– Deonte Johnson: Many of you were asking about defensive line targets. Yesterday Mike Stoops visited 2017 DE, Deonte Johnson (Sacramento, CA). Johnson says he plans on visiting the Sooners but no date is set just yet. – (Super K)
– Trey Sermon: Oklahoma RB coach Jay Boulware stopped by to see top running back target Trey Sermon (Marietta, GA) yesterday. I spoke briefly to Sermon’s coach who said about coach Boulware, “I have so much respect for him. He’s so personable…a guy like him and coach Riley would make you a better player.”
– Hunter Bryant: Oklahoma OC Lincoln Riley visited 2017 TE Hunter Bryant (Bellevue, WA) yesterday. I spoke to Bryant after the visit and he said that the Sooners have not yet extended an offer but it sounds like one could be coming, “He (coach Riley) said I would a H-back position and that I would be the first one they are going to offer.” Bryant also added that coach Riley mentioned they want to bring someone in to replace Dimitri Flowers once he’s gone.
It sounds like this could simply be an issue of numbers and whether the Sooners have enough scholarship openings to take an H-Back. Bryant said if they offer he plans on visiting Oklahoma. OU’s recruiting has certainly caught Hunter’s eye. In talking about Oklahoma’s recruiting success, “it’s really impressive. They are going to be great for a long time.” – (Super K)
– AJ Davis: We are also told that the Sooners will stop by and see one of their other top running back targets, AJ Davis (Lakeland, FL). While at Lakeland the Sooners will also check in on 2017 WR target, James Robinson. – (Brandon)
– UPDATE (2:46 pm):
#OleMiss and #Oklahoma stopped by to see #Texas 2017 CB commit, Kobe Boyce (@KobeBoyce3)
— Super K (@SuperK_TFB) April 19, 2016
– UPDATE (5:07 pm): Addison Gumbs related.
Somebody whiffed on FIRST!
You tha man!
Im excused just finished meeting#2 for the day!
It’s sad when I can only be first when everyone else is blocked! 🙂
i saw it when i signed back in.
Guess I should watch some film on AJ.
Sure is. Liked he has a lot of ‘wiggle’ to go w/ some serious speed. And heckuva receiver, too. One of those guys LR can motion out and line up as a receiver.
Okay. Thanks to Sooner Ray, I found it!
We non-twitter old farts count on TFB showing the OP on the front page – too much social media stuff for last century brains.
Deonte Johnson and some more – the 2017 SS group needs a couple of tough DTs to go with all the speed coming from behind the D-Line.
Stoops up in East Lansing visiting a fellow Youngstown guy, not to meet with Ron Burton, I’m assuming 🙂
East Lansing*
Got food poisoning there once. That’s the only nice thing I can think of East Lansing.
No wonder school colors are green and white.
I got hepatitis just driving through town.
Just gives me the willies thinking about it. I spent a week in Lansing setting up a server for an insurance company and they decided to take me to the East side for dinner one night. I have never been so sick in my life.
Weird quink-dink, is all. That was your IBS kicking in, not the food.
Morning and afternoon.
lead poisoning might be more likely !!
Interesting, MSU just kicked off a DT & DE that are very talented. I doubt it has any correlation but interesting.
I thought I read they left the team for personal reasons?
You are correct. I’m always curious about personal reasons because some of these are due to a conversation with the head coach. Kinda like when a coach leaves instead of being fired.
what is the MSU draft?
Wondered the same thing…
Just looked it up – It’s the draft for their Spring Game
they had a draft for their spring game, kind of like OU did once (or twice?) several years ago
oh yeah thanks…travis lewis wore all white that game
Id say pro day edit DOH
how to beat Ohio state questions got asked at least in passing by Bob to Mark I’m guessing
comparing the pain of Final 4 losses ?
I feel like we just need on DL to get on board and if we do then dominoes will fall after that. I wish I just felt like we were even close to getting a DT right now.
So on Tuesdays i take it the OP will always go up after i go to meetings,2 weeks in a row,
TFB.At least i have something to look forward to after meetings.
From the sounds of it, ‘something to look forward to’ after your meetings would be a good thing…after you find the missing chunks of your arse.
If you’ve gone to meetings two weeks in a row you need to get a better job.
Heck Bob, “meeting” are just a free period form real work. He can learn to use his phone and keep up with TFB.
I wish, im the main speaker!
That’s a scary thought! (runs away again)
Although I’ve been AWOL too, when I read through at night you’ve been scarce Golf.
I’ve had a ton of stuff going on. Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. Getting new employees trained. Going to see my granddaughter. Then other stuff came up. I’ll try to be on here more next week as I’ll be away from a computer from tomorrow midday until Sunday.
Sorry to read about the losses of friends far too soon in their young lives. And then taxes… hope the planets align differently for you soon.
Thanks hOUligan!
Hey, Golf.
Sorry about your friend.
Thank you Sam.
Seems like they would be fairly short meeting then. : )
Conference call from my trailor to Germany and North Carolina,like 30 people everybody has some to say or ask.
You can’t just ‘lurk’ at those meetings.
Lmaooooooooooo good idea! But no.
You’re the woofer. ?
Hey now.
Ok, he can be the sub woofer. 🙂
They are letting you speak?
No. Not the main “speaker” but the “main” speaker; he’s the speaker retransmitting the sound of the speaker; the conduit that brings it to the audience.
Well life must suck as a conduit. Hope he is at least a schedule 40 pvc. If he is EMT he may rust in underground hiding.
That could be the first leg of his punishment for, well, you know.
Rust never sleeps great album. He will be back.
With bigger, better, and faster lies.
Has he been behaving today. I’ve been under the weather. I just found the energy to log in.
He has been in meeting so absent ballet.
Not too much clean up then, I suppose.
I live in Lubbock too.
Just stand up and announce that the OP is up, therefore the meeting must end. Just watch out if they call you on it 🙂
Cush, as far as the OP goes, Metz has “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” status.
But do the “Meeting attendees” know that?
He’s world renowned; infamous, even. I’ve done my part to raise some kind of awareness.
Sam – edit or I’ll put out a Dustin alert.
Everyone knows when Marcel calls the Wolf in things get taken care of.
Well same company 30 years i think ill finish it out.
Hate when the ‘OP’ doesn’t post up. It’s up now but thanks for the link, Dustin and SooperDave!! And thanks for some Dline target news, Super K. Hoping OU can get D J on campus, along w/ Gumbs. The good thing there is OU has some talent in-state w/ Isaiah Thomas and Nick Robinson.
OU made Nick Robinson’s top list? I thought i seen a tweet where he left OU off his top schools?
He did but not sure how hard OU has pursued. Looking at some of this listed teams, Memphis and Cincinnati, this OU could get back into it.
Go all out for Marvin Wilson
Is it just me or does it seem like OU & Ole Miss are competing for the same kids A LOT in recent years?
i AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metz why are you yelling at Jordan?
He’s just being mean all around today.
Im putting together a new list.
Since I did NOT make your earlier list, I think I’ll go dial random Lubbock phone numbers and hang up.
You are on the new one,i have a bad memory,however i did cover my ass by saying and all tfbers!
LOL! Like you covered your ass with the ////sssss that looked like a hiss!!!!
I guess some would say it’s because we are both competing for SEC leftovers. I wouldn’t say that, but by saying it maybe HWMNBN won’t have to.
Like this?
Wow. Right on cue. Could not have scripted … uh …
He has 15 offers from Ole Miss?
I was wondering the same thing last year. Especially OTs
I was wondering the same thing last year. Especially OTs
Probably a sign that if Boren doesn’t get all of his demands met OU is headed to the SEC?
Really ? Boren doesn’t seem the type to change conferences without Texas doing it first………….
Sadly I have to agree. Boren talks a good game and seems well-intentioned, but doesn’t have the courage(or maybe the backing) to break free from the Shorthorns who have been destroying the Big 12.
you are right. They also seem to be getting some committs that are real head scratchers if boosters are not involved. Nudge nudge wink wink.
Well, I am SHOCKED!
Ha ha didn’t Ole Miss blame that on there old DB coach that left for a job at Texas?
Coach – I didnt do it. the DB coach did…..
SEC SEC SEC SEC—–money may change hands but the difference in the talent level and prestige between the two conferences really negates the need to offer money…..the prospects can see the difference each Saturday….if OU wants to compete for SEC elite talent, the Sooners would be well served to join the SEC and make themselves more legitimate………..
False. SEC is about lower requirements to get in to school. Why go the route of Miami just to recruit thugs?
Difference in talent level hmm? In the last three SEC games we’ve played remind me who came out on top?
Not gonna happen. Might be good (although not my first choice) but it isn’t going to happen. We need to focus on what is possible…Pac or B1G or ACC merger. The SEC will not happen under President Boren’s watch…simply not an option.
Changing clothes like that should increase the talent level and prestige so that our not offering money, which they may do, should not matter. It may be that the SEC obtained prestige and talent as a result of actively giving money for commitments. All you offer on this is your opinion, which is essentially worthless.
The SEC has only recently–in the last 15-20 years–made such a push. The reason? Better at hiding their cheating.
The recruits can see the differences like LSU Tigers and 9 other teams barely able to scratch out 20 points a game? Those differences?
Sorry. Ole Miss doesn’t compare to OU, regardless of which conference either is in. Now, if you want to talk Bama, LSU, UF, maybe even UGA, UT, now you’ve got a “but our conference is better too” argument. But Ole Miss? Not a chance. You might as well say Kentucky, Arky, Mizzou should be beating us out too. Total. B. S.
That said, I agree I’d like OU to be in the SEC. But we would immediately be among the cream because that’s who we are. SEC is just the cherry on top.
All the time. And we rarely win out for $ome rea$on
OU has short arms and very deep pockets.
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ca26ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ca26n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsInternetGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!ca26n….,….
It’s not just you. They copy cat us!
and it’s unfair cause they pay better
No question that Ole Miss changed their recruiting approach when Freeze took over. I’m not sure where they concentrated their efforts before he got there, but other than Mississippi and Louisiana, they moved into Texas. Obviously they’re recruiting has made them a much better team (never mind the allegations, that’s neither here nor there), so rather than OU targeting recruits that Mississippi would normally target, I think it’s more Mississippi targeting better recruits that OU would normally target.
Texas A&M moving to the SEC was, IMHO, a godsend for schools like Ole Miss.
Ole Pi$$
Afternoon,and Metz out————-Hou,Mojo,Pagan,Fear,Bob,Slim,
Jordan,Super K,Hawk,Hwsnbn.
I am so sad that I was not included on your list. Googling the closest bridge. See you tomorrow. Maybe.
Ooh! Ooh!
I made the list. That was a fast edit. Thank you, Metz. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Put your glasses on!!!!!!!!!! see ya!
How do you know I wear glasses? Are you watching me, Big Brother?
Are you not the Sam 3rd row last name?
That’s me. I’m an needy guy. LOL!
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ca611ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ca611n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPerfectGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!ca611n….,…
I’m happy now——-
Alright, Jordan/Super K, Metz is gone now. You can post an update or a BOOM!
Jordan, I think I get it: can you clarify?
B12 is Deadman Walking
Agree, yet OU keeps clinging on.
I’ve felt for some time now it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ the Big 12 dies. OU, IMO, would be MUCH better off getting out ahead of that & being PROactive, rather than doing what they’ve already done (missing what w/h/b a very profitable window) being REactive and waiting in denial for the inevitable to happen and likely having fewer attractive options on the table at that time.
You’re right and I bet they’ve already got deals or offers at least from the other P5 leagues
SOME way, 4 super leagues will happen – 68 to 76 teams. Cable, internet, broadcast tv will all want the product. The NCAA will have to “allow” it or be dropped by the power schools.
Things can limp along like they are until the GORs get close or until some content provider makes a super cash offer for all the P5 schools together.
Jordan, thanks!
What happened to get this talk of Big XII implosion going again?
Sam, it’s just the dead time – realignment, Hallmark, armadillo hunting, grilling wood preferences – without any Booms, anything can slip in.
Left out the pros/cons of rattlesnake meat vs gopher.
I thought you was a TOAD!
That Jordan’s response to a tweet that was sent to him. This is not something Jordan brought up.
Not saying the “off season boredom” is a TFB product – it spans the football world. Realignment is “guy gossip” because we don’t care what gal or guy did what with another.
JE : agreed but OU hasn’t shown the progressive leadership to be anymore than followers…..guess there could be a first time for everything but don’t see Boren being the guy to boldly lead OU into a different conference……..
SD, you are wrong here. OU showed leadership with the Pac move (I won’t repeat the story…those interested can find the old post) and OU is showing leadership now (with the B1G rumors…again, see the old posts).
The increased emphasis on recruiting in areas like Maryland and Michigan are all part of establishing/proving OU’s chops in the B1G territory.
Blaming this conference’s condition on lack of leadership by OU is an easy, but unwarranted, bit of finger-pointing.
With these coaches everywhere, We need NORAD to track the OU jets on the recruiting trail like they do Santa on Christmas!
Saban following Bob around again. For the “SEC is the only conference” crowd, why is “mighty” Bama coming this way?
Oklahoma is soon to be SEC Territory
I guess then they could claim that all of our storied history and success would be all about SEC…i’d rather be independent…lol
Satan probably sees OU coming into his backyard (probably considers all the original southern states his backyard) a preemptive strike and is now returning the favor…lol
So much for the idea OU is scrabbling for ‘Bama leftovers. Seems ‘Bama has made it a habit to stop in Oklahoma. Hopefully Creed will lead Saban along and make him do the dab and the funky chicken in his living room before telling Nicky “sorry…got that OUDNA”.
They’re a national brand too.
OU lock?
The games people play.
For the borderline 4 star recruits and lower…….”I was just really going to be another number. It wasn’t like ‘Bama needed me. Oklahoma recruited me as if they needed me.” M.Jones
don’t they offer everyone though?
Well, not really “blessed” Unless that’s a euphemism for money!
Not sure why Riley would fly to Bellevue to visit a kid that we kinda sorta maybe interested in if room. Would think that there are other priorities to visit. Anyhow … just observation.
If you haven’t watched his film yet check it out. The kid has a stiff arm that would make Trey Millard proud! Would be an excellent addition to #soonersquad17
A lot of teams feature the TE in their offense. It takes a special kid w/ a special work ethic to accept the role of H-back/blocking at OU and touch the ball a few times a game at best. Hope he is one of ‘those’ kids.
Riley can do whatever he feels like at this point.
Dumb statements like this translates to: Great season, no need for accountability or improvement …
Lol! @eddieandamber:disqus that’s the most sophomoric attempt at a strawman argument I’ve read in quite some time young man.
Hey TFB do you guys have any info about RB Anthony McFarland visiting OU anytime soon?
Nope, we’re not even close with McFarland at the moment.
anyone heard from EastTex yet?
Feel free to stalk…
Thank, hadn’t thought of that. I stalked/wrote a reply to one of his old comments. Just really liked his contribution to the board and hope he’s just taking a break is all.
Sure. I do find it concerning that his activity dropped off completely. I just have seen this question posted several times, and wanted to provide a response that answered the question somewhat.
he’s may have either died or went to oregon and got lost or went to prison. he was one of those bundy fans.
I think he is trying to find out what happened to Bryce Youngquist
And Dalton Woods
Quincy Russell
What is this? I’m excited.
My guess would be a DT
We can haz DT?
Looks like you scared the kitty Bob.
Evil kitty is thinking about what #SoonerSquad17 will be like if we add a top notch DT. “Crush our enemies. See them driven before us. Hear the lamentations of their women.”
Can you explain the tweet above?I get the coach.
In the picture are two hash tags. They are things you can search for on Twitter. People use them to label tweets so they get linked to other tweets with the same label.
#SooneerSquad17 is what OU is using for this years recruiting squad.
#JustWaitOnIt is what they usually use when someone is getting ready to commit.
The #Lit and three flamey thingys are just saying this group is on fire.
The implication is that someone is getting ready to commit to the 17 squad.
Well thank you Bob,im trying to learn this twitter stuff and that helped me a lot.
The key to understanding Twitter is that it was originally designed to limit a message to 140 characters so that it could fit in an SMS message (a standard phone text). Because of that, they find various ways to shorten the text so they can fit it all in. A lot of that is using various symbols that represent something and thus replace multiple words. The symbols can be emoji (the little icons) or hash tags which are the # followed by a word or two smashed together.
If you want a translation of the emoji there is actually emojipedia:
For the hash tags it is mostly the words in the hash tag plus the context they are usually used in. #SoonerSquad17 is the 2017 OU recruiting class. Etc.
Thank you, I will study.
I understand HOW it works. That doesn’t mean I understand what is being said all the time. The kids live it so it’s just like a second language to them. I don’t do it enough to be fluent.
Understood, but you have given me a starting points to try and decipher on my own.
Or just find a teenager and have them translate.
Lmao,and if you haven’t looked your liquor cabinet has been magically
restocked !!!!!
write it all down and make a nifty 3×5 card decoder kit….then mail it to me please?!
Well done, Bob!
The Twitter Rosetta Stone has been found! Thanks Bob. Funny thing about communication is it only works when it has been understood. You’ve just opened Twitter up to a whole new demographic.
Thinking soft kitty soft kitty purr purr purr.
Happy kitty, soft kitty, little ball of fur. Soft kitty, warm kitty, purr purr purr. And yes, it is sad that I know that song. lol
You’re probably old enough not to care what we all think. LOL!
True, Love watching The Big Bang Theory.
Soft kitty, warm kitty
Little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty
Purr, purr, purr
hmmm, I hate you Dustin! 😉 Alcohol does amazing things. lol
I’m concerned that he is correcting kitty song lyrics. 🙂
It’s a good song.
Don’t hate me cuz I’m cool.
i hate cats and this one looks like the spawn of cat-satan
Agreed. Cats suck.
I don’t understand tweets, retweets,or just tweets in general.
I am the same. I wait for someone to decipher the tweets the twits put out.
What are you doing back here?
I think this is a retweet from Dennis Simmons to Marcus Walker.
If you’re not “pulling my chain” an original tweet is from me to you, or from me to the world. If you as my friend or a person I follow on twitter made a witty remark (a tweet), and I thought it was of value to my little world, I could rebroadcast your remark or “retweet” your statement.
What QB from Cali did OU offer? Surprised TFB didn’t say anything about it.
Cameron Rising 18′ class
Nice looking prospect.
Cameron Rising?http://www.hudl.com/athlete/4457043/highlights/313315378
It looks like it just happened in the last few hours. They haven’t had time to not say anything about it.
Plenty of time lol
6’6″, 340, I think we could make a player out of him.
Oh yes!
We the only ones up!
I’ve been at work for an hour, or a little more.
Yea,me too.Hope you have a better day today,Golf.
Thanks! I’ve got to get payroll done then I’m off to see my granddaughter for a few days. It has to get better, that light at the end of the tunnel CAN’T be a train, can it? 🙂
Naw,unless your Ozzy,is that the song?
Crazy, I think that might be a song that I still jam to! LOL
Well thats good get your jam on have fun seeing granddaughter.
Thanks, she always brings big smiles to my face. She won’t be 3 until October but when she see’s me within a couple of minutes I get a big Boomer Sooner from her and a big smile. My daughter then tries to get a Roll Tide and my granddaughter ignores her! I’m winning!
Doh its Metallica no leaf clover!
Speaking of Metallica, have you see the Mike Rowe story about James Hetfield coming up to talk to him and Mike having a brain fart and couldn’t remember his name and called him Lars Ulrich? It is hilarious!
Read this, it is awesome!
Been up for a while.
Morning, Ray.
Would be huge to get our foot in the IMG door.
Ok metz out thanks Bob1 and night Jordan——-
Go Cubs Go!
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ca26ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ca26n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsInternetGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!ca26n….,…
Its 7:32 sun is up and texsa sucks as does my concrete sub grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
News is up.
Nothing pissed me off more than subs that didn’t show. I can tell you Metz, retirement is great and i don’t miss dealing with subs at all.
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ca611ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ca611n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPerfectGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!ca611n….,..