We have confirmed through sources that Oklahoma has interviewed Washington State wide receivers coach, Dennis Simmons. We have been told Simmons met with OU last week in Norman.
We cannot confirm at this time whether an offer has actually been made. But we do feel comfortable saying that based on a few informal discussions, we have reason to believe Simmons is at least a strong candidate to fill the position.
However, at this time we can again only confirm that Simmons has interviewed with Oklahoma.
So…is he good?
Literally nobody has anything on the coaching searches and yet here TFB is coming in w/ the info. And for free no less.
I hope you all realize how good you got it here 😉
Indeed we do !!!Thx! So with this news in conjunction with the D. Green offer….things could be happening 🙂 Especially since he was/is/considering WASH ST
Amen Ace!
I like a person who can make logical deductions.
lol, i have my moments
Don’t hurt your arm J 😉
come to think of it my shoulder has been bothering me lately
Thanks for the information gents. You guys are top notch. So much that i am gonna buy some shirts. Open post is perfect with my coffee in the morning. Especially being on the west coast its perfect for me. Thanks for what you guys do.
Are in in West OK? Or Los Angeles like me?
Im in Washington state.
TFB is #1
Most of us do and appreciate it very much.
While this may not be the only site I visit, it is the only site I visit every hour or so all day everyday. You guys are awesome and OU fans are much better off for it.
Sure thing, dood. Spoke with K and he said to look for a little sumpin’ extra in your pay envelope at the end of the month. ; )
Shaping the minds—of America’s youth. 😉
Good Lord—-was Jim Traber ever in shape???
THAT’S WHAT I WAS THINKING! Then I realized, of course not!, he was a baseball player! Har!
He almost got himself killed making fun of Andre Metzger years ago. What a dumba$$.
We’re here, ain’t we?
Free info makes it that much sweeter! There is only one Oklahoma and there is only one TFB!
OU I identified Simmons as the best bet of 4 key names on Jan 26, but great job independently confirming the inrerview happened.
@SuperKBrainiac:disqus It would interesting if someone could develop a token system for compensating you all on your updates. People could pay some amount of money (¢.01, ¢.05, ¢.25, ¢.75, $1.00,…) depending on how well they your updates and felt they were worth compensating.
not a name ive heard, hopefully if he is the guy he can get the WR position in order
He coached with Lincoln Riley at TT and ECU so it makes sense that way!
I think we (I) were waiting for that sexy name and well known name, but as long as he does a great job…
Is. He. Good?
spent 10 seasons at Texas Tech under head coach Mike Leach, returned to a familiar role as Leach’s outside wide receivers coach prior to the 2012 season and begins his third year at Washington State University
he’s been around the system for quite awhile
I would like to know the TFB thoughts on this potential hire.
Personal thought- the guy has coached wide receivers in the offense stoops wants to run. He is familiar with Riley. So overall it seems good. Does he have a recruiting pedigree though?
His ‘claim to fame’ as it were is Michael Crabtree, fwiw.
I saw that on his bio, which is great. I mean that’s too notch nfl talent. But did he recruit Crabtree?
Both he & Sonny Dykes did, yes
Thanks for the info!
Remember, Crabtree was a QB in high school so he should get major credit for that one.
We’re going to wait to see if he’s actually hired. If so, we’ll try to talk to some guys who know him. From a statistical perspective, he appears to be excellent.
Thank you K, TFB and Esco
In the meantime feel free to tell us who the db coach is 🙂
Well at least we know he’s good enough to get Dahu Green to commit….he already did once.
Are we scrounging up a bunch of former Taco Tech re-treads?
They did score a bunch of points. Just ran into us too many times.
Worth checking out
So is he bringing the 4* LB with him? That would explain a lot.
I highly doubt it. Coaches don’t do that to each other. Especially ones that like each other.
Looks like he was at ECU for a bit.
Just hurt my ankle jumping off his bandwagon
Leach must be pissed! Taking his recruit and his coach.
He says “ARRRRH!”
Former East Carolina receivers coach and the guy who recruited Dahu Green to Washington State. I’d say this makes a lot of sense.
So he meets with the coaching staff. Dahu Green gets an offer a couple of days later. Dahu Green is visiting this weekend. Just a coincidence I am sure.
fwiw, I think Riley is squarely behind the Dahu stuff
Like I said, just a coincidence.
OU does need a ‘possession ‘ receiver so Green would qualify……
‘zactley my first thought. Could bring his LB friend with him too. Looks like he knows Cali. So far so good.
hhhhmmm… So this guy has also landed a “soft verbal” 4 star LB in this year’s class. Coincidence? Perhaps not.
If he brings that 4* LB commit he has with him, i’m all for it:)
Hopefully he has built up so Cali connections.
I’ve noticed a lot of these Air raid teams have an Outside receivers coach & an Inside receivers coach. Would OU be looking at something like that
Or maybe offering him the receivers coach position solely is what will make him look at OU more closely.
They’d have to move some things around staff-wise to be able to accommodate two WR coaches
Wondering where that would leave Boulware/TE position.
I suppose there’s a chance they could give him a WR group, TE & ST, but I don’t know how likely that is or if they’d even consider it.
Has Texas filed its TE position yet? Any chance it’ll be Boulware?
I think that ship has pretty much sailed
Well every day that passes we are looking like we may not have a need for a linebacker coach. In 2 years we will have 3 left on campus
Like giving Boulware an extra title? Or letting a GA coach inside/outside guys. Not that big of a re-arrangement.
They don’t really have a GA or QC guy on staff w/ a WR background far as I’m aware. And, yeah, I suppose you could give a WR group to Boulware, but has he ever coached WRs?
Tosh Lupoi has never coached LB’s yet he is the new LB coach at Alabama. I’m sure Boulware can handle it
TE’s right?
Meh, they all go to the same clinics and coach similar techniques. Plus one of the WR coaches would be in charge of selecting drills and such.
Think of it more as they want a certain player to coach ratio. Biggest position units get more coaches. Doesn’t mean they’re completely alone with them other than drills. Doubt they even watch film separate from each other as far as Inside/Outside guys.
I never knew Gundy had any RB coaching experience, seems to be doing a fine job. 🙂
Ah duh, I just realized that Jay Boulware would be the Inside receivers coach in this system. Disregard earlier post
Maybe. Would like to hear from some guys who have a better understanding of the ‘air raid’ type offense. Imagine the route trees are considerably different for outside WRs and ‘inside’ as more slot guys. They don’t use much TE.
Or the fact that he is making $165K and Norvell was make $455K, so a slight pay bump might be in the offing too.
Money talks
are we sure boren is going to allow us to pay a wr coach $450k? better ask his permission.
Well we were paying $455K so we can double his salary and still have $125K left
Jay was also a CO/OC.
Is he an upgrade from Norvell?
Here is simmons bio for those interested:
It seems like a really good fit if thats the direction they go in.
Definitely going back to Leach’s air raid. Hopefully, with a strong run game included.
Agreed, seems like a full court press on completely selling out to the Air Raid.
Think Quentin Griffin…under Leach…He became the all time leading rusher at one point right?
At OU?? Did he? That’d be hard to believe. TD’s in a game maybe? 6 vs Texas in ’00.
Oh my bad…you are right. Should have known…But check the stats and consider the offenses the other backs ran under….Griffin did carry the ball under an Air raid attack.
RK Player Pos Seasons Yards Att TD Y/A 100Y 200Y 1. Billy Sims RB 1975-79 4,118 593 53 6.94 20 72. Joe Washington RB 1972-75 4,071 675 39 6.03 19 13. Adrian Peterson RB 2004-06 4,045 747 41 5.41 22 64. Steve Owens RB 1967-69 4,041 958 57 4.22 23 35. Quentin Griffin RB 1999-02 3,938 744 44 5.29 16 46. DeMarco Murray RB 2006-10 3,685 759 50 4.86 15 17. De’Mond Parker RB 1995-98 3,403 579 21 5.88 16 5
Well I sure wouldn’t mind anyone current to break into that group.
Just curious, are you guys ever concerned about burning your sources? Do you have to wait until you hear it from multiple places so it can’t be traced? I’m intrigued by the process.
Yes, this is always a concern. Much like anyone doing this type of stuff, you have to sit on stuff all the time.
Makes sense. Thanks for the reply. FWIW, we have a connection in that regard that I won’t discuss publicly. But we have a common “friend”.
Is it Goose? I thought he hit his head
Not funny. Goose was a good man and a fantastic wingman. 🙁
Charlie is gay! Even more of a disappointment. Or alternating between gay and straight as so many do! LOL
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Still, she did play a good hottie…
I’d take her to the danger zone.
Think the Keenan McCardell/ex nfl type WR coach is the more ‘sexy’ hire, name recognition and a couple of rings to flash. But in this offense, would it not be a smarter move to bring in the guy that has been in this system for a while? Like what I’m reading about him.
Do share the info and site…
Can’t recall if it was TFB or OS where his name came up about the same time as Shawn Jefferson. Currently coaching WRs at Maryland.
I think the best thing about this potential hire is stoops is committing to a philosophy and bringing in the necessary people to run it. As opposed to the zone read in which we had no one familiar with it trying to run it.
I like him.. Plus his son has the same name as mine, even spelled the same.
not the ‘WOW’ hire most were hoping for…………..
ok here we go…
“Ain’t no sunshine, ain’t no blue skies, only gray”
It’s not even dark outside yet…. Damn!
Bet you can’t name Ohio St’s WR coach. Ready? Go…Told ya…What’s in a name?
he’s googling as we speak
Haha! “In the face…in tha face”!
Too ffunny
well I follow college football pretty religiously and I had no idea who Bill Bedenbaugh or Jerry Montgomery were when we hired them… Couldn’t be happier with both of them
I am having a strange range of emotions because TFB shows he interviewed last week. Which mean the popular theory that they have silent hires for WR coach and possibly LB coach due to them still recruiting for their respective schools would be false. Not to say that couldn’t change since we’re still a few days away from NSD
Where is the rumor about a lb coach hire? Haven’t heard that. Last I heard Tim “the recruiter” Kish was still employed.
word on the street is they’re now making Kish the LB/DB coach
Also associate head coach and recruiting coordinator
What? Are u serious?
Uhhhhh…. Lol
Tongue in cheek?
yes sir
Scared me for a minute. I guess I need to curb might fears about BS.
Thanks for giving me reason to spew. Yeah thanks alot. Excuse me while I clean my screen!!
Get off that street!
I heard he interviewed for a position last week. He’s gonna be a motivational speaker at Payne County Vo Tech…..and live in a van down by the river.
Looks like it’ll stay that way IMHO. But with MS and Kish not being at least average recruiters, I think it is wrong not to replace at least one of them.
Reading his bio, he has the résumé!!! Why not at this point.
Added some notes from another source: just a taste about Simmons.
In 2009, he, along with inside receivers coach Lincoln Riley, transformed walk-on Alex Torres into a Freshman All-America selection after a team-leading 67-catch, 806-yard, six-touchdown performance.
A former three-year starter at Brigham Young University, Simmons initially arrived at Texas Tech as the assistant athletics director/quality control for the football program.
Simmons’ previous responsibilities included scheduling, coordinating recruiting visits and spearheading the Texas Tech Football Camps.
He has a great resume. We have have just found the next Kevin Sumlin.
Seriously should have been given a better position at WSU considering. Ivy League education and lots of football knowledge. Sounds like they should get that contracts done ASAP so our WR recruits can know who they’re position coach is. Boomer
Kished again lol
Obviously your reading comprehension skills suck. He didn’t say the only ones he’s going to just the only ones set as of now.
It was a joke. Take it easy man. Wuuuuuusaaaaaah
What if I don’t wanna take it easy!
Well then take it hard lol. Whateva floats your boat!
Wasn’t someone just saying this guy was all but ready to commit to OU on the spot if he got an offer? Think TFB said he was planning to be at OU Jr. Day. 2/25 and 3/7 not sure which one.
The thing I like about the Air Raid offense (though, this offense will have slightly more power to it than TTU’s does) is that it doesn’t necessitate having 4-5* guys all over the field. Baylor’s receivers, aside from Cannon, are not highly ranked guys. 3-low 4 star guys who have been coached well, and run good routes. If your route running ability puts you 2 steps ahead of the corner, any good receiver can say hello to the end zone.
Yes. Excellent point.
..Jordan..keep it up!
So still no word on DB coach? Jordan any hint of Jim Leavitt?
I know someone asked already but I didn’t want to look for it, Most teams with a heavy passing game have an inside receivers and an outside receivers coach. Is OU going to stay with the one coach or could they be going after two?
Same thing with the Cornerbacks coach, would they hire a Cornerbacks coach and let mike keep coaching Safeties or will they hire a DB coach?
More than likely Boulware becomes inside receivers coach cuz TE’s will basically be inside receivers in this offense anyway…
You think we will use TE’s in this offense had inside recievers opposed to the slot?
We’ll be 4 wide most of the time.. One of those 4 is likely to be a TE.. If we have one good enough.. Much like Jace Amaro…
I think Simmons would be a solid hire as a coach, as long as he has good evaluating and recruiting skills.
So…is this a Taco Tech reunion? I have knowledge of this guy and it would make sense to get a guy that knows the system, but Taco Tech? I’ll patiently wait this one out.
If I could choose a guy, it would be whoever is coaching up those LSU WR’s, they’ve always had a good duo of reliable WR’s that occasionally get drafted, or it feels like at least.
See above….. Lol
Leach’s system or Taco Tech’s offense isn’t bad. What’s needed to make it successful is a really good defense. Now that’s what I’m worried about.
I’m worried about what happens when the passing attack isn’t working, a power run would be nice to have. Also, defense is the biggest key to success and ours was run over this season.
I think the key might be to utilize the strong complement we have in running backs. We have the run game to slow things down, so that the Defense doesn’t get so gassed late in a game.
I’m the guy everyone calls Debbie Downer, but in 1999 NONE of you guys, including me could spell Mike Leach. C’mon, if this is the guy who comes, let’s don’t throw him overboard with cement shoes on YET!!!
If it’s made, then I like the hire. You may not believe in the scheme, but at least we’re committing to something. They’ve brought in a young OC that has had success everywhere he’s gone and now Stoops is letting him surround himself with position coaches that can implement his offense. I’ll take that everyday over the hodge-podge offense that we’ve had the last few years.
Leach beat OU 3 times in his tenure at Texas Tech with quite a bit of a talent disadvantage. I don’t know that his system is all that bad. I think the LSU success might have a little to do with recruiting. Not saying the coaching isn’t good as well, but when you start with quality, it helps.
Taco Tech reunion is better than the Arizona-reject reunion.
I see what you’re saying…. Got to wonder though, was it The LSU WR coach or just a couple of good WR’s? You know them SEC type athletes? Ha
Good point, LSU has put some really good athletes on the field in the past.
All over the field…. Lol
Doesn’t excite me
Makes sense considering Riley; I think he would be a good hire in that regard.
This is all but done. Strong ties to Riley. dahu green will be a Sooner. So…linebacker coach and linebacker recruits? #stillwaiting.
Good dot to dot with Dahu, really hadn’t thought about that. Thanks… Not being sarcastic
I would think his experience with the Air Raid would be huge. Who knows how well he will be able to recruit, but he has a long track record.
Does he have ties to Riley? I’d say if he is in Leach’s offense, he probably knows how to coach WRs to cut quick and get open. If he can teach that with Washington State’s athletes, he should be able to with OU’s. We don’t seem to have any real trouble recruiting outr targeted skill positions, so IMO recruiting isn’t as important as development.
I can’t say this is a “wow” hire. We need as many top recruiters as possible. Washington State isn’t exactly tearing it up on that front.
Hey TFB – there’s a report that Bobbie is considering a DB coach from ND by the name of Cook. Strong recruiting ties to Texas. Good rep among coaches. What do you guys think or say?