– Baron Browning: In case you missed it Wednesday night, 2017 LB Baron Browning (Kennedale, TX) released his Top 10 which included: Texas, TCU, Oklahoma, LSU, Notre Dame, Ohio State, USC, UCLA, Michigan & Alabama.
I’ve talked to a few sources and get the sense that Browning’s favorites are not necessarily the schools many expect. I’m told that Ohio State, UCLA & Notre Dame are pretty high on his list right now. I’m also told that Browning has a really strong relationship with the UCLA linebackers coach, which is playing a considerable role in the Bruins being one of his top schools.
My sense, contrary to popular belief, is that the local schools like Oklahoma, Texas & TCU have some work to do (though I’m not sure how much more “work” TCU can do…Browning’s father did play there and he visits Fort Worth regularly). Of course the one advantage playing in the favor of those same schools is proximity and as time goes on, that tends to matter more and more with a lot of players. – (Super K)
– Ambry Thomas: 2017 is already a loaded class for OU when it comes to the defensive backfield, and yet Kerry Cooks continues to recruit a select few the Sooners would still make room for if need be. One of those defensive backs is Martin Luther King High School (Detroit, MI) star, Ambry Thomas.
TFB spoke with Thomas yesterday who shared that while an exact date has not been set, he does intend on visiting OU later this month. Thomas also said the tentative plan as of now was to visit Tennessee as well. Thomas added that he is in no hurry to make a decision at this point, but taking an unofficial visit (on your own dime) from that far away typically means there is legitimate interest. – (Brandon)
– Alston Orji: Last night 2018 LB Altson Orji (Rockwall, TX) received his first FBS offer from the University of Arkansas. I chatted with Orji briefly following that news, and he let TFB know that he will be attending the OU spring game this weekend.
Orji is a big, athletic LB who we’ve felt for a while now will end up being a national target. So the fact OU is getting in early is certainly a good thing, and continues to point to a nice recruiting trend on the part of the OU staff who are getting in on kids earlier and earlier. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (10:58 am):
Star 2017 GA DB, Deangelo Gibbs (@gibbsdeangelo1) tells me he is visiting #Oklahoma today. Gibbs holds offers from all over the country
— Super K (@SuperK_TFB) April 7, 2016
Morning all
Morning Crimson! It’s 9:37 and I’m thankful to be a sooner!
Good morning!
Howdy, peeps
Still love seeing this recruiting class rolling. Going to be a fun one
We have to also realize some of those currently committed to OU won’t be there next February on LOI day…Some will docommit to other schools and one or more will be asked to look elsewhere. One or more may not have the grades and somebody may get into trouble and not be admitted….Little wonder why the coaches continue looking for talent..
By the same token, not everyone committed elsewhere is going to stay there either. Are you projecting a late exodus from this recruiting class? I don’t see that at all. They may lose some but they will likely gain some in return. They don’t have anyone committed with any known grade or character issues. I am willing to bet that at most 2 of those currently committed end up elsewhere with Lamb being a prime candidate. Would love to see Lamb in Norman, but OU is currently turning WR’s away so that isn’t exactly a position to worry about should that happen.
NO—not saying that. Just the fact every school usually loses 1-2 guys off their commit list between March and the following LOI date. I agree that OU will gain a couple as well as lose a couple…at least that is the way it worked last recruiting season.
Eeyore called , he wants his big wet blanket back.
Dear God, you are the most miserable human being I have ever seen.
There’s only one pimp on this board bitch and it ain’t you. You’re stupid if you think we’re going to hold onto everyone. Bring your daughter around so I can put her ass on my street team.
Cool story on OU student coaches:
Looks like we found the reason kish didn’t lose his job after the 14-15 season.. Haha
no ‘haha’ about it………I agree with you………
mentoring the athletic directors son is always a positive thing for job security…
True, but Kish has pulled his weight since then.
Just wonder how many young guys would give even more of their time and more effort than ‘legacy boys’ –Gundy & Castigleone.—-if given the chance ? Who can measure the heart and know how badly somebody just wants a chance ? Nepotism is alive and well in Norman….
Gee, how many kids are willing to work and learn for free?
It’s a volunteer position, and the article says there’s no limit to the number they can have. If anyone else wants to do it, why would the coaches turn down free labor?
Cool beans. Early open post. Ready for my 2nd cup of coffee.
is the continued recruiting of DBs a sign of anything the coaches might feel is possible? I mean, do the coaches think that Thomas or Parker might leave early, or one of our current commits could end up somewhere else? I get that Cooks is just doing his job (very well) and continuing to recruit studs, but it seems like we hear about someone else every week.
Cooks is just relentless. Its really early in the process.
If Parker and Thomas have great seasons. I think they are gone.
Which would leave as it stands now.. 5 Cbs for 3 positions on roster.
3 committed now.
There will be some quite intense DB competitions in the future. Cooks is trying to bring the Thorpe award back to Norman!
It’s a sign that a team needs a lot of really good DBs to compete in the Big XII.
Go get’em BUDDY!!!
Hopefully Buddy will reel in yet another major award…
But Browning is looking right at the OU logo RIGHT????
I “thought” he commtted to Georgia like two weeks ago. Was was that??
Good stuff K,thanks.
Browning the former TCU commit? Or who am I thinking of.
I think Browning was committed to Baylor
Yep, once upon a time…….
What ????? no BOOMERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Browning seems to jump from one school to another -frequently…some say Texas if he stays in the Little 12 ; others favor OU…looks like both made the ‘final 12’ …..just think he will stay instate but not sure it will be the Horns. something says TCU / TT next February.
No way TTU. That would never happen. Wait for a more defined list of 5 before making a major assumption.
Are we trying him at corner? Or were they saying he’s gonna try to go both ways?
update added
Thats a nice update!
Wow. Tempered enthusiasm, however.
Maybe we get 2 from GA.
Yes. It’s like…”oh cool…but”
Why the but?
Because just seems like one of those “im in the area” type visits…..still any visit better than no visit at all.
Yep. If he schedules an official this fall, then I’ll start to think there’s some interest.
Its back!
If Buddy doesn’t win the Wooden tomorrow night then nobody should.
What does that mean
that he found a new emoji
I wish I knew my friend.
Probably something to do with a WR recruit would be my guess.
I think we are going to need HardTarget’s opinion on this.
He just needs a little love in his life.
Your love is the best, but only because you let me cum in your mouth.
Love you, have a wonderful day!!!
My opinion is that your girlfriend needs to lose 150 pounds. Sucks dick like a world champ though.
“Look everyone, it’s 12:54 pm”. I dunno?
Ill go with texsa sucks!!!!!!!
Where he is at is an hour behind us
Omar or Jhamon or bust.
Something is going on….
Count down?
Metz you know I can’t count.
Totally in order…
Isaiah Buggs you should take Baylor off that list , they don’t know the definition of ” Defense ” . Its a very foreign word down their in Waco.
Exactly in order.
He could shuffle 2-10 all day if he wants to so long as OU’s #1, it’s in the correct order.
You know my theory. Unless it’s alphabetical, it’s in order of preference. Natural process of the human brain.
I will upvote this post multiple times today.
Basically you’re just saying OU, Miami and a bunch of overated sec teams. Not buying it. Except for OU.
Coach Cooks is the man , 5 Star Deangelo Gibbs , 5 Star Jeffrey Okudah , 5 Star JaCoby Stevens all interested in OU. The one thing I noticed is that the OU coaches told JaCoby he would Offense & Defense if he chooses OU.
So true!!! You have to think that with all that interest and the buzz the recruits themselves are generating 1 or 2 of these 5 * kids will pull the trigger. I really like Okudah and Marvin Wilson but will take talent anywhere it is available!
Yeah he’s gone after this year. A lot of schools out there would give him a dc spot just to get his recruiting.
Coach Cooks needs a raise.
Just say NO
Your mouth says no but your asshole says yes. I see your fat pussy walking down the street and I’m like
Oh you better believe I’m going to keep skull fvcking you until you’re nothing but a pile of ash. Bitch.
Why doesn’t your Jesus worry more about his own worshippers? At least they only had their throats cut
My face when sees it for the first time and says that
Too bad he’s not a fan of people preaching the Gospel. That’s why his people get burned alive.
Go get ’em Dr.
This should happen to you———–
It’s been tried.
Ban time soon….
I love bans. They tickle.
And I wouldn’t be so sure, Jordan let me run rough shod over this place all day yesterday.
I think he likes watching you all squirm under the weight of my ballsack.
Or maybe it’s because he knows I’ll turn my attention to his bitchass if he doesn’t let me have my fun LOL
Anybody else on here a Cubs fan?
Second most insufferable fan base in all of baseball (Cardinals) but I don’t get why because they haven’t won anything since like, the Civil War.
At least you know we aren’t bandwagon fans. Growing up we could only watch like 4 teams on a regular basis so I just picked the Cubs because I like Ryne Sandberg.
I don’t get it at all. The White Sox won the world series and still managed to be the second favorite team in Chicago.
Maybe has something to do with Obama being a White Sox fan? I kid I kid
They won it before him though ( I think I don’t really watch). I don’t like teams I like players. Harper and King Felix make the game fun because of how cocky and emotional they are.
Trash talk and big personalities make the game better. This old keep your mouth shut and play nonsense is boring. That’s old man baseball. Same people saying keep your mouth shut and respect the game were the ones who wouldn’t let blacks play with whites.
To each their own I guess, I prefer the confident not cocky. Act like you have been there before and are going back.
That’s it exactly — and Mark Grace and Shawon Dunston. That was a great infield.
Heck yea, I also liked Andre Dawson. He had a pretty memorable batting stance.
Picked the Cubs, because my Great Grandpa was a huge Cubs fan and I can remember sitting and watching games with him.
Nope Rangers fan.
There for a while they had the best rotation of all time! I like them too. I don’t get into baseball too much but enough to have a team to root for during football off season.
Growing up, Dale Murphy was my hero.. From ’91 to 2005 was amazing. It’s a damn shame they only won one WS. Jim F#&@^@*^ Leyritz!!
Yea they definitely should have won a few, they were legit. Then John Rocker happened….LOL
I used to enjoy the baby blue uniforms, but now I look at them and think why did they ever wear those? LOL! Dale was awesome, loved watching him. It was sad when they traded him, but they wanted him to have a shot at the playoffs.
Braves are my second favorite. I’m a Royals fan first.
Figured you would be playing Masters!~
No, I’m working on freaking taxes and it is NOT fun! Corporate taxes suck eggs!
Not just Corporate! 😉
Say thanks libs.
That ain’t no lie!
Rangers, but I like the Cubs. Early childhood years were spent in Joliet.
Aye yes sir
I can see my giant Cubs towel hanging on the door from here
Cubs fan here.
Go Cards!
Yessir, huge Cards fan!
Nope. Die hard Pirates fan, though.
umm…so…what did I miss? lol
Im feeling the same way… and all the comments are gone now, i feel left out of the loop after being called a border jumper yesterday! i was just surprised cuz most people think im Native american hah
Ok, I just have to know, why either matters? It irritates me when people stoop to those levels and think that all God’s children were not created equally. Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox and crawl back into my hole of taxes that I’m working on.
Looks like im up ,have fun!
Later fuccboi. Let’s do it again sometime. Bitch.
by the looks of things, you are your own Beatch.
What the fucc is a beatch? Does mama have your nuts in jar? Not allowed to use bad words?
When I’m done turning her pussy out tonight I’ll see if you she’ll unground you.
Or maybe I’ll just walk to your bed room and let you suck what’s left of her off of me.
I love SIF folks like you. Sit behind your key board and act like you never have been out of your bed room. My guess is you have no friends, play video games constantly. You get your jollies by internet urinating on folks. Since you measure yourself (small) by the use of slang and other socially offensive words, it is a wonder you even understand this post. Grow up little man.
Free country bitch cry more.
You need some real therapy.
With that screen name did you make an ex girlfriend angry?
Nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yep her name is audrianna.
I thought the King / many other screen names was a woman. Now it’s confirmed.
this richard noggin cant even clear the zipper. Needs tweezers to hold it, sometimes has to use a razor to find it. (clue shaves till he finds the one that bleeds.) sniff.
True True.
I’m not an ex, I just like prison fuccing whiny bitches. Your ass is next. Guess your jesus fag posts lost their sting once I showed you what christianity is really made of.
Just for you seems like it has been cool for 2000 plus years to love Jesus.——–
I love pussy more. Thats why I can’t get enough you girls
Hey two times…..is Jesus a Sooner?
To the person using the profanity…
Your posting are repulsive which I suspect is your purpose in doing it. As to why I can only assume you’re either 1) A pimply faced teenager getting fun by writing naughty names as you would on the bathroom wall 2) You were picked on in elementary school and now is you’re big chance to be the “bully” and show everybody how “tough” you are or 3) you grew up with no family training on how to behave in public… an example that quite sure would shame your parents… as obviously you have none.
We you be so kind as to leave this site because your actions are sicking. Thank you.
Seems like he’s right though that the mods are letting it go. It’s funny how much people used to complain about SD.
Aunty JESSICA makes 67 dollars every hour on the computer . She has been out of a job for 5 months but last month her income was 17973 bucks just working on the computer for a few hours. take a look at the site here,,,,,,,,,,http://ExcellentofferFreelance/TLgwvoL8jasqtHM
Funny….you dont look like a Mildred.
Wonder what aunty looks like,might be a good get hauling in that cash!
Why is aunty’s name in caps?
Good catch,might mean shes a big girl.
hahahahaha lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Thanks i needed a good laugh!
the lovely Cheryl’s ?? its okay, you can confirm………
how about that !
Show me your tits and I’ll be nice to you.
Every single person that I have attacked today conspicuously attacked me first. Don’t start any and there won’t be any dyke. You call me a bully but is that what is really going on?
Because to me its seem more like people just jumping into polar bear cage at the zoo and poking it thinking they won’t get their asses mauled to death.
I return what is brought to my doorstep.
too small to ball. LD is in the house.
Did anyone see terron Beckham’s pro day???
Pretty good for never playing the game. The measurables are killer, but does he have a skill set?
Probably not… But geez what has he been doing
Considering the teams that were there to watch him, I’d say…no.
Comment section getting salty.
Thanks for the site maintenance Mods – no place for that communication…
Jordan is my homeboy.
Looks like it was a good day to come in late – missed some keyboard weasel with a maladjusted personality.
Back to OU football – thanks Jordan and TFB for the News, OP, and the “look for” Spring game (just going to read it now).
Thanks Jordan,my name was looking bad,as was Hawks.
Haha doesn’t bother me bud. He just makes himself look silly is all.
Well i like this family we have here!
I think we all including myself have no response to that guy no matter what its name is,no giffs nothing,i will commit to this.
Always works for me, I thought we had a meeting about this early this morning?
Probably and i broke the rules!
He really metz’d it up.
Sooner Sports pod cast
So from the looks of things someone got ban hammered?
I was thinking the same thing, just got back from Buffalo wild wings and saw a bunch of deleted comments.
Kind of disappointed I miss the whole thing. Kind of not.
Don’t be! You are better off for not reading that trash!!
The 8 best recruiters in College FB
Someone needs a big raise.
I have a feeling Harbaugh is going to get Michigan a title even if he has to put them on probation to do so. He’s not afraid to go all Pete Carroll.
Yeah, he’ll put in 4 or 5 at the most and out. Only reason imo that may make him hesitant is that he’s an alum.
BREAKING: STUD Baby Boy from Oklahoma City, Royce, commits to Oklahoma!
Royce was Sooner Born today at 8:10 A.M.
His measurables are stacked:
8 pounds, 4 OUnces
20.5 inch vertical (length)
Born in under 20 minutes flat
Oklahoma got a good one today folks, my wife & I are happy to welcome him to the TFB Fam!
Thanks, Crimson! All the family is in town enjoying the baby as we speak.
Congrats Jake!
Thanks a lot, Golf! Always good to hear from you.
Congrats to you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re the man, Metz! Thanks for the congratulations, brother! God is good!
Nice pick up there. 🙂
Lol, you bet, Sooner Ray.
Congrats! Hope everyone is doing well.
Much appreciated, Colorado!
Everybody is doing great, just finally catching up on some sleep before we bring baby boy home in the next couple days. Great to hear from you.
Dont let him work for state farm.
I don’t Metz around with that company!
Soon we won’t see you here nearly as often.
You will trade TFB for sleep.
Congrats to you and your family!
Ha, well… This is baby #3 so I’m used to running on fumes.
I must admit though, I may taper off a bit in the beginning while I help the wife re-coup. Great hearing from you, Stl Sooner!
So seriously though…..for sec I was like….Royce? Who’s Royce? And why are you calling a recruit baby boy?
Did the same thing. Lol.
“my room mate Is getting paid 98$/h on the internet.”….two days ago new Silver McLaren P2 bought after earning 18,512 Dollars,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k Dollars Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a days ..with. extra open doors &. weekly. paychecks… it’s realy the simplest. work. I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. 87 Dollars, p/h.Learn. More right Here!oi3038➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsService/GetPaidHourly98$…. .❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:❖:❦:::::!oi3038…
Now that’s funny, KJ. You’re an insider, you knew you hadn’t heard of any stud named Royce, lol.
Congrats, awesome news
Thanks a lot, Mr. Morris. God is great!
Awesome Jake congrats.
Thanks, Doc! Couldn’t have delivered him without you, haha.
Great day to be a Sooner…baby! Now you just have all those years of Sooner “breeding” to go.
You got that right, Cush. That’s the only way to raise a child ?
Thanks, wooferman! We’re still on Cloud 9 from it all.
It’s official! My wife is a retired OB nurse and she said that is a pretty boy. She should know, she’s helped deliver a ton of babies. Oh, and congratulations to you both.
Thanks, Soonerbred. We’re ecstatic to have him. God bless you & yours- OB nurse isn’t an easy job. My wife is an RN.
Thanks, Crimson! God is good!
Sounds like he can start right away.
Absolutely! He’s wanting to team up with Caleb Kelly for next year.
Woo Hoo! Sooner man child! Congrats!!
Thanks, Slim! He won’t be ready for the Spring Game on Saturday, but Fall camp should be no problem, ha!
Congratulations Jake!!!!
Much appreciated, Dave! Looks like our Sooners got another commit today as well! Great day!
Congrats! A little Sooner Magic for you today!
Thanks, Bluegrass! Undoubtedly some Sooner Magic!
Congrats Jake!
Thanks, Malicong! Good to hear from you, man.
I’m gonna need you to go ahead and work on keeping him away from my baby girl. She’ll be 2 months old this weekend. And no I’m not posting pics of her because some of the people here worry me. Hahaha!
don’t worry about us on this board ; worry about the neighborhood school and/or some of her teachers ……..you might want to home school her.
Did a search, there is a Stephen and a Dale, sexual predators, in the USA… Just saying
My God, you really have problems. Wow.
Ha, I’ll make sure we keep him in line!
who knows ? he may grow up favoring the OSU pukes in Stoolwater… Kids just being kids……..
The day hell freezes over…. and even then, my son will ALWAYS be a Sooner.
Remember this, Stevey: “There’s Only 1 Oklahoma”
Awesome. Beautiful baby boy. Congratulations.
Thanks, Dustin! Really appreciate the kind words, brother.
Congrats bro man!
‘Preciate it, Jp! We’re happy to have our baby boy finally here.
Thanks, brother!
It was just a matter of time until the hammer dropped. I’m sure we will see him again in a few weeks unfortunately.
… Dang. Now that the stench has been eliminated…. Best thing to do is A. Ignore totally B. my personal favorite, leave the room. If the site isn’t getting ‘hits’, the mods will act.
Hoping Coach Cooks is just putting in work ’cause that’s his style and noone leaves. Continue to build relations w/ the guys in the wagon and get them all signed.
Dustin, just checking in. What did I miss?
Not a damn thing.
Damn it!
You need to get your duck a cup of coffee.
He’s a cutie, huh?
That is awesome. It will be some good pub also.
Figured I’d show you guys what the Spring game posters look like! I’m a new poster by the way! I posted once before but it was about a week ago.
Welcome! Does the “N7” in your name have anything to do with Mass Effect?
Awesome! My favorite game series so I figured it’d be a good guess.
ME1. Easily the best of the lot imo.
Welcome. Rather ironic that you are a new poster showing us a new poster. 🙂
*****golf clap*****
That’s funny
Baylor continues to exceed at something.
And word is it’s Oakman.
Shawn Oakman
Yep, couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
They should really change their domain name. Just sayin.
Or give up religion.
Also a good idea.
I’m not sure you understand my comment. lol
You could be correct. 🙂