Image via Scout.com
2017 tight end, Grant Calcaterra out of Rancho Santa Margarita (CA) has committed to Oklahoma. Calcaterra recently visited Oklahoma, shortly after the visit there were a lot of rumblings that things were trending the Sooners’ way.
Committed #SoonerSquad17⭕️🙌🏽 pic.twitter.com/vyeiK1YGz2
— Grant Calcaterra (@grcalcaterra) April 8, 2016
The Sooners hot streak and success in California continues.
Wonderful news.
Obviously they saw the success of having someone like Mark Andrews who is a WR/TE hybrid and now they have another one waiting in the wings for when Andrews moves on to the NFL
Welcome aboard Mr. Calcaterra!
Don’t worry he’ll sign wit da ‘horns.
You might think you’re anonymous but I know who you are: HWMNBN
Dang that was quick tfb!
Boom!!!! OUDNA
This class is shaping up to be legendary
I love how this kid gets up field before he has the ball.
Guess this is what Coach Gundy and Riley were talking about on Twitter today
Was thinking that, too, when I saw the tweets. Will be watching for the ‘lookout’ emoji in the future.
Good “eye”.
The ‘eyes’ have it.
Eye love a big Boom.
Since Dustin is not here, I’ll do it.
LOL. Thank you, Sir.
So many threads, we need GPS systems in here. 🙂
Lot of ins, lot of outs, lot of what-have-your….lot of threads in ol Duder’s head.
BOOM says the Dude!!
The Dude is the DUDE!!
“That TE really tied the offense together…”
Chuckled about that one all evening. Well played, Sir.
The Dude abides…
One of his best pics is one of the lesser known ones : Thunderbolt & LIghtfoot with George Kennedy, Clint Eastwood, etc——-really an underrated movie…
Post of the day.
Just updated from 24/7 Sports.
We’re just missing that 5.
And in-conference the next closest program—-Baylor—-has only 6 commits!
We’re kickin’ it! Most Baylor players are gonna be in jail anyway./s
Okay. I change my mind, this is the post of the day.
@sooner_ray:disqus “Cough” Shawn Oakman “Cough”!
It’s coming, Ray. Just have to wait on it!
Only reason we’re behind Bucky, they have players in the 5 star slot.
Got it.
I suspect some of our 4* would be 5* if they committed tOSU or Alabama.
I suspect you’re correct, except for that “dome” typo. 🙂
Hey, I spent all day doing maths. You can’t expect me to type too.
Is Miami cheating again?
They’ve always been surrounded by talent; the issue was always getting it to stay home. I went to HS in South Florida several decades ago and even back then, the talent was unreal. Can’t imagine what it’s like now.
Still can’t believe that the city tore down the Orange Bowl.
And for a baseball stadium no less!
Nice wheels for a guy that size. Wouldn’t be surprised if he picks up that fourth star before all is said and done.
Yeah. Did you notice that on his drag routes he turns up field before he has the ball. That’s a great sense of presence in the middle of moving parts. Awesome!!
Definitely a good looking player. Looks like a Mark Andrews 2.0.
BOOOOOM!! Hello, Denzel. Welcome to OU, Mr. Calcaterra!! Good day to be a Sooner!!
I called it. BOOM
Yes you sure did!!
so does this mean we can still take 1 more WR?
Yes because he is a TE and according to our roster…….oh crap.
I remember there being chatter about manning waiting to see what happened with this kid, since hes basically another WR.
Dosent seem like we are going to run a true TE anymore.
Speaking of Manning, what ever happened to the Manning kid that went to aTm? I believe he was Lynn McGruder’s brother.
I read something to the effect he was granted a leave from fb for personal reasons, if I remember correctly…….recall all the angst when he went with tam………..helped sink jackie shipp
Thanks, RP.
I saw what you did there …
Appears to have been given a medical scholarship and is out of football.
Thanks, Bob. Thanks for hanging out with us tonight.
Been a busy week at work. I’ve been watching, but found no point in commenting in troll filled posts.
I’ve been busy for some time now. I haven’t had time to post too much. Where’s RBear been? Any idea?
He may be allergic to Trolls.
We all are.
I hear that! Glad his Mom finally came home.
Dodged a bullet on that kid….
Justin I think he has yet to see the field. He was the brother of DeMarcus Granger.
It appears we are an inside/ outside team now. If the right one wants to come in, I think we open the door. Still need to maintain contact in case of defections.
If you look at our roster we don’t have anyone listed as a TE. As I understand this offense there is not really a true TE position. There are only inside receivers that can line up as a TE based on situation.
The FB is the TE.
Scout has him listed as a WR. If he can get open and catch the ball, I don’t care if they call him a punter.
I feel the same. Catch the dang ball and call yourself a player.
Some of our best players have been the guy who were tweeners that didn’t fit in the prototype for a position. Most recently a guy named Striker comes to mind.
Jeremy Beal LB or DE? Played DE…
Jimmy Wilkerson came in as 6’4 MLB and converted him to DE as well. Jeremy Beal was a 6’2 MLB and they converted him to DE.
interestingly enough, Wilkerson left Norman at 6-2,250. Along the way, he lost 2″ in height.
Soonerstats.com has him still listed at 6’4 230 but will we really ever know lol and he is apparently a free agent listed at 6’2 270 so hmmm interesting.
He plays both TE and WR at his high school. Different sites have him labeled at different positions. That’s why he isn’t as highly rated as he should be.
To be fair that is the definition of our punt return team lately! Wide open and fair catch the ball!
In OU’s system, there is no discernible difference between a TE and an Inside Receiver. Sterling Sheperd and Mark Andrews played the same position. Of course, LR is creative enough to take a bigger guy and use him in different ways, but he is still called an Inside Receiver in the system, and I’m sure the coaches have a number in mind for how many IR’s they’ll take any given year, regardless of size.
I hope there is room for Manning……….
she’s been missed the past few days…….thanks.
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Why didn’t USC or Ucla offer this kid?
Not enough stars, I suppose.
Physically, he doesn’t fit the blocking schemes of either UCLA or USC…Calcaterra isn’t coming to Norman to become an in-line blocking TE….
He only blew up as a TE/WR in 2015. His 13 and 14 highlights are all mostly of him playing safety. It’s obvious he underwent a massive growth spurt from his Fr to his Jr year and got moved to TE just last year where he flourished. We’re early, but now that he’s committed, the Cali schools will come after him in a hurry you can bet. They probably wanted to use his senior season to further evaluate him. I bet he has an offer from USC, UCLA and Cal by the end of his senior year.
just a guess but neither UCLA or USC run an offensive scheme similar to OU and Calcaterra fits what OU wants to do offensively. He didn’t fit the skill set requirements for the Bruins or Condons, however……and both LA schools are recruiting more highly ranked guys who do fit their schematics….
I ike it. I like it a lot.
Great to get a SMHS Eagle. Great SoCal program (Carson Palmer for one).
Has me wondering if Calcaterra told the staff earlier and wrapped up that last receiver spot knowing Rison was visiting and likely to commit.
Makes some sense.
Would OU still take Rison?
Rison canceled his scheduled visit so was likely told by the staff ‘sorry, all full at this time’. He re-commited to MSU so think the bromance is done. Doesn’t sound like OU takes any more receivers but never know. Maybe Omar Manning if there is a ship available at some point.
Right on! Great get. Was hoping the kid would pull the trigger and commit to the Good Guys. Sooner Squad 17 gets another one. Hopefully he can work on getting other Cali kids to join SS17. This class is coming together nicely. Just gotta keep those orange bastages from the south from poaching ’em.
agree completely……….like the class to date with one exception. Would trade Lamb for Manning ; otherwise, some quality prospects on board
Do you like the Juco running back?
no opinion on the JC guy.
Better late than never: BOOM!
We’re on a roll. Lovin’ it. Rancho Santa Margarita is a great program. Their campus looks like a small eastern university. Beautiful. But then everything down Diego way looks beautiful.
Outstanding! Welcome aboard, young man!!
Kid chews up chunks of yardage at the rate of 5 yds every two strides at top gear. Destroys zone coverage and outruns DBs. Kid is an animal.
I love that Riley is going with big guys like this.
Love the Boom – still miss too much TFB working. Welcome Mr. Calcaterra! SS17 is THE team to join.
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This is probably already here somewhere, but…..
Calcaterra: “Nothing matched up with OU”
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