In addition to Matt Dimon & Austin Roberts, TFB has learned that wide receiver Jarvis Baxter will also serve a suspension for the Louisiana-Monroe game.
UPDATE (7:08 pm): As you all know by now, Jarvis Baxter is playing in today’s game. Clearly the source’s information that was passed on to Brandon was inaccurate. Our sincerest apologies for this error.
Hmmm. Seems Bob was displeased
Any ideas on the when and whys on these?
Violation of team rules can oftentimes mean someone was smokin’ a little weed.
or skipping class or missing team meetings?
Sure. That’s why I didn’t say “always”. Also note the use of the verb “can”.
Not as high on Baxter as most. Hopefully this presents an opportunity for a younger player to step up and hopefully keep that spot. Hopefully Mykel Jones.
Agreed. I hope some of the youngsters capitalize on the opportunity
This ^
Want to see Dahu and Mykel, but I think they were/are injured. Mykel may be ready to go but think they have not released Dahu yet.
I’m fine with any of the younger guy’s. Hopefully they go out and prove something and never relinquish the starting spot.
He caught some passes last year to- any real reason to be a butthead about one of our kids?
By saying I’m not that high on him? You must be as soft as Charmin if you think that’s being a butthead. How about if you don’t like my comment block me or just move on. If not please, cry less.
Me thinks he may be a troll trying to get your goat.
Maybe too you should call out JY and Super K too when they say they aren’t that high on a player at a particular position, or technique wise.
Yeah, he really sucked /s
Against ULM sweet.
Shoots! Hate the idea that any of our players are suspended. But on the other hand, proud that Bob runs a tight ship.
Agreed. I have ZERO complaints when it comes to running a clean program.
Can Bob suspend himself??
You are just so witty…..
Be interesting to see what JB and the DL guys did to get suspended. Well, hopefully some of the younger guys will get the chance to step up, show what they can do and get some decent PT.
BTW- Is there going to be a TFB Tailgate for the Ohio State game? Inquiring minds want to know. Have a good afternoon everyone and enjoy the game.
I’m up for it. Someone plan something for next week
Hopefully a youngun takes over the punt return duties today & doesn’t give it back..
Oh, how I love stupidity
It’s not difficult to avoid being suspended. Good grief. Go to class, show up on time and work hard at practice and meetings. Party within the simple constraints of a reasonably well behaved college student. Consider perhaps being even a little more constrained during the actual season. Use a tiny bit of common sense and maturity to keep yourself out of harms way.
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At least we know he won’t be fumbling today
Three Seniors Suspended. Interesting. Where is the leadership
sending messages
Ill bet they were smokin that Devils Lettuce…
Going over to sooner sports.com to cough my $50 for the game……..
Baxter just went back for the punt. Any news?
So, am I the only one that is going to ask? How did a suspended player just take a WR reverse for a TD?
Ha ha ha
He’s that good.
Jarvis Baxter is most definitely playing. Got himself a nice TD too. Dahu Green is in sweats, as is Will Johnson. Any news on Johnson?
M Jones > Baxter
Brandon, Dimon also played. It looks like the suspensions for he and Baxter may have just been to not start, rather than to not play at all.
Dimon did not play in the game.
I really thought I saw him in the second half.
nah, he didn’t play in this one.
Yep. Watched the replay and decided I realized I saw Matt Romar and thought Matt Dimon. I’m getting too old, I guess.
no worries 🙂
I think Baxter’s suspension was just not to start or play the first series.