Image via OU Daily
Oklahoma will hold its annual Pro Day event for NFL scouts on Wednesday with things expected to get started around 9am (CT). You can see a full list below of those expected to take part, however as is typically the case not everyone will take part in each workout. For example, guys like Sterling Shepard and Charles Tapper, who performed extremely well in several events at the NFL Combine, will not run again on Wednesday.
Also as you can see from the list below, there are a number of former OU players also back in Norman hoping to keep that NFL dream alive and catch the eye of an NFL scout or two.
Unfortunately, OU really doesn’t typically provide any type of live coverage or updates so we’ll update you here as to how everyone performed as soon as the official sites posts the final numbers.
LB Dominique Alexander – Forty (4.76), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (4.57), 3-cone (7.75)
P Jed Barnett – Forty (DNP), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
LB Devante Bond – Forty (4.68), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
WR Ryan Broyles – Forty (4.68), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (19), 20-yard (4.38), 3-cone (7.24)
OL Ty Darlington – Forty (5.06), Broad (8’11”), Vert (27.5″), Bench (24), 20-yard (4.75), 3-cone (8.08)
OL Derek Farniok – Forty (5.74), Broad (8″0″), Vert (26″), Bench (18), 20-yard (5.48), 3-cone (8.52)
OL Tony Feo – Forty (5.30), Broad (8″7″), Vert (29″), Bench (35), 20-yard (4.91), 3-cone (8.19)
RB Roy Finch – Forty (4.47), Broad (10’0″), Vert (35.5″), Bench (16), 20-yard (4.56), 3-cone (7.31)
DB Quentin Hayes – Forty (4.56), Broad (9’10”), Vert (29″), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (4.25), 3-cone (7.15)
DB Cortez Johnson – Forty (4.63), Broad (10’7″), Vert (32″), Bench (21), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
OL Nila Kasitati – Forty (DNP), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (14), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
LB P.L. Lindley – Forty (4.88), Broad (9’10”), Vert (30.5″), Bench (13), 20-yard (4.66), 3-cone (7.58)
WR Durron Neal – Forty (4.56), Broad (10’1″), Vert (32.5″), Bench (13), 20-yard (4.38), 3-cone (7.58)
DL Torrea Peterson – Forty (5.35), Broad (8’2″), Vert (24″), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (4.84), 3-cone (8.28)
DB Zack Sanchez – Forty (4.50), Broad (9’7″), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
OL Dionte Savage – Forty (5.60), Broad (7’9″), Vert (24″), Bench (25), 20-yard (5.04), 3-cone (8.38)
LB Frank Shannon – Forty (4.74), Broad (10’2″), Vert (39″), Bench (20), 20-yard (4.41), 3-cone (7.48)
WR Sterling Shepard – Forty (DNP), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
OL Josiah St. John – Forty (5.39), Broad (8’10”), Vert (27″), Bench (17), 20-yard (4.76), 3-cone (8.11)
LB Eric Striker – Forty (DNP), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
DL Charles Tapper – Forty (DNP), Broad (DNP), Vert (DNP), Bench (DNP), 20-yard (DNP), 3-cone (DNP)
QB Kendal Thompson – Forty (4.65), Broad (9’2″), Vert (29.5″), Bench (20), 20-yard (4.42), 3-cone (7.29)
For some reason there’s only blank space here for me. I’m assuming you posted a tweet?
Hopefully Striker will test better today!
Someone would be wise to give Broyles a shot
If he runs below 4.6 he will
Someone will definitely pick him up. He just needs to stay healthy during that time, then show out during pre-season.
Someone would be wise to give Broyles a shot
Glad to see Kendall Thompson back home
Good way to get younger brother in to watch, no?
from most of the visitor lists I see here, it seems younger brother is always around campus with Brey Walker anyway, but it can’t hurt for Kendall to be around either 🙂
Good way to mend burnt bridges. So that lil bro will come.
Good luck to all the young men in their upcoming job interviews…..
Can the performance updates be provided somewhere besides the comments, so they don’t get lost?
For sure. I’ll put them in the actual post itself.
Thanks, and thanks for all you guys do.
thank you for reading
Interested on Sanchez 40 time.
VERY important for him to put up a good time today.
FWIW, on twitter he laughed at the notion that he would run a 4.6 or 4.7…guessing he expects to run a decent time
Wish him the best 4.5 hopeful.
He needs a low 4.5 minimum or he won’t be drafted
4.5 yep,He really looked alot better in his drills than i expected.Now
he just needs to run baby run!
Yep, and good morning Metz. He could be a solid nickel corner in the NFL, for a team that is looking for someone to create big plays on D.
Morning Dave and i concur,his 40 looked good.Man Alexander looked slow.
He should’ve stayed, but he might have circumstances at home we don’t know about.
I figured he would be a 4.4 guy… his video looked like it as well.
Anyone have an idea how many NFL scouts will attend?
Looks like a pretty good turnout if you can judge from this one pic.
To have this many in attendance when OU doesn’t really have 1 much less 2 or 3 top flight guys this year AND Bama’s pro day is the same day? IMO that speaks alot to the quality of OU players Stoops has churned out over the years.
Well, we beat Alabama every time we played them the last few decades. Then again NFL teams have more then one scout!
Stoops said every NFL team is there.
Schools like OU will generally get one scout per team.
A little surprised he’s running, tbh.
Hmm vid is 5 secs.
“looked solid” – what does that mean?
He was not a liquid, I think.
Not a T1000
does anyone else have issues watching these clips? they never play on my computer
They just show black on mine sometimes- as this one did after a portion of a second.
They work fine for me. (I’m on a computer using Chrome)
Looked much slower than I would’ve guessed he would have looked
I never thought he looked fast/quick on the football field. That was just my opinion though.
Who is Scott Hiney? (hehe)
student reporter
Who is Joe Buettner?
Former student reporter (still in school), also writing freelance for DMN & some others
Who is Jordan Esco?
Bad ass!
A miserably negative & cynical a-hole, or so I’ve heard 🙂
Oh yeah. That guy…..
Ha ha! There’s no need for name callin’!
Trust me, he deserves it.
I see you got my birthday card.
But he has a great sense of humor, right?!
Bart Simpson, is that you?
Knees look good
Looked good there I thought. Someone tweeted out an unofficial forty time for him of 4.51. Which if at all accurate, w/b a really good time for him, IMO.
4.51 would be fantastic!!
Excellent. I really want Ryan to get another shot.
Great time. As a reference, both WR’s for Patriots ran 4.7 & 4.8 during their draft. They are making big plays all over the place.
which WRs?
got to look up their names but one went to school at the Woodlands in the Houston area. Short guys but I will get their name. One was a 2 star, other was a 3.
Zack not doing position drills may mean he ran a good forty.
My assumption is that ankle is okay (enough) to run straight line, but cutting and etc. just not there yet evidently.
did he hurt it against Clemson or was it never right after he hurt it last season? To either, my question is, why is he not getting it fixed?
Im not sure, may still be lingering from the one game during the season last year. WVU maybe?
if its a high ankle sprain, there is no fix but time.
That’s true, I thought he did some drills at the combine, but I didn’t see him do any cone drills.
His drills looked good at combine tho.
Dom not participating in drills now because he’s hurt. I hate to say this but everything about him other than his tape, screams undrafted.
Other than his tape?
don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying his tape is worth anything higher than 7th round, I’m just saying his tape isn’t the worst thing about him.
His tape shows a decent athlete that is above average in coverage, especially zone, but has difficulty maintaining run fits and gets swallowed up by blockers at the point of attack. No clue whatsoever made him think he was ready to go pro.
Apparently, he has a kid now. He probably felt he needed the money sooner rather than later.
Yeah I know he has family reasons for making the leap but doesn’t look like he will get drafted and signing a free agent contract and not being ready to compete at camp won’t help his kid. Just hate seeing him make a poor decision imo.
Feel bad for kids who have to make that decision when they’re not ready. I’m sure someone was in his ear too. One more year is not a long time to wait, get ready and up your draft chances imo.
I don’t. Having a child changes your priorities whether you like it or not. We shouldn’t cut folks slack because having a child crimps their choices. It was a choice (or risk) the kids make. Now he’s dealing with it. Whether he plays pro ball or not, isn’t important. What he should get credit for is taking responsibility. It will likely be hard so I wish him nothing but the best. But feeling bad for him isn’t my reaction.
He has a kid and made a decision to provide for his family sooner rather than later.. His gf is playing basketball at oru I believe, kids aren’t cheap and it’s better for him to take care of his family this way than many other ways! It was his decision and some may not like it but at least respect it.. Sorry just feel like people are saying oh I would’ve stayed and all that or he hurt himself declaring! Coming out of North Tulsa it’s a huge accomplishment to have gotten this far.
How will he pay for the child if he goes undrafted?
Do you realize how many opportunities there are to get payed to play football?? Nfl isn’t the only one.. Who says he doesn’t already have a degree already.
How does he pay for a child in school when he is limited to how much money he can make.. And I can give you a hint, it’s not enough to pay for a child… Shocker I know
Some kids put up good numbers some are just football players.
Dom is a football player.
He made a lot of plays at OU.
No bueno.
That is pretty annoying….
Tonys had all year to work out…he better get 30 reps.
O thanks.
O thanks.
Think that is the better than the combine ‘best’ from what I recall.
Tony still has some work to do to catch Optimus Perine. LOL.
24 is a respectable # for an O-lineman. Well done, Ty!!
Roy Finch ran a 4.37 40yd dash.
According to who?
Scott Hiney unofficial on Twitter.
Yeah, calling it “unofficial” is being incredibly generous. Hopefully the actual times will be up here in a little bit.
Definitely. I didn’t notice the “hand timed” part until I retweeted it to you. Sorry.
No need to apologize 🙂
any actual numbers on these kids?
Not yet. OU will post everything all at once later today.
Not yet. OU will post everything all at once later today.
*looks at Josiah*
I felt the sting from that one all the way over here!
*looks at Josiah*
he actually did 21 at his combine back in 2012
How’s Ryan doing physically speaking. If he’s at the pro day, he must be thinking of making another run at it.
How many scouts are there?
Sounds like all the teams from Bobs tweet.
Sounds like all the teams from Bobs tweet.
Nila got 14 reps…
i just dont understand how that happens
I dont either Josh.
Time to try out for The Voice.
isnt that 2 better than he did at the combine? At this rate by March of next year he should be up to 32.
cold-blooded 😉
I know…sorry : (
Sorry, I could not help but laugh at that. Fear that was baaaaad.
Funny. Wrong, but definitely funny.
This literally make no sense. Like none at all. I had high school kids that weighed less that 200 pounds that could do more reps than that. Makes you wonder about his work ethic.
Or something we don’t know is bad wrong.
He’s not injured or anything. Just never been weight room strong. He’s football strong, but still, you have to work on your weak points especially if one of those points is the main test for OL.
If he was injured, it’d be better to not test at all and voice that. Teams do in depth physicals. They will find out if you’re concealing an injury.
instead of bench press they should test shoulder press, triceps and hack squats….
that’s an incredible time for him but to have a lingering ankle issue for this long? that’s going to hurt him big time
Dont they add a .1 to these times or something like that
Happy for him. I truly thought he was more like a 4.6 guy. Glad I’m wrong.
Rufus Alexander tweeted out a 4.67 for Dom, that will blow my mind if true.
why do you say that?
After he jumped 28″, I wasn’t expecting him to run that fast. I was expecting 4.8 or even 4.9.
So, no OP today?
Travis Lewis to the Vikings!
Vikings have a nice D…he’ll do well there with those hogs up front.
They have some talented linebackers… gonna be a solid back up and great special teams guy
Even Special teams makes you a millionaire
And that is all that matters.. I’m glad he is making his, was a great player at Oklahoma!
Why do these stupid commercial videos keep dragging the page to the top every time they refresh.? This site needs to get rid of them.
I know right! It fights you..
Yet another reason to add an ad blocker to your browser.
Hey…it worked… 🙂
The adblocker for youtube worked equally as well. Great stuff!
I thought it was your responsibility to make us dummies aware of the latest good stuff Bob, (I think it’s in your job description). I could have been using this a long time ago. It works great. I added it to youtube also, I hope it works as well there as it does here.
The first thing I do when I get a new Windows computer is bring up Internet Explorer and download Chrome. Once Chrome is installed I never use IE again. The second thing I do is install LastPass and AdBlock in Chrome. LastPass manages all my passwords with two factor authentication and AdBlock, well it blocks ads.
Me love my LastPass. I make the wife use it too since she is TERRIBLE about not remembering passwords and/or writing them on post-it notes stuck to her computer. Sigh…
Sam here. Haven’t got her using the YubiKey yet but at least she keeps better track and uses harder passwords. I also like that we can share passwords with each other.
Except when my wife used MY PayPal account to buy her quilting stuff! I told her she owe me $40. I can never win. Argh…
Bob Edwards, better known as:
Nah, just been on the computer for a long time. Wrote my first computer program in 1977 on punch cards. When it’s your day job you get to know it pretty well. Hey I was even on the Internet before Al Gore invented it.
Very nice. Don’t be modest, Bob. Your wisdom far exceeds computer matters.
I was on Internet before there were browsers. Mosaic web browser was the first to bring WWW out of pure text and show pictures! I used to peruse all kinds of servers on the Internet before anyone thought of security. You could find some amazing stuff on University computers and college kids sharing games and pictures. It was the Wild West back in the days. Seems like a lifetime ago…
I remember those days. If you knew what you were looking for you could find about anything, especially on University computers.
No kidding. Some kids had some really bizarre things that they seemed to enjoy. I think back about all those computer systems that had password-free anonymous logons. Think that would fly today? Sheesh.
LOL! Exactly.
My first modem was a 300baud. Can not tell you how happy I was when the 2400 came out! 🙂
I worked for a large corporation that had a direct T1 line to the Internet backbone in 1990. Plus, they manufactured floppy diskettes. So, I had high-speed internet plus infinite free storage of whatever I could find. Now, those were the days my friend. 🙂
I worked where we had a direct T1 line as well. When I would go home and get on my modem it was not worth the hassle. LOL
ROTFLOL! Well I did not start quite that early, but I did program in in GW-Basic in the early 80’s.
Shouldn’t you be out playing shuffleboard on a cruise ship or something? 🙂
Have you seen Bobs house?
I’m still trying to figure out how Algore invented the internet after it had already been invented by DARPA and it’s subcontractors…scratching my head…
LOL! I so want to add to your comment, but I try to stick to football or joke related material here (with the occasional Hallmark channel comment thrown in).
ROTFLOL! Only at Christmas time!
Well you left that out LOL.
I said the occasional comment on it.
He says, “Only at Christmas time.” We’re almost to St. Patty’s day, and he still brags about his Hallmark TV time. Methinks something is suspicious about this one!
Whatever keeps the wife happy, because you know if mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy! Although she prefers watching shows like Justified, Supernatural, Fringe, Lost, and stuff I like. It’s just Christmas time that she likes those sappy love stor…er sorry, Christmas stories.
Good primer for how he actually contributed to its growth as a Senator.
Your first problem there is Windows computer. I love my Apple computers!
Yeah they pay me a good deal of money to work on Windows computers. Trust if I could get rid of them I would.
I worked for IBM for years, they hired me to work on Apple computers. I was so bored so they had me working on everything then. But I was initially hired as their Apple support tech in KCMO area. LOL! They had a contract with Apple to support them way back in the day. I have loved Apple’s since then.
As a developer I despise Apple. Too many times over the years they would start a new technology and convince all the developers to adopt it only to drop it a couple of years later leaving everyone high and dry. They are probably the only company I hate worse than Microsoft.
Agree with this 100% for same reasons. But I spent most of my career programming C on Unix. One thing Apple did right was to convert their OS to a Unix-like kernel. Microsoft needs to also IMHO. It will be crap until they do that.
Yeah, I haven’t really messed with Apple since the converted the kernel. Give me a *nix box any day. The problem MS has is that they have to keep everything from DOS 3.0 running.
That was the advantage Apple had they just said too bad and moved on. Who cares if your old stuff doesn’t run. It allowed them to just can the old OS, but is the reason they lost most of their market share.
OH how I miss the old DOS days. Someone would buy a computer from our salesmen and bring it back saying this doesn’t work. Because he would not sell them anything else. UGH!
Yep. I think I remember that Microsoft got roundly criticized when they tried to abandon DOS 3.0 for Win NT. NT went down in flames. I think they tried to brand the NT as “new technology” but customers weren’t buying it. Ah, the good ole days. This is a trip down memory lane for me.
Oh man, I supported NT servers and OS/2 servers (if you remember OS/2), OS/2 blew Windows out of the water!
Yep, I agree with that. But I love the reliability and support Apple has. Backwards compatibility when they release a new OS and it is free, compared to Windows bend you over and give you something half way done attitude. And from a hardware standpoint, Apple components just work. However, when I worked in databases, Apple could not cut the mustard there.
Apple gained reliability by limiting the number of manufacturers and ensuring QC of the components and drivers, while PC clone companies were all over the map. You just had to have the savvy as a PC buyer to buy from the right/trusted/quality manufacturer.
True, but you still are running Windows.
The first thing I do when I get a new Windows computer is bring up Internet Explorer and download Chrome. Once Chrome is installed I never use IE again. The second thing I do is install LastPass and AdBlock in Chrome. LastPass manages all my passwords with two factor authentication and AdBlock, well it blocks ads.
Adblock Plus for Google Chrome. Need I say more? 🙂
He’s probably one of THOSE guys. You know, the ones that use Internet Explorer.
Me no likey the Internet Exploder guys. Such a limited lifestyle. I bet they like Pee Wee Herman too.
Me no likey the Internet Exploder guys. Such a limited lifestyle. I bet they like Pee Wee Herman too.
Or your work will not allow you to install anything.
Plus it makes my internet faster and my bike 😉
Plus it makes my internet faster and my bike 😉
Thank you sir. I am fixed. Well my Surface pro is fixed.
Awesome. Enjoy the ad-free experience.
Adblock Plus recently changed ownership, and they have an agreement for allow certain ads through. Ublock Origin is another great option for adblocking on Chrome.
Cool. Didn’t know that. Thanks.
adblock is still working on here, but it’s not working on all sites/ads anymore.
Thank you. It helped me out too!!
My sentimental hope is that Lindley lands with a team.
So i guess pro day is over.
updates added
Just a couple quick thoughts:
Looks like the star of the day by some margin, in my estimation, was Frank Shannon. Good for him.
Sanchez’s time wasn’t quite as good as some tweeted out earlier in the day — though each scout keeps their own time, fwiw — but still certainly respectable. Maybe he’s a little bit faster if that ankle is 100% (he didn’t fully take part in everything today b/c of it), but IMO he’s just never been that low 4.4 guy.
Legit amazed Striker apparently didn’t try to improve on his forty time from the combine.
I think Ty and Duron had decent days.
I mean 4.56 for Neal isn’t really a surprise, IMO, but it’s also not a great time for a WR.
Definitely wouldn’t disagree re: Darlington, but his issue was never athleticism I thought. His tape is where the ?s will be, I think.
Agree, and yeah Ty’s tape is average. He could probably be a practice squad guy if he wants to go that route.
He gets with a good center coach and he might flourish. Just not sure he has the strength to be an NFL center- but I guess that could change if a team was patient enough to wait on it.
Neal’s problem is going to be his inconsistent hands. If he fixes that issue then I think he can stick on a team and I’m sure NFL teams know that he’s built more to play the slot not out wide. I never understood why we never played him in the slot.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f511bde50c4299fd554d6903dbbf9fa5047048a7011abdca5b47cd1e1f406b49.jpg fghdfhgh
I want to order at least 10 kilograms for my neighbor. He’s a jerk and I think 10 kilograms of weed delivered to his doorstep will help solve that. How do I do this? COD, right?