– Jeremiah Hall: Yesterday the Sooners picked up a commitment from Charlotte, NC (Vance HS) star H-Back Jeremiah Hall, who committed to Oklahoma despite having not yet visited campus. TFB caught up with Hall following the commitment, and it sounds like Jay Boulware was a big reason behind Hall picking the Sooners.
“One thing I loved is the fact he (Boulware) kept my parents involved in the process. Coach Boulware would always make a point to speak with my mom and dad.”
On the field, Hall says OU’s offense fits him “perfectly.” Hall noted, “They are going to use me in the Trey Millard and Dimitri Flowers position. If you have seen my film you know that is the same position and offense we run at my school. I can’t wait.”
Off the field Hall, likes what the Sooners provide academically. “They are really well respected in the medical field, and I want to major in a health science type of major.”
Hall added that he will make his first visit to Norman on July 29th. With the addition of Hall, the Sooners continue to their steady momentum for the class of 2017. Hall chose OU over NC State, Pittsburgh, Maryland, East Carolina, Syracuse and others. – (Brandon)
– K’Lavon Chaisson: As you all know, last weekend (June 4-5) the Sooners hosted star 2017 defensive end, K’Lavon Chaisson (Houston, TX). Up until that visit Chaisson really hadn’t spoken much about the Sooners (he doesn’t speak to media much in general) but we had been told by a source close to Chaisson that the Sooners were quietly building a relationship with him. Those attempts came to fruition when he visited and I’ve spoken to multiple sources and the visit was an absolute success.
I will admit, I didn’t see the Sooners being a real player for Chaisson. But I am convinced now. I spoke with a coach at Chaisson’s high school who took the trip to Norman with Chaisson. I also spoke with one of his trainers. I spoke with an additional source close to Chaisson. And we spoke with sources close to the OU program. We heard nothing but rave reviews.
According to multiple sources Chaisson is primarily interested in playing in a 3-man front as he’d like to play the outside linebacker position. In fact, I’m told he’s so serious about it that Texas A&M, despite being closest to home and his grandparents’ favorite school, is running fourth on his list because they play in a 4-man front. I’m told the schools ahead of TAMU are LSU, Houston and Oklahoma (in no order).
Chaisson does have ties to Baylor. His late father played at Baylor. However, I’m told there is very limited interest in Baylor. LSU would appear to be the stiffest competition for the Sooners. LSU was in fact Chaisson’s first offer.
While this may have been Chaisson’s first visit to OU, I am told it will not be his last. It seems he has given the impression to the people around him that he is eager to return to Norman for a second visit. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (7:40 pm):
#Sooners receive commitment from the No.3 ranked punter in America, R.Mundschau. #OU
Eval: https://t.co/0FaceCWkeGhttps://t.co/cpEWJ4ouSg
— Kohl's Kicking Camps (@KohlsKicking) June 14, 2016
First!! BOOMER!
First OP BOOMER!!!!!!!!!
Jacob Phillips was offered by LSU today. Does that hurt us any or will he still end up at OU?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s interested but I doubt it takes away from his interest for OU
I think it’s OU or ND. OU leading at this point. He lit up when talking about us and said ” when I get there” 3 separate times during an interview. He also couldn’t remember the ND coach who’s recruiting him
isn’t LSU also known for playing with a four man front? Letting Chaisson see how we utilize those OLBs for the pass rush will hopefully pay off.
Yea baby!
Well, here we go:
Dude we rock——–
Thats funny!
Sam posted a metz album
Wow. Metz T’OUr 2016. Taking on the road. Don’t go getting a big head on us, dude.
Unbelievable. If this really happens then I’ll just be beyond disgusted. It doesn’t even make me wanna watch the OU Baylor games if he’s there next year or even the following year.
Whatever it takes to keep recruits, even lying isn’t beneath them. They may be “working on” getting him back but there’s NO WAY Briles is coming back.
What you are saying makes way more sense, which leads me to believe that there may be some truth to this. Good sense has not been on display in Waco lately.
ESPN is reporting the same thing…..
What’s really bad is, most of this is coming from the coaches. After Grobe’s comment’s to a former players coach, I don’t think much is going to change inside Bailer’s program. Just by his comment’s alone, it sounds like the BOR’s are behind all of this.
Are you so sure it’s a lie? I’m not. Once they let dancing go, it seems there was no brake on that freight train to the moral abyss.
Seriously? Is everyone on the staff/administration there perpetually drunk? It would be hard to comprehend, but so are a lot of things coming out of Waco right now.
According to a report from WFAA ABC’s Mike Leslie, it is not true that boosters are lobbying for Briles’ return, rather they are seeking “transparency from the Board of Regents and for the opportunity for Briles to defend himself.”
It won’t matter OU will drop 60 on them this year. We should’ve blown them out last year if it wasn’t for those stupid penalties in the red zone.
that does more harm than good (for a recruit to hear) IMO
Great news! Let’s go ahead and pluck big Marv and Chaisson from H town. Shoot, I’ll even let CeeDee come back at that point. We need those Houston Boys.
Jordan, can you clarify:
Everyone was making waves about OU being his #2 behind BU before he committed, and then that Kyler Murray was now in Norman. But IIRC there was already reports that those “in the know” were saying OU was out, and it was a whorn/TCU battle now.
Duvernay is not coming to Oklahoma
Ah Jeff. For you to make such a definitive statement you must know him personally and he must be confiding in you. Cool.
Jordan, can you clarify?
Tejas is willing to take his brother so, he’ll most likely sign with Tejas.
Thanks, Crimson. The “Kyler Murray talk from last week” part threw me off.
Hate to see that.
That’s why OU went out and got a “Bandy.”
At least Trajan Bandy and Chris Robison were flashing some horns in the dirt signs in the same thread to balance things out.
we still have a shot at Duvernay, Cobb and Bowen
Cobb can shove it!
Per TFB Tejas, Duvernay is leaning towards Tejas after his last visit. Apparently, Tejas is willing to take his brother in order to get Devin’s signature.
Plus their receivers are booty. He’s looking for immediate playing time and to play with his brother. Im not sure we could even provide one of those two things.
With only 7 2017 commits they can afford to give away spots.
Lets not start celebrating too early. Horns were in the dump with recruiting till Feb last year and ended up smoking us.
I think he could definitely challenge our guys but I know they wouldn’t take his brother just to get him.
Key word there, challenge. I don’t think he would start for us honestly. I said this a few months ago, I believe receiver position will be one of, if not the strongest position groups we have comes seasons end. Obviously behind our backfield, but that may be it.
Good luck in never getting the ball!
He should go to TCU
Great notes on Chaisson. Good to hear when a recruit that’s not on the radar gets to Norman and comes away impressed. Hope he makes it up for a game.
Yes. I’m not overly confident but it is a great sign that he wants a return visit.
He’s certainly an LSU lean, but after a disastrous season by Lesley, he’ll drop them 😉
He will for sure. That Jack position for us is about to have some straight horses playing that spot. Jackson, Deberry, Obo and possibly this kid. Plus 2 or 3 other solid guys.
Let’s just say OUr LB position will be very deep.
Off topic but great news, Buddy will be a STAR!
I think the 2 closest to that we’re Damien Lillard and KD. One is a superstar of the HIGHEST degree and the other has been an all star since he entered the league. That’s good company. Let’s hope it transitions to the NBA!
So ya trust me yet?
I need much more time and counseling to regain trust. I’m a broken man.
Aw hell it dont matter Sam has me on lifetime probation!
Nothing a couple of beers won’t fix with me though! 🙂
Buddy is going to get paid.
Nike is already paying him.
Dude! I used to be thrilled if I hit 85% from the freaking free-throw line!
That is just SICK!
Kyle Singler gets excited to hit 85% of his layup attempts 😀
Hopefully he goes to the Timberwolves.
Shaq didnt hit 85 free throws in his career.
Be nice Metz! I was born in LA and love my Lakers!
Good one
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Close the number is 5,935 and yes Shaq did make over 50% of his FT’s in 13 different seasons. Career percentage 52%. Even shot over 60% one season.
I don’t know about being a star. I’m just hoping that he’s better than Curry…….
As a lifelong Celtic fan, I’d love to have him, but I guess it is going to be KD instead.
That is insane! Buddy Freaking Love baby!
That is insane! Buddy Freaking Love baby!
I’m not entirely sure what the secret sauce is…but our coaches seem to make great impressions once kids are on campus. I like that.
Maybe they sense that the OU coaches are genuine. You’d be amazed by how well the bs meter works in most of these kids. That and the type of kid OU is bringing to campus recognize how they fit into OUr football culture as a SA.
Now if only some of those DLineman will commit. It’s hard to reel in the best DL when you know recruiters from the SEC and Big10 are warning them not to go to the Big 12 and constantly play up tempo, get chop blocked, defend those crazy offenses. To be honest, I don’t blame them, if I were a DT I would probably rather go against more traditional, pro style offenses instead of a team that runs 80 plays a game. Another reason I think OU needs to go to the SEC
Don’t follow your logic. The big 12 is a passing league and no better way to get your name on the list than to get sacks. You go to bama, your just another gap eater, no big deal they have them each year. Go to OU and become a versatile player on a 3 man front which is what most NFL teams play.
If only the top ranked DTs followed your logic, then they would go to OU and other Big 12 schools instead of littering the SEC, Big 10, ACC and then the 1st and 2nd rounds of the NFL draft
Some kids are going to stay close to home. The areas you mentioned are close to home for a lot of 1st & 2nd rounders. BTW, pros play uptempo too and there will always be some chop blocks that aren’t called. I wouldn’t mind going to the SEC but for now, I’m focused on the upcoming recruiting classes.
I just did a little research: in the past 4 NFL drafts, in the first two rounds, 24 DTs have been selected. 9 of them had 2 or 3 stars out of high school and 14 had 4 or 5 stars, which shows that the recruiting rankings don’t always project to the NFL. Nonetheless, of those 24 DTs selected, only 2 came from the Big 12: Malcolm Brown and Jordan Phillips. SEC had 8, Big 10 had 4, ACC had 6, Pac 12 had 3. So the Big 12 can’t even get lucky on the 2 or 3 stars,
you are correct, we don’t have as many in the NFL. Also, OU was down from 2009 – 2014. UT has been down for a decade and having only 10 teams don’t help pad the #s.
Not that argument again.
NFL teams seem to be picking up some plays form those same crazy big 12 offenses. When the old school NFL coaches refuse to adapt to modern trends on offense (ala west coast offense in its early forms) the coaches who feel the need to have a quick impact will turn to what the mainstream guys call unorthodox. Then defense’s will find they do not have the types of players on defense they need and will start looking for those college studs in conferences where they see those offenses on a regular basis. I think that’s a selling point for big 12 coaches.
That may still work a little but honestly most teams are going to the spread. Even Alabama is spreading it out a bit and are running some no huddle.. Give it time and the SEC will be spreading it out like the rest. Look there is A&M, Ole Miss, Miss State, South Carolina, Missouri, Florida, Kentucky and Vandy all play a form of the spread full time. Alabama used it a good deal last year. SEC is changing.
If I remember correctly, LSU just brought in the Wisconsin DC and he is turning them into a 3-4 D. Looks like this will be an LSU OU battle. Tough to beat LSU on the trail currently I imagine but get him back for that official visit and anything is possible
just to make sure we don’t forget its 3:35 and saxet suck!
Must be a good time to be a lawyer in Waco.
For some reason that makes me think Tom Sawyer.Exit the warrior the waco lawyer!
It’s Art’s Brother.
Their Regents were supposed to vote today. Any word?
I saw, on another board, that they postponed the vote indefinitely.
Not really sure what that means, as he is “suspended” indefinitely now. Will he ever be fired?
It means we will take it up once the heat goes down so, we do not look like jackasses.
It means we will take it up once the heat goes down so, we do not look like the jackasses we are.
I think it means they are trying to find who leaked it out and plug the leak, before they vote
Looks familiar…..just can’t put a sexual assault on the face. It will come to me later I’m sure.
Brandon any word on Adrian Ealy out of Louisiana and his interest in OU? Most are reporting an LSU lean but I saw an interview with him this weekend where he was really talking up the Sooners and their tradition.
Ok texsa SUCKS NO MATTER THE TIME Metz out———–
OOPS! hOU,Mojo,Pagan,Fear,Bob,Slim,737,Doc,Cush,RayBoom, Sam, Daryl, Joe, David, 403,inks
Mike,Sooper, ,Ed,Lane, Soonersd,jimin,Chubbs ,Sanchez, Raida, Boz,Hogg,CC.Rocket.Brandon
, Dawg,Jp, Hwsnbn, Electric,London,Jed,T.Rob., Jason, , Vegas, Dave,Rick, Dustin,.,Matt,
Malicongs,Oscar,76, Alar,Robertson,Woods, Bleed,J.r.,Woof MarkVA SuperK,Jordan,, Zack,
, Jake,Scott,Golf, Dc,Drew Rainy,Tex, Wilson Kj, Garner,Brown Dick, Pimp*Cheryl*, Doobie,Bgood,
Hawk, Brien,Bear,Colorado,Higg,Stl,47 Cdz,Cav, Ouknow Framoka, Shelby, , l”carpetron, Collin, ,
Have a good one!
Have a great one and be safe!
Dr., I’m *clapping*.
I laughed out loud !
Well played Sir, well played.
Only 1 kid at a time can play that jack spot, i would expect it to be tough to recruit a 2nd if we land gumbs, especially with deberry, obo and jackson already there.
We might be in on the Baylor kid that wants out of his commitment Brandon Bowen another guy in the 6’4 240 range that may be looking to play OLB. Position could get crowded quick!
Forgot about him. I’d love to land all of them, but its hard to keep that many kids happy with only so many snaps between them.
Those Baylor kids have to be released or they aren’t going anywhere.
Should we start Parker next game?
Looking for some softball insight from you
Wtf are you talking about?
U were incredibly insightful and knowledgable during the WCWS, just looking for some more of that right now, that’s all.
You are late. But if you want knowledge and insight here goes… The series is over. We won. On to football. Anything else?
Lol, ok. Not late here, just watched u make an ass of yourself during WCWS (you know all that “coach is an idiot” type stuff) and see that u still have that talent here. Did you enjoy the series or were u upset u were owned by Gasso’s ability to do what u can’t? Just curious. Your MO seems similar here on the football board, so I assume you and STD are “partners” no?
You know what JP, my position never changed on the subject. They won 2-1 so it’s not like they smoked Auburn or anything. It could have just as easily gone the other way but I was very happy for the softball team as I said in my post that night. I don’t feel like I made an ass out of myself. I’m sure you have agreed with every single call that any coach has made but I sure haven’t and I have been right several times. Next time try hitting me up when what you are talking about is actually current. I’m talking about Baylor NLI releases and you chime in “Parker?” You however just might be he idiot here.
Man let it go, I am sorry and take it back Lane. Have a great day.
Parker gave up 1 run to the 11 gave up by the other girls. If you are gonna go flapping your gumbs you should have some facts backing up your crap. They nearly put her in the end of game 2 anyways. She was warming up in the bullpen if they could get a lead at the end of the 5th inning. Seeing how Gasso said it was a hard decision sitting Parker yet was considering putting her out there in the 6th kind of says something. I’m just glad it didn’t come back to bite her in the tail like it easily could have.
who on God’s green earth up voted this?????
You look like an idiot. We are talking about Baylor players waiting to be released from their NLI. That’s why my wtf are you talking about got up voted.
Pot meet kettle. Enjoyed the insight Lane! Until next time!
If they are that athletic and stout , What keeps them out of the inside linebacker positions? I’m not trying tone snarky but if most of these linebackers are 6’2 to 6’4″ and 235 to 245 and can cover in space, stuff running lanes and blitz like a bat out of hell then why can’t they be good inside linebacker?
OLB’s get paid more, LOL!
If they’re fluid enough in space then you can get 2 on the field at a time with one playing Striker’s old position and one at Bond’s position. Being able to hold up in pass coverage would be a necessity or else they would just get spread out and taken advantage of. That’s why I think Caleb Kelly will take this defense to another level because he can play Bond’s position and get to the QB as well at Striker, set the edge like a true LB but also play in space like a NB. This would allow Kelly and either Obo/DeBerry/ Jackson to play the more pass rush friendly Jack spot. Just my thought, could be way off haha
If they’re fluid enough in space then you can get 2 on the field at a time with one playing Striker’s old position and one at Bond’s position. Being able to hold up in pass coverage would be a necessity or else they would just get spread out and taken advantage of. That’s why I think Caleb Kelly will take this defense to another level because he can play Bond’s position and get to the QB as well at Striker, set the edge like a true LB but also play in space like a NB. This would allow Kelly and either Obo/DeBerry/ Jackson to play the more pass rush friendly Jack spot. Just my thought, could be way off haha
I agree with you, but IMO, kelly plays the other spot full time. That leaves only the jack spot for everyone else.
I mean, he will take a breather now and then, but i dont see him rotating at all over there.
O yeah I totally meant him staying at that one spot, not rotating over to Jack. Poor wording on my part. I think linebackers that can come off the edge and not be a liability in the pass game or the biggest key to unlocking this defense’s potential
absolutely. Really excited to see what kelly can do, we have been missing a complete LB at the OLB spot for a long time.
update added
Is that a scholarship offer?
I honestly don’t know at this point. I’m sure Brandon and/or K will be able to get an answer tho.
ok, pretty surprising if it is.
i tend to agree. my assumption is preferred walk-on w/ the ‘promise’ of a scholly possible (if not likely), but that’d just be me guessing at this point.
So more of a pop than a boom.
Ya hopefully he’s walking on
Impressive leg, if not a scholly one should come later.
Uh, Jordan…..I think that qualifies as a BOOM and not just an update. BOOMER!
Thanks, Jordan.
That dude can boom the ball.
Wow.. surprising?
The #3 punter…we might have to start adding puntU to our list of accomplishments.
I have no problem being punt U, as long as we return to punt return U very soon. 🙂
I don’t have a problem being punt U, as long as it’s accompanied with the stat of punting the least amount of times in the nation!
Yeah, that too. The punt/return game has played such a big role in past games, just think it should be a priority.
You are exactly right. I will never forget some of the returns “Little Joe” made years ago.
Those were awesome, never gets old watching again.
Or the punt return against O state when he scored without his helmet
Dude has a freaking leg on him
This can only make seibert better IMO, if he can focus on just KO/FG duty.
He was already pretty darn good at punting. He very rarely had a return. One of the best in the country I thought.
He was very strong at punting, but if this kid is just as good, seibert can get better at FG, and we can have an ace at both =)
Bandy is going to be special.
He is. Love how he calls incomplete on every play. Confident young man.
He has a Striker swagger to him…
Oh wow!
Is the punter a 2017 or 2018 commit?
Nevermind. I found it….He’s a part of SoonerSquad17
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Wow… An unexpected boom. Gotta love it
BOOM for Reeves! Kid can punt the football. Good on Boulware for including Hall’s folks in the process.
Are you guys going to do a write up on this kid? Love to get to know him more. Thanks.
Check this OUt!!!
Love the reply!
To the bama fan that was trolling him.
LOL! In your face!
They know who King Crimson is.
I’m surprised Stoops didn’t get him on this sooner. Or, better yet, have just happen to be on campus the same day as Wilson’s visit. Seems like a no brainer to me.
Is Hollywood Marv, Marvin Wilson?
forgot I could just click on his twitter, thanks
Yes it is. This is fantastic. Recruits EAT this stuff up.
Absolutely, can’t get a better stamp of approval/endorsement than Mr G McCoy. Stand up man on and off the field and a natural leader.
We need this to become a regular thing. The red carpet needs to be rolled out for him and Rogers.
Go look at my latest picture I posted. It looks like good news from Jacob Phillips.
Ya I saw that, thanks for posting. I didn’t watch the video interview with Phillips a couple days ago but was he the one that people were commenting that he kept saying something like “when I get there” or “we” when he was talking about OU?
Yeah. He said he loves Kish and that “when he gets there coach Kish has daily quizzes and other things for me”. He also couldn’t remember the ND coaches name who’s recruiting him and they are supposedly his other top school besides OU. I’m really liking our chances with him.
Bleed Crimson posted the first tweet from Gerald McCoy, this is the 2nd tweet.
SW, nice!!
I love it that former players are involved in the recruiting.
Can’t get a better endorsement!
One of the best DTs in sooner nation knows we need DTs in this class..
I love when we see former sooner greats like McCoy, the Boz, and others shout out to these kids. Greats giving advice to the next Greats.
Those ?????always mean something good!
Now Greg Rogers is telling Marvin to commit to the Sooners! lol
This is just awesome. You think two highly ranked guy a like that would want to pve fighting for the same spot since we run a 3-4?
Possible Rogers could play on the end?
Super K has said they’re recruiting Wilson for the 4i (end) spot. I assume they’re also recruiting Rogers for that. They wouldn’t be competing for time if that is the case. They must like the smaller guys at nose.
in reference to what SoonerFan92 just said
Thanks SW! Got too excited to put up the tweet! Lol
Good news on the punter, but Sooners should have taken a look at Manny Berz out of Citrus Hills,CA. All State kicker/punter. He was a Max Preps All American as well.
Reagor got his 4th star as far as rivals, that’s good for the recruiting numbers.
If the weather is any indicator we’re moving to the SEC.
I’m going to dump white sand around my back porch and re-name the ranch “the sec beach from hell”. It doesn’t help that my lower level a/c unit quit over the weekend and the parts won’t be in until Wednesday. Thank God for the second unit working like a rented mule to make it tolerable in the house.
… Working like a rented mule.. (Snort laughter) .. I use that phrase all the time and it causes my students to look at me like I’ve lost my mind.
Boom…Can he also return them?
at Oklahoma ? of course 😉 all he has to do is raise his hand and catch it !
the punter /kicker has a strong leg. the guy puts the ball into the endzone on kickoffs….nice addition to the 2017 list………….
Figures that Stephen would be positive when it’s a ST player.
Can he play DT?
Punter isn’t a sexy commit but Special teams is 1/3 of the game..
Games are won/lost in that time.
Now, we have the #1 kicker and #3 punter. That is a clear investment on a important part of the game.
Can he throw? would be nice to change it up a little and do a fake punt when we need it.
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Kicking game is critical to our pursuit of an 8th NC. Great pick-up. Still need DTs. At least 2 I think.
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two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
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