Image via USA Today
Apologies for not being available to do a live thread for a Bob Stoops presser like we usually do here at TFB. But for those of you who weren’t able to follow along live and/or have seen/heard Stoops’ comments since hopefully this transcript will suffice.
Personally, I came away from it as I do most Stoops pressers. Felt it was pretty typical Bob, in that there wasn’t an overwhelming amount of information shared. But I also know from previous ‘presser live thread’ past experiences just how much some of you hate it when I make that decision for you.
So here are Stoops’ comments in all their glory, enjoy.
Thanks Jordan!
no prob
Thank you!
Thanks JE
Bob still bridles a bit when Hoover opens his mouth.
As do we all, as do we all.
True, that.
Even Mrs. Hoover does.
Hoover is such a dope. How he ever even graduated from Faber College is beyond me.
Bob you just got a raise, how about sporting a nice 3 piece Brooks Brothers?
Methinks HCBS has his threads custom made.
Playing Texsa two times a year would be awesome but common sense is telling me that will never happen because Texsa sucks.
Somebody a few weeks ago said it would make the RRR game in Dallas less fun with the possibility of playing UT again. I couldn’t disagree more. First, when the RRR is played, we will have no idea how possible a potential rematch would be. Second, the first several times it happened (the OU vs UT rematch), it would be super exciting, as we’d be playing them outside of the normal game in Dallas. New is always exciting. Third, I “think” OU is going to be in the Big 10 8-10 years down the road. As such, any potential rematch scenario with UT would fall within that time frame, and would still be considered new and exciting in my mind. This would only potentially be an issue some 20 years down the road. No way the Big 12 is still a 10 team league with OU in it 20 years from now.
Thanks Jordan.
One of these years we’re going to hear: “Over here coach right up front……DJ Jordan Esco Football Braniacs….”
Will he be like Hoover? LOL j/k 😉
Ha ha! That would be worth it!!
This made me crack up in a waiting room full of people.
So you were at the Big 12 media day? /s
1st question, Coach, do you use 70% or 80% of our info from TFB?
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So I put together a video that summarizes what was said.
@32 mins “Dennis you noob get your hand up quicker..”
a great way to wrap it up
Good old Bobby
Bobby most likely owns a punching bag with Hoover’s face on it! He never asks a question that isn’t intended to irritate!
SD is John Hoover.
I know what we reported re: Jordan Thomas’ situation and far as I know nothing hav changed there. But once again solid job from the media failing to address it at all w/ Stoops.
Yeah they bring up Mixon but not Thomas….oooook.
Bob is legend. He will never get caught up in some rhetorical bs question written up by some schmuck. He is a football coach, homie don’t play that. You want colorful? Oklahoma State may be for you. They are the definition of gimmick school, Gundy dances and look he’s got the mullet back.
Very true! Bob is the one who truly is a man. Gundy looks like he is trying to be a kid again.
I know a lot of you guys like to bust on Mike Gundy and he’s an easy target. However, I do respect what he has accomplished at OSU without the scandals. He’s had some that weren’t straight arrows like the rest of college football but he’s built OSU from a scrum team into a solid program. I want to beat them but he’s made it difficult to do so.
would have he had the same success without Boone?
Probably not but that doesn’t take away what he has accomplished as a coach there.
Excuse me while I go wash my mouth out with soap. 🙂
I agree with you he has done some good things, I just think if you gave Jones the same keys he would have had a better chance, not being the poster child for Rustoleum.
I respect Gundy.
Very true! Bob is the one who truly is a man. Gundy looks like he is trying to be a kid again.
That’s one ugly Kentucky waterfall.
Mullet power.
OU gonna break out the Stoops statue this year? Might be something tied into the stadium renovation.
BS has said he doesn’t want the statue while he is here.
But he also said he’d do what Boren and Joe C. thought was best. The way he said that, almost seemed like he knew it was about to happen.
Not sure there is a reason to have the statue already made if they don’t intend to put it up before he leaves.
Really good year, there might be a big BM statue in Heisman Park.
Wasn’t there a statue that got transported uncovered in Norman that someone got a picture of? Maybe it was Bradford’s. Can’t remember. Thought it may have been Bob’s.
Just realizing once again that in a discussion Bob Stoop’s initials are unfortunate.
lol- sorry slim
It’s unavoidable. Lol. Baker Mayfield, too!
This one…
“No!, They encased him in carbonite! Damn shorthorns. They’ll pay for this!!”
Why would kyler have to wait an extra year? they dont really explain the reasoning behind that.
he will be behind baker another year
well for a year
oh ok. From the way the question was asked, it sounded like kyler wouldnt be eligible until 2018.
So did I, that’s what I thought, too.
Assuming Baker stays healthy and wins the position battle.
That’s how I heard it too. Poorly worded question, I think.
I just wish that Coach had refused to take Tramel’s question and called him a “douchebag”. No, that would’ve been wrong.
Barry isn’t a douchebag then? LOL
He is. Thought it was funny that yesterday the Morning Animals had him on their radio show and he called KD a douchebag right on the air. Then he swore to Traber later he didn’t know what the word even meant, thought it meant like goofball or knucklehead and the animals had brought him down to their level! Can’t make this stuff up!!
He is. LMAO. Thought it was funny that yesterday the Morning Animals had him on their radio show at media days (grilling him about the Molitar article among other things) and he called KD a douchebag right on the air. Then he swore to Traber later he didn’t know it was a bad word, thought it meant like goofball. Can’t make this stuff up!
Am I crazy to think Dalton Rodriguez could contribute a lot or even start this year?
I mean at 6’6 250 with the length to set the edge and also looked real good in pass rushing in the spring game abusing the OT’s
Both him and Austin are supposedly difficult to block in practice. I’d really like to see the both of them get some quality PT this year.
Austin Roberts 6’5 250?
Are they both getting time at OLB? or DE?
Afaik DE.
So potentially you could have Dalton/Austin on the same side..
6’6 250, 6’5 275.. that’s a stark difference from lsat year.
Interested to see if they can stay low and play ball.
Dalton did looked good in the spring game(FWIW)
so good, I had to grab my IPAD and look him up. This will be interesting to see what comes of this.
Says Austin is 275
right! wow..
KJ, quick question. I notice you have some inside sources. I have been hearing that Tay Evans looks like the guy at LB along with Jordan Evans. I also keep hearing that Tay is really physical. Can you confirm that? Is he a big LB?He looks like he’s a small LB to me unless he has grown. Hope you can answer my questions lol
Tay is now listed at 6’2″ and 242, which is seven lbs. heavier than Jordan. Hopefully he’s a “knock ’em back” type tackler.
So obviously Tay was the starter in the spring. And yes hes physical, he rocked one of our tackles pretty good during inside drill one day. But to me hes undersized. Hes not Jordan sized or Caleb sized. He wouldnt be my choice for starter and im looking forward to seeing the freshmen and the Juco transfers at LB in camp. If he had good coverage skills hed be a great SS.
So many repeated questions. If you hear someone ask your question before you get the chance, wouldn’t you think to ask a different question?
Who are your leaders again. oh boy.
Maybe they weren’t listening, you think?
You’d think so. And people wonder why Bob is snippy with the media.
Small minds, big ego’s.
Now let’s start thinking how to defend Houston.
Same game plan as against Tennessee. Greg Ward ain’t that great of a thrower, so limit his effectiveness on the ground.
OU defensive gameplan was great for that game .
You can still tell John Hoover rub’s Bob the wrong way
a little too late to be finally expanding. Its like pouring the last of your kerosene on a dumpster fire. But go get BYU and Cinn.
So now we’re back to a network and expansion? What a cluster$&$#. Get the he’ll off the Titanic…PLEASE! Surely someone besides the SEC would take us, if we beg enough.
This is the way I see it. Every other conference would like to have us because we are a big brand in the football world. Problem is nobody is willing to give up their share of the money to take us. Same reason some in our conference don’t want to expand. Economics. An increased TV package would have to be agreed on in advance so that no team had to take a pay cut. Complicated.
My understanding is that both the Pac and B1G have turned us down. The SEC has a standing offer, but we don’t want (or need) to go there.
I don’t know all the behind the scene details but have heard that a couple of past road blocks have been other conferences not wanting okie lite and we didn’t want to leave them behind at the time. Who knows what conversations have really taken place.
Since we are officially back on expansion, I have always thought that going after Arizona and Arizona State would be great for the league in my opinion. I have only heard it from a few people but I always get the they wouldn’t leave the Pac12 for the Big12 response. My question is why not? I would say that the Big 12 is a better overall conference. Let the stoning begin
I like it.
Supposedly Coach Synder has some insider info about 2 teams wanting back into the Big12. Assuming its Colorado and Nebraska .
Nebraska needs back in so they can get back to recruiting Texas kids. They had alot of texas talent on those great Nebraska teams of old but not many texas kids lately because they don’t play any games in texas anymore to spread their brand.
They recently started recruiting in California. They got a few stars from Cali in this class.
Im hearing Missouri and A&M also want back in and TCU and WVA want out.
This could make for an interesting conference
I can see W. Va. but why would TCU want out? This is the best thing that ever happened to them and they are right in the center of their best recruiting ground.
oops…guess I forgot the /s
That makes more sense now. lol.
Good story…I’d like the old Big 12 back. Unlikely, for a number of reasons.
The Arizona schools have about 50% of the alumni and potential students in California. Their donors would never let this happen.
Sooo….are we expanding or no? The tweeter is really confusing me right now. Some tweets say they are expanding, some say it’s tabled for possibly a couple of years. WTH is going on?
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Who is the guess?
Unless its xavier newman flipping i have no idea…lamb is committing 7/24 i believe. .. thoughts??
I would have to go with Newman flipping. That seems like the safe bet.
Hayes has evidently been offered, as well, but he stated he wanted to wait it out. Gumbs was supposed to commit soon, right?
Yeah Gumbs was supposed to commit in late june.
That’s right. He then pushed it to around this time, I believe.
Hopefully he commits here pretty soon.
Greg Rogers
He’s commiting in December but i think he’s a Sooner. We need to get on campus.
Kary Vincent , Xavier Newman would be my guess.
I’m guessing we find out around 1pm tomorrow. 🙂
What’s your guess on this one?
Newman would be the first choice, but Gumbs is my second. imo.
Newman would make sense. Betting against Bandy.
I think OU will stop recruiting Bandy. We’ve been burned in the past with these type of decommitments. At least the Caoching staff was prepared for this decommitment , OU is still in the running for 5 star D’Angelo Gibbs and we have kobe boyce visting next weekend.
Agree, and I was throwing some sarcasm there.
Changing my vote to Hayes.
Haha did he get the offer?
Yep, tonight.
It’s stated in the tweet. Denzel. He’s going to Boom himself and then come join the team.
Hayes offered
I would think he’s gonna be the commit now
Was just coming here to say the same thing…good call
I love that OU plays big-time OOC opponents every year. It’s what make them and college football great.
But a championship game in a 10-team league is still a terribly bad idea.
Yep. Looks like adding a bunch of second-tier teams is going to save us from that bad idea. What a mess.
Mid-majors to add to the other mid-majors already in the league. Can’t lose a NU, MU, TAMU, and CU and replace those with Cincy, Memphis, Houston, and USF and feel good about it. B1G or SEC, please call D-Bo.
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