Coaching Notes (Updated Sunday, 9:33 pm)

As most of you know, we have confirmed initial reports that Jay Norvell is no longer with the University of Oklahoma. Our source that confirmed the dismissal has also shared with us the following:

– One of the names Oklahoma is looking as a potential replacement is Western Kentucky offensive coordinator, Tyson Helton.

– Another name OU is also considering is TCU offensive coordinator, Doug Meacham.

– We were also told, by the same person and an additional source, that Oklahoma did indeed reach out to Will Muschamp before he was hired by Auburn. However, “he was too close to a deal with Auburn” at the time.

As most of you know, we’ve been pretty tight lipped with this coaching stuff. While we have been hearing a lot of what is out there for a while, it’s always difficult to be certain about these matters. And we’re sensitive to the fact casually throwing out speculation about the job security of any individuals would be irresponsible and disrespectful on our part.

If that means somebody gets the news out before we do then so be it. That’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make for the sake of what we consider to be doing things the right way. That said, we will continue to strive to bring you every bit of information we responsibly can as soon as possible.

Hence, we do feel comfortable sharing the information above. And, as you would expect, there will be more changes coming.

UPDATED (9:33 pm): We are receiving word that two more coaching departures are imminent. We have the names but are not ready to run them. But again, it sounds as though it will be coming out very shortly.


  • D Hunter Sanchez says:


  • ToatsMcGoats says:

    Please be Meacham!

    • blaster1371 says:

      That’s my thinking too. The Western Kentucky coach sounds intriguing.

      • Cam says:

        WKU had a high flying offense this year. Their QB put up Sam Bradford numbers while having a RB with 1,500 rushing yards.

  • ruasoonerfan2 says:

    Any news on MS

  • Jeremy Phillips says:

    Meacham is my guy…

  • akryan says:

    Don’t know much about the WKU guy? What’s his resume like?

  • Swanny says:

    Both names are great, but Meacham is awesome. Here’s to hoping DJ Durkin is still available if Mike leaves for LSU.

  • Boomer4life says:

    Meacham would be a solid get!

  • ruasoonerfan2 says:

    Durkin would be great, maybe bring recruits with him

  • Hotrod33 says:

    This is always the first site I go to, to get my information. You have been spot on and letting it work itself out. Great job and keep it up.
    I hope we can get Meacham. I think he would be a perfect fit.

  • Kevin Osborn says:

    Thanks for staying classy guys

  • Will Narramore says:

    Any ideas on who will replace Kish and BJW as position coaches?

    • Zack says:

      For bjw it would probably be viney and for kish I think leavit might be a solid hire especially if durkin goes to michigan. Then leavit might be a real possibility.

    • akryan says:

      Have they been released? I wouldn’t count them as gone until they’re gone.

    • akryan says:

      Thanks. He looks to be ambitious seeing how many places that he’s gone. Not afraid to jump for the next best job. OU is definitely a step up from WKU. I like that he’s a true QB-DT type of coach. That seems to fit the roster of QB’s that we have on campus.

      • Austin says:

        No problem.. Seems to have been pretty successful wherever he’s been as well. Coordinated the best offense in Cincinnati history, also did a pretty good job with uab when he was there.

    • Tulsa Terry says:

      Special Teams, qb, rb, OC, different schools. Lets get this guy for any position.

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    Ha, the announcers mentioned three recruits for us and said, “Mike Stoops is going to enjoy this guys.”

  • Stephen W Hembree says:

    one coach to be replaced and1 recruit gained and those my friends are fact everything is pure speculation

  • Dustin Madson says:

    I’m not sure how realistic Meacham is. Meacham went to Oklahoma State and was a wr coach there for years. He’s also got 9 starters returning on offense at TCU as well. The combination of these factors could make a move to OU as OC undesirable for him. Staying put, he should have another great year with TCU’s O next year and he could be in position for HC gigs possibly. I’d really love for OU to get him though because the way he turned TCU’s offense around was incredible. He’s clearly a fantastic OC

    • Herman Bubbert says:

      Yeah, he’s the best name out there – but he’s going to be expensive.

      • Hotrod33 says:

        Pay him for what he’s worth to get him to come. We need someone like that.

      • JR says:

        Not sure how expensive he will be, I believe he currently makes 250k and Norvell made 450k. Would think Josh would get a reduction in pay along with his demotion so OU could pay him the 605k that josh was making while paying Josh the 450k without increasing budget.

        • akryan says:

          If there’s a new OC, then I don’t see Heupel staying around in any aspect. The new guy is going to want to bring in his own people. Just too much tension to have the last guy underneath the new guy.

        • Justin Keller says:

          I should have scolled down before posting above lol. But, I don’t know if Josh goes for a swap in salary. QB’s only but that big a salary cut and he might walk. But, that might not be the worst thing. There is a lot of great QB coaches we could snare for 450k!!

      • akryan says:

        Money talks. I’m sure we could pay him a lot more than TCU.

      • Justin Keller says:

        What is making now? He was making $200k at Houston… so I’m sure he is making $300 something at TCU, or a little more. I think we were paying Norvell $460k or something in that ballpark. Write him a $500k check or closer to $600 and call it a day!!

      • RBear says:

        deep pockets

      • akryan says:

        Maybe. I bet OU could double his salary and it’d still be less than the combined salary of JH and JN.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      He has a Co Coordinator at TCU: Cumbie. Perhaps he wants a little more autonomy.

      • Dustin Madson says:

        Ah now that’s interesting I didn’t know that. Either way OU needs to try to land him, he would be a great hire.

      • Justin Keller says:

        I thought he ratained O-Coord all to himself, that what I remember when I heard he first was hired at TCU.

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          From article: “Doug Meacham and Sonny Cumbie into his program as co-offensive coordinators.”

    • kt-raida says:

      While they are having very good success right now. Let’s be realistic, OU is the major league and without a doubt a step up from TCU.

  • Mizuno44 says:

    Thanks for the updates TFB, and as Tina Turner used to vocalize in a good but aggressive manner, “You’re simply the best, better than all the rest”!

  • bjwalker82 says:

    Fair enough. Appreciate that you all respect the current coaches. I actually like them all, just think it is time for a change. Hope whoever goes has success elsewhere..

  • ACR says:

    Meacham would be fantastic.

  • JJSoona says:

    And so it begins………

  • Paul Lott says:

    I love this ……the best writers in the game

  • ToatsMcGoats says:

    Receiving word from multiple sources that two more coaching departures are imminent.— TheFootballBrainiacs (@TheFbBrainiacs) January 5, 2015

  • JDSooner says:

    Interesting tidbit about reaching out to Muschamp. That COULD be interpreted to mean that MS is out …regardless. Wouldn’t think that OU would contact him about interest in the DC job (presumably) and not be serious.

    • ccmosaic says:

      I thought the same thing when I read that.

    • Sooner Ray says:

      I don’t think Mike would be out on an interview if he thought he was staying.

    • akryan says:

      MS is out. No way he’s not. I’m guessing that Bob got him the interview with LSU. Even though he probably won’t get it, word is now out that he’s on the market.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        Is it possible that MS went to interview on his own accord? BS told him we are getting a co-coordinator who is going to game plan, you’ll do position coaching and have lesser input on the game?

        • akryan says:

          Yeah, it’s possible. Seems like a strange guy for Les Miles to just reach out to though. On a side note, I hate the co-coordinator concept. The position coaches can help game plan, but at the end there needs to just be one guy.

    • Swanny says:

      Everything I’ve heard is Bobby Jack and Kish are the other two that are out

    • RBear says:

      their way of saying it w/o saying it

  • Paul Lott says:

    The tcu. ..guy would be cool….I’m going check this other guy out…new blood..hungry coaches…that is good…super k

  • Justin Keller says:

    The TCU game next year would be insane!! Meachum and (Baker Mayfield) against Cumbie!!

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    This will suck if JH and MS stay in their current duties when JN goes.

  • Isaac Wright says:

    HC-Bob Stoops
    DL-Monty (King of the Recruiting games)
    OL-Bedenbaugh (loving the guys hes bringing in)
    LB-Orgeron (AMAZING recruiter)
    QB-Spavital (great recruiter)
    TE- Boulware
    This is the Dream team IMO…..add to it, take from, add different points

    • Justin Keller says:

      Thats 5 offensive coordinators and 3 defense… 4 if you are counting Bob?

    • Kdubracing says:

      If you’re thinking just dream team, that’s a pretty solid list. Realistically, I don’t think Orgeron is going to be a LB coach. He was an SEC head coach. I honestly think I’d rather have the WKU guy than the TCU guy.

      • Isaac Wright says:

        Orgeron is very unrealistic IMO think someones going to have to offer him a DC job if not HC

      • JB says:

        I prefer Sonnie Cumbie to meachum because he is what made the TCU offense go this year. But I’d take any of the 3 to get over JH’s play-calling.

    • JB says:

      That would be a hell of a list but I’ll bet Boulware goes to his alma mater UT soon to be their new TE coach.

      • Isaac Wright says:

        which would leave and TE/special teams and a DB coach correct? or would we had the DC or LB just cover that?

        • JB says:

          I figure they’ll get another TE/spec teams coach and the new coordinator on D will probably also coach secondary. But that’s all speculation on my part.

    • Nohudl says:

      Looks like a good list but I don’t think Spavital is the answer Josh is a more proven QB coach and I think it would be a step down. Orgeron would be great but a long shot and Wyatt been there done that.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      I don’t see Soavital coming here without the OC job being part of it.

    • AmaGoh7 says:

      WR – Trooper Taylor (great recruiter also) if not Wyatt
      TE – Tim Brewster, Fl St, Mack Brown’s ACE recruiter, if Boulware to UT

  • Shelby is a Patriot says:

    Man, I’m always late when something big happens.

  • Steve Cooke says:

    I thought Wyatt left on bad terms when he left the 1st time or was it someone else.

  • DT says: Well it seems as if Dean Blevins has bamboozled us once again.

  • Steve Cooke says:

    Didn’t Orgeron have some recruiting issues with the ncaa at one time?

  • Rick says:

    Western Kentucky had an awsome offense this year. Nearly 7000 yds. offense in 13 games. Just under 5000 yds passing and over 2000 yds rushing. WK did loose a few games this year, but they scored on everyone. The games they lost were very high scoring affairs, not because of stagnant offensive play calling and poor execution of the players. They scored 70 TD’s this year, so not only productive yardage gainers but, pretty good in the red zone also. I know Meachum is a great coach, and would be an instant success. I would however, prefer Helton. He took over WK’s offense last year on January 15th, and accomplished this. I would be happy with the proven Meacham, but my choice would be Helton.

    • ccmosaic says:

      Rick, I am with you on this one. I really like the idea of the WK OC.

    • akryan says:

      He’s had a lot of success everywhere he’s been. Definitely an interesting prospect.

    • Cam says:

      I am a WKU homer, but I would prefer Helton as well. I like the young guy from out of conference with something to prove on the big stage.

  • Hotrod33 says:

    One would say Kish the other one I’m not sure yet. I want to say Josh or BJW possibly.

    • SoonerGoneEast says:

      I think Stoops keeps JH if at all possible, unfortunately. BJW is gone for sure and no way Kish survives this either.

    • Doobie74OU says:

      I don’t think BJW counts cause I think he stays in a adminstrative position. Maybe Boulware leaves be taking another job instead of getting fired! If so I think we go after both the guys mentioned above. Meachum as OC/Playcaller and Helton has Special Teams and TE coaching experience and would be another great mind to add to the room!

  • Jackson1006 says:

    There has to be some just as qualified minority coaches out there somewhere. I think it a mistake not to use this opportunity to improve the diversity of our staff everything else being equal (meaning they are all equally talented). Going to cross my fingers

    • RBear says:

      i don’t think race has a thing to do with it- hire the best guys out there even i they’re all purple

      • JB says:

        Amen, brother!

      • Jackson1006 says:

        Individually, of course it is just about the best man. But as an aggregate, if minorities are not represented proportionately, then it is a problem on many levels. But to each his own, just my opinions

        • ccmosaic says:

          It becomes a problem on the recruiting trail for sure. Most young black males relate better to a coach that he feels understands him.

          • RBear says:

            I love my brothers, of all colors! Having said that, I’d rather have an OC of any color who knows his stuff and gets results on the field than a specifically colored OC that relates well to recruits but can’t get the job done.

          • JB says:

            At the end of the day, players go where they have the best chance to win, not because they see a black face on the sideline. See: Alabama, Oregon, Ohio State, Florida State etc., which have overwhelming majority white staff members. I don’t see that stopping them from signing talented non-white athletes.

          • Double G says:

            You don’t have to be the same race or same ethnicity as someone to understand their perspective or who they are as a person. We all meet people we’ve never met before every single day. Yet, I’m willing to bet that once you started talking to some of those “strangers” they ended up understanding some aspects of who you are better than the most of the folks who’ve known you your whole life.

            I think what it really comes down to is being willing to genuinely listen to what a person has to say when they are talking to you about something that is important to them – goes a long way towards making someone feel heard which, in turn, can help bridge that understanding gap so many of us struggle to get across.

            Just my two cents though.

        • RBear says:

          When candidates are being speculated on, I don’t sit here and say Hey, is that guy purple? or is that guy orange? I say, is that guy qualified?

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        This x100.

      • Super Keith says:

        It’s time to get an Asian guy on the sideline!!!

    • Stephen Dale says:

      texas has 6 BLACK coaches on staff not including Charlie Strong.. guess who will dominate the inner- city Dallas, Austin, san Antonio, & Houston areas ?? the effect can be seen by perusing Texas commitment list…9 of Texas 26 are from the Dallas area alone–including Wheeler & Jefferson ( 2 LBs OU targeted but could not get). 4 of Texas commits are from the inner-city areas around Miami ( all 4*** recruits)…if a school is going to depend on inner-city talent, it needs coaches of the same color who can relate and be role models ( and keep them in line & in school)…it isn’t going to be a Tim Kish or Mike Stoops, either…………….

    • Scott Hamilton says:

      We want the best coach available……and it doesnt matter what color he is…..improving diversity if it doesnt improve the team… plain STUPID

  • SoonerGoneEast says:

    When the dust settles there may be more new faces than old.

    I’m cool with that.

  • akryan says:

    How imminent is imminent? Within the hour?

  • Won says:

    Thank you TFB!

  • JB says:

    Is it just me, or are any of you getting excited about the new asst coaching possibilities?

    I do wish the departing coaches luck in finding new jobs and ending up in a happy and successful destination. I thank them for their efforts here, but it just didn’t work out.

  • Super Keith says:

    Meacham should be the the first name on the short list. The guy is an offensive whiz, and was able to take one of the worst offenses in the conference and make it one of the best, with the same players.

    The guy knows how to run an offense, and he knows how to win.

    • RBear says:

      “with the same players”, key words!!!

    • Jeremy Phillips says:

      Hes a WR coach by trade.. OSU always had receivers under him.. TCU was deadly at that position this year.. Speed for days…

      • RBear says:

        that would satisfy a lot of folks, that one hire right there

      • Super Keith says:

        I like Meacham because he’s been an OC at a lower level in the past prior to moving to the FBS. I didn’t realize he was a WR coach initially, but that just adds to the allure.

        What he did at TCU is just amazing to me. And we’ve seen Boykin play in previous years, and the offense was never anywhere near as good.

  • Boomer4life says:

    We should just dust off Chuck Long….he still lives in Norman doesn’t he?

  • Big Higg says:

    In my best Nature Boy Ric Flair imitation: WOOOOOOOOO! Never like to see anyone lose their jobs but dang this was the most miserable season…!!!!

  • curt gomer says:

    This is gonna really suck if Bob just unloads 3 position coaches after the way we played the second half of the year

    • Super Keith says:

      I can’t see that happening. It’s obvious to everyone (including Stoops) that the issues are more than just position coaches. He’s also smart enough to know if he only replaces three position coaches and doesn’t make a serious title run next year, he’s the one on the chopping block.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      JN was co-coordinator remember?

      • curt gomer says:

        I know and i can see JH being demoted to QBs and thats ok but if MS stays whats he gonna coach DBs?? might as well not have a secondary if that happens!

        • Ed Cotter says:

          Viney can coach DBs and he’s already been working with them and built a rapport. Could happen.

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          Yep. I agree that an overhaul is appropriate.

        • akryan says:

          I really don’t see a demotion taking place. If a new guy comes in, then Heupel will be gone. The new guy will want to bring in his own guys. A new OC won’t want to keep around the old OC.

          • SoonerGoneEast says:

            I would normally agree, but the incest in this place runs deep.

          • akryan says:

            Honestly, Heupel has a better resume than we probably think. He’s called some pretty bad games, but OU has also put up a ton of points in a lot of games since he’s been calling the offense. Other than the two blowouts, OU scored 30 or more points in every game this year. I could see a smaller program rolling the dice and bringing him in as a HC.

          • D Hunter Sanchez says:

            I have a feeling he isn’t going. So far, we know JN was let go, MS supposedly interviewed/Muschump was sought out, and reports are two others are to be let go, one demotion.

            If the other two per reports are Kish and BJW, Who is being demoted MS or JH? No current reports on four firings only three.

          • akryan says:

            I don’t see Heupel taking a demotion. He’ll stay as OC or he won’t stay. Like I’ve said previously, no new OC is going to want him around. I think the same goes for MS.

          • RBear says:

            easier than firing him

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            I bet he does take a demotion.

          • SoonerGoneEast says:

            If he’s demoted the word is officially out on him. If he goes to another program, HC or otherwise, I promise it won’t be a lateral move.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            I don’t think OU lets coordinators choose assistants. Only one I can think that maybe did was Wilson and Patton.

          • SoonerGoneEast says:

            MS chose Kish.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            Any more examples? Because one or two in 16 years isn’t many.

          • SoonerGoneEast says:

            it was your comment, can you provide any examples that give credibility to your claim.

  • Steven Sherrill says:

    I’m pretty excited to see what happens the next few days. It’s like K was talking about with alabama and creating a culture of excellence. Every coach being held accountable after every year.

  • Doobie74OU says:

    I say add both the guys listed above! Can’t have to many Great offensive Minds in the room. Meachum can call plays and Helton has TE/Special Teams coaching experience! If they did that I wouldn’t even be to upset if they kept JH coaching QBs

  • AlvinMack55 says:

    I think it’s safe to say that OU will have a new play caller next season. I’m guessing there will be a new DC as well if Mike is looking for other jobs and they inquired about Muschamp.

    • SoonerGoneEast says:

      If they pursued Muschamo then MS had already made the decision to leave. What’s most interesting about this is, Muschamp quit or got fired or whatever back in mid-November, so apparently this has been on Mike and Bob’s mind for a minute.

      • Mizuno44 says:

        Good point…

      • soonersd says:

        it stated that we were late to the game on Muschamp so not real sure we were contacting him until fairly recently. I do agree it suggests that MS is moving on though.

        • AlvinMack55 says:

          Yep. MStoops leaves instead of forcing his brother’s hand. I think K made it pretty clear that the offense will be under new leadership.

        • SoonerGoneEast says:

          Regardless, “late in the game” probably means Bob never dreamed $1.5 million wouldn’t buy him.

      • RBear says:

        I think TFB were leaving clues, you picked one up for sure.

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    I need to hit the sack, but I can’t stop reading TFB!

  • RBear says:

    Almost time for the Sports Extra on local CBS affiliates… Deano time 😉

  • Daryl says:

    BS has to get rid of JH and Kish after that I am fine, but those two have to be asked to move on!

  • curt gomer says:

    we made Michael Divinitys top 5

  • AlvinMack55 says:

    He made Joe Webb look like a very good QB in college. As a Vikings fan, that’s impressive to me.

  • Stephen says:

    Did Deano suggest that Heupel is going to be a candidate for the WR coach??????

  • blaster1371 says:

    These coaching prospects seem to point at either another co-OC or JH is being demoted.

  • JD says:

    ouch…how can you punt like that with no rush!

  • blaster1371 says:

    A lot of personnel action for a Sunday night.

  • alexander says:

    Josh Heupel is GARBAGE, Fire his azz NOW

    • akryan says:

      How do you really feel?

    • Shelby is a Patriot says:

      Calm down there, buddy.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      Thought we were going to show these guys the door with grace?

      • RBear says:

        offering JH a demotion is one way of accomplishing this, he may very well elect to leave on his own rather than accept that offer

        • blaster1371 says:

          perhaps, if it involves a pay cut.

        • akryan says:

          Not gonna happen. We either bring in another co-coordinator (a concept I hate) or we bring in a true OC. The WKU guy would be likely in the first scenerio. In the second, a guy like Meachum won’t want Heupel around. For his own career, Heupel would be better off looking somewhere else for the same job rather than taking a demotion back to position coach. He’ll have “coordinator” by his name next year or he won’t be at OU.

          • RBear says:

            that’s what I was eluding to, that the demotion is a way for OU to rid themselves of JH w/o actually having to fire him

          • JB says:

            Then he most likely won’t be at OU.

            I have no problem with co-coordinators. There’s still only one person calling the plays. And at least in 2000, co-coordinators worked on D (even though Mike was the one making all the calls).

      • soonerbred4ever says:

        Some are able to show class. Obviously some can’t.

  • bjwalker82 says:

    I think we all like the coaches. Most of them we’ve had some success with. Hopefully the change is good for them and us

    • Shelby is a Patriot says:

      Definitely worked out for Venables when he left. Hopefully it’ll work out both ways this time.

  • paganpink says:

    Deano graded the bowl game offense an F, the defense a D-, and over all the game was an F. So he certainly isn’t minimizing the problems we have. He said something about Stoops wanting new blood on both sides of the ball after saying he had heard that Heupel will either be demoted or may possibly leave.

  • curt gomer says:

    Norvell,M. Stoops,Kish dismissed. JH demoted would work just fine

  • RBear says:

    Thinking I’ll hit the sack with the thoughts of TFB’s mentioning of Meacham as a possibility being our best option so far- more in the AM I’m sure…

  • akryan says:

    Alright TFB, we heard “imminent” an hour and a half ago now. Any idea if that means tonight or will it be tomorrow?

    • curt gomer says:

      id say imminent has more to do with it definitely happening rather than when

    • Zack says:

      I take imminent in this case to mean it’s already happened. I’m sure we will find out by next Monday about all the changes. I’m guessing kish will be gone and bjw will be reassigned. But I’m curious about boulware, I think he’s done a good job but I just get the feeling he’s gone.

      • JD says:

        Next monday as in a week and a nights sleep…or tomorrow

        • Zack says:

          A week and a night we will probably have everything done as far as changes. I think they will want new coaches ready to go by the 15th but I imagine they will be done a few days before.

          • JD says:

            Yeah we need the new coaches to finish the deals and there is a dead period before signing day as well

  • Justin Keller says:

    Dear baby jesus, can we please have Jake Spavital and Doug Meachum? or is that going to far?!

    • akryan says:

      yeah, probably too much to hope for. DM is a lot more realistic than JS, but no way we get both.

    • Doobie74OU says:

      For that to happen I think Heupel has to be gone too! Then you could bring in Spavital as co-oc/QBs coach and Meachum as co-oc/playcaller. If Boulware was to take that Texas job we could even bring in the Western Kentucky guy because he has TE/Special Teams coaching experience. I am all for A LOT OF NEW YOUNG MINDS in the offensive game planning room!

  • bmrsnr says:

    How do these changes affect recruits, like Deberry and Humphrey?

  • Mizuno44 says:

    Interesting take from Spencer Tillman:

    • JD says:

      everybody knows that Boren has been a bigger nuisance for the program than promoter…he loves that money it brings in though…he’s a politician thru and thru

    • Doobie74OU says:

      While I’m sure he touches on SOME truth and/or facts there is no one I could care less about what they think than Spencer Tillman. He is a SEC homer! He is arogant! And quite simple he is a A$$! He never supports the program, he never tries to help the program, he never picks OU to win a game, he never comes to games or visits the program but HE IS FIRST IN LINE TO COMPLAIN about the program. Can’t stand him, don’t claim him, don’t acknowledge him, got no time for him, he is no Sooner to me!!! Sorry to jump on your post Mizuno44 that guy just always rubs me the wrong way!

      • Mizuno44 says:

        No worries, I do feel punched in the gut but you clearly have issues with Spencer 🙂

      • BigJoeBrown says:

        You just described Skip Bayless!

        • Doobie74OU says:

          Yeah he gets on my nerves as well! LOL! I will say this though while Bayless is born and raised in Oklahoma he is not a OU grad. He is on a TV show that is all about arguing and saying shocking things to get peoples attention. I have heard him say some pretty crappy things about OU and Bob Stoops but I have also heard him come back and say I was wrong I got it all wrong and YOU WILL NEVER HEAR THAT FROM TILLMAN. So while I am not a big fan of Bayless he ranks way ahead of Tillman in my book!

    • Herman Bubbert says:

      Good post and Spencer is absolutely correct. I continue to be amazed at the number of OU fans who, if they don’t like the message, want to kill the messenger. Tillman is correct, and people should pay close attention to what he says.

  • Pathfinder136 says:

    What does everybody think about Mangino?

  • Lesslie Stanford says:

    Any chance we reach out to Lincoln Riley?

  • bjwalker82 says:

    This all started with Bruce Kittle. Remember that guy? He had virtually no football experience at the level of an OU. That was the peak of the nepotism. Thankfully Bob’s snapped out of it.

    • JB says:

      He hired his own brother. No he hasn’t.

    • Won says:

      That’s more of the issue. Bob has definitely helped OU, but he has also taken advantage of his position to promote himself and his agenda. Not that saying that it’s unreasonable if you are still executing the office you are holding, but sometimes it seems like he has forgotten that OU is bigger than him.

    • Herman Bubbert says:

      Was snapped out of it.

  • Greg sparks says:

    BJR retires and JH moves into the recruiting role only. Allows room for top pay for the best candidate possible, and brings in more recruiting power. No more co anything.

    • Mizuno44 says:

      Good point, Co-“Whatever” doesn’t do anything but make a good resume item…

    • akryan says:

      Always hated “co” too. Too many cooks in the kitchen. Unless they find someone they really like though, I don’t see Heupel leaving. He’s called some real doozies, but OU has also put up a ton of points in a lot of games called by him. Maybe giving him sole responsibility and bringing in a dedicated position coach for QB and WR, will make things easier. I doubt he takes a demotion. It’d be better for his career to take an OC or HC position at a smaller program than it would be to take a demotion at OU.

      • JB says:

        Josh Heupel is being demoted from play-calling, and quite possibly, the OC position all together.

  • Greg sparks says:

    Garrick McGee any thoughts QB coach and OC.

  • John Tolomeo says:

    i would be very disappointed with helton. extremely risky imo. 1 year and that was taking over a pertino/brohm offense. brohm may still have a huge influence and he didn’t coach under them too long. didn’t coach under many other guys that are well respected either. at least with spavital he has coached under a ton of good coaches

    • akryan says:

      Helton could come in as a QB/WR coach and we’d still be able to pay him more than he’s making at WKU. Then, fire Heupel and bring in Meacham for a lot more than he’s making at TCU. So, that’s an option.

      • John Tolomeo says:

        if that was the case and someone else is brought in to call plays i would find that much more reasonable. Don’t think id make him the OC but it appears georgia is interviewing him maybe he is respected in the business. I honestly don’t know anything about him other than the teams on his wiki page but i would like someone with slightly more under his belt to call our plays. i like the tcu guys, lashlee, riley, spavital if we want a spread attack.

        • akryan says:

          Yeah, I’m not looking for Helton to be co-OC. I’m just saying that he could be the position coach. Give the game planning, play calling, reins to the TCU OC. Between Norvell and Heupel OU is paying something like $1.1M. You could hire both of those guys for less than that.

          • akryan says:

            In reality, I think every position coach is “co”. I doubt there is an asst coach in the country that doesn’t use his position coaches to help him game plan.

          • John Tolomeo says:

            i would be fine with that…do norvell and heaped have guaranteed contracts do you know

          • akryan says:

            They probably do. I don’t think the money would be an issue though. OU has plenty of cash to absorb things like that.

  • Stephen says:

    This might have been said in some posts below but the obvious next candidates up and Kish and BJW. BJW is deciding if he wants to take another position in the staff or retire, I think that’s why it hasn’t been annouced. Heupel is relieved of his duties of play calling but still is stuck in his contract and the administration is looking to work this out, probably by shopping him around. Still no word on Mike though.

  • Indy_sooner says:

    I am not worried about losing recruits if it means implementing necessary coaching changes. We have perennially underachieved on certain spots that I believe are loaded with talent and I hope our roster understands that it is a results business.

    • SCKSChief says:

      Honestly, I don’t know what the REAL issue is anymore. Half the time I think that the team IS loaded with talent and they are just not being developed. Then, after what I saw versus Clemson, I think the roster is virtually devoid of true D1 ability and wonder what the heck the coaches have been doing in recruiting. Regardless, it all falls on the shoulders of the coaching staff; development or evaluation. The job is not getting done and new things must be tried.

      As it stands, I am now more firmly in the camp of failures in evaluation and lower talent level on this team. Perhaps more striking than the talent level issue is the apparent lack of work ethic; it doesn’t appear any of them are getting any better (which, too, may fall to coaches failures to motivate/develop).

      • Indy_sooner says:

        Disagree. Who do you deem “D1” ability? Alabama’s? Well, we owned them last year with a vastly inferior roster, no? It doesn’t explain how a teams like Oregon, Baylor and TCU who we have beat in recruiting end up either in or on the precipice of the NC this year. (Oregon is always in contention). Yes, a difference maker can help but not if you cannot develop talent and put them in a position to succeed. Example: Clemson’s play maker Vic Beasley was a 3 star athlete.

        • SCKSChief says:

          You place far more validity in the star rating system than I do, obviously. I deem “D1 ability” strictly off of the eye test. If you’re getting owned, consistently, by other D1 players (which our WRs, not named Shep, and DBs were for most of the year) then I feel that the ability is lacking. The LBs also showed this with regularity as did the QBs.

          It’s one thing to be out of position due to scheme, which I saw, trust me. It’s completely another thing to look out matched, be it physically or otherwise. I saw a lot of instances this year where Oklahoma players just flat out looked out matched. A great example of this is Thomas getting trucked by the Clemson WR en route to a long TD. There are many players that just appear a step slow, smaller and weaker than the opposition. This is why I say the ability/talent seems to be lacking.

  • soonerbred4ever says:

    I have a feeling it’s going to get very interesting this week. I hope the coaching changes work out for coach Stoops. He has done so much for the program and been such a good role model for the young men who have come through it.

  • Randy says:

    As long weed hire a 3/4 defensive guy at least with 3/4 secondary experience. The offense I can deal with I am tired of the defense looking lost and helpless.

  • Randy says:

    I said “weed”.. Lol