Yesterday the Big 12 voted against a rule change that would have resulted in Baker Mayfield receiving an additional year of eligibility.
The rule was revisited today and after some additional language was added to the proposed change the rule was ratified.
As such, Baker Mayfield will be eligible to play for Oklahoma during the 2017 season.
This deserves a…
Two questions, first does Baker graduate and then move to a different (better?) QB coach?
Second, who changed their vote?
Baker can play through, graduate and transfer, or go pro. It’s now HIS choice as it should be.
I have no evidence of votes being changed, it may have been unethical the first time around and that was worked out behind closed doors.
Yesterday it was 5-5 and today it was 7-3. Maybe TCU and OSU abstained and Houston and Louisville voted in favor?
Can’t say because I wasn’t there. I just hear that language was changed and more agreed than disagreed with the new wording in the rule. I’m sure more will come out later. Bottom line, I think it’s good for future walk-on’s who don’t feel they’re getting an opportunity.
LR isn’t good enough in your opinion?
Yeah, that’s why I put the question mark. Maybe there is a coach out there who teaches different techniques that Baker would want to add too his tool kit.
Ah No.
A HUGE victory for Big12 walk ons. If you play me as a regular, you better pay me (scholarship $$).
Great news. Let’s leave the Big XII anyway.
Yes. I have left, just waiting for my team to come along.
Nope think Boren sold OU soul to the Big 12. I bet they told him we pass this then you have to stay in the Big 12
Boren should step down.
Very short sighted opinion. Boren has done more to improve OU both academically and athletically than any single individual in the history of the university. He has shot himself in the foot on a rare occasion but hit it out of the park 20 fold to his strikeouts.
I agree. I’ve haven’t been around for all of them, but he’s the best in my opinion. You look at the changes at OU during his tenure and it’s remarkable.
Is this an an April Fools joke? It’s June people.
I think all that OU leaving the conference talk, and the fact the schools that voted against it would look like scum, made this possible.
Good decision. “You will never regret doing the right thing. ” I don’t know who said that quote, but probably someone smart.
I think it was me. Years ago……………..in a bar.
Now suck on that Kliff!!
This makes Kliffy look pretty ugly.
He’s suckin!
Now he is trying to take over texass ‘s role in the big 12?!?!?!?
And choke on it
And sit on it!
And kiss my grits Kliffy “no championship” Dingleberry.
And kiss my grits Kliffy “no championship” Dingleberry.
He’s with us until that chase for 8 is complete! I have all the faith in the world that when the times comes to make his decision on NFL next year or another chance with OUr boys, he will choose OU. It may result in a QB transferring, but whatever at that point. Mayfield is the MAN and I can’t wait for him to give everyone ?? all this year and next! Boom baby.
Wonder if this impacts others decisions to come back in 2017. That could be a really, really epic season!!
So happy for baker, and a victory for all future walk ons!
Just so. It was an unfair rule and the Big Whatever did the right thing.
Took long enough, but better late than never
Will STD make this post?
Dunno, don’t care, BOOM!
This IS great news! Baker can relax some also! When is that last time that the Sooners had stability at the QB position?
Not recently
Good bye Robison????
No, better for Robison. He will have a full year under his belt before having to compete with Austin for 1st team.
Ummm if Murrary beats Austin out, it might be Austin who leaves.
All of the young guys need to remember that Baker is one head shot away from being sidelined.
Baker is pretty iffy one more shot to the head and who knows how he is going to respond!
Or worse being out of football.
Disagree Murray will start 2 years, Austin 2 years then Robison 1. Kids now a days don’t like to wait 2-3 years to play.
Only time will tell.
Agree, I think Murray will transfer or go all Cody Thomas on us unless Mayfield goes pro…which could happen if he backs up last year.
I would think this would help Robison.
Gr8 minds
Lol you know it.
Steven Dale! IS THAT YOU???
No, he won’t be on here tonight. Too much good news.
No need for name calling:)
No idea who it will be, but there is just about no way all four of those guys finish their careers at OU. I would think Austin or Murray might be the ones to leave.
It will be Rawls.
I think Rawls has already fallen out..
I don’t think Murray would consider another transfer. Maybe baseball. You never know what will happen with injuries or whatever. This is good news for the Sooner Nation!
Slot receiver.
I don’t think so. He would likely be red shirting in 2017 anyways (behind Murray and the freshman).
Good Bye Jeff
Magic Mike is that you?
Won’t affect Robison’s decision at all.
sure don’t hope so
Wonder if Boren was caught adding this to the “Reasons to Leave” notebook that he has to be carrying around during all these conference meetings. Not sure why they would have had a re-vote otherwise! Congratulations, Baker! We’d take you for another 2 if we could!
I wouldn’t underestimate Stoops’ clout as well. His “tweet” or whatever that was indicating his disappointment with the ruling was probably not the only place he made his views known.
I’m curious if this could help recruiting. Come to OU and you could play with a heisman contender qb for 2 years.
For the first time in at least 7 years, the Big 12 made a good decision. How asinine would that be if Baker transferred after this year, won a whole bunch of awards and possibly even a national championship for a school in another conference, like USC, Ohio State, LSU, Clemson, etc.?
Now I have to tell me wife that he is not transferring to Butler. She’ll be disappointed. 🙂
I think someone went and
had a come-to-jesus meetingexplained that to the Big XII powers-that-be, ergo today’s decisionWho believes Baker believes Kliff is #1.
If he’s counting on his hands, he’s using the biggest finger to show him.
Holy cow that’s fantastic! I had to pull over while driving to be able to scream the way I needed to!
YES!!!!!!!! Wonder if any of that language was “you’re making this easy for us to tell our (OU) regents why we should cut ties with the big 12-2.”
Good stuff here:
Great to hear the conference finally got something right but I would guess this is all moot. If Baker has another year like last year hes probably NFL bound IMO.
Just doesn’t have the tangibles to warrant a serious 1st round look.
Id guess 3rd or 4th round but that probably wouldn’t improve with an extra year.
I’m going to guess he gains a round—at most—-from another year of college ball. And the reason I say this is that I think that the combine is what does him in, i.e. the underwear olympics. Other than the interviews there’s absolutely no reason from him to even go to Indy.
Regardless of whether he elects to go to the NFL, the young man now has the choice to remain in college if he desires and that right is deservedly his.
Hats off to the Mayfield family. The time, money, and most importantly stress they went through to get here must have been incredible. Hats off, hats off, and congratulations.
Now only five scholarships available for SS17, not counting early NFL entries and transfers.
They’re losing it on the Tech board…..funny stuff.
yikes Fear, guess they need some reindeer to ride in Lubbock. Way to serious. Thanks for the link!
lol and you’re welcome
I thought I knew TTech fans were idiots, but now I know for sure!!
Wow I didn’t know tt had that many fans
I didn’t know they could spell
My gosh those TT fans are beyond stupid. On top of their ignorant logic, the keyboard warriors sit back and call Baker names? Impressive gene pool they have in Lubbock. smh
They recycle condoms in Lubbock.
they saltier than mcdonalds burgers.
Wow…I thought OSU and KSU fans were bad. The level and amount of stupidity and salt in that TT thread is straight up awful.
I will say this though. I gave up fan forums a LONG time ago for exactly that kind of thing. People are always the worst versions of themselves on the Internet, and especially in fan forums it seems. There’s no such thing as reasonable discussion in a fan forum, and it’s a complete waste of time, IMO.
Responding to these Disqus comments/threads is as far as I go anymore. And that’s plenty good enough for me.
last year baker said if he could play at ou forever and never go pro he would
goodbye Murray
Hello every other position who sees 2 very legit years for a natty
Hello Jp, my name is… Wait, I don’t have a position. Still.
Murray can still be utilized, and effectively. I wouldn’t count him out either, kid can play and doubt he’ll back down from the competition.
I just don’t think (and this is strictly opinion of course) that a kid like Murray is going to sit for two years. IMO I prefer a QB like Kendall who has better size and arm talent. Murray is a superior athlete w/o doubt and a winner, but I’m not sure LR will like a QB breaking off progressions and running so much. Baker ran a lot last year, but it was due to the oline being ineffective, that should improve this year. Murray will definitely help prep for Houston and tOSU on the scout team for which I will be grateful.
Baker runs because that’s his style. The OL got much better as the year went on. That didn’t change how he played. He’s a winner. If he doesn’t see an open receiver he’s going to take off and run because winners always want the ball in their hands.
Murray can also be used in some goal line packages, wildcats etc- he has a lot of value and will see the field in multiple situations IMO
Murray can also be used in some goal line packages, wildcats etc- he has a lot of value and will see the field in multiple situations IMO
I bet he plays slot WR for 2017. Kid is a hell of an athlete, you gotta try and find ways to get him the ball.
OU should devise a new formation called “The Wildbone.” Baker under center with Murray, Kendall, and one of our talented RBs in the backfield. Imagine the reverses, double and triple passes, options galore!
haha that’d be crazy
He’s not going anywhere. He’s only 1 injury away from starting, and baker takes a lot of chances.
Baker Mayfield gaining another year of eligibility should be counted by the recruitniks towards the 2017 recruiting class: it’s the almost the same thing as OU signing three, 5-star recruits.
You mean we created a situation where we might lose a player who has never played a down of college ball and all we got in return was a Heisman trophy candidate for another year. Oh the travesty, someone should be fired.
I’m saying that Mayfield staying another year is equal to OU signing highly rated recruits, i.e. his success on the field will directly play a hand in OU landing future blue-chippers.
Sorry I should have used the sarcasm sign. I wasn’t disagreeing with you I was just riffing off of what you said. Reading the board tonight you would think the B12 purposely screwed us around by giving our Heisman candidate another year of eligibility.
@bobedwards1:disqus Ahhhhh ok, I understand now sir.
I’d be very, very leary of signing any high schooler who honestly thought that he could contribute at the QB position as a true freshman for a school like OU.
Jamelle Holieway was great but he is the exception that proves the rule.
It’s just Jeffy. He’s the only one on here trying to find the negative in this. That’s just what he do.
I guess it’s human nature. The guy coming up is always better than what you have in the minds of some. There was a similar reaction when Jason White came back. Some wanted his backup. I think it may have been Rawls. The possibility of having Baker for two more years is a tremendous opportunity to develop the offense into something special. Obviously, according to the first vote, half the teams in the conference didn’t think it was good for their chances to replace OU at the top.
This… A whole bunch!
It is a BOOM in an odd, roundabout, and very Big 12 way.
Shake n Bake
That’s a Boom in my book!
I love competition… looks like there’ll be a lot of talent vying for one coveted spot in the OU backfield come 2017
BOOM shaka laka BOOM!
I guess some of the faculty types had second thoughts and then needed an “amendment” as cover to change their votes. Either that or texsa said “give them Mayfield so we keep the LHN.”
Anyway, I am pleased for all the 12-2 non-scholarship kids that now have the same chance as those at ALL the other P5 schools.
Maybe the Big 12 said, “We better give them Mayfield back, or Boren might actually follow through this time. And we will all have to look for a new conference.”
At least thinking that will help me sleep, knowing we are staying in the B12 for now.
Kliff Kingsbury is crying somewhere
That’s a given
Salty pirate tears making his mascara run.
Suck it, Kliff!
Everyone remember this thread in case Baker can’t quite keep the same magic next year. It’s gonna be tough to repeat what he did his first year. Especially in the clutch games.
True enough Tom tho the thing is we have a young man that reflects all that is best in the Sooner tradition. Toughness, team work, and a never say quit; I’ll trade all of that for magic any ol day. Meant in a good way.
Even if he can’t replicate last year, he’d still force whoever his replacement is to beat him to take the job. I’m all for people working hard enough to steal away a starting spot.
Maybe … but it won’t be for lack of work or effort. Things can happen but got a feeling Baker isn’t going to relax after getting his year back. He might just visit NYC and pick up a trophy on his way to the draft, too.
I honestly do not worry about that, unless there is a significant injury. Baker has that IT factor.
Baker has played consistently well in games and in practices and scrimmages since he arrived at OU, after being named the first walk-on true freshman to start at QB for a P5 conference team and winning BigXII offensive newcomer of the year. He isn’t a flash in the pan. TK9 had one great game preceded by a lot of mediocre to bad ones and followed up with mostly mediocre to bad games. Baker brings it every single game. Maybe his numbers won’t be as high next year, but I’m willing to bet they’ll still be damn good.
I’m hoping he won’t have to carry as much of the load this year. Be nice if the O-Line allows Perine and Mixon to have a big year.
It would’ve been historic if Baker would have won the Heisman this season at OU and then went to a powerhouse program in a different conference that is in need of a 1 year rental and wins the natty.
Maybe the Big12 started thinking about how the conference would look when you add it to all the other fails and thus changed their minds.
geez sign me up! Your writing..in fragmented..sentences gives…me confidence that you’re legit.
Yeah, given the state of public education, it probably is coming from California and not the Ukraine.
…. After much renting of cloth and gnashing of teeth, the B12-2 got it right. It was simply the ‘right thing to do’ and reason prevailed against all odds.
Wish this worked for Murray as well!
I’m going to frame this post.
Baker passed for 3700 and rushed for 405. That’s not bad for being sacked 39 times.
Especially when he could hand it off to one of two guys who ran for 1349 and 753 yards.
I was surprised by the total, I don’t remember him running it as much. 2015 seems farther away,
I don’t recall him running as much either, but the ones I do recall are like this:
Great news but let’s opt out of big xll
Suck it, Kliff!
How do you spell douche? Easy…K-L-I-F-F…
I might buy a lottery ticket after getting this news! Luck is in the air!
Oh yeah! BOOMER!
The only reason the Big 12 did a 180 on this is because they were getting slammed by the national media. We still need to take our football and move to another conference where we will be appreciated.
Thank you Andy Staples.
WOW BOOM! Now can we play in the SEC next year?
Kyler M AND Austin we love you too. Just compete, learn this system work on accuracy and be ready to go.
Travis Haney reporting with absolute certainty that Tech voted to reinstate. Both times.
Me thinks Mr. Haney is full of BS.
The Lubbock Sand Aggies are mad. Too bad. If their coach had any class, he would have put Mayfield on scholarship after the second game that he started. Suffer, Sand Aggies, suffer!
Boomer Sooner Baby!!!