Bob Stoops Weekly Presser (Ohio State/ULM)
By: Jordan Esco
Posted on: September 12, 2016
Image via NewsOK
It’s Monday, which means Bob Stoops will be holding his weekly press conference. And with it, we’ll be here to recap things for you as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Either way, we’ll be here for ya.
OKC has always played better as an underdog.
How goes it, Esco?
We’re here again.
What’s crappenin’, Ray?
Stealing wi-fi from a fast food place right now. 🙂
It isn’t WacArnold’s, is it?
Good. That isn’t even food, as I understand the definition.
Bob, (insert stupid question here)?
Bob, how does this game compare to the Sugar Bowl?
Bob have you talked to Urban lately?
Bob, what do you think Tom Herman told Urban about your team?
Everybody played well, basically, per Bob
Bob acknowledges the level of competition, but still pleased w/ the way his team executed things.
Stoops running thru some of Ohio State’s roster, listing guys to be aware of.
FSOK tape delay sucks.
DJ Ward checked out well, s/b okay. Same w/ Tay Evans, minor hip bruise. Charles Walker was better y’day, so that’s encouraging.
Daniel Brooks may be out for tOSU game.
Looked like a concussion, IIRC? Am I wrong?
thought the same thing
Ah yes, the “what do these games do for you” question. How original.
Not every team plays these games – cpt obvious
“played in a better way”
that’s a new one
“Joe (Mixon) can return punts and possibly will this week.”
Tampered down: to meddle, especially for the purpose of altering, damaging, or misusing
Stoops says Mykel Jones is “much closer” to being ready to be out there more.
He needs to see a lot of the field this weekend. Him and Miller both.
CLOSER? He looked ready for prime time to me. Put him and AD on one side and watch the defense cry!
He’s close enough to start having the Casimir Effect take place. (hint: quantum physics)
Yeah, like I said, you put him and AD on one side and you will get DB’s going, you got him, no I’m not covering him, you got him. LOL
OMG, are you effing KIDDING ME?
Stoops says it’s only Monday so they don’t know what the CB rotation will be yet.
They’ll get it figured out by late November.
Bob, how does this game compare to the 2014 Sugar Bowl? Please tell me that’s been asked.
We get it, John.
Competition at the DL following suspensions can you speak on that?
We’d never get a question like that, much too smart and insightful for this crowd.
I wonder how much Bob would pay me to program Android Bob Stoops. I could have something to do press conferences in about five minutes. He’s only got like five fill in the blank answers and the ‘are you stupid look’ for Trammel.
I think they made a toy like that in the 70s with a draw string.
Start him!
Stoops says they’ll see how things go throughout the week before settling on a starting OL
Great, let’s asking questions relevant to 1977. A hot topic to be sure.
Block that kick!!!
Is that Eschbach?
That’s little Petey.
Actually, now that I look at it, the nose is a little too small for Eschbach.
“What did Ohio State football mean to you growing up?”
Seriously, Dean?
I don’t mind that question. Is not like he’s going to say anything of substance about the actual team.
Going for the human element.
Can’t wait!
Just remember that Dean broke the news first
Have you ever read Pride and Prejudice Bob?
We’ve reached the book recommendation portion of today’s presser.
Thanks for helping me pass the time at the airport, guys.
Bob growing up did you wear tOSU underoos? Where are they now?
Passed em down to Mike then Mark most likely
I’m pretty sure this is a joke, but since I’m not actually watching and knowing the reporters there I can’t be sure.
Carey the Hut sure is quiet today.
Mouth full of food.
“Bob, how do you explain this picture of you wearing an Ohio state jersey when you were 12 years old?”
Is Von Shaman being brought in as the kicking coach this week?
Uwe know it
He will be conducting tOSU’s band at halftime.
Hey, you’re old enough to get the reference! 🙂
I am, he will make them a little more up tempo than they practiced though.
I wonder what the over/under is on showing that clip of Ewe kicking the winning FG?
Oh I know I’ll watch it before the game. I’ll be pulling up the YouTube app on my Roku to view it a couple of times. 🙂
Yep. 🙂
Wasn’t he directing the “block that kick” chant?
Yes, I think you are right.
Yes, I think you are right.
Yes, but to say, “He will be conducting tOSU’s ‘block that kick’ chant” wouldn’t have been as funny.
You know it’s bad when even all the beat guys aren’t bombarding my Twitter TL w/ incessant live tweets.
How long has it been since there was a decent beat reporter to cover OU? Like in the 70’s?
Boy, this thing must be hoppin’.
The media is more interested in Bob being nostoglic.
We really do have the worst media in the country, don’t we?
I don’t know if they are the worst, but they do suck some spoiled eggs!
Hey golf! Tell my boy Hi for me!
BTW golf playing OU course those Friday, how’s it look?
I’ve never been on it. I would love to play it sometime though!
Last time I played it was In great shape, come join us!
I will be shampooing carpets Friday from my hot water heater deciding to water my basement. I was planning on going to the KS state fair on Friday to see my granddaughter, but I won’t make that either. UGH!
That sucks! Where bouts u live?
SW Kansas. Garden City. We have two of the nicest golf courses in the state out here. Buffalo Dunes (public) and Southwind Country Club (private).
Ah ok, I only come back home once a year or so and try to hit OU course or one of th Lincoln courses with pa in law each time, new clubs in the bag so ready to go low
SD would say the SEC has worse ones.
yeah, um, not so much 🙂
Bob, the Sooners colors are somewhat close to Ohio States….will that cause some confusion?
you guys are cracking me up
Have you considered wearing your away jerseys to try to combat that somewhat?
Stoops confirms Matt Dimon and Austin Roberts will return from suspension for tOSU game
If rather he not take reps from Gallimore and Overton… But whatever.
Refuses to address them being suspended for ULM and not Houston.
That’s funny.
It’s internal, isn’t that one of the buzz words on the Bob Stoops presser bingo card?
Obvious answer is obvious.
But it’s their journalistic duty to ask… Err something like that.
I think we are fine without them…
As do I, but I doubt the staff sees it that way.
agreed, just as they would have been vs Houston
I’m getting kinda tired of beating this drum, but dammit it’s so aggravating.
I think people are not giving Dimon his due, he put on weight and was as good as anyone on DL against UH, IMO he is important for this game
Gotta say, nobody on the DL really did poorly in that game. I just love guys like Gallimores physical traits and abilities.
I’ve been hard on Dimon but I agree. He played well in the Houston game.
I’m usually tough on him too, but he looked good against UH. I’d like to see Gallimore get some of his snaps too.
From what I saw Saturday, Galimore and Bledsoe need more playing time.
Whoa there, hoss. I hate to play the “it was just ULM, one of the bottom 10 teams in FBS” card, but it was just ULM, one of the bottom 10 teams in FBS. OSU will have an o-line that is 10% bigger than ULM and 10 times more athletic. We will need every available hand on deck to rotate those guys in and out and keep them from wearing down.
Bob confirming tOSU didnt want him coming out of HS.
Edit: making him and instant UM fan.
Does that give you any more motivation, Bob?
Come on guys ask Bob some stupid questions. We need pissed off, chip on his shoulder Bob for this game, not grandpa Bob strolling down memory lane with the grandkids.
Bob, when you go to Jersey’s Mikes…Do you ask for the Traber special?
ha “Bob this isnt a very good question, but Im going to ask it anyway”
“This isn’t a great question…”
Whoa, whoa, whoa, spoiler alert, bro.
Also if prefacing every ‘not great question’ w/ this statement becomes a requirement, these pressers are gonna start running four hours or so.
Bob will have to take a break to get a refill of his sweet tea.
Damn, KJ, it was Al that asked about the osu-cmu game. You should have bet me.
6:30 pm start = Fans EXTREMELY charged up by then.
IE: Much beer drank before kickoff. LOL
That’s my plan if I can snag a couple tickets.
Charged up….yeah, that’s what I call it.
Bob, have you considered letting the team eat fast food again for this game?
Or maybe, Bob, have you considered having film study at the airport in a conference room?
That kid is on it! Will be an investigative reporter some day.
What did he ask. I can’t watch the presser until later.
Asking about suspensions, trying to push Bob for an answer.
Must be someone young. LOL
Here we go. You guys asked for it.
Questions about suspensions.
The guys asking questions to try to get Bob rattled.
Sorry, I probably should have replied that to the original question down below. Still new to this format.
Yep, credit Vardeman & Murdock for at least attempting to press the issue.
Vardeman is a twerp.
I have my issues w/ him at times as well, but gotta give credit when it’s due, too.
somebody is about to get their credential revoked…
Well, details…details??
someone asked him why he does not make suspension details public. Why did he suspend a player the second game? Why would he do that and damage his reputation? He kept pressing for more details and made the room go silent.
LOL! Does he not realize he will not get any answer on that?
And he shouldn’t. Anybody think Saban answers that question?
does Saban answer questions? I thought he just stared the reporters down till they wrote stuff to glorify him…
Saban is pretty funny. Last week he took exception to a reporter asking him about whether he “dictated” a certain aspect of the game. He defensively said that he’s “not a dictator.”
But did you catch a pic of him “chewing” on Kiffin during their last game? He’s the closest thing to a dictator in college football. Of course, it works well though for him.
Sometimes I wonder if Bob Stoops should be a bit more of a dictator with his assistant coaches. Like doing some “chewing” on Riley during the game against Houston. Or doing a little more “chewing” on any of the defensive coaches, including Mike in the booth, when the DB’s are playing too far off their men or when guys are trying to arm tackle.
sounds like something Barry Tramel would ask. Barry thinks CMU should forfeit their game to the Pukes but I don’t remember Barry suggesting Oregon do the same for the 2006 screwing in Eugene OR.
and would deserve it. You dont disrespect the hand that feeds.
Bob…lets get back to the silly questions because its getting too serious in here.
I thought that was why he was there?
“Bob, silly question…”
Guess who
If it weren’t a workday this could be a fun drinking game
I know Im super late to this party, but why should we let the workday ruin our fun?
I think Trammel is asking this Q to change the mood of Bob. lol
Always one to read the room
You could cut the tension with a knife before he chimed in. I guess serious questions are forbidden with him.
I dont have a problem with the original question but when Bob flat out says that’s something we don’t discuss, they should of dropped it.
Agreed. Maybe press for an answer once, but yeah.
Not like this is Nixon and the tapes.
Agreed. But I was referring to Trammel with that statement, not Bob. I love it when Stoops gets irritated with reporters. He has a little bit of Popovich to him.
Its pretty funny. You can actually see when his switch gets turned on. He goes from nice guy Bob to ImthisclosetobitingyourheadoffBob in 2 seconds flat.
And, mercifully, that’s a wrap.
Gotta say….we made the presser sound WAY more interesting on this thread lol.
so just like every other Monday then, huh? 😉
Jordan is their a Town Hall meeting today?
*there 🙂
Looking like tomorrow (tues)
Kind of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of OU press conferences.
That’s fine. I wanted defiant pissed off Bob this week anyways.
I prefer him that way too. His teams play nasty when he is in a bad mood!
Murdock approaching Jabba the Hut size!!
Don’t insult Jabba the Hut like that.
How does mine get deleted, but this doesn’t? This is waaaay worse.
Did that one kid fix his stutter? “B-b-Bob, c-c-could you please t-tell me what you th-think of Ohio State’s d-d-defense?”. Sorry if anyone here knows him. Double sorry if he’s on here.
Eff that. Stand by your digs, man.
“Bob, since you built this to be a big recruiting weekend, would a win be better than a loss?” OMG check that guys water for lead!
Tell me you’re joking….
Good lord, revoke that mans credentials for stupidity if nothing else.
True story
Who was it that said that?
Awe come on mod. I was just playin’.
Little too much sensitivity in here at times I’ve noticed.
It was a little overboard. That kid pressed Bob today. Respect.
Kid needs to learn when to stop though. I lost what respect I had for him with that garbage he pulled with Mixon at the orange bowl last year.
Maybe he’s following the John Hoover-style of question asking.
Certainly seems to be following that path.
My bet is the line that was crossed was singling out someone and their speech impediment. You never know who is related to who or struggled with the same in their own life.
Just a wild guess on my part.
Dude, Carey Murdock was mentioned as approaching “Jabba the Hut size”. I assure you more people are afflicted with being over weight than with having a speach impediment. Plus, I always just thought the kid was nervous, and not afflicted with an impediment.
Just once I want Bob to stop, look at a reporter and ask “are you f!@#ing serious with that s!@t question???”
“If you wanna crown them, THEN CROWN THEIR A$$!”
I wonder if Bob is looking forward to the legalization of pot in Oklahoma, so that he can tolerate some of the questions?
I think he’d probably need something stronger than THC to be able to tolerate the local media
True, but watching him break out into a laugh during some of the stupid questions would bring a new level of entertainment.
Bob must be planning on coaching into the next century then.
Coach Stoops may start drinking, just to make the media questions more interesting.
I’m not sure how many of you were able to go to the game on Saturday. But I’ve been going to games and sitting in the south end zone since I was a little kid in the 80s. The renovations are incredible. They really did a nice job on it. I’m not going to say Jerry World nice, but at least this team wins games. I’m really looking forward to hearing the noise this weekend. It was noticeably louder just for ULM.
Thanks for this post. I was hoping you would say it was noticeable. So if we are rocking the stadium, TTU style 2008, Good times.
I know if I was able to make the game I’d be yelling my guts out. MAKE IT LOUD, PEOPLE!!!
Don’t damage yur innards…Teams anymore are not affected by crowd noise. Especially, not these guys
I disagree. Teams feed off the crowd noise. If something positive happens and the crowd suddenly really gets into it it can definitely be a monentum changer. Ive seen happen many many times.
Yes, the crowd noise will matter in my view. Let’s get TTech loud. The players love it.
When teams get near the end zones where it is loudest, I am positive they are affected by noise to some degree. Teams wouldn’t practice with simulated noise if it wasn’t a big deal.
That sounds gross.
I sat just north of the SE landing, and I completely agree. Love the renovation.
Not feeling good about this game boys. Not at all.
Tulsa had some decent runs between the tackles. Their QB could not hit any one but tOSU. For some reason, i feel much better about this game.
yeah that sounds nice but look at what people said about Clemson last year when they faced nobody’s during the regular season and then turned it on against OU. OU is going to get tOSU’s best shot. After UH, I just don’t think the “best” that OU can do right now will match up with the “best” that tOSU can do at this point in the season given the talent level.
Not sure how you can really say that UH got OU’s best shot. 2 data points isn’t a lot to go on for either team.
Fully disagree with this. UH had that game circled for a year. We looked as bad as we usually do in the the first game. Even the OU players have clearly stated that this game is different than most.
You don’t think the Ohio St players, and coaches hat it circled it as well?
OU has a lot more talent than you give them credit for.
I didn’t buy the whole talk of Clemson having played nobody. Notre dame, Florida State, North Carolina ……. Those teams were on par with any team OU played in 2015.
I’m feeling ok. I would think the team would be pumped to play Ohio State, so the apparent inability of our coaches to get the guys up for a game shouldn’t be a factor.
yeah, I’m more concerned about just execution
I think we’ll have execution problems, but so will they. They have a lot of youth.
This is one of those games thats a true toss up. Im not feeling good or bad about our chances. I just hope that the team comes out pumped and that the crowd is as loud as its ever been.
I hear ya, this is the most uneasy about the team I’ve felt since Bama in the Sugar Bowl. Our weaknesses, OL, WR, DB almost line up perfectly with their weaknesses on DL and DB. Their weaknesses are better than ours though. Its gonna be a really fun game I think. These games always seem to be pressure cookers, where the teams play so evenly that one mistake just blows it open, just hope its them and not us.
Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. If it makes you fee any better I called us laying the wood to bama and we’re going to do it again to the buckeyes.
My only counter point to this, is this. Houston 33 OU 23 the guys have a loss under their belt know the feeling and have already played in a big game against a hostile crowd let’s be honest that was pretty much a home game for UH. Now we have the home crowd in our favor and playing with a chip or should be will probably be an under dog, and most social media and media alike will call for tOSU to win. They don’t come out motivated something wrong. I have a better feeling about this then I did against UH to be honest. There is issues yes but, I think maybe we see a different team Saturday!
Looks like Bob is doing his best to put on the “just another regular big game,” face. Don’t let it become “make or break week.” I guess that’s what the gig calls for and is probably harder than it looks.
My only two take aways were that Jones had (at least) one mental mistake during the game, and we know that will slow down getting on the field in critical games or situations. Also, Bob trying to be coy about putting Mixon out there for punt returns against Ohio State. Safe to predict he’ll be out there, I’d imagine for all of them.
The rest was even weaker than usual question-wise. Anyone ask about the backup qb? How bout Adams? maybe I missed it– not that you learn much by hearing him say “ya, they’re coming along nicely,” but it’s better than “were you aware that Ohio State had a good team when you were a kid?” Ah well…:-)
“Bob, I want you to think back to the 1963 game that Ohio State played against Iowa. You were about 3 years old, but do you remember that thrilling 7-3 victory for the Buckeyes? Was that the game that made you decide to go to Iowa?”
I actually read that in shucky-darn fake-folksy Trammel’s voice. Without trying. It’s just how it read, in my mind.
Here’s my “no sh*t Sherlock” comment of the day. I’m beginning to realize these next three games will most likely will determine how we’re positioned for post season possibilities, our schedule will not be backloaded with ranked teams to vault us into playoff consideration this year. So, we better kick some booty now, and hope we get some help from other conference teams throughout the course of the season.
There was a time under Bob when I felt relief playing a big game at home because it basically guaranteed that we would win. Memorial stadium was a fortress under Bob for awhile. I’m hoping we can get back to that point again. Winning this weekend would be a great way to start.
I agree, but I also feel like we’re getting bigger home games now. Of course, we’re losing other games at home as well, but I don’t feel like we had that many non-con home games like Ohio State and Notre Dame. So part of that feeling of invincibility was because the home games we had against highly ranked opponents were also conference opponents, who we were specifically recruiting to defeat.
Well, I had to work through the presser briefing, thankfully so. I come and it takes me 3 or 4 minutes to peruse the remarks, check off “status quo” presser box, and move on. Sheesh, why does the guy even bother.
To anyone that cares, Urban Meyers Press conference.
tl;dw …did he mention anything about Hernandez? Curious if he’s prayed with him lately.
he just sends Timmy the chosen one to do that now
Expect back should throws and tOSU getting our corners isolated.
I hope it isn’t another day of, “We have the better athletes, but it just wasn’t our day”.
Against tOSU? We definitely do not have better athletes than them.
Just watched the ULM game (thanks for posting it, Brains) and still have concerns about the secondary, but, man, Mykel Jones! He has a great burst, and is the quickest WR we have had in a very long time. He needs to be on the field.
I’m also hoping for the o-line to gel soon, preferably immediately.
Maybe Coach Stoops shouldn’t hype the game too much. Ohio St. is #3 and OU is #14; we have a loss; we have an un-settled OL, unsettled WR corps, and an unproven D-Backfield; QB has had one solid game and one mediocre game. Maybe we feel backed in a corner.
That’s (literally) a lot of maybe’s.
Did stoops address any injury concerns for Saturday? If will is good to go I would like to see him play the corner opposite JT and then go with the traditional 3-4 look with doucet starting and Kelly backing him up. Sanchez leaving for the NFL really kills our secondary but I don’t blame him for leaving.
I hope we can come up with a big statement win.
They say that Will isn’t a “traditional corner” since the weight he’s put on in the offseason
Report: Coach Stoops wants more recruits to get scholarships and major in sports journalism. lol.
SOONER!!! Morning Metz and Golf. Hope you too have a BEAT tOSU kinda day. GO SOONERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!