Report: Jay Norvell No Longer With Oklahoma (CONFIRMED)

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Bruce Feldman of Fox Sports is reporting that, per sources, wide receivers coach and co-offensive coordinator Jay Norvell is no longer with the University of Oklahoma.

As most of you can probably guess, this is just the beginning.

UPDATE: We have just confirmed through a source inside the program that coach Jay Norvell has indeed been dismissed.



  • Stephen says:

    First…. (:

  • ohiosoonerdevildog says:

    Jh following soon?

    • Zack says:

      Not unless heupel wants to from what I’m hearing. They won’t Fire him but a demotion could be in place.

      • ohiosoonerdevildog says:

        Definitely dont mind him going back to qb coach. Imo thats where he is best.

        • Sooner Ray says:


        • Zack says:

          I know it may not be the best thing for his career initially but he got the promotion to play caller way too soon in most people’s minds. And I doubt any school is dying to have him call plays.

          • ohiosoonerdevildog says:

            I agree. The qb play definitely dropped off when he was promoted. And imo he never had a feel for the flow of a game, and lacked creativity. On 3rd and 4th and short the whole country knew it was Perine up the gut.

          • EasTex says:

            Except for when he didn’t call for Perine some fans blasted him.

          • ohiosoonerdevildog says:

            Yeah some people just look for something to complain about. I would have liked to see a few more misdirections though. That call in the 2013 Bedlam on 4th down to Saunders is what I am referring to.

          • EasTex says:

            That was beautiful, as was the misdirection in the Sugar that had the Bama defenders jumping up and down in place not knowing what to do.

          • Zack says:

            I think creativity was fine but only when he had drives scripted. As far as feeling the game flow you’re right that’s when he would get stagnant and never find a way to really step on the gas.

      • Thomas Norman says:

        Where are you hearing this, generally speaking? First, second hand? Not saying you’re wrong, but need some context.

        I wonder if Josh is integral to the staff, but bad on gamedays? Who knows.

        • Zack says:

          From other boards. Plus just seeing the rumored guy they’re thinking about hiring. I don’t think there’s any way they would fire heupel. But if spatival is the guy then you have to think heupel is out. Unless he’s taking over the offense only.

  • Stephen says:

    But in all seriousness I’m sad to see him go even though it was a necessary move.

    • Ed Cotter says:

      Yeah, I liked Norvell also. Just how things go when the team doesn’t do well and your guys are underperforming.

      • Stephen says:

        Agreed. I think he was one of those guys that just “got it” with players. Knew how to talk, knew how to recruit and when to say or not say something. Maybe he just got lost in the system changes or the players simply couldn’t adapt to college but in the end of the day he was a class act.

        • Tulsa Terry says:

          JN was a teamate of Bob Stoops and like MS, TK was a cronie/relative/drinking buddy whatever who became millionaires at the expense of Sooner Nation.

  • Ed Cotter says:

    Let the PURGE begin!

  • Mike Reed says:

    BOOM!! 405 In my best Denzel Washington voice.

  • Zack says:

    I’m not happy to see norvell go but I am happy changes are being made. It sucks for norvell but I think the NFL will be a better suited place for him as I don’t think developing is his strong suit. I would like to see if tfb can get some thoughts from ryan to see what his impression of norvell is/was.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      What exactly does an NFL WR coach do, if not develop? Sure doesn’t recruit.

      • Zack says:

        Well in the NFL you hope they’re all pretty much developed. But maybe the lack of production from the receivers is just that hes a nice guy (which most have said today) and the players just think he’s a cool guy.

      • Super Keith says:

        If you’re a WR coach in the NFL, and you’re spending much time on ‘developing’ your receivers, then you’re on a horrible team. NFL position coaches spend the majority of their time fine tuning their position group and installing game specific plays. They may have to deal with the occasional rookie that needs some polish, but if your playing on a 53 man roster, you’re already developed.

        • ND52 says:

          Either that or your GM made a bad draft day decision. “Cough” Matt Millen “Cough”

        • SoonerfanTU says:

          I would consider all of that “development”. Even the most developed of college receivers, especially those coming from spread or “college offenses”, probably need to be taught things about the NFL, the different route trees, and stuff like that. That, and playbooks, I consider all of that player development.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            Not every WR that comes to the NFL is Calvin Johnson, Dez Bryant, or A.J. Green from day one. Plenty of guys drafted that are young, underdeveloped, or just full of talent and in need of coaching.

  • Sooner Ray says:

    I liked Jay’s swagger but outside of transfers, how many big time receivers has he developed vs. busts?

  • Yahtzee says:

    If Heupel doesn’t get fired or demoted, this is bs. I understand our wr’s have struggled but it looks like he’s being the scapegoat for now. Heupel better be next along with Kish

    • OU ON MY MIND says:

      The team is talking to other OCs, I’m sure Heupel has been offered a demotion.

      • Justin Keller says:

        I actually hope he takes the demotion but were else would he go right now? He will be taking a big step back if he leaves for a smaller program.

    • Sooner Ray says:

      I would bet some money that we end up with a new OC.

    • Justin Keller says:

      I think Josh could still decelope QB’s if that is his sole reaponsibility and coached from the field and not the box. Bring in a good OC/ WR Coach. I saw this coming, I hope they give Josh the ultimatum of solely QB coach or find another job. And if Mike is out then Kish is out. Bobby Jack Wright needs to retire to an admin role anyways, take over for Merv Johnson or something!!

      • Rene Goupillaud says:

        What evidence do you have to support your thought? I can’t think of any. Josh threw off his back foot. His success was due in large part (if not all) to Mike Leach’s offense. Mike turned a number of average Qb’s into record holders because it was the system.

        I don’t think he had much to do with Bradford, never developed Landry, and clearly missed with Blake and Trevor. As this year points out, game plans mean nothing without a Qb.

        Maybe he should start over again at a school like Tulsa under a coach who knows something about offense and Qb play.

        • Justin Keller says:

          Good points!! I guess I have no case. I have just been thinking to myself, “who could they bring in?”. They need to bring in someone that can hit the ground running! Gary Patterson made two offensive hires last off season and they definitly hit the ground running.

          • Rene Goupillaud says:

            I agree, what happened at TCU shows what great coaching can do. Reminded me of Bob hiring Mike Leach.

        • ND52 says:

          Also, let’s remember that no team in the Big XII had ever seen the Air Raid offense in person before 99′. It’s kinda like how the Wishbone dominated the Big VIII at the beginning because no had ever seen it north of Texas.

          • Shaun C. Mills says:

            While the offense was fairly new Heupel and the crew did have a bit to do with the success. We had a great coaching staff top to bottom but without Heupel we certainly don’t win the NC. Otherwise we should have won many more with more “talented” QB’s.

          • Rene Goupillaud says:

            Shaun, nobody says he had nothing to do with it, just that it might be a bit overrated. Frankly, I think fans make a mistake thinking that because a guy won a championship he’d be a good coach. Let’s look at all the former players who failed in coaching. Start with Ted Williams, perhaps the greatest hitter in baseball history, who wasn’t very good as a manager.

            Perhaps I’m biased, but I just don’t see the potential. I think it would be better for Josh to start over elsewhere. I wish he’d been a gem as a coach because I was a huge fan of him as a player. I just don’t see it.

        • Shaun C. Mills says:

          Wait a minute. Heupel was a great player. Very clutch. How did he not have much to do with Bradford? I know we all knocked Landry while he was here but turns out things could have been much worse. That being said I feel the right move is to move JH back to the sidelines to call plays and groom his QB’s in game face to face and not through a headset.

          • Tulsa Terry says:

            Remember Bradford had an o-line from heaven and a hurry up in its novel stage. Heupel had little or no influence on those two key factors.

      • Boom says:

        It’s not if he can or can’t coach QB’s. The key point in all of this is he’s lost the trust of this group of QBs.

    • Guest says:

      He is being demoted to QB coach

  • OUn8v says:

    Change is a good thing !!

    • Easton says:

      Big 10-4 Roger that.

    • EasTex says:

      …and the only constant in the universe.

    • connie usa says:

      Wasn’t that Obama’s motto?

      • Easton says:

        Maybe, but that definitely does not change anything about change being a good thing. Edit: not continuing this topic.

        • connie usa says:

          Change is only good when the right decisions are made. We need some “homeruns”, and no more “Iowa/Youngstown” buddies.

          • Easton says:

            Indeed, yes indeed.

          • Glocal Sooner says:

            I get the feeling Bob knows that well is dry. His most recent hires weren’t from that group.

          • Justin Keller says:

            Bedenbaugh and Monty were great hires! At first I was a little worried but those to are putting in some work!!! I was looking at salaries though and both are making a little more than Gundy. I think Gundy deserves a raise or bonus if anyone does! I think Gundy is the lowest paid assistant coach… I’d have to check Kish and Jack Wrights salary though.

      • blaster1371 says:

        In the case of this offense- it is

      • Tulsa Terry says:

        If it aint broke, improve it anyway.

  • curt gomer says:

    Theres no way a top notch OC will come in to be co OC. Hes gotta be demoted or let go.

  • Zack says:

    It sounds like spavital or whatever his name is, is really interviewing and that will probably get an offer but I guess we won’t find out until tomorrow or so. But from all the smoke I would say that’s all but a done deal.

    • OUknowitscomin says:

      OU pulls OC from aTm?
      If that’s true, this will be the biggest coaching carousel year I can remember.

    • akryan says:

      That really seems like a long-shot, but what do I know? I just don’t see how we get him from TAMU if TAMU wants to keep him. We won’t outbid them. He has a good thing going there, with a ton of talent to coach too. He’s also a Leech type spread guy. I’m not sure how that fits if we’re still going to commit to changing to a power run, ZR type of offense.

      • ccmosaic says:

        I believe we will go back to a Baylor like spread with and run out of it like Baylor does. We need a good D but, we also need to keep up with the Little 12 offenses and win a game with the offense when needed.

      • Jake says:

        Why do people keep saying that OU cannot outbid teams for people?
        It isn’t like the negotiations will go too far into seven figures. It’s not a money thing with coordinators, it’s placing themselves into a position to better themselves and receive promotions and HC offers.
        If Spavital feels it’s in his best interest he will come to OU. I am sure OU can make an offer that he will find attractive if they want him.

        • akryan says:

          We can outbid a lot of teams. TAMU isn’t one of them. If they want to keep him, they will match anything that we offer. As far as being put in place to get a HC job, he’s already at a pretty good place to do it. Why start over in Norman when he already has a ton of talent and his system in place at TAMU? Maybe he’s having some problems there that aren’t public, and he is open to leaving College Station, but from the outside it looks like he’s already got an ideal situation that a lateral move to OU wouldn’t improve.

          • D Hunter Sanchez says:

            Not sure it’s lateral. Do you mean money wise? Different traditions. OU is OU. Missouri has outshined A&M in the SEC. Not lateral imho.

          • akryan says:

            didn’t you know? TAMU claimed 3 or 4 more national titles when they left. From an exposure, pay, and recruiting point of view, I don’t think going from TAMU to Norman can be said to be anything more than lateral move right now. Of course this is all dependent on them wanting him just as much as we do. It’s still all speculation at this point anyway.

          • D Hunter Sanchez says:

            Money yes. But Johnny football and a couple of good classes allowed them to gain some exposure. But the nation talked about A&M upsetting people. OU is talked about if they are upset in a game. OU was ranked 4th going in.

          • akryan says:

            Won’t be next year. I doubt we’re ranked in the top 3 in the Big 12 going into next year. We talk a lot about OU getting upset, but it’s SEC teams getting plastered all over ESPN win or lose. TAMU had more exposure last year than we did, especially down the stretch. LOL, their meltdown got more exposure than our meltdown. Moving to 8-5 OU (in a smaller media market and inferior recruiting grounds than TAMU) to take the same job he has now in College Station, doesn’t seem like a great deal unless it’s for way more money or he isn’t getting along with Sumlin.

  • Chris White says:

    Jordan Esco you said we should clean house and get rid of a LOT of people and even gave options and I said you were wishing for a miracle. If Norvell is the first one gone and Kish for sure. Josh Heupel may very be demoted and we get a new play caller. Point being you said we should clean house and this could be a sign (as well as Mike to LSU) that we are

  • akryan says:

    Anyone know how often purges work out? Mack replaced his entire staff when the ship was sinking and it didn’t stop the ship from sinking. Are there any examples where a huge coaching shakeup within a system worked really well?

    • OU ON MY MIND says:

      I don’t know, but I do know that Heupel and Mike stoops wasn’t going to work.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      The fish stunk from the head in Austin. Not so much in Norman.

      • JB says:

        I’m hoping you are correct, sir. Because that is my fear…stinking from the head down…

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          It stinks if BS is not working hard. But, with new coaches they ought to be doing the hands on stuff anyway.

    • Easton says:

      Thats what hope is for akryan. Attempts are made to get better.

      • akryan says:

        I’m not saying that it won’t work. I’m just interested in whether or not there were some good examples of it. I’m guessing Bobby Bowden and Joe Pa and a few other of those really long-term coaches must have done it at some point. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any that made a huge positive change. Players make a real connection with their coaches. It seems like losing a whole bunch of them at once would hurt morale a lot, at least in the short term.

        • Easton says:

          It is an unknown, I’m not buying into a hope that believes all is well. But it could be, and this is better for the program than changing nothing.

        • JB says:

          I don’t see it any differently than when you lose coaches who get hired for other jobs, like Leach who was successfully replaced by Mangino.

    • Stephen says:

      I really don’t know but each program is different, each coach is different, and each situation is different. I wouldn’t compare one rebuild to another until we get the new guys going.

      • connie usa says:

        BTW: How is your dad doing?

        • Stephen says:

          He’s heading in the right direction. I’m up here now with him. He’s off some of the medicine he has been taking so that’s a good thing. They were worried about his kidney function but it has since recovered. Hopefully tomorrow or maybe Tuesday they can reduce or get rid of the ventilator. Thanks for checking in! (:

    • curt gomer says:

      So far so good with JM & BB

      • akryan says:

        They absolutely have been great hires, but that’s not a huge shakeup. That’s just a couple of position coaches. Dropping the coordinators on both sides of the ball, plus some position coaches, all at once is much bigger. Of course it’s still hypothetical that the changes would be that extreme, but it’s looking more and more like it will be.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      Our ship isn’t sinking. We were a missed extra point, a bad decision to repunt, and a failed pick up of a 4th and 1 away from being a one loss regular season team.

      Changes were/are needed, but come on.

      • EasTex says:

        Thank you for keeping it real.

      • JB says:

        Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt…

        • SoonerfanTU says:

          I was in a play in elementary school about you. Chicken Little.

          The sky isn’t falling, not matter how much you think it is.

          • blaster1371 says:

            Maybe not now. But yiu cannot deny the downward trend over the
            Sat five years. OU lost more home games this season that over the last eight years combined. As someone pointed out earlier, the winning percentage has gone down too. The bottom may. OT have fallen out of the schooner but there sure as hell is a lot of floor boards loose or gone.

          • SCKSChief says:

            Look at Stoops’ win percentage by “quarters” in his career. It was posted here not too long ago. It has dropped pretty drastically from the first four to the most recent four. No upswings, just steady decline. He has to make changes and many in order to ensure things don’t get out of control.

          • JB says:

            Oh yes, the SPs deny anything negative could be happening with the program because they see that as disloyalty.

          • JB says:

            No, everything is great. No problems, nothing to see here. We didn’t really get hammered at home by Baylor, lose to a horrible oSu team after leading by 21, or get blown out by Clemson. And Mike Stoops isn’t really interviewing for other jobs. And Josh Heupel is perfectly secure in his role as OC. And Kish isn’t about to get canned. And BJW isn’t about to get reassigned to a non-coaching position. Because if things are true, then it would mean we have MAJOR problems requring radical changes.

            Sorry, dude, I choose not to bury my head in the sand, Mr. Ostrich.

          • Ed Cotter says:

            Everyone is entitled to their opinion and how they see things. No one is wrong, it is their perception. Let’s just all agree to disagree and let it go. Things are starting to get personal and there is no need for that. We are all Sooner Fans, bottom line.

          • JB says:

            I could agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong. 😉 LOL

          • SoonerGoneEast says:

            Boy, what a relief. Some of the local TFB misanthropes had suggested there might possibly be some issues here and there, but I will dismiss their dark rhetoric as nothing more than poppycock and instead seek comfort in your post.

      • akryan says:

        That’s fair. I wasn’t meaning to suggest that we were in the same shape as Texas, it was just the first example of a huge purge I could think of.

      • SCKSChief says:

        Ooh, the “what if” game. It makes even the worst teams “thiiiiiis close” to good. What you say makes sense, but c’mon, man. Those are HUGE things. Every team in America can say that.

        • SoonerfanTU says:

          Every team in America can not say that. TCU might be one of the best 3-4 teams in the country, and we should have beaten them on their home field. Sorry, but there aren’t a lot of teams that can say that. I get it. We didn’t get it done. But you’d think by the way some of you talk, we were Iowa State bad or something.

          • SCKSChief says:

            No, not everyone can say they were “close” to beating TCU. But, they can say they “almost won” x-amount of games. “Almost wins” are moral victories. Moral victories are for losers. Oklahoma should never accept moral victories.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            It’s not about moral victories. It’s a tool to compare our current team to other current teams that are in the top 5, or close. If you are competing with such teams, I hardly think it fair to claim our “ship is sinking”.

          • SCKSChief says:

            Numbers can be used to any end. I know what I saw out there and I really don’t think OU would “compete” with any of the top ten teams in America today.

          • SoonerGoneEast says:

            It would be incredibly foolish for Stoops to deny our trajectory and apparently he agrees.

          • eastoksooner says:

            Arkansas ALMOST beat Alabama.

          • blaster1371 says:

            Not that bad but not top 30 good either. If the “if” game is carried out then OU should have also lost to Texass.

    • blaster1371 says:

      Ditto,Samchez comment below and add meddling boosters and the plague known as the longhorn network.

  • curt gomer says:

    @OUnation @TheSoonermen Josh Heupel will not have any relation to play calling next year.

  • Randy White says:

    Interesting twitter dialog between Westbrook and Sims. Don’t know what it’s about but the timing was in line with Norvell news. I’m sure players are reassured, especially new ones whe coaching changes happen.

  • Swanny says:

    1st of a couple I hope. Makes perfect sense though. Great recruiter, bad developer.

  • Brandon says:

    Could it make John Humphrey Jr decommit since Norvell was a big part of him committing?

    • CastorTroyBoy says:

      I understand the young guy to an extent. But I don’t want anyone here that is here because they like a certain coach. You need to understand, adhere and have the skills to perform your “thang” at the University of Oklahoma”…

  • EasTex says:

    Okay, you asked for it, I asked for it, we all did.
    Hitler’s reaction to the 2015 Sugar Bowl…and he ain’t happy.
    ***WARNING*** Strong, vulgar language and deviant sex references!!!
    Roll Tide, I guess.

  • Herman Bubbert says:

    More coming …

  • Boom says:

    If I was a WR at OU, I would be really excited to get a new start with another coach. Also, the vibe to compete will be at a all time high. Fresh beginning to show their talent. Excited about who wants to step up.

    • James says:

      Jordan Smallwood please

      • Stephen says:

        Can’t believe they only used him as a blocker this year.

        • James says:

          I agree. I love how physical he is. Reminds me a bit of Dez Bryant. Before everyone kicks me in the junk I’m not saying he’s nearly as good as Dez, just plays with a similar physicality.

          • CastorTroyBoy says:

            James I got a great laugh out of this. Smallwood only in size would remind anyone of Dez….. Size…??That’s where it ends…

          • Stephen says:

            He meant he’s not afraid of contact like the small WR’s are.

        • CastorTroyBoy says:

          I can..the guy is a bust!

      • Daryl says:

        Jordan played early if you remeber and did nothing but drop ball. Just because the guy looks like a freak doesn’t mean he can catch.

        • Jake says:

          Maybe if Norvell would’ve coached him and the other receivers up a bit OU would’ve had more than just Shep???? I mean, hypothetically and all.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            You shouldn’t have to spend a bunch of time coaching a WR on how to catch the ball. If he can’t catch the ball, he isn’t a WR, he is a DB. Or not a football player.

          • SCKSChief says:

            Agreed. I’ve heard numerous D1 WR coaches say something along the lines of “by the time they get here, we expect they can catch the ball so we need to work on other things.”

          • Ed Cotter says:

            Yes, like route running, better footwork and blocking.

        • James says:

          What you say is true…. He did play a little. Neal did little of nothing all year and even though I like him Quick dropped a ton of balls as well. I just think they pulled the plug on him a little early.

      • CastorTroyBoy says:

        Smallwood needs to produce! If I was head coach I’d recommend he start looking for another team to find a fresh start..!

        • Boom says:

          Thank goodness your not a coach because it requires good communications skills. I’m not saying you don’t know football but relating is a different skill all together.

    • EasTex says:

      The old tabula rasa.

    • JB says:

      When OU hires a new wr coach, the players will calm down and latch on to the new guy.

    • blaster1371 says:

      Good point. Everyone but shep is at square one with the new coach.

  • SCKSChief says:

    Now…who to replace him with?

  • hushnpa says:

    Does he have something else lined up ?
    wasn’t expecting anything this soon .. ??

  • L'Carpetron Dookmarriot says:

    Fine. Time to hire Scott Frost.

    • Swanny says:

      He should definitely make the short list. Tom Herman, Lincoln Riley, and Rhett Lashlee should be on it as well though IMO.

      • JB says:

        Sonnie Cumbie

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        So Herman is going to leave the HC job at Houston, and be our OC? Heck, we wouldn’t even leave the OSU OC job for ours. Not sure why our fans do this. Same with Frost. He isn’t coming to OU, why would he?

    • CastorTroyBoy says:

      No way Scott Frost is coming here…He is a “Husker Man”….Who is the last Nebraska player to ever coach at OU? It has been awhile folks…!

      • JB says:

        Has no bearing whatsoever on present. Money talks and he’s only making $400k at Oregon. That said, he won’t come because he’s about to win NC and will likely get a head coaching option soon.

      • L'Carpetron Dookmarriot says:

        Reality wasn’t a pre-requisite for my desire to have OU hire Frost. OU could double his salary, I think. He would looks like a good OC.

  • curt gomer says:

    Przyblo saying westbrook very upset via text msg

    • Randy White says:

      I posted below about that.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      He’ll get over it.

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        Or he won’t, and we’ll replace him with Lodge when he comes with Murray and Spavital!

        • curt gomer says:

          LOL, ill sign up for that move!!

        • Zack says:

          Westbrook is stuck unless he wants to go back to blinn. Humphrey is the one to worry about. But they just need to find the right guy to turn it around. Good thing this wasn’t with last year’s class of 4 wide receivers. But then again if he had 4 again this year then he probably would be let go.

          • Ed Cotter says:

            Humphrey about a half hour from playing in the Semper Fi game in case anyone is interested. On FS1

          • Zack says:

            He tweeted out something like stop with the rumors.
            That was right when the news started to break.

          • Indy_sooner says:

            Oops, didn’t see you had responded.

          • D Hunter Sanchez says:

            One wr who is good, but not the no 1 rated wr doesn’t want to come here than that’s his call. This is about the long haul, beyond a recruits four years with us.

        • Indy_sooner says:

          Can’t. Westbrook signed a LOI already, he has to know it’s a business

  • blaster1371 says:

    Who’s to say Norvell as co OC isn’t part of the offense’s problems. BS has described his role as working with JH to come up with a game plan. I am just speculating. Of course it can go the other way that he has been JHs crutch and now gone we get full force bad game planning. I think this is a good move as the quality of WR play has been diminishing. Sounded wa sale eat really good when he got here. Shep wold have been good wherever he went and same for Stills.

    At least BS is doing something that he thinks improves the team and not just let things run their course.

  • curt gomer says:

    twitter really lighting up on this news

  • CastorTroyBoy says:

    Not on the subject but it is so refreshing watching Cowboys coach Jason Garrett. The guy is is personable, I’m watching his interviews, you can learn alot about a coach when they are forthcoming, he is absolutely impressed by the guy. Just watch his interview…If you don’t I may post it everyday until U folks do..LOL He takes accountability, he demands it from his players and other coaches. Just impressive young guy.

  • Daryl says:

    I know someone inside program who has always said the players really responded to and liked Norvell. So I would imagine this will not go over well. He has been a very solid recruiter and been a huge help in California. This could really hurt in recruiting for this year and then we will see about future.

    My problem with this move is how do fire a WR coach when our biggest issue on offense is QB play? Oh and we have not run a zone read offense since we moved to zone read which all falls on heupul.
    Also I know someone being recruited and he said he would be a sooner but can’t stand heupul. If you make this move with Norvell it better come for josh too

    • RBear says:

      JH cried during his 15 minute rebuttal

    • SCKSChief says:

      What you say has truth to it. I just never saw Norvell actually develop many really good WRs. Sure there’s Stills, Broyles and Shep. Only Stills is really doing anything in the NFL. With as much love as the guy gets, you’d think he turned out some Dez Bryant talent.

      Don’t get me wrong, I liked the guy. I just think that, in the situation which OU football finds itself, there can be no sacred cows. This thing is dangerously close to becoming really bad. The right changes can fix it…I think.

      • Zack says:

        Again this is why I would like to see broyles take on norvell.

      • Daryl says:

        Saunders, Bester, Stills, Broyles, Shep, Quick, and Young (had a OK year) That is a decent list in 6 years.

        I still want to know if you all think if we had a real QB or OC if our WR numbers would be better? I lay blame way more on QB coaching and QB play than WRs

    • CastorTroyBoy says:

      Not really inho..He has also ticked off a couple of former Sooner WR. You have your sources of opinion and I have mine…He has also had too many busts or people not playing to their potential! This is a results driven business folks. You are held accountable at OU if their is a standard. If there is no standard at OU then we need to drop the football program altogether…!

    • JB says:

      Yawn. The next coach will likely be someone with better recruiting ability ala Jerry Montgomery & Bill Bedenbaugh. For all of Norvell’s supposed recruiting acumen, we had exactly one WR all year until his groin injury. That’s pathetic. What good is recruiting when you don’t develop talent?

      • Daryl says:

        Did we really have just one WR or is it a QB and QB coaching issue.? Think about it. Since josh took over we have all talked about how Landry locked in on Broyles only, and now the same with Knight. Maybe this isn’t WR issue.

    • eastoksooner says:

      Absolutely right, can’t fire Norvell without letting JH go too.

  • Dlee914 says:

    Stoops was reported to have interviewed with Miles on Saturday in Dallas, according to an Oklahoma City television station. That meeting happened, a source said, but Stoops was not offered the job and is not considered a top candidate.

  • hemisooner says:

    BOOM, this had to happen bc no development of the WRs

  • SoonerPhins says:

    Who should replace him? Also would Ed Orgeron be a good pick for a DC spot if mike leaves?

    • JB says:

      I’d go after Clancy Pendergast as DC and orgeron as LBs coach or DL coach with Month going yo LBs.

      • SCKSChief says:

        Pendergast, me no likey.

      • Ed Cotter says:

        Pendergast has the OU ties, so that could be, but he is also high on Miles’ list for LSU. He probably is the guy that gets that job, not Mike S.

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        That isn’t Bob’s MO. And I don’t really want to go that route either. Go find a couple of guys that will be around for more than year, possibly two. It does OU no good to put a new system in, have it work, then lose that coach to a HC job. Plenty of younger guys that can get the job done too, and would stick around a while longer.

        • Swanny says:

          Disagree. Good coaches are in high demand. You want upwardly mobile, highly motivated coaches.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            When has Bob ever hired a veteran coach like that, a guy that could easily leave the following year? I don’t think it’s ever happened. Young(er) guys are hungry too. There is zero chance to two guys like Pedergast and Orgeron are going to work on the same staff. Too many chiefs, not enough indians. Might be able to get away with one of them, and a younger coach for the positional coach, but Orgeron could probably have a HC job if he wanted one, certainly a DC job. No way we bring him in as LB coach. JMO.

          • SCKSChief says:


          • SoonerfanTU says:

            True. That is one. And I don’t think the intent was for that to be a 1 year hire, but if you’ll remember, rumors said there was a lot of in-fighting on the staff that year, and Pelini really didn’t fit in with BV.

          • CastorTroyBoy says:


          • Steve Johns says:

            Jonathan Hayes; The Pirate; and Bo Pelini come to mind.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            I don’t count the guys that came over on the initial staff. That would be Leach, and Hayes I believe. Mangino was a year later, but only b/c they didn’t have room on the staff year 1.

            Who was the OL coach that first year?

          • Gary Jackson says:

            I thought Mangino was the first OL coach.

          • Swanny says:

            Willie Martinez, Bo Pelini, Jay Norvell was that too… That’s a list that no one wants to be on however because none have left by their own choosing.

    • Mizuno44 says:

      He would be a great pick, and someone mentioned Lincoln Riley below for OC. Those would be two, high quality pick ups.

    • eastoksooner says:

      I like Orgeron, mentioned him yesterday. Also like the thought of Clancy Pendergast. Maybe one of those would be my main targets right now. The DC from Wisconsin is good and has experience with a 3/5 if we choose to stay with that.

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    Don’t forget FS1 four of OUrs are playing. I wonder if they’ll have anything to say about the firing and rumors?

  • CastorTroyBoy says:

    Too much passing by Lincoln Riley…Imho we don’t have the wr play to throw the ball 400 plus passes in a season. We need a coach who knows how to maximize field position, minimize bad plays. Able to attack any team no matter the talent you are going against. There are those kind of guys out there but you have to be methodical in your approach to finding them…

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      How do you know Riley can’t do that? Maybe he didn’t have the players to run the ball much over there? Maybe the defenses he played dictated they throw a lot.

      • CastorTroyBoy says:

        True tulsa, I’m just emotionally not excited by coaches that adhere to the spread as there bread and butter. Maybe I’m wrong about the guy.. I don’t know..? But I want to see a really designed offense that are based on principles instead of we all the time looking to the damn sideline every time, just to get a play in the OC at the last minute likes. I think it takes away from the leadership position the Qb has to have to gain the right amount of respect in the huddle…

        • Ed Cotter says:

          Can’t see OU going with an OC that is only predicated to a certain type of offense. Not sure if Riley can only play call for a passing offense, but definitely need to be able to change it up when necessary.

          • JD says:

            Don’t discount working with Gundy and even Hueple in order to utilize the running game…He would have some stud rbs to work with and Bendenbaugh will have a mauling group on the line…hopefully it will get us closer to the 08 offense because that was a well balanced machine

          • CastorTroyBoy says:

            I like Bedenbaugh but the jury is still out on him because our experienced OL cannot move people who compete hard with them. It is easy to move the West Virginia, Kansas etc. It’s another when it Someone who will fight back…

        • L'Carpetron Dookmarriot says:

          Calling audibles, even from the sideline isn’t a big deal, on offense or defense. Perhaps, just don’t do it every play.

        • eastoksooner says:

          I like the idea of giving the QB some authority to audible/change plays at LOS based on what he sees, not look to sideline and wait to long to signal in play and have to call a TO.

  • curt gomer says:

    from westbrook<

  • blaster1371 says:

    I think the zone read is out the window. BS has always been protective of his QBs and running him too often just goes beyond BS’s risk threshold. Cody Thomas has a passing background like Jones and Bradford as does Hanson and Mayfield. Knight was always more of a runner than passer and just can’t shake the bad habit of locking on one reciever and not going through his reads. Seems to also miss on pre-snap reads. Them running load will be carried by the RBs.

  • curt gomer says:

    Jake Trotter ‏@Jake_Trotter 8m8 minutes ago
    OU ESPN JC50 signee RT @DedeTHEGreat11: BOOMER!!!
    Expand0 replies6 retweets8 favorites

  • curt gomer says:

    sorry, i technologically challenged, westbrooks good to go

    • OUknowitscomin says:

      Maybe he’s been told replacement plans??
      If Viney gets promoted in some fashion that could mitigate the void for many WR’s.

  • blaster1371 says:

    Some are speculating BS already has someone to replace Norvell in mind. Does anyone know the time line of contacting Monty and coach B from the date of dismissal for shipp,and Patton?

    • Bob Edwards says:

      My guess Norvell was not told he was out till an agreement was made with his replacement. May take a couple of days to get contracts signed etc.

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        One step further, it may depend on who else we bring in. I think I read that maybe Riley has coached WR’s in the past. Not sure Spavital has. We can’t bring in JUST an OC unless JH is going to coach something other than QB’s, or we let Boulware go. Just something to keep in mind.

        • wj says:

          What I read is Riley coached receivers at Tech when Crabtree was there.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            Think I read the same thing. So if he is the guy, maybe he is the WR coach and OC, and JH coaches the QB’s. That would allow Boulware to stay. Good or bad.

          • JD says:

            That could be good..Heuple is a good qb coach and Boulware has shown his worth with special teams alone…That 08 tech team was pretty salty

  • Kuzi says:

    What’s the word on Humphrey?

  • OUhound says:

    From the DOK…. Just as pretty much everyone has been predicting:

    According to sources close to the program, the only OU assistant coaches with firm job security are running backs coach Cale Gundy, offensive line coach Bill Bedenbaugh and defensive line coach Jerry Montgomery.

  • curt gomer says:

    last try,

  • Wilson says:

    I consider him a friend and wish Jay and his family much success…the coaching profession can be rough, but they all know it, but do it for the love of the game and a chance to change young men and women’s lives in some small way….Boomer!

  • Gary Jackson says:

    Possible replacements?

  • ToatsMcGoats says:

    Cycling between all the comments here and all of the comments on twitter has proven to be quite the task! Changes are finally here!

  • Ed Cotter says:

    Drill Sargent going off in the East Lockerroom at the Semper Fidelis Bowl. “NO L’s IN THIS LOCKER ROOM, ONLY W’s!!!”

  • Kuzi says:

    Feel bad for coach Norvell. Never met him but seems like a good man. It’s a tough business. Best wishes to the coach for the future.

  • Austin says:

    Really hope the ou commits show out tonight at the semper-fi game!

  • red clay says:

    HC is doing what we asked fer. No status quo no more.

  • ToatsMcGoats says:

    Someone was asking for this earlier…:

    Coach Norvell has had one of the greatest influences on me as a person and a player! He is nothing short of a great coach! He wil be missed.— Ryan Broyles (@RyanBroyles) January 5, 2015

  • CastorTroyBoy says:

    Jay will likely get an NFL job, he is well thought of as an NFL WR coach. I’m not cruel, I know the effects of being told you no longer have a job feels..Norvell will be coaching in pros very likely next. season. I wish him all the best.

  • JD says:

    I’m gonna throw this out there to see some flames (love a bon fire!). I wonder if BV would be an option to come back as DC if Mike left…after all he has a top D at Clemson

    • Gary Jackson says:

      I know one guy over at SoonerTimes who would blow a gasket if they brought BV back. 🙂

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        Who in the world still posts at ST’s? lol. That was the first OU board I posted on regularly, had to be back in 1997 or 1998.

      • JD says:

        haha..I wouldn’t put it past BStoops to bring him back…he fits the MO of someone Bob would hire

    • Steve Johns says:

      Nah, BV want a HC gig.

      • JD says:

        I know but if he doesn’t get any offers then it’d be something that is prob considered…not like he’d be taking a step down

      • Tulsa Terry says:

        OU was great with BV here. Clemson is great with BV there. BS and BV both learned under Snyder. Maybe it was BV all along and not BS.

    • DCinAZ says:

      Venables has already coached in the BIG XII and failed. He’d just get torched again.

    • CastorTroyBoy says:

      NoT Gonna Happen JD. He has a great situation there right now, with great defensive talent there and coming in…Why would he come back???

      • JD says:

        LOL I know…I was expecting flames…I could see Bob asking him though

        • CastorTroyBoy says:

          I hear ya. I just think that ship sailed….Only way Brent is coming back to Norman is if he was offered a Head Coaching Job…Brent really likes it up there and the players all play hard for him…

    • RBear says:

      forward, never backward

    • JB says:

      Oh, good Lord, no. Our D got worse every year under BV, esp PASSING D, except for 2009. He couldn’t stop or contain offenses any better than Mike.

      We need new blood. Pendergast has shown his defenses can matchup with spread passing attacks.

      • JD says:

        LOL…but his D got better at Clemson…maybe some other variables involved here..BV is a good DC…not two ways around it

        • JB says:

          BV is a good defensive coordinator when it comes to stopping the run, and a horrible DC at stopping the pass…he was run out of Norman for that reason…no two ways around it.

          Lucky for him, he’s now in a league that isn’t as offensively explosive as Big 12 except for FSU (and still lost to FSU without Winston) and he got to face a horrible team in a bowl game.

    • ND52 says:

      If he were truly a great coach then he’d either have left for a better job or have been retained. Not tryin’ to be mean but……………

      • bjwalker82 says:

        I wish him the best. He’s a good guy. But you’re right, many players were upset when Blake was fired so… (by no means comparing him to Blake, just that player reaction such as this is understandable)

      • Wilson says:

        Everything Ryan said is true on many levels…outside perceptions are just that….

  • Ash Jones says:

    How do you get fired when you didn’t call the plays? JN was a Heupel scapegoat firing unless Josh is sent packing in the next few days.

  • SoonerfanTU says:

    I wonder if Mike Stoops could end up on the LSU D staff as something other than the DC?

  • Ed Cotter says:

    Well, Humphrey just muffed the catch of the punt.

  • SoonerfanTU says:

    Know what would be cool? A flow chart of the OU coaching staff, by year, from 1999 thru this season. I was shocked to see that Norvell had only been at OU for three seasons. Seemed like much longer. I bet there are some names we’ve all forgotten.

  • rphokc says:

    i’m surprised that more comments from current players hasn’t shown up from social media since it’s followed……….

  • Ed Cotter says:

    They keep calling Johnson #1, John Humphrey. LOL

  • D'Brickashaw Ferguson says:

    Maybe I’m in the minority here…but Norvell wasn’t the problem on offense. This is the only year our WR’s have struggled. He’s well liked by players, recruits well, values relationships with his players (like the Broyles tweet suggests), etc.

    I wish him the best, but believe he should’ve remained on staff.

    • bjwalker82 says:

      He was the passing game coordinator

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      He started in 08. If you exclude transfers Brown, Kenney, Saunders, who really performed under his coaching? Yes Stills…Plus, at least two wr didn’t last, K Jackson Metroyer. Clearly wr like D Miller, Neal have limited talent. No separation this year.

  • JD says:

    Boren must have issued a non smoking policy and we all know Norvelle smokes the cigars at least once a year

  • Stephen says:

    Sunderland just watched the QB run past him…

  • RBear says:

    Specualtion! Speculation, speculation, speculation- speculation, speculation, speculation (speculation). Speculation: speculation, speculation. 😉

    I know, it’s fun- jus palyin’

    • akryan says:

      It would be irresponsible for us not to speculate and spread rumors 😉 Real sports journalism is what the TFB editors are for.

    • EasTex says:

      Which is all we have until all the info is revealed.
      I’m certain Coach Norvell is a good man and wish him nothing but the best. His dismissal may not make a great deal of sense on its own, but perhaps after all changes are made we might have an “aaah” moment.

  • ruasoonerfan2 says:

    Humprey did not muff punt. 2 # 1’s in game

  • curt gomer says:

    update coming on possible replacement, new one we might really like

  • CastorTroyBoy says:

    Saw this posted on another Board!

    @TeddyLehman11: X’s and o’s are not the problem. WE NEED PLAYERS!!!! That should be the main focus with the new hires.”Vice President in charge of Media Statistics and Related Research.” – OUGN

  • eastoksooner says:

    It s up now. Go to main page

  • Fear The Magic says:

    Has Overton been in? Its kind of hard to miss 300 lbs but havent seen him yet

  • JD says:

    what number are our guy tonite in the marine bowl…which squad

    • EasTex says:

      The West(white)
      #2 Mbanasor
      #1 Humphrey(there are two #1’s)
      #10 ( I think) Sunderland
      #97 Overton(looks to be 2 #97’s)

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    A New thread “Coaching Notes” has been posted.

  • Fear The Magic says:

    Mbanasor just got beat for a TD

  • JD says:

    PJ with the forced fumble…hope that wasn’t his guy because he was WIDE open

  • Travis Coyle says:

    Kish and bjw are next.

  • PLAW0720 says:

    Not that it matters, but didn’t coach Norvell play DB at Iowa?