– Cameron Rising: Last week we discussed, at some length, 2018 QB target and recent visitor, Cameron Rising (Newbury Park, CA) as well as the 2018 quarterback recruiting picture in general for OU. And if you recall, following that recent visit to Norman, Rising said in regards to his commitment timeline, “My decision is going to come a lot quicker than I thought now.”
Additionally, OU’s other primary 2018 QB target, Southmoore’s Casey Thompson, was also recently in Norman when he attended the BBQ this past weeked. So it would seem as though the interest in Oklahoma on the part of two of their top QB prospects may create a bit of a ‘first come, first serve’ type of situation, which is likely not lost on the part of either Rising or Thompson.
To that point, TFB chatted briefly with Rising Tuesday evening and it seems his commitment timeline has become even clearer than it was when we last spoke. “I have an idea of when I’m going to do it (commit),” Rising said. Then he added, “It’s mostly going to be pretty quick here.”
Stay tuned. – (Brandon)
SOONER!!! Impending booms always brighten the day.
New QB commit Boomer.
I just saw where 2016 signee johncarlo Valentin was heading off to college to play. Does anyone know if he was cleared to play for us? I know there were some issues beforehand.
His twitter page is all BOOMER SOONER baby!!!!!
Heck yeah! Always need more BEEF on that o-line! BOOMER
There was no, “I’m heading to Norman, or, joining the Sooners on friday”. The graphics were all about OU though.
Hope he is headed to Norman, but his twitter posts concern me a bit. All the posts are pretty cryptic re destination and it seems like he would just say “Headed to Norman!” if he were coming our way. His post: “Shrug your shoulders.. Keep it moving” does not sound like someone fired up and headed to a big time program. Reading tea leaves, so who knows for the moment; we will soon though.
The center piece for the 2018 class.
Rising has the skills of a 1st round draft choice.
Wow. Strong statement. He’s that good? I haven’t watched any of his tape yet.
Go watch his film , future first overall pick type of player.
I’ll have to make a point of it to do so. So busy at work anymore. Ugh.
Needs to grow an inch or two but he is the real deal. He will compete for the starting spot from day 1. Granted Mayfield will have graduated
Very accurate and makes good reads. Arm strength is so-so but it will improve as he gets stronger
Looks like he has a bit of that “push throw” that Heupel used to have. I’d be thrilled to have another guy as smart and accurate as Heup, even if he didn’t have White or Bradford arm strength.
Reminded me more of Drew Brees for some reason. If he adds 15-20 pounds while working for Schmitty his arm strength will improve quite a bit
I see what you’re saying. Looks to me like he is short arming it a bit. That will work itself out when he gets stronger and is coached up at the next level.
Tape is darn good. It almost looks to me that his throwing motion is a little short, but hey, what do I know?
Lol well if Rising commits I’ll be extremely excited and the barbershop will get even more weird with Casey and the Thompsons haha. Oh well first come first serve
I am pretty sure it will be the elephant in the room. Was that you that came in yesterday to fill out an app?
Yes sir. Which one where you lol
The observant one!!!! I’ll never tell, BWAHHHHAHAHAAAA!!!!
haha any word on if they liked my resume?
Too early to tell. I will keep my ears open,as to not give it away. Like Sgt Schultz would say “I know nothing”
Yeah, Mikey, you will have the seat for any drama that comes. Take care my man! We love hearing your famous barbershop reports1
Either one of these cats would be a slam dunk. That said, the ball is in their court; I want the one that wants to be here most, whichever that might be.
May the best (and first to commit) man win.
So from what I gather here, Omar Manning is the silent boom from last night?
Grant was working him hard at the opening. I mean real hard and the good thing was Omar was hanging with them the whole time.
That is big.
Dave, that is GIANT! (IF it is true)
Yes it is
if it’s Manning and not Rising, do you have any info on why it would still be a “silent” Boom? Wanting to wait to make an announcement somewhere?
I was being facetious about Manning, seems pretty evident it was Rising on the phone with Riley.
Ha, my bad. My sarcasm detector isn’t booted up, yet. Which is strange because my wife says it’s never turned off. Maybe i was just hopeful both manning and rising were likely joining the good guys 🙂
I like the way you think!
Rising came to my mind first last night, but then Dustin brought to my attention that Viney referred to SS17 in a tweet right after Coach Riley’s.
Yeah me too, I figured it was a 17 guy based on the same tweet, however its entirely possible the two are not related. Maybe it was Kenneth Murray related, Viney is a D guy so maybe that is what happened?
Or Viney is from Cali and it could mean it is the WR Lewis!! Man, I honestly have no idea, but I get the gut feeling that this OP doesn’t pertain to everything that was swirling around last night. ie Riley and Viney’s tweets.
I love to keep the top Oklahoma in state talent (Thompson) at OU but if we don’t get Casey due to Rising committing first then I won’t be crushed. From watching both I think Rising will eventually be the better QB if he isn’t already. BOOMER!
Me too. I want Casey at the bat. Really like the Rising kid too though. Can we just get them both?
Is this OP a hint at last nights #BOOM? Hoping so, him and/or Hines
Denzel is warming up his vocal chords…
But for whom??????????????
AAAhhhhh both Rison and Thompson retweeted Lincoln Reily last night. Mind Games!!! https://twitter.com/LincolnRiley/status/760645236469018624
Do you hear that? It’s Denzel clearing his throat
Hearing someone on the OL broke their hand and will possibly have to start the season with a “nub” cast.
This is awful. So is it someone that looks to be a starter?
Yeah he was being looked at as possibly starting this year,
I mean, it could be worse, it’s just playing with a “nub” has to be extremely difficult given that position. I hope it’s not Evans. I really want him to take over the tackle spot so we can slide Samia inside.
Yeah I mean you can still play obviously. But it definitely limits you.
If we’re going to suffer an injury I would certainly rather it be something of this magnitude rather than something more serious.
At least he won’t be getting called for holding.
I don’t know, attach a metal spike to the front and it could be pretty effective in keeping off the pass rusher.
I like it…or just cover it in gorilla glue every other play or so.
Ugh, that stinks!
Beginning shades of 09.’ Lost Gresham and then Sammy. Sucked the air out of a No. 1 preseason rank!
Potential starter?
Yeah not our 3 main guys.
Powers? Ford? Danley? Evans?
He’s not going to tell us! But I think one of those four is obviously it.
Could also be Dalton, Julious or maybe even Wrenn. According Bedenbaugh in this article yesterday, they are all getting looks.
Damn it lol
As in not Brown, Alvarez, or Samia?
How bad is Daimler’s injury? I didn’t hear about it.
I forget the name of it, but its basically a broken foot. Should be back by the start of the season.
Hopefully not Alvarez
They always shoot the messenger, don’t they.
LOL! Only when it is not positive news.
Wonder how that happened with fall camp just starting today??
ugh, the bad news starts before training camp…
I’m glad that’s one of our deepest positions groups but man…losing two potential starters for extended time before camp even starts? OUCH
Sounds like things are getting BEEFY in practice.
I’m waiting on it———–
Anybody else having problems with new comments showing? Normally it will let me know there are new comments, it doesn’t now. I was thinking it was slow then I refreshed and there were a lot of comments. Sucky Mcsuckerton.
Yeah, I have same intermittent problem. Sometimes they show, sometimes they don’t.
Mine is showing that someone is typing but not showing the comment until I refresh Lincoln. Is that what’s happening to you?
Sometimes it won’t even show anybody is typing. It started last night but I just thought it was my ipad jacking up.
I am, thought is was just my browser.
I’m lucky I guess. Mine is showing up fine.
Until I type something in and then it stops working until I refresh.
Why yes,yes I am!!!
I have that problem from time to time. It’s been really bad today though. Disqus must be puking all over itself.
It certainly hasn’t had the best performance this past week or so.
Nope, maybe they need some upgraded servers. UGH!
I’m thinking since most eveything on disqus is free (ad based money vs. paid sites) they might have to live with what they have at times.
Maybe they are the job offer that Bob was referring to? Bringing in the big guns to fix it!!
That would take clown suit money.
LOL! It would take clown suit money to get me back into IT work or corporate America in general.
Kind of the point of my job change. Not completely out of corporate America, but new company is small and agile rather than big and bloated which my current company became after it was bought out.
I wasn’t cut out for it, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I was an administrative spec. for a large gas company for years, then taught school. I couldn’t keep my mouth shut! I’m much better off doing what I do now.
I don’t do office politics very well at all. My boss used to tell me that I was better off NOT going to meetings because I speak my mind. Now that I am the boss, that does not seem to be a problem.
Do we need to speak to Mrs. Golf to qualify that last statement? 😉
LOL! Sure, she would agree with me.
Watch out Golf, you might start yelling at yourself like I do 🙂 (Sort of the opposite of the rental car commercial where he is the boss and the employee).
Oh heck, I’ve been doing that for years! LOL
Good thing you popped up, I was about to compliment you. Everyone knows if you talk behind someone’s back, it’s gotta be something bad!!!! 😉
Im having problems at the moment
I also don’t like that somehow after every refresh I HAVE TO CHANGE IT FROM “BEST” COMMENT TO “NEWEST” COMMENT. It used to save newest as my default. Sorry about the caps, I spazzed out. Sorry about saying spazzed- it may be offensive to people who are spazzes.
LOL! I agree with you pagan.
You should probably go ahead and apologize to capitalist as well.
Thanks for noticing pp, we have all our meetings on the 3rd thursday after the 5th tuesday of the month where the moon is full on the last day of the month.
First rule of Spazz, never talk about Spazz.
Im having more of a problem with BOOMS showing. I keep refreshing and nada.
Really hope we get Rising. I’ve wanted Thompson for a while but everything I hear makes it sound like OU is 1b.
I’m perfectly happy with Rising. He is as elite as it gets. He’s an animal as a QB.
He definitely looks the part. I love the way our recruiting is rolling, makes up for potentially missing out on top talent in state.
Who do you think is 1a? Clemson?
I would say Ohio State, but they just got the top 2018 QB’s commitment. Maybe Miami? Clemson is probably up there, too.
247 doesn’t show him with a Clemson offer. Does show him warm to tOSU and Miami as well as OU.
Jones is not #1, trevor lawrence is. Hes a top 5 QB though.
Do not be surprised if it is Oregon and or Oregon State!!!
I’m not sure. But I don’t think he is either. I just think there is nothing else OU could show him and from what I’ve gathered here and there, Oklahoma isn’t his dream school.
Agree that the staff seems to have done its part and then some. If he does not land in Norman (still pulling for him to), I do not want to see him at TCU or Clemson.
I would not go as far as to say that OU is not his dream school, sometimes you want to do your own thing in life and take a different path. JMO!!!
Clemson is trying to land lawrence, the #1 qb in 2018.
Smart is recruiting Lawrence pretty hard. UGA seems to be in a good position for him.
i dunno if hes going to want to sit behind eason for 3 years. Probably easier to beat out johnson at clemson.
That is true.
Very interesting..
I wonder what type of chance we have at landing Ruiz? Alabama is his favorite and he’s crystal balling to Michigan. We could definitely use the #1 OC in the country!!
31 DTG
David Baker 56-58; Mike McKinley 87-91; Sherwood Taylor 77-79
McKinley’s long TD run with a vicious stiff arm against Nebraska in 1991 (I think) was one of my favorite plays for a while.
Coach Riley after the new boom.
The suspense is killing me, T.Rob!
I’m starting to expect AD 2.0. Thinking it may be getting a little overhyped.
Sorry if I’m not quite grasping your comment, but what do you mean AD 2.0?
I think he means another AD type of hype not necessarily a RB. Not often a A Peterson comes in with as much as hype as he did and actually be equal to or in AD case more so.
Ding, ding, ding we have a winner.
Never want to spoil a recruits thunder!!!
17 or 18 T rob? at least tell us that haha…all signs are pointing to rising tho
woah then this could be big since everyone is thinking its rising
Could be double BOOMS.
Can I get a Joe Lewis???? Please!!!
<<t:y. ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::::!!bx94a:….,…
Not sure if posts like this are allowed, but will give it a try. (K, I’m happy to delete, if needed.)
If anyone is interested, I have 2 East Club Season tickets…4th row, 10 yard line…that I’m making available at face value plus the annual donation (not the $10,000 OU fee, just the annual donation).
Let me know if you have interest.
Shoot me an email. Thanks. [email protected]
Will do. Great group of people around these seats. I’ve been sitting with them since the Club opened 10 years or so ago. Really fun to win games with.
I’m sensing a theme.
Wow, rising had 51 total TD last year to only 1 INT. 1!!!!
Thats absurd.
The INT was in the first game too. So, he threw about 300 straight passes without an INT to end the season.
wow, thats phenomenal. His completion was only about 60%, but only 1 int shows his decision making is on point. Riley can help with his accuracy like he did baker.
Hope he makes it official soon!
Yell at guys for 2hours and Bam OP!
Key to life. Yell at subs.
Id rather not have too.
Thought I would get to you before SoonerFan92 beat Dustin to you.
Wonder if that has to do with the Silent boom?
Who is Boomer17?
Mike, I don’t know who Boomer17 is but he’s always doing sweet edits of recruits. He’s pro-OU.
thought you new every thing Punk!
I never claimed to be all-knowing. But, to clear things up, because it seems clarity is in order, I know everything that I know.
You’re being modest Sam. I bet you know things you don’t know you know…ya’ know?
Sorry, thought that I would get you before Dustin did.
Dropping the smack down on, MY MAN, Metz.
Just answering your Punk COMMENT on the daily here.Howdy Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The opportunity was GOLDEN!!
Good deal – saved me from having to be the homonym cop. 🙂
Thumbs up for we Corrections Officers everywhere. 😉
Gettin’ kinda’ feisty Metz – Sam will chop a kidney 🙂
I owed him a PUNK from him calling me one!!!!!!!!
I missed it – you ARE within your rights – carry on.
Hey, Cush, hold on. You need to verify that claim, as you know that Metz has a predisposition for lying. I hope I’m not going to raise your hackles but it was not I that cried wolf about an OP being up.
Hmmm. Sam has a point Metz… We may have to send this dispute to Golf or Bob E for some review.
Cush, how’s your day going?
Pretty good Sam, thanks. I am catching up. THAT means a little more time for TFB. Had one of those work spells where it all hit at once and kept me away.
Are you back into it after your nice golfing vacation? You know that a lot of us were jealous 🙂
Regretfully, I am back at it. I played two rounds. I strained my lower back and I had to shut it down. I canceled my last two rounds.
The PUNK comment Sam made at me is in today’s daily.Just didnt reply to it then!
I have cheese.
“Mommy, Daddy, Sam called me a punk.”
Geesh! No shame in your game, is there?
Okay. Okay. You two play nice or there’s a timeout coming….
(like a “timeout” happened in our day :))
Yeah, like he needs another timeout after he took “timeout” to tell that lie.
PROBATION!!!!, is alive, ya’ll.
Ok you keep stepping over the line and you will get the LLAMA!
I thought you might appreciate that. Are we still meeting up when I come out to the tOSU game?
Deal. You’re buying, right?
Sure will!
No way.
LLAMA LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“My grandmama gave me that bike.”
Is Valentine coming our way?
wondering the same thing….soonerscoop saying they have answers but i am not a member. maybe someone on the board knows?
His twitter says he is headed to school ! Not sure where.
oh nice
Not sure what school!
There’s only one
Thanks. We were thinking so, but appreciate you clarifying.
Do you know which JUCO?
i do not
Was told JUCO
Ok thanks Dave.
And another one bites the dust ( if true )
Yeah sucks but SS17 just got more room
Another poster(forgot who it was) mentioned Striker was getting first team reps…looked it up. Nice. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Top-3-things-to-know-from-Day-4-at-Bills-Camp/d2279a76-a460-4424-b397-84df620e2a1a
NIce Jordan Evans article..
He was very complimentary of his teammates too. Thanks for the post.
Very much so.. Hope he has a great year.
Watching film on both Thompson and Rising. Both are talented QBs but one thing I want to see that I am not with Rising is intermediate throws. Everything you see on his SOPH film is down field.
If you had to chose one, who would you take?
That’s a tough question since they both have 2 more years to develop before they even get to the college level. Right now, on film, I like Thompson better.
That’s true, they’re so close right now in measurables, ranking, etc. I think for me I would have to see what their competition is like.
KJ – With most HS kids, I prefer the one that most wants to be at OU and most wants to work hard. It is difficult to parse the differences. The outcomes at the end compared to Bomar at his LOI signing versus Bradford at his will keep me from picking too early.
I hear you, unfortunately you can’t measure what a kid has inside, but both kids are great looking prospects regardless.
Often the difference between talented and great is that missing little ingredient called desire.
His stats are pretty insane man.
Again, the kid is talented and has some ridiculous numbers but there have been plenty of prospects who had great numbers at the HS level that didn’t pan out. I’m not saying Rising won’t pan out just saying I don’t really look at HS stats too much.
If we are able to keep Lincoln Riley I would like to see Casey Thompson come. Always liked Kendal but he needed a good QB coach to continue his development. Casey is already better than his brother and obviously his an Oklahoma kid
Disqus sure is messing up
Yep. The tweets stopped working again for me and now I don’t get notified when there are new comments. The next thing we know it will revoke all the current mods access and give administrator rights to SD.
Its doing the same to me also and please no sd!
They never should have added UT TFB. All that suckage has infected Disqus.
I will go with that!
Now that’s funny.
Funny, but oh so scary…
Ohhh, I thought I had been a blocked poster. But with my brilliant personality I was thinking, Now who in the world would want to block me!!!!
I was thinking wow i just made a sweet post and not one reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this comment: “Then step aside, Tyrod.”
Yeah, buddy.
How goes it today, my main man?
Staying patient and optimistic.
Saban, Saban, Saban.
Stoops has demonstrated over and over again that he will give his players a full release. Why wouldn’t you want to play for Stoops?
Risings accuracy is IMPRESSIVE. Has a real knack for hitting his receivers in stride.
Nice little scoots too for a “Pro Style” QB.
even on the move it was impressive, rolling out left or right is not a problem it seems.
Yeah pretty accurate on the run. Really made it easy for his receivers.
My preference is Risings over Thompson. I just think he’ll be the better passer in college down the road.
Agree with you, sir. I generally prefer to have in-state players when possible, but in this case, I am rooting for Rising. One, CA has a long history of developing great passers and NFL talent. Second, I’m quite leery about dealing with the Thompson family again. As far as I’m concerned, Charles wore out his welcome at OU a long time ago, like February of 1989. He was a problem helicopter parent when Kendall was here, I can’t imagine he’d be anything but a headache with another child here. Casey is a talented QB, and I wish the young man well. But I think Rising would be a better fit and possibly a better player with less potential baggage.
The off-season is finally over!
Now disqus needs to fix this shi@ hit f5 and 15 new comments pop up.
Hey this could drive Jordan bonkers,come on guys only 100 comments,Yall have got to pick it up.Then just say hit refresh we have over 500
Its the impending attack on TFB from those who’ve been banned.
Such a classic….
Shirley, you don’t mean Airplane 🙂 🙂
“We need to get these people to a hospital!”
“What is it, doctor?”
“It’s a big building with patients, but that’s not important right now.”
Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence.
Captain Oveur: Roger, Roger. What’s our vector, Victor?
Striker: My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We’re bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We’re coming in from the north, below their radar.
Elaine: When will you be back?
Striker: I can’t tell you that. It’s classified.
He does mean Airplane. And don’t call him Shirley.
Surely I meant Magic, right JR?
KJ, September 3rd against UH, is Samia at G or OT?
Im going to say tackle.
Oh, yay. Soonersports.com has their 16 Camp Central up. Can’t wait for the fifteen seconds of coverage they give us during camp.
They upped it to 15? NICE
That includes the three commercials.
“I love you too, Dad. And thanks for…EVERYTHING.”
“Muscogee Nation Banking…BOOMER SOONER!”
Those three?
I’m holding my breath for the 30 second segments where they walk across the field and ask dumb questions like “what’s your favorite song/food/movie”. Absolutely the information I want to hear as a subscriber. Who came up with that crap?
They are extending it to 15 seconds this year? /s
Actually, I’m in the “not bad” camp. If it wasn’t for soonersports coverage, we’d have to live with 15 second spots on the 10 o’clock news once or twice a week. Soonersports is a big improvement over that. IMO.
Although I will say, if we land Risings, I’ll be sad that he won’t be throwing to Rison. That would make for some interesting calls.
“Risings drops back. Looks left. Looks right. He spots Rison streaking down the sideline, fires a bullet, and touchdown Sooners!!! 50 yard TD pass from Risings to Rison.”
That would’ve been awesome – It’s RISING though 😉
Even better, lol.
Oh, I can just imagine how that would come out if Bob Barry were still doing the broadcasts.
Ugh…that would be a nightmare…definite migraine material. After all those passes from JASON Fuente to JUSTIN Freeman, and the occasional handoff to fullback PETE Rose, I can only imagine the disaster names that similar could cause.
If I was making close to a million a year I’d probably have the same attitude. There are a few schools you would have to take, but for most schools the expectations far outstrip their resources. Better to let someone else deal with that, pocket a better salary than 99.9% of the world’s population makes, and have some fun.
Could you see Lincoln Riley being the future Head Coach for OU?
Like I said there are some jobs you just have to take if they are offered. I just think there are times where you look and say “I’ve got the money I need and then some.” That’s when you start focusing on the quality of the work and less on making money.
Well, some jobs you would just have to take include only a handful that are better than being Off Coord at OU: HC at Ohio St, Bama, LSU, USC, Michigan and according to Kevin Wilson-Indiana lol.
I could see it. But there were times I could see it also for Mike Stoops and Josh Heupel. WAY too early to know how it’ll play out.
Oh hell yeah. I have a feeling he will be Bob Stoops’ successor even if he takes a HC job and comes back when Bob finally hangs it up.
Not happening our next successful coach has to have a name that starts with a B, Benny, Bud, Barry, and Bob.
Maybe a month to kickoff, but this season starts the first day they put on pads.
One more months boys
In reference to Rising and Thompson someone mentioned that LR had a tweet last night about a really good phone call and both QB’s retweeted.
Is there any chance that Lincoln called both on a conf. call and just laid out where they stand with both of them and let know that it would be a first come first serve situation??? OR did he get them both to commit? LOL
I’m guessing the call was with Rising. Thompson responded because he is an OU fan, even if he chooses to go elsewhere to play. Plus, Rising committing takes the pressure off of him to commit to his home school.
I said the same thing earlier. Great minds think alike.
“– Taquon Graham: As many of you know by now, 2017 DE, Taquon Graham (Temple, TX) made his way up to Norman to visit the Sooners this past weekend.
Graham has been a long time Texas lean. Visits to Texas A&M and TCU have not changed that. But it’s pretty clear after talking to both Graham and folks around him that the Sooners have given him something to think about. The voices around Graham are pulling him in different directions. While his family would like to see him at Texas, Graham also has some around him that are close to the staff at Oklahoma. I get the sense, however, that ultimately Taquon is going to make this decision himself.
He let me know that he would like to make his announcement before the start of the season but admitted that he could delay things one again if he doesn’t feel ready.
I have been told that the big concern Graham has with regards to Texas is “stability”. Apparently the Sooners made this a point of emphasis on the trip noting Stoops’ long tenure at Oklahoma. The good news for Texas is I am also told that Graham is likely to make a return trip to Austin during fall camp to get a look at how Texas is progressing. Should this happen, it may prove critical for Texas in holding off this late push from Oklahoma though I have little doubt that regardless of what Graham decides, coach Strong will recruit Graham till the end. This one could get very interesting in the coming weeks…” – (Super K)
In the immortal words of Johnny Olson, “Cameron Rising…come on down!”
One of Jordan’s RT’s
i was close to showing that but figured none would see!
Cracks me up when a guy goes to tackle and comes up with nothing.
Had to refresh to your post Lane,ya he ducked lmao.
I remember seeing that live and just being astonished. How do you lose a guy that big in that small of space and just get absolutely nothing.
Ty with the nice pancake.
Kinda mounted him
That juke was so dirty it should be banned 😉
Don’t give the NCAA any ideas!
That move Mixon puts on that backer in the hole is SIIIIICK!
Yeah that’s pretty nasty
That was nasty! I wish I could have been in the Taco Tech LB meeting after that highlight was shown!
I think the site was lagging a little, I didn’t see yours until after mine posted. “Great minds….”
Yeah the comments have been a little “screwy” today. Couldn’t agree more to the latter point you made.
Now if they would finish the upper deck around the north side, it would form a perfect OU!!!
sorry if already posted.
The All-Time AP College Football Poll recently
came out. In its 80th year, the AP looked back at all 1,103 college football
polls in order to put together an all-timer.
List of Top 100 all-time-AP Poll …
With the potential BIG 12 expansion in mind, I
looked at some potential candidates. Keep in mind that currently in the Power 5
Conferences + Notre Dame there are a total of 65 teams.
BYU is No. 34
Ahead of …
5 SEC Schools
7 Big 10 Schools
8 ACC School
5 Pac 12 Schools
7 Big 12 Schools
BYI is ahead of a Total of 32 Power 5 schools.
(Right smack in the middle of the pack behind 33 teams and ahead of 32 teams)
Houston is No. 49
Ahead of …
2 SEC Schools
5 BIG 10 schools
6 ACC schools
4 PAC 12 schools
2 Big 12 schools
Houston is ahead of 19 Power 5 Schools (behind
46 and ahead of 19 programs)
Other notable potential Big 12 expansion programs on the list …
42. Army (ahead of 25 Power 5)
55. SMU (ahead of 14 Power 5)
60. Navy (ahead of 10 Power 5)
61. Boise State (ahead of10 Power 5)
67. Air Force (ahead of 6 Power 5)
70. Tulane (ahead of 5 Power 5)
77. Colorado State (ahead of 4 Power 5)
81. Cincinnati (ahead of 3 Power 5)
88. East Carolina (ahead of 1 Power 5)
94. USF (ahead of 0 Power 5)
*Note: UConn, Memphis and Central Florida didn’t make the Top 100
The 10 worst of the power 5 conferences …
62. Louisville (ACC)
63. Kansas (BIG 12)
64. Utah (PAC 12)
65. Oregon State (PAC 12)
68. Kentucky (SEC)
72. Indiana (BIG 10)
80. Wake Forest (ACC)
83. Iowa State (BIG 12)
86. Rutgers (BIG 10)
89. Vanderbilt (SEEC)
While BYU and Houston are not typically
considered to be “Power 5” programs, the numbers say otherwise with regard to
football AP Top 25 history. BYU (better than 32 Power 5 programs), Houston
(better than 19 Power 5 programs) and even Army (better than 25 Power 5
Programs) provide hard data that they are historically on the football
performance level as a significant number of Power 5 programs.
Recently the Networks (ESPN and FOX) have
pushed back on the BIG 12 expanding outside of the “Power 5” claiming it would
dilute the conference’s quality. However, this data shows that such a notion is
just flat out wrong.
If the Networks are concerned about the quality
of the product they are selling, maybe they should consider pressuring the Power
5 conference to cut programs like No. 62 Louisville, 63. Kansas, 64. Utah, 65.
Oregon State, 68. Kentucky, 72. Indiana, 80. Wake Forest, 83. Iowa State, 86. Rutgers and 89. Vanderbilt.
And if they think it is such a poor decision
for the BIG 12 to add No. 34 BYU why did they think it was a fine idea for the
SEC to 35. Missouri? If they think 42. Army would weaken the BIG 12 then why
didn’t they say anything when the ACC added No. 41 Syracuse? If No. 49. Houston
doesn’t meet their standard then why was it an alright decision for the ACC to
add 62. Louisville? If not NO. 55 SMU to the BIG 12 then why no push back when
the PAC 12 added 64. Utah? If they have an issue with the Big 12 adding 60.
Navy or 61. Boise State, then why on earth did we hear no concerns when the BIG
10 added 86. Rutgers?
Why? The reason is simple. The Networks don’t want to pay the money! They are still paying for the LHN, the SEC Network, the ACC Network and so on. Meanwhile, their subscriber numbers have taken a hit.
The point of all of this is that the Big 12 is going to find a few quality programs to add to their conference. They aren’t going to add programs worse than many of the schools
already in the Power 5 Conferences. The Networks are going to have to buck up
and pay for it as the contact was agreed upon by both parties
The Army numbers show the fallacy of using these statistics for picking a B-12 team. The data goes back eighty years yet some of the teams you are comparing haven’t existed that long. Army has had one winning record since 1996. Because they were good back in the 40’s doesn’t mean they are a good choice today.
Social thing with SMU
I agree. Seems like looking at the last 15-20 years would be a better approach in terms of consideration for expansion.
I agree with you as well. BYU and Houston have done pretty well over the last few years as well as historically (according to this poll)! Just don’t like the Networks trying to pressure the Big 12!
I agrre that the Army numbers are skeweed, but if you are looking at BYU and Houston as possible programs to add to the BIG 12 than this info just adds to their historic football cred. The whoel point is more about the Networks trying to pressure the BIG 12 and say that BYU and Houston aren’t as quality as the Power 5 teams. Maybe they aren’t in otherways, but historically they are somewhere in the middle to bottom half of all the Power 5ers!
Dave posted a similar thing from CFN on Aug 1st – It had OU #1 and it had Iowa State at 118.
AP College Football Rankings: Greatest Programs Of All-Time http://wp.me/p6BP7R-1PFj 8:02 AM – 1 Aug 2016
Something to consider in discussing teams, but most fans will know that the even weighting of pre-1950s with 2015 is misleading.
Sounds like Kelly will be getting thrown in with the 1s right off the bat.
Wow. To me that is impressive.
Yes, I guess the coaches have seen enough during the summer to not feel like he needs to be slowly worked in.
Oh I’m all for throwing him to the wolves. Let the kid develop as quickly as he can with game time.
Can we afford mistakes on defense?
That’s some good news, I think.
Was that from Mike Stoops ?
Well, I didn’t talk to him personally if that’s what you’re asking Randy. lol
lol.. Didnt mean it like that. I seen on Twitter where coaches or at least BS and LR were answering questions.. Thought maybe MS was asked about Kelly.
Oh haha, sorry I didn’t see that they were doing that.
Fire Tim Kish
Hes turble.
Turble – exactly KJ. Board posters know when a coach is done – and all the boards said so.
Yeah, is that guy still around? The nerve a that Stoops to keep him /ssssss
Another Stoops crony hire…
I’ll be honest, I was among those calling for his head. Glad he exposed me as the moron that I am.
I was on the fire Kish bandwagon too.
I eat my crow publicly
So Obo at OLB , Jordan & Tay at ILB and Kelly at OLB.
Possibly, hearing Kelly could be at Sam. I still think JMT will surprise some folks though.
JMT definitely has the size to be nasty.
Love JMT. But with Bolton and McGinnis behind the 1s we can hopefully redshirt him
That would be best case, get him for longer. The kid definitely runs better than both of those guys.
Really.. Already, that is surprising. I was thinking both Bolton and McGinnis ran to the ball well at least during the spring game. JMT playing this year would shock me me than C Kelly playing that is for sure.
That would be a shock to have 2 true freshman playing at LB. I trust the coaches know that Kelly can handle it, it will be interesting to see how JMT does during camp.
J Evans and D Alexander were FR. But yeah, having 2 start or even play a ton at the same time is different.
Interesting. If Kelly runs the Sam, who runs the Jack?
so DeBerry not developing as hoped? Or Kelly just that good?
Deberry would need to develop some coverage skills to see the field over Kelly. Deberry and Kelly could easily play on the field at the same time, but Deberry is more of a pass rusher.
Way to early to tell. I am sure they will rotate guys in for the next couple of weeks to see who can do what.
For our depth at OLB, it includes (for now) to be Kelly and Okoronkwo at 1s with Jackson, Deberry, McGinnis, Beal, and Doucet all fighting for playing time. Am I missing anyone for OLB?
If he is good enough to beat out the others, then more power to him! Coaches said Rod Shoate would have played as a Frosh, but for the no-frosh rule at the time (that was the 1971 team he could have played on)
Seems like Malik Jefferson handled it pretty well for Texas, don’t see why Kelly couldn’t. Good for him getting the opportunity.
Dam i f5 and 50 more comments show!
Disqus today is bull shi#$ have a nice day.BOOMER!
SOONER! Take care Metz – don’t let the interweb ghouls ruin your evening.
Disqus = subs…grrrrrr….
Question Who do you think will be the most improved player? & Who will be the new comer to watch? I find this team very mysterious. Super K can we have a report on the walk on we have. It seems there may be some surprises. My improved pick is Baker Mayfield, new comer Gillmore
I think it will be one of the DBs.
Most improved = Dru Samia
Newcomer to watch = Cody Ford/Caleb Kelly
Most improved = PJ
Newcomer = Caleb Kelly
Most improved, AD Miller
Newcomer, Gallimore
Most Improved = Dahu Green
Newcomer = Caleb Kelly
Most improved- Mixon (o) PJ (d)
Newcomer- J.M.Terry(d) Powers (o)
Most Improved = Obo
Newcomer = Caleb
I dunno. I just took another look at Abdul Adams’ film. Wow. His biggest challenge is that we are just too deep (no small task in getting past Brooks and Anderson just for the possibility of seeing the field).
Let’s do it!
Would love the B1G, but not having AAU status is killing us.
The SEC would kill our championship winning percentage. Good tailgating, though. (I prefer winning to tailgating.)
IMO, the SEC only hurts the academic perception side of things. I know the competition is tougher in the SEC but Bob has already shown he can out coach Satin. Imagine how competitive OU would be when Bob is pulling some of those 5 stars away from the Bama’s of the world after being in the conference for a year or two. Keep in mind I haven’t a clue. 🙂
Yes. I believe President Boren sees it as an inferior conference academically (although I think OU would actually be ranked 5-6 academically, in the SEC). I’m certain that he also feels the recruiting antics would be very bad for OU and doesn’t want the University to be involved in that mess.
In the end, though, it may be OU’s only choice (until the super conference land grab).
You know what you’re talking about, Sooner Ray.
Having the divisions split up like that and us going to the SEC, could really open up some huge recruiting doors in Tejas.
Not sure how it all plays out as for which schools end up where, but totally agree that the Big XII as a power conference will be gone. Big XII may end up as a mid major with TX schools left out plus, Tulane, New Mexico schools, Ark St, Tulsa for example.
If you’ve been coming here for a while, you’ve heard me say this multiple times: one day the Executives at ESPiN are going to wake up and realize that no one wants their product.
Beat New Zealand!!!
Carly Lloyd!!!
USA 1-0 early
Has the zika festival started? What are you watching?
Yep, US Women Soccer on NBCSN.
Listening to a Fall practice podcast right now, may throw that on the tube with a mute.
Sorry if this has been posted already…
Can’t deny his talent. Left tackles, right tackles…he’s an equal opportunity offender.
Haha that is Rex standing right there watching it all happen too! I bet he makes the roster!
Looked like NFL speed to me.
Viney is something, man. He is really good.
Sooner’s come into the 2016 season with the #2 offense
The good news is that we only have to play 6 of the top 20 offenses this season.
A little off topic, but if any of you fellow TFBers know where I could get a couple of tickets to tOSU game at a reasonable price please let me know. My wife and I would love to attend that game.
i think there was a post earlier offering tickets…i don’t think there are any at a reasonable price tho
I have OU vs UH tickets I need to sale as I will be out of town, but not Osu tickets.
How many? and How much?
2 tickets plus blue lot parking 200.00
You had to have found out recently cuz at that price they should be flying outta your pockets lol
yeah pretty much at face value plus the fees I paid. I am not trying to make a lot of money on these just pretty much get what I paid total for them
are we about to have a bidding war?!?!?!
Nah bruh…I’m out
Shoot me an offer on the Ohio State game tickets. I’ll. Section 16 row 30
Alex Morgan! GOAL!!!
USA up early second half 2-0.
Don’t act like you’re not sitting on your bean bag wearing your USA soccer jersey. 🙂
Oh, it’s soccer? Soccer sucks.
*futbol, not soccer.
futbol is a ladies sport.
Yeah, if you mean ladies who could run you into the ground and not break a sweat then make you bake them an apology cake…then yeah…sure…pffft…a “ladies sport”.
No offense Mom, just ribbing our guys that like soccer, I do have a track record of sticking my big foot in my mouth!!! 🙂
No offense Mom, just ribbing our guys that like soccer, I do have a track record of sticking my big foot in my mouth!!! 🙂
Interested to see which WR is going to step up next. Someone needs to take the torch.
Savage > Clayton > Kelly > ‘Quin > Broyles > Kenny > Jalen > Sterling > ??
Jordan Smallwood
Looks like an animal.
Would welcome that.
I would say Westbrook. Speaking of receivers, why were Mead and Lewis not in the picture the other day with Baker and the boys?
They were in the gym trying to get as buff as those guys. Just looking at those guys made me want to go out and get a six pack!
Because they weren’t there at the time the picture was taken.
Where did you get this information?
From the picture.
Think he got it from Captain Obvious.
They’ve been known to smoke from the same pipe.
You are on fire tonight
My money is on Westbrook too. Has all the tools.
Andrews is going to be huge this year. Big target, can shield the ball
well, and has great hands. Going to be hard to beat.
Absolutely!!!!!! The new dudes are supposed to be pretty salty also. I like Baxter and Westbrook.
Watched this earlier, got me pumped.
These 2 tweets From Okudah make me nervous.
Those uni’s are just flat UGLY.
Yes they are…definitely not “lit”
They should be lit. On fire.
Amirite? Anybody?
To be honest.. This goes for people that are that confident this is a 50/50 shot. It might seem that way but tO$U recruiting class is a whole other breed of players. If we can’t get a prospect like Okudah this year I promise with the way things are headed players like him won’t be all alone one our recruiting boards
Is DISQUS under staffed or under equipped? These problems are getting on my nerves.
Having some problems with the hamster running the generator.
Must be the heat, I know it’s slowing me down.
Meanwhile, at Bama, Saban continues to be a bully:
I’m just annoyed that now they want to act like they’ve never heard of coaches blocking transfers
Satin is no Stoops, don’t know why so many want to play for guys like that. The kid completed his part of the deal which is being a student athlete and getting an education, just let him go without being a complete ass.
The thing is he let a kid go to Missouri under the same circumstance and the kid was able to play right away. This appears to be as much a pissing match between Saban and his ex assistant Kirby Smart.
Exactly, at the expense of the kids future and desires. Let the kid have his wishes and the coaches can meet behind the dumpster and piss on each other.
Could be. But I hate to see a kid treated that way. Just let the kid go, Kingsbury, I mean, Saban.
To me it’s worse that this is about Smart, means Saban is just using him as a pawn.
Say what you did there.
I’m with you, Sooner Ray. I don’t know why kids want to play for that man. They just keep beating down his door. Here’s the kicker: Saban is the worst liar in the history of any high profile Leader/Politician/CEO.
I despise that man.
*doushe bag.
You should be quicker on the refresh key. 🙂
It was my bad but I caught it, your hashtag says it all.
Less of a man and more of an angry garden gnome. One day the other shoe is going to drop on that cheating megalomaniac.
Small man syndrome.
So reading this article on the Bailer stalker http://www.espn.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/17205001/rami-hammad-baylor-bears-arrested-felony-stalking-charge
The professor first tried to call Hammad’s coaches, but when no one in the athletic department was available, she placed a call to Baylor police.
police made contact with Hammad on July 7 at the professor’s office, and investigators spoke to him again on July 11.
After the incident at the classroom, the woman reported that on three separate occasions — July 12, July 13 and July 26
It’s unclear why Baylor police did not arrest Hammad until Monday,
It’s clear that the police have to run all evidence through the athletic department.
Enjoy your off season?
Meh I’ve had better… You? Well I didn’t break anything on my body so there is that
Nope, too much work and it’s too damn hot. Funny, my baby sister helped me paint some pipe fence and posted some pics on her facebook. Your mom was one of the first to like. 🙂
Lisa? Since when are you FBing? Lol. I am surprised. She has had 3 emergency eye surgeries since June 29. It has sucked… And yes too hot. Too much work.
I’m not facing, my sis is. Yes Lisa.
Gotcha. Waaaay too hot. Was in the ville last weekend. Friday night was some crazy idea ended up at somewhere with about 40 collinsville peeps. Surreal. Would’ve liked to stay for funeral Tuesday, but couldn’t
Over 2000 people, no where to park. HW 20 blocked for over half an hour letting people out. Sis went, I had too much going on. Glad I got to talk to him not long ago.
Same. Talked to him a lot at Lawton Ike game. Teased me they had to come to me… Went by visitation Sunday b4 I left…
Well, it’s really not a summer without at least one trip to the emergency room.
Yalls can the season just start
Hey Sam!! How are you?
I’m good. Max and I will be in Norman for the tOSU game.
he looks like a slower marcus mariotta…fine by me
I think it’s hilarious that LT just quotes TFB constantly and then people talk about it, might as well use the comments section here and do away with Landthieves.
Well, LT doesn’t have official news. It’s just people talking about things they read or see from other places. The so called mods don’t even know what to do half the time, hell even the “owner” doesn’t post any more. It’s just fun reading with the constant piss matches.
Over moderation and copy/paste to LT? Yeah. Shitty forum here to find great info? Yeah. Choose your battle I guess, but this Disqus and the circle jerk between posters here are an asswhip to us lurkers. LT>TFB for info searching.
Yeah, my first post here.
You feel left out? You want to be pivot man?
Ha morning Dave!
Morning Metz
Good morning, Dave!
I see you were giving Mosquito Starfish the business the morning.
Morning Sam
Morning, Metz!
Nah. I am good. I will let you and your men finish your “good mornings”
Bahaha at least you’re a good sport
Where ya going?
Nowhere. Just a first time poster complaining about the site. I don’t understand how someone can lurk, not like what they see, and join the forum.
Real smart, right?
Circle jerk? Guess you gotta be a premium subscriber for that option.
See Ya bud
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