stoops as saying “We’re not real deep in the secondary. These guys are all young.”
So, we have two reporters who are exact on their quote with the exception that one used “still” while the other used “all.” What Shinn tweeted, where he used “still”, was the bases to how we all reacted. Now, had you read what Rivals reported, using “all”, would your reaction, your comments, have been different yesterday? Does the use of “all” change your interpretation of what Stoops said?
We’re dealing with partial information, as you’ll see that Rivals give you the full quote. That helped me put things into context. I suggest you read it. In addition, how can two reporters, in the same room, hear a different word? The one thing I know is that Rivals has video to go back to in order to verify what was said. I don’t know about Shinn.
According to Rivals, Stoops continues. Stoops said, “We are working three more freshmen in the secondary right now, or four.” Stoops’ full quote, according to Rivals is “We’re not real deep in the secondary. These guys are all young. We are working three more freshmen in the secondary right now, or four.” The “young” reference Stoops makes seems to directly related to his freshmen DBS. Does that change things for you or do you still think Stoops is making excuses?
Finally, according to Rivals, Stoops said, There’s a lot of youth in the secondary but our starting unit has all played a considerable amount looking at last year.” Does that sound like someone making excuses. What I read is he’s saying they’re young but they’ve played enough to be held accountable.
So, before we beat up Mike, consider this, and answer true or false:
Is there depth in the secondary?
Is the secondary young?
Knowing what you know today, what I’ve been able to provide, do you still think Stoops is making excuses?
There are NO seniors in the secondary. Thanks Willie!
4 juniors, 1 RS junior, 3 sophomores, 1 RS freshman, and 5 freshman.
3 of the 6 safeties are true freshmen. At the present time, I’d also say that the quality is not there at corner back behind Sanchez. It may be there in a few weeks, but it’s not there now.
I’d agree with Mike.
Thanks, Sooner 76. I don’t think Mike is making excuses. We had part of the information but the opinion by some is that Mike was making excuses. I left out a critical piece of the quote. In regards to the members of the secondary who played last year, according to Rivals, Mike said, “That group has started games for us.” That doesn’t sound like someone making excuses to me.
Parker and Jordan Thomas started games as true freshmen last year. They made freshmen mistakes, but they also showed flashes that they can be very good players in the future.
I went back and watched it again on SSTV. He used the word “all”. Didn’t sound like an excuse to me, just stating a fact.
That one word changed it for me, convinced me, because I was already in the camp that wasn’t thinking he was making excuses.
Not just this example, I am stunned almost daily with some of the perceptions people have after watching the same game.
Amazing, I know. It’s one of the reasons I don’t watch ESPiN much anymore. I believe in doing my own research and draw my own conclusions. At the same time, I will accept what someone else says if their logic is sound.
I was referring to people here…at TFB and their perceptions. For some I question if they even actually watched the game and/or the replay.
I think that most watch the ball and are unaware of who and where other players are at on the field.
I record every game televised. I will watch again for the pleasure of it, I watch it a third time to study it. No matter how poorly someone looks, I will often see them stumble, get held, get pushed, and etc. I will say, you know, they messed up but it wasn’t as bad as it looked at full speed.
Some times a player has a bad play, like a fumble, then suddenly there is a running meme that the player in question has a fumble problem.
I’ll never forget the Texsa game when Brandon Williams saw his first action. Late in the game he was carrying the ball and a Texsa player hit him in the ear hole with the crown of his helmet. It was obvious that Williams was almost knocked cold on his feet, he went limp and dropped the ball. There was no flag on the play, as there should have been, and Texsa recovered. From that point on, irrespective of the video available for all to see, Williams had a fumble problem.
Like I said…smh.
The reference you provide is spot on. There is not a need for me to add to it. But I will say some people overlook the obvious, crown to the ear hole, and still expect him to hold onto the ball. We shouldn’t expect that anymore than we’d expect someone who passes out while driving to keep control of a vehicle. It’s unrealistic but some people don’t care.
For some reason is subordinate to emotion.
Some say Farniok has bad footwork, I would agree he did, but the Spring game video(which is readily available) shows how much he has improved under Bedenbaugh.
That some will write off a young player entirely for poor performances in a bad year without even considering or expecting them to improve is just bizarre.
If the kids aren’t improving or trying to improve the coaches will deal with that on their own, not some poison pixel provider.
Same thing with Keith Ford. He seemed to always be labeled a fumbler.
I tend to do the same. Especially since becoming a member of TFB. I really enjoy the break downs after the game so that I can learn what I am watching. Makes a huge difference in how I watch games and replays now.
I understand and agree, I do the same the first time I watch the game. Which is why I will watch it again, often replaying some plays to see what specific position players were doing. For some it is if they already have their minds made up that so-and-so is terrible and always will be and will only see those times that the player/s don’t play well. Some seem to write off kids entirely if they make one or more mistakes, as though they cannot and will not ever develop further.
I’ve always felt that the reason some fans like teams that throw on every down is because that’s the only way they can find the football.
I don’t understand it with all of the resources available to us. As hard as it is to believe, I guess there are still sheep out there.
That’s exactly what it is…sheep. They all bought in whole hog when we won in 2000 and now HATE anything stoops. Here’s a tip…let life play out. Look forward to something but don’t bounce off the walls when life don’t go your way. It won’t change anything. I hate losing worse than anyone I’ve ever met but God has blessed me with an ability to move on and not poop my pants and then sit in my poop pants the rest of the day
Good morning, Sam! Just get back from a great service where we talked about the cross “where your blood ran red and my sin washed white.”
I listened to Mike’s presser yesterday, and I didn’t think it was bad at all. He has some strange ways of putting things, but I didn’t perceive him as being negative. He does seem determined to make the point that holding teams scoreless in the age of the spread is an impossible standard, but I don’t see that as making excuses.
I would recommend that those who are unhappy about the presser actually listen to it, at: SoonerSports
Good morning, Exiled. How was church? Are you spiritually charged to take on the week? I hope so.
I just want people to wait and see what happens. I’m still confused by the people who want Bob to let go of the Sugar Bowl win while at the same time they want to talk about how poorly OU played last year.
Can’t have it both ways. If you expect him to let it go, then practice what you preach: move on to next year and assume the best will happen for this outstanding group of guys.
Both Bob and Mike mentioned the “only 3 plays away from 11-2” line. Some see this as a cop-out; I don’t at all. There is a lot of parity in college football, and although OU had often been able to dominate the Big-12, a few little things can derail a season. Injuries, a fluke re-kick on a punt, a receiver tipping a ball to the db instead of catching it … any of a multitude of little things can cause a season to go awry. OU may be the best team out there, but there’s enough parity that being the best doesn’t guarantee success every time.
I would even go further than they did: if things had gone differently in the middle of the season, the Baylor and Clemson games could have gone a lot differently. Momentum and mojo are powerful things at the college level.
BTW, I drank my kool-aid grape.
Those are valid points. But, as our friend, EasTex, has pointed out below, people will see these misfortunes and not care.
Make mine Tang. 🙂
Dang it, I have to confess I like the red flavor all the time. Such a incurable homer, but I’m trying hard to develop a little more negative attitude. This time of year it’s just hard because I feel excited and good about the start of the season. Mike’s interview didn’t change that, I just don’t think he’s a talented interviewee. Is that a word? Lol.
Exactly. And it’s not “if we had played better” to make us win those games. Its not 15 bounces needed to go our way in each loss. It’s1 yard, which could have easily come on a sneak instead of making a guy get 6 yds for the yd of credit and not chipping the edges. It’s a chipshot fg by the highest scorer in school history. And as you mentioned it’s not missing the mark on a repunt.
It seemed like we got all lucky breaks two ago and last year was just the opposite sometimes the football gods are not as generous as they are some years.
You definitely need some breaks along the way in a championship season like Torrence Marshall’s INT at A&M, or the fake FG at Mizzou, or Bester knocking the ball loose at Stoolwater 2 years ago in what would have been a GA.e ending INT.
It was my impression of that those making negative comments about Mike Stoop’s comments were less upset about what he said than they were that he was still coaching at OU.
Which was fueled by the perception that he was making “excuses.” I can probably remove the word “perception” and insert “misled.”
No. They don’t need to be led anywhere. They’re here every single day ringing the same damn bell, whether it be “tk sucks” or “mike sucks” or “bob sucks” or any of the other things the sheep need to bring up. No original thoughts. Just blind hatred. Nothing is ever good enough. We get it, you guys think a bunch of stuff sucks, move on. You don’t need to point it out every single day. The horse is dead. He can’t keep dying
BoomerSooner, I need you to be a little more specific. Tell me what you really think. LOL!
Perhaps, but I think there are some who would find any statement by Mike other than “Because of last season, I’ve decided to commit ritual suicide.” inadequate and an excuse. But, that’s just my opinion.
I can’t speak for anyone else here, but i was equally annoyed by both his comments (beyond just the annual “young” proclamation) and the fact that he’s still coaching here.
I don’t think firing JH & Norvell was necessarily a bad move given who was hired to replace him, but scoring points was not our major problem last year. They were fired nonetheless. However, our single worst problem is still on the staff calling the defense.
We have a defensive coordinator who retained his job solely due to nepotism, not merit. That, I take umbrage with.
I would not be comfortable calling this a case of ‘nepotism’ unless I was technically qualified to hire/fire coaches. As a typical fan, I simply don’t have that expertise. I will say this, if one believes that this was ‘nepotism’, then one also has to believe that Bob Stoops should be fired immediately for placing the well being of his brother before the well being of the team.
Rocket, I can’t argue with that logic. If our record dorsnt improve, that may well happen. Every state agency (like OU) has policies against nepotism particularly when it comes to hiring family members. Somehow that doesn’t seem to apply to athletics as we see now.
I can easily find evidence that Cale Gundy, Bill Bedenbaugh, Diron Reynolds, Kerry Cooks and Lincoln Riley were hiredhired based on their performance as coaches. I just can’t say that about certain family members of Bob’s currently holding a coordinator’s position.
I believe that Bob Stoops realizes that his support of Mike is a case of “you better be right, you just bet your job.” That should give us some confidence that Mike can do the job.
That is your opinion. IT IS NOT FACT. No matter how bad you want people to believe it, you are not sitting in on meetings. Shut up and move on for once in your life. You have an agenda. Everybody gets it. Good gracious, man. It’s every freaking day
I never proclaimed anything but my opinion. However, I can back it up with the stats and our won/loss record. I have an agenda, sure. So do you. My agenda is to do whatever I can as an alumnus to make sure we have the best football program we can, and right now, that would be improving our defense. The status quo just isn’t acceptable.
There are those whose agenda is to pump sunshine and pretend that our coaches are infallible and can do no wrong, even when they do just that. I’m sure those people think that saying anything that isn’t sunshine is helping the program. I don’t share that view. If your steak is undercooked at the restaurant, does cheering on the restaurant get your steak fully cooked? No, you complain to the waiter and send it back. I was all sunshine when he was hired, but that proved wrong based on the results. But I called/wrote the waiter (Joe C) and withdrew my financial support after 24 years of giving it and explained why I was doing so. I won’t resume financial support until changes are made, changes being the hiring of a new DC.
If you don’t like my opinion then skip over my posts, plain and simple. I don’t take orders from you or anyone else here, so I won’t “shut up” and will not stop voicing my opinion whenever I feel. Don’t like it? Too damn bad.
Yep. You keep blaring that horn every single day. I wish, I hope, I pray for an ignore button. Would make life so much better. Kind of hard to skip over “JB’s top 10 why I hate my life/Mike Stoops”. I don’t send food back because 99.9% of the time it returns with spit if you’re lucky, worse if not. I just don’t return to that restaurant. Hating things doesn’t make you a “realist” and us “sunshine pumping koolaid drinkers”. It just means you have a lot of hate and we are the “fortunate” few who get to share the spoils
Edit: be sure your hatred comes out every day otherwise it loses meaning
The only thing I hate is losing. I don’t hate Mike Stoops either. I don’t think he deserves to hold the position he does based on his performance the last 3 years. That’s awfully cynical to think that most cooks would spit in your food. Steaks are usually cooked one level below what you ask for so they can easily go back and cook it longer. But if it’s overdone, well, they just wasted a whole steak.
Wrong assumption on my life, BTW. I wake up happy and go to bed happy, except on nights where we get our asses handed to us on our home field by Baylor. That usually sours my mood. But as soon as I get home my 2 little boys are so happy to see me that I can’t help but smile.
I’m not a hater. Stephen Dale is a hater. He hates everything OU and wants us to fail. I want us to win every game in every sport. I think our offense will be better, and next year-assuming Lincoln Riley is still OC and not a HC somewhere else, I expect our O to be scary good like the Kevin Wilson and Leach/Mangino years.
I’m quite optimistic about special teams too, even though we’ll be breaking in a new kicker and punter. We have some explosive returners. I still worry about the D especially when I hear some of MS’s comments about not knowing how to stop these offenses and that scheme/philosophy-wise we’re going to do more oof the same as last year, I get nauseated.
Thank you for a well thought out post. There are concerns for sure. I think the offense will hum. I think that will help the d. Those 3 and outs really killed us. We also had little if any luck.
Glad to hear about the kids. A kids smile is the brightest thing in the world
I’m sure kids are wonderful, but I never had any. By kids, I meant my dogs. They are my “kids”, and I apologize for not clarifying that. I did not mean to give anyone a false impression. I am a bona fide dog lover, and I volunteer with a number of agencies who find unwanted and abused pets new homes because I love them so much. Dogs are definitely my soft spot.
That’s cool. Love dogs too. Just don’t own one yet. Are you a k9 officer?
I get it. You have money and no one is listening to you. That must piss you off because your money, for the first time, does not equate to power. That must really frustrate you.
Did I nail it?
3 and outs and 3rd down conversion was the biggest problem with our team last year (offense or defense)..the offense put the defense in either a bad situation…right back out on the field…or gave points to the other team…and if you don’t think we were young (and are young) on the back in then you are clouded by your hate of Mike…we had two true sophomores, a true fresh…then another true fresh that played considerable minutes out there…both seniors where never stars and simply earned the postions becasue there was no one else available…You pass a little of that blame to the DL as well since they gave the qb more time to throw …with Reynold here we are a lot better off from a coaching stand point with the line this year and its going to show
We put up enough points per game to win most of them. The other teams’ ability to throw all over us and score was our biggest problem. If you keep them from scoring, they cant beat you. I do not share the pessimistic attitude of others thay Big 12 offenses are unstoppable. Mime ans BV did it to leach and we did itbto FSU in the Orange Bowl.
We are young in our depth at secondary, but that is usually the case in any season. BTW, I don’t hate Mike. I just think he’s not very good at his job anymore and we deserve better at this program. Given Diron Reynolds’s NFL history with Tony Dungy and the program he came here from, I’d LOVE to see him calling the plays.
Has Reynolds ever called a freakin play in his life…He has been DL coach for one year prior to this year and that was in 07…hes a great teacher but that doesn’t automatically translate to play calling…I believe tech put up 40 points BVs last go at it…name a DC that consistently handles the spread offenses in the…anywhere..DC in this league is harder than you can grasp..imo DL will be the key to our D..hopefully what Monty recruited and what Reynolds will teach will be able to execute what Mike will call because thats just reality
Name anyone, anywhere who routinely shut down these offenses? Okay, John Chavis.
You misunderstood if you think I was pleased with BV any more than Mike and Leach ultimately ended up abusing BV in the end. So did Tuberville. But early in their tenure as co-coordinators, they routinely stuffed these offenses like Tech’s. We had the most trouble with more balanced teams, like KSU, USC, LSU, etc. We shut down, absolutely shut down the #1 offense in the country in the Orange Bowl, a team loaded with NFL talent in a high flying spread offense. I don’t care if snoop minnis played or not, they still had NFL receivers like Anquan Boldin, Robert Morgan and draftee Atrews Bell on the field.
LOL Chavis…Im done with your nonsense…when did he routinely play a freakin spread team..much less multiple teams in one year…even the great Saban and Smart can’t handle the spread…texas brought in two DC from the sec and the left with their tale btwn their legs
Those of us who reacted negatively toward some of Mike’s comments do not expect shutouts. What we expect is the defense to work in conjunction with the offense and keep us in the game. Unlike some others, I like MS and do not mind his sideline emotion. But the offense averaged 36 points a game last year and we still lost 5 games! Granted the offense at times gave the opponents a short field, but the D can’t allow four touchdowns in a game.
I don’t think MS had to mention the youth and lack of depth. Just compare Lincoln Riley’s language. Riley has spoken of the QBS in a very different way.
“I said it when I got hired, and I believe it even more now, that we have everything we need in that room to be a pretty good offense.”
Mike is being honest, no doubt, but he didn’t have to talk about youth and lack of depth. He could have said that the guys are playing okay, we have work to do, I’m seeing some good things out there, but we need to be more consistent.
Either way, in my mind, it’s the players that mean the difference between winning and losing. The King says you have to have the players. MS can still coach, but the question is, are the players good enough?
It’s a new year and people like A. Thomas, J. Thomas and Parker have a whole season under their belts. If they can’t perform up to the standard MS expects they ought to be on the bench.
As for whether or not fans can expect to slow down the spread in the Big 12? Another poster affirms that it can be done by pointing out the way LSU plays against the spread.
Good point Sam. That is exactly what I said yesterday when I first heard it. They are both true. Not much experienced depth and we ARE young back there. Not sure why people got bent out of shape. Thought it a little strange that Jordan was sitting right there and chose to retweet Shinn rather than just tell us what Mike had said himself as he had been doing all afternoon.
BoomerDave, thanks and not because we agree. But you make some great points. We are all smart enough, and we definitely have the resources, to look at things from all perspectives. Instead of jumping to conclusion, seek to understand, then be understood.
For those that would like to watch it.
It sounds like Thomas and possibly Byrd “just speculation” not able to keep with this offence no disrespect to those guys because of the playmakers on the field but they have no choice but to thrust the next guy in line, who happens to be a true freshman and after that there is no one and that equates to a young secondary and not much dept.
It was NEVER the word “still” that was the problem, it was the word “young” that was the basis for which the discussion began. The preceding adverb is irrelevant. He complains about how young they are every year, laying the foundation for the season’s excuse for failures instead of sucking it up and coaching without the excuses. Mike needs to spend some time with Kevin Wilson and learn how to be accountable without making excuses.
He’s been back 3 years. There ought to be some depth and experience in the secondary. If there isn’t, he’s doing a terrible job recruiting, and if there is experience he’s doing a terrible job coaching. Another poster pointed out Ohio state had a young secondary last year…didn’t seem to hurt them much, did it? So, yes, Mike’s churning the excuse machine.
The words we use do matter. Contrary to what you believe, the words do change the perception of what Mike said. It’s why reporters have to make sure they are quoting people properly.
Now that you’ve made it clear how you feel, did you bother to answer the questions at the end of my post?
Forget how you feel about Mike and answer the following questions, honestly.
Is there depth in the secondary?
Is the secondary young?
Knowing what you know today, what I’ve been able to provide, do you still think Stoops is making excuses?
I listened to the press conference, and he started off saying they were more experienced, then when JH asked him about it, it’s back to “we’re young” and Esco’s original point was that he’s tired of hearing that. So am I. You can say there are some young players in the secondary depth. You can usually say that accurately about any position. No breaking news there.
To answer your question a second time, knowing what I know now, yes, I think he’s casually referencing the youth factor to lay out a foundation for the excuse he’ll throw out later if the defense gets burned, which is that he “said before the season began that we were young.”
Well, if you watched it, as you claim, you must have purposely tuned out what didn’t want to hear and picked up on what you wanted to hear.
“There’s a lot of youth in the secondary but our starting unit has all played a considerable amount looking at last year.That group has started games for us.”
Excuses or accountability?
You seem pissed. You should probably go have a conversation with Mike so that you two can work out your differences.
Agendas. They don’t like to stay hidden
Just like lies: you think you’ve hidden them and they show up at the most inopportune time.
Been there. It is definitely not worth it. A 6th grade forgery and getting busted and many spankings come to mind
I watched it and I heard what he said. Just because you heard what you wanted to doesnt make your personal perception of what was said absolute. Still sounds like the ground work for an excuse.
I’d rather talk to Bob and ask, “WTH were you thinking keeping Mike around after 3 years of failing to improve the D and getting worse each year?”
So when is the next person going to commit or transfer?
Sorry its only a weekend thing 😉
I don’t think it would be a good idea to transfer at the point teams in the middle of fall practice, just wouldn’t make any sense
Some good information and perspective about defense from Kirby Smart. Even the mighty Bama is having problems with what teams are doing on offense. The dreaded Big 12 high-flying offenses are infiltrating the SEC.
And the bama AD is now the chairman of the competition committee. The HUNH will get a lot more attention.
Good read, LC. Alabama is changing the type of players it recruits. Welcome to the Big XII.
We found out the hard way last year that you don’t have enough speed on the field running the 34 defence aginst sread offence
I just got an update from Twitter that several people related to OU followed Ed Oliver. I know that that’s usually just what it is, a follow. But COULD there be any fire to this five star smoke?
Do you think he is already done with the “stay at home” with Houston?
Not sure. He could be “reevaluating” things.
Was Coach Reynolds one of the followers
Almost every coach followed. And Logan Roberson
I’m not sure although drew hill and Marcus walker were and those guys have been pushing the whole #OUDNA thing like crazy.
Any Austin Roberts sightings? Geez. This was supposed to be done Thursday, the transcript situation.
Just about to post the same question.
interesting remarks about/from landry jones…….may be his stage tonite and make or break preseason……..good luck to him……..
Great article!! Thanks for posting. I occasionally sneak a search or two for Landry. I sure hope he does well. And thanks for the reminder of the game tonight! I know its preseason, and some of you couldn’t care less about the pro’s, but its FOOTBALL!
listened to traber, a huge steeler fan, and he thinks that lj has to show the light is really coming on for him to stick with the steelers, or possibly land with another team and continue……….thinks he just doesn’t have the pocket presence to make it in the nfl, something one has or doesn’t have, fwiw
I’m still trying to figure out why you’d be listening to JT
listen primarily for ou fb talk, he played the game and considering he’s a puke fan I find him to be very fair re ou
son of adrian taylor at ou?…….
This is a GREAT read! Im not sure if its already been posted but its an extensive interview with Tapper. Very insightful about not only himself but others on the squad as well.
( read page 2 as well. Lots of good stuff on there )
Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading the article. Sounds like both lines are getting it done.
I have full faith and confidence in the Bedenbaugh “effect.”
Man..I might need to move Gallimore up to #2 pretty soon…we re likely to see a lot of him out there..plus Walker needs to prove he can stay healthy
I’ve been saying it for weeks, Gallimore is special and I don’t think he will red shirt this year.
Yeah I knew he was special but fig he had to work his way up the ladder…looks like he’s pushing Walker already
His one request was he wanted to play DE not DT so he’s polly 3rd string behind walker and campbell
Him wanting to be DE was with the 4i tech..hes not a 5tech and Tapper said he is doing good at 3tech and blowing up the OL
Agree that’s why I said he will be the walker and campbell
Maybe…maybe not..we ll see
The kid is a freak arms like de and a body like a DT I wouldn’t be surprise if by the time his playing days are over here hes a dt
Lol he’s playing dt right now
Well bam I guess he didn’t have to wait that long lol I thought the 3 tech was omost a hybrid de DT position but thanks for the info
3tech is what McCoy and Harris played..next to NT
Thanks for the info
Speaking of interior lineman we might have the most physical group in recent memory orso, walker, Overton, wade, campbell, Romar, and Gallimore.
yep…good thing we have two spots…Orso is up there too…nice if we can have 3 (per spot) guys that play at a high level
This is sec scary good I truly believe that we will shut teams down in the running game and collapse the pocket without blizing on any given play we could be scary good in the trenches.
yep as long as they attack instead of hold the line…didnt attack too much last year but plugged the line and our run D was much improved
When I think of what you just said I think of Mikes first year back I don’t if it was because we was playing a two gap scheme and it seemed d line just held there position and made the safety make all the tackles.
Orso looked like a beast in that pic with tapper almost made him look small
I would like to hear some good reports about Overton, I’m pulling for that kid to be big time. Watched him play his HS ball.
Proud of that young man for gutting it out on his academics like he did so he could follow his dream. I love that winning attitude.
I say him and campbell are redshirt canidates
Oh I wasn’t expecting him to play this year, just hoping he was looking strong.
He’s definitely stout coming having wrestle in high school and he might not be the tallest kid out the but he has a good center of gravity plus he is strong as a ox.
Yes, his State Championship match was exciting.
And he can flat out run.
Difficult to believe a young man can be that big and strong, then run down QBs and RBs from behind.
He is a athletic freak that could play any position on the dl in my opinion
IMHO, as well. I would put him in as an H-back on short yard plays, too.
If we have trouble getting into the end zone on short yardage situation it would not be out the question
If he picks up the game fast enough he will see some playing time. another kid we had no business getting.
Thanks for the link!
Excellent read.
This interview gave me as much hope for this season as anything. Wow I am actually so pumped right now.
Just saw Frank Gifford passed away. He was a true legend. RIP.
Finally in the house after a long hot afternoon of moving hay and feeding horses, have bacon frying in the pan to be followed with some eggs. Going to watch a little Landry Jones hopefully in a few…..not a bad Sunday. Also I like the way this Sooner team is shaping up.
I concur- busy and productive weekend- fence has been power-washed, ready for stain after a little more drying time. Yard weed-eated and mowed, plants/trees watered, ham and beans on the stove- throw in some Tabasco and a little purple onion with a couple of large glasses of milk and some pre-season FB- life is good.
AD playing any tonight?
I don’t expect to see AD but who knows?
I saw him- not playing but visible 😉
The Lord loves a hard working man.
I recommend a little English muffin with that; then you would have the same dinner as I did. Good stuff. Were the eggs home-grown? Yum!
Pork from a show hog ( a friend raises for me), mother-in-law raises chickens, had wheat toast because I’ve never tried English muffins.
Mmmmm, that pork sounds great! You gotta try the English muffins though; some of my favorite breakfast bread.
Love English muffins dripping with butter. mmmmmmm
You said it … butter. I don’t mind margarine on some things, but gotta have butter on English muffins.
I like the cinnamon/raisin English muffins, toasted, buttered and slathered with local honey.
mmmmm, tasty.
Oops, posted this in the wrong place the first time- SIAP:
Landry show tonight. I hope he does well this pre season. He’s been lucky to land in a place where he can learn behind a really good qb. He may end up a career backup but you never know, he’s got the talent.
Looks less like a deer in the headlights when pressured so far- hope he does well.
That was a real nice throw he just made.
OK, some really good candidates for this and some very obvious choices but who do you pick, when it’s all said and done, for the newcomer of the year and the player of the year for our team only, not the conference.
I’ll say:
For Newcomer of the Year, Mighty Joe Mixon
For Player of the Year, Eric Sgt. Striker
Honorable Mention, Dede Westbrook and Jarvis Baxter
Hell, I don’t know- too many weapons. LR has to be freakin’
I think newcomer of the year will be Westbrook, player of the year will be knight.
Defensive player of the year will be Jordan Evans.
I’m not gonna disagree with anyone’s selections here- this team has a lot of talent.
A lot different than a few years ago when the king even called us out
I think close call between Westbrook/Mixon. We can only hope you are correct about TK.
Yeah, I gotta go with Westbrook also. Good call! And I’m a big TK9 fan. I’ve been of the opinion he was gonna win the QB battle until today. After hearing BS talk about BM yesterday, it sure sounded like he was singing the praises of his starter. Hope I’m wrong.
Agree with the Westbrook pick but I have to go with striker he’s the most talented and hungriest player on defence plus nobody can impact a game like him agree with you on knight as well
And, he’s returning to the position he played two years ago…
I actually had that typed up but didn’t want to make that long of a post took the words right out of my mouth
I’m just not high on Shannon. He’s good, solid but doesn’t have elite ability. I think Evans if he puts it all together will be the best player on defense. No doubt striker and tapper are the most talented guys but I think teams will game plan more for them
I agree Shannon is not Elite but you never seen him get knocked back or dragged for mutiple yards and the main thing I liked about Shannon is he’s a complete lb doesn’t do anything great but he’s always in the right spot can make the open field tackle plus he’s decent in coverage.
Frank Shannon could be the X factor for us at lb he was the best lb two years ago with exception of striker, and basically the same lbs are still on campus with his size and speed and the ability to cover in space and can come down hill and lay the wood, plus hes prolly comping at the bit to get on the field. He would be perfect for this nickel based defence with that being said he doesn’t have to have an All American type year but just the steady play he was known for prior to his suspension.
Freshman – Mixon
Newcomer – Westbrook
Comeback – F.Shannon
POY – Perine
Sleeper – M. Andrews, PJ Mansbor, K. Haughton
Coach of the year – Kish
It’s no wonder you’re exiled 😉
I just said that to stir things up; everyone was too friendly.
I think that’s because we’re watching an OU ex fling pigskins on the tube- makes us all warm and fuzzy inside.
It is definitely good to see LJ out there throwing!
Nice step up into the pocket to complete the shortie for a 1st down.
I omost picked perine myself just worried if he’s going to splitting more carries this year
I think everyone’s going to have to be ok with just being a contributor this year and in years to come- true team efforts- which is a good thing.
I know we will see the main guys do there thing but these are some talented players as well and I expect all three to contribute this year especially Andrew might our best zed zone threat since Gresham
Newcomer: Westbrook/Mixon
POY: Perine
Comeback: Knight (because anything is better than last year)
Honorable Mention: Steven Parker/Mark Andrews
Nice throw by LJ, even better catch
He missed him an easy TD though. Thought the DB got away with some holding on the 3rd down throw. LJ composure looked much improved on that blitz.
The 2nd down throw was just a bit off target. Gotta hit those open guys. But I agree, he is looking a lot more comfortable.
Much more poised than a few years back.
That it was! He missed on those two endzone throws though. (though the second one he was getting plastered by a blitz..)
L. Jones 8/12 75yds 6.3per
Not bad!
Against guys that will bagging groceries in a couple weeks
But at least I spelled my comment correctly, right? Was my grammar OK?
I guess.
Your post is missing a word. Come on man.
If that’s bait, I’ll take one. Frozen?
Snickers ice cream bars are my favorite snickers.
I fixed it after I hit post. Shhh.. Just hit refresh
The edit button is our friend. 🙂
Jessie James will be baggin’ groceries now.
For real. Three nice passes that should have been touchdowns.
I thought LJ looked really good on that series. I hope his coaches saw that and not just the non-result.
I think that most Pro coaches are very good at their job, or they are not around for long.
Tyrus Thompson #72 for Minnesota
That was 3 throws in a row that should have been TD’s. All dropped by receivers.
Yep. Not LJ’s fault.
The way he’s barking at the receivers, you can tell he’s very frustrated at times with their misplacement on routes..
Tough setup for LJ. Steelers can’t run the ball, and the OL can’t stop the blitzes.
That last 3rd down, he was taking the lane to escape the pressure and went down too easy. He’s going to have to get stronger and hold his balance better to be successful.
I think Landry looks as good as he can considering.
It would be much easier for him behind a starting group for sure.
At least if he had brown then we might get an idea of what he’s capable of at this level. But he’s throwing mostly to guys who will never play.
I’ve seen two or three plays that I put on him, the rest were on the people around him. I think he is a good roster backup but a starting role is not in the near future. I want him to succeed but he has some issues that are going to be hard to overcome.
That INT was NOT on LJ. That’s a fact.
you guys that have watched all the game……….how did lj look……….thxs
Better than last year but hard to grade him playing with and against rookies and scrubs. He has made improvements in his game overall but doesn’t look to be NFL starter caliber just yet.
thxs for the response…………was hoping that he would lite it up in the earlier part of the game for a couple of scores…….
He had some respectable stats in the first half….just not enough talent on the field to keep the drives going.
I think Minnesota is a team that looks forward to these preseason games and Pittsburgh not so much. Vikings at least rolled out some starters. Landry didn’t look comfortable though he probably needs a more quick decision quick throw scheme.
Wasn’t bad for the most part. His TE really let him down on a few plays that would have bumped his stats up. I’d say he’s still got potential if he can keep this playtime up he’s getting in the preseason.
Watching the sports extra out of Tulsa, Striker and Tapper called Blevins out to his face….LMAO!
What was he trying to get away with?
Not word for word but he asked them if they were going to be better and they were like dude, why do you ask us the same questions over and over? Of course we’re going to be better…..we tell you this EVERY time you ask. It was funny to see but hard for me to replicate on the keyboard.
They should have gave him a percentage