Hey guys! A few people have been hitting me up on twitter and in e mail about maybe throwing together some examples of how the O-Line has gotten better since the beginning of the year. Shout out to my boy L.T. who had a part in giving me the idea. Rather than having one big massive Trench Warfare post, I figured we’d have 12 days O’ Trenchin’ with a post a day finishing up right around New Years Eve for the Orange Bowl. With that, in honor of Bob and Doug McKenzie(Strange Brew), On the first day O’Trenchin’ ol’ Jy gave to me..a beer.
Well, there’s no other place to start than with the first game against Akron. Going into the season I was really excited about the new offense based on how excited the players seemed to be coming out of the spring and fall camp. Like most of you I expected to see the Sooners just come out and light up Akron early and often. By the end of the game most of the Sooner faithful were pleased with the final outcome, but several comments about how good Akron’s d line was kind of ruled the day. On a couple of points I should have known better. First with so many new starters up front, a new qb, and a new system I should have known that it would take a while to get the offense on track.
In this first picture the Sooners got 3rd and 12 , and they run a draw. Looking at the top arrow Orlando Brown in his first start is looking the wrong way. Had he been looking outside correctly he would see the linebacker coming across and picked him up. Second, the right tackle, Dru Samia, also in his first start at the bottom arrow should never be getting beat on a draw. He completely opens his hips, opens the gate and the guy has run the hoop on him. Third, you can see Darlington’s back #56. Looping around him on a fold block is Jonathan Alvarez. He doesn’t get around in time, and finally Samaje Perine ended up falling down on the play. So while it looks really bad, and it was, it was all little things that the guys were messing up at early on. If this is blocked cleanly, Sterling has his guy stalked and Samaje is one on one with the safety who’s back about the 1st down line. I’ll take that matchup every time.
On this second play, this is a 1st and 10 pass for the Sooners. The circled Akron defender is at the original line of scrimmage. Looking at the red arrow, we see that Joe Mixon has gone too far forward in his eagerness, and is now running back towards Baker to help out on the D Tackle that Darlington let squeeze him back. The real point of this whole thing is that most everyone has gotten pushed back eight yards. That’s not good. Needless to say, the Sooners did progress a great deal since September, but early on there were some things we weren’t doing well as a group.
Not a minute later, here is a tailor made pocket. Much better on the inside, and Baker is standing tall back there with tons of time. If you check the top two defenders(blue dots) they’re in Man with a safety over the top. With Sterling running that way, he’s going to clear into that area they’ve vacated. Durron is coming across right at Sterling, and the circled linebacker will pick him up. Sterling will have a lot of green grass to operate, and we all know how good he is in the open field. So when it was blocked well here, inexplicably Baker takes off.
But here, we see a tick later, Baker got antsy and took off for no reason. Now with the leverage of his o-line negated, it makes it look like bad protection. Going back to the previous picture we saw where Sterling was going and now how wide open he is with his hand up. Before you blame it on Big O(Orlando Brown), Baker was standing on the top hash at the 26 yard line, and Big O has run that d-end four yards past where Baker was. This is likely a TD if Baker doesn’t get happy feet.
Finally, in the Akron game that the Sooners ultimately went on to win 41-3, there were a lot of opportunities had the offense executed much cleaner. It was a combination of several factors, that week after week with personnel tweaks, repetition and practice, the Sooners slowly but surely cleaned it up and ended up being a much better offense by the end of the year. Tomorrow we’ll be able to show a little bit more and hopefully the progression will show itsself as we move along. Enjoy you filthy animals!
Missed you JY. As always, great work.
Much agreed. Good stuff.
thanks Bud. Missed your ugly face too 😉
Enjoyed that thanks JY!
It really was incredible to see how much this group improved over the year. I remember after this Akron game being, to put it mildly, slightly concerned that our O line had a tough game, especially early in the game, against Akron.
Here we are at the end of the regular season, and we’ve rushed for 300 ypg since the Texsa game. Obviously, credit for that is shared among several parties.
-Perine and Mixon for being such studs.
-Baker & receivers for taking pressure off the running game with an efficient passing game.
-Lincoln Riley for calling great games and knowing how best to use the talent he has.
But a huge chunk of the credit falls to this O line, for coming together, improving vastly, and getting the job done.
Thanks JY much appreciated
Thanks JY!
Awesome stuff JY. Thanks!
Thanks! 12 days of education – the kind I still like. It’s hard to remember all the “Oh know. Why did you guys do that” plays in the early games, but I remember saying that.
Thanks JY, you got any more of those beers?
Much appreciated.
This is what separates TFB from every_other_football_site_out_there.
Bravo sir! Bravo!
Thanks for the insight. Can’t wait to see it tomorrow.
Rumor is the Clemson DL is very good. Very Very Good.
Thanks for the breakdown! I Love me some trench warfare!!
Awesome JY. Thanks!! OL sure has come a long way.
So has Baker,
It’s hard to focus on football post when Heidi Klum’s breast are hanging right above the board in an ad! man o man o man o man o man o man o man o man 🙂
Thanks a lot. They’re gone now.
They’re back and they’re real and they’re spectacular!
Now that’s funny
Thanks! Love trench warfare. To beat Clemson, we’ll need a great effort from the OL. You can bet BV is staying up late, designing all kinds of blitzes.
JY, great job and thanks for putting this together. The OL has progressed as I had hoped they would. They were never far off: little late here, a little early there, not staying engaged here, not staying engaged there, etc. But to me, the real progression started with the insertion of Samia.
Samia changed everything. Here’s where I’m coming from: Darlington and Kasitati were probably trying to keep an eye out for the young pups. That’s stressful and it probably got them beat when normally they wouldn’t have.
Samia is a technician and there’s something to be said for that. The most experienced DL out there (I’ll say Nkemdiche) is going to have a hard time beating a kid such as Samia, who understands what you’re trying to do but refuses to let you execute it.
It’s been said he Samia is smart. With his smarts he creates a level of trust with Darlington and Kasitati. They’re not worried about him blowing an assignment. He might get beat but he knows where to be, allowing them to focus on their assignment. Just like that, the OL’s performance has improved by 40%.
What are your thoughts?
Love Samia. Got to know him a little during the recruiting process and he’s a great kid. His family has very high expectations for him and he completely expects to do what he’s been doing. Very impressive young man.
Thanks, JY. This is very good stuff and I’m eating it up. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to remain positive. I see those little things that keeps a play from busting open, even when it goes nowhere.
This team is very good and clearly built to win multiple titles.
Have you noticed that Darlington stopped looking between his legs to find Mayfield before the snap. I’ve always believed that gave away the snap count/timing. When Darlington was injured and Alvarez took over, at center, Alvarez didn’t look between his legs. I liked that.
I’d like your thoughts on what made Darlington make that change. He was clearly doing it before the injury, this season and last season.
Like opening that gift you never expected. Thank you so much JY. It’s going to be a great Christmas.
On a day of bad news, what a bright spot! Can’t wait till tomorrow! I bet a lot of F5 keys get overworked in the next 11 days!
OH, yeah. I finally get home from a loooong day of Christmas shopping in OKC and I get trenching! Thanks, JY, for all 12 days.
I was a big fan of the old SCTV back in the 80’s, especially “Celebrity Blowup.”
I went back and watched that Akron game a few days ago. There was a lack of confidence by the offense, as a group.
Yes Trench Warfare! I have missed this so much! Thanks brudda ??
We enjoy We enjoy!
Great to see this back!
JY, at some point in this series can you touch on the blocking techniques that Riley brought in that were appearantly abandoned mid year?
Thanks JY! I always love reading the trench warfare posts! It also doesn’t hurt that I love the McKenzie brothers either. Strange Brew and SCTV were both awesome.
Free beer ya hoser ey
JY with a triumphant return! Welcome back and as always we appreciate the breakdown of the Big Uglies!
This is awesome JY! Thanks, looking forward to seeing your input on how the line has progress. To me that has truely been a work of art, and just to think…now Orlando Brown is a Freshman All-American.
Hope your little one is doing well.
Thanks bud! He’s about 18 months old on the 1st, and growin like a weed! Hope you and yours are doin well!
LOL Thanks, JY!
Coo coo coo coo coo cooo cooooooo coo!!! How ’bout a cold Molson for our brother, JY, eh!! Breakin’ out the McKenzie brothers for an Oline breakdown!! Love it. The oline progress has been 1 of the keys, along w/ the Dbackfield, to getting OU to this point in the season. From 3.0 ypc against Akron and a low of 1.8 vs the whorns, to 6.1 ypc down the 3 stretch games and an otherworldly 8.2 vs the Pokes and Zeus is on a frosh AA team. Thanx, JY!!
Thanks JY, I have missed yOUr expertise. Great start, looking forward to the sequels. Mayfield, needs to help his line out as much as they help him out.
I’ll be interested to get your opinion, @JYBrainiac:disqus , on Darlington. Looking back on many games he gets pushed around a lot and seems a little slow in some areas. A powerful DT should be able to beat him one-on-one often.
This is my opinion.
Good thing is that with the Zone scheme, you don’t really ask your center to do a lot of one on one stuff. He’s a good player and does pretty well.
That Lucky number 19 ranking
Outstanding! Can’t wait for these this week and next.