– Tanner Schafer: With Trevor Knight transferring, Kyler Murray not being eligible till 2017, and Cody Thomas leaving football behind to pursue baseball, the Sooners are open looking for additional depth at QB. And it appears OU has found a potential walk-on quarterback candidate with a lot of talent in Tanner Schafer (Canadian, TX).
I caught up with Schafer last night who told TFB that OU has offered him a preferred walk-on spot with a chance to earn a scholarship. The Sooners, however, are not Schafer’s only suitor. Texas Tech also offered him as a preferred walk-on, and he has a full scholarship offer from Ohio University as well.
That said, Schafer told TFB that between all his options, he has the most interest in Oklahoma. Schafer, like Baker Mayfield, grew up a fan of OU and attended a lot of games when he was younger.
Schafer said the plan is to visit Norman in about three weeks and if all goes well, then that will be his likely landing spot. Additionally, OU has informed Schafer that he is the only guy they have offered as a preferred walk-on quarterback. – (Brandon)
– Maxs Tupai: Just wanted to pass along a note regarding recent OU visitor and 2016 DE/OLB, Maxs Tupai (Murray, UT). If you weren’t aware, Tupai did not wind up signing on Wednesday. He is planning a UCLA visit for this coming weekend and though most expect him to sign with a school closer to home, a final decision has still yet to be made. – (Super K)
– Grant Delpit: Yesterday, Oklahoma offered 2017 safety Grant Delpit (Houston, TX). I had a chance to see Delpit in person last weekend at a 7-on-7 practice, and he is all of 6’2″. Despite his size, he does an excellent job of staying in front of smaller WRs.
Delpit told Brandon that he plans on visiting Oklahoma this spring. – (Super K & Brandon)
Thanks for the update. Really appreciated this site during the madness of recruiting. You guys do a great job.
How does UCLA possibly have room for him? They have like 30 commits/transfers.
My thoughts as well. They also signed Mique Juarez….
Several ways you can oversign:
1) Early enrollees can be counted against last years totals if there is space available.
2) Transfer in for the spring semester can be counted against last years totals if there is space available.
3) You can sign players you know won’t qualify. This is sometimes done to either bolster the ratings or hoping to make the kid feel good about choosing once they have gone the JUCO route.
4) Asking them to ‘grey shirt.’ Basically they sign but have to wait to get the scholly. Most schools lose at least a couple of players during the year.
I understand all that I’m much more talking about the hard cap of 85.
Not the soft number of 25.
Depends on how many they had graduate, turn pro, transfer, or quit/flunk out.
I understand all that I’m much more talking about the hard cap of 85.
Not the soft number of 25.
I’ve traveled to Utah, two hour direct flight from Tulsa, so if he doesn’t join us it won’t be because of distance.
Also, is LA really any appreciably closer to Salt Lake than OKC? Googs says 700m from UCLA to Salt Lake and 1100m from OU to Salt Lake. Both of them are more than a 1-day drive, and neither of them a very long flight.
I didn’t even consider calculating the distance to UCLA, as I want him to wear a Sooner uniform, but thanks for the follow up
Connor McGinnis still with the team? I think he was a QB walk on last year.
Thanks for the update on Tupai. He would be a good addition if we can land him.
What was Tupai going to sing? 😛
LOL! Wondering the same thing.
He was considering meeting up with Nila for a duet but then got a nice offer from UCLA’s A Capella group.
Hey Jordan, might I make a suggestion for the offseason? I was thinking a weekly series of articles, where one of the Braniacs does a full eval for an incoming recruit: analyze film, talk about what they like and don’t like, and give some projections. With 20+ new guys, that’d be a lot of material for us to look forward to in what will probably be a long offseason. Anyway, thanks again for all you guys do here!
Having an S at the end of Max sounds like a double S….no?
just Max
Sounds like the opposite of minis. 😉
listen to the interview- just Max:
omg RB you’re killing me
sorry- you must really be bored- I thought you were serious as to how to pronounce his name.
lol I really am bored…and putting off work….I was just poking fun
RE: Grant Delpit
I like that a lot of Schafer’s highlights are from the state championship game. Even though it’s a small school at least he’s playing against other good competition. Like I said last night from his junior highlights, he is a baller and if I didn’t know better I’d think I was seeing a younger version of Baker with maybe not quite as good of an arm (yet).
he was dropping a lot of those balls into some tight spaces and a lot were where only the receiver(s) could get to them, not shabby at all
Yeah, couple years in the OU program will develop that arm. He looks like he has a lot of potential.
I think he needs a little work on his footwork. I noticed a lot of his throws were from his back foot. When he steps in, he’s deadly so long as his timing is on. But even throwing from his back foot, it’s obvious the kid has a huge arm. Making the throws he made from his back foot highlights how strong he is.
If he works on his timing (not holding the ball too long) and his stepping into throws, he will be a special player.
If you “hate & harp” on the team you claim to be a fan of more than you enjoy and celebrate their accomplishments, I have a VERY hard time believing you’re actually a fan.
These “New OU Fans” that sprang up yesterday are the embodiment of a UTerus/Poke fan. Please turn in your OU fan card if you insist on telling us all how much Oklahoma sucks.
***I am now ready to return to being a happy poster with the rest of the awesome TFB regulars (and newcomers ?)
Just me, but I’m not big on telling people how they should or shouldn’t be a fan. You do you and I suspect they’ll do the same. That’s always been my approach.
I hear ya, man. That’s also why I stated (in my opinion). I’m not telling anybody how to be a fan, but yesterday’s crap storm with some of the people commenting was pretty out there.
Again, just my opinion. But I’ve always found TFB to be incredibly refreshing as far as the level-headed passion of OU fans.
Not absolute kool-aid drinkers, but also not people just hammering the team as if they are worthless.
TBQH being ok with less than stellar and having your team settle is not a real fan. Thats more like a pukes fan. Most fans just want OU to be elite in all aspects, as they should. I love my family but is there situations where they could improve or situations where they could have done better, yes. Same with OU. No blinders and no bs from real fans
Where’s the settling occurring? Outside of the way this conference is managed.
In regards to yesterday, it would be settling with a 3rd ranked class in the big 12, 4th in some. Do rankings have their flaws, yes. But OU should never finish outside top 12 nationally or top 2 in conference in recruiting regardless of scholarship numbers
We missed on 2/3 guys that would have dramatically changed the numbers. But I also account for recruiting for:
1) Scheme/personnel
2) You’re punished by having guys like Roberson and JMT that shut down their recruiting; thus, not playing the politics of accruing more “stars”
All in all, I’m disappointed about the fish we missed out on yesterday but a lot more excited to see what becomes of the rest.
I hope it all works out as well..but sometimes its better to complain and talk a little mess instead of pretend everything is perfect. We arent Bob and we arent players so it doesnt mean anything or matter one way or another
I hope it all works out as well..but sometimes its better to complain and talk a little mess instead of pretend everything is perfect. We arent Bob and we arent players so it doesnt mean anything or matter one way or another
I’m not sure 2/3 guys would have changed the ranking. The numbers weren’t there because we took 20 and we had needs that required concentration in areas where we took 3 and 4 star people. Oh and the only 5 star in the Big 12. When we argue these things, we are blinded by stars and have no real knowledge of what the coach’s board looks like. I’m weary of the “we didn’t get any DTs” conversation though and am going to cede the rest of this discussion.
I’m not sure 2/3 guys would have changed the ranking. The numbers weren’t there because we took 20 and we had needs that required concentration in areas where we took 3 and 4 star people. Oh and the only 5 star in the Big 12. When we argue these things, we are blinded by stars and have no real knowledge of what the coach’s board looks like. I’m weary of the “we didn’t get any DTs” conversation though and am going to cede the rest of this discussion.
agree, but we won’t really know where OU is ranked for another 2-3 years. maybe we found some diamonds in the rough and other schools took some higher starred flame-outs.
true story
Under that scenario, are you ever satisfied? Are you ever happy? I’ve learned through many years not to wrap up my entire existence on the performance of student athletes, coaches, or any other outside influences sans family, friends, and perhaps the tax man. People who argue vehemently about things they have no say or influence strike me as somewhat futile beings. Discussion, on the other hand is entertaining.
I appreciate the role of “old wise man” as much as anyone….but I don’t know how u took this so deep. it was an example, i could have used work, friends etc. in the scenario… no one thing wraps my entire existence up,especially sooner football. that would be foolish. And to answer your initial question, ever satisfied in sooner football land here, yes a national championship. ever satisfied in life? No, always want to be better
Mojo, my dad (WWII vet, bronze star, purple hearts) died a few years ago. The last several years he was alive, he suffered from dementia. He chose the people he loved the most to lash out at in his illness, more often than not, it was me. Dad was a staunch OU fan, was at the game when ND broke the streak (he still believed the refs gave the game to ND years after the fact). When OU did not win, he would become physically ill. He would get dizzy, throw up, and pass out. My job was to calm him down after a loss. I think that’s probably the reason I find it hard to be around people that go on genuine rants, my patience did not wear thin, it ran out helping Dad.
i mean that is a very serious story for a CFB board….but IMO Dad was a real fan, nobody on here can call themselves a fan compared to that
Sorry for your loss. Dementia is a terrible disease, not only for the ill, but for those around them as well. Usually I avoid the arguing, discussion is a different animal. But when someone is being (in my mind) unreasonable, I don’t bother to get into it. I saw a pie chart a while back that depicted political arguments. It was totally red. The color blue indicated that one side had won the other side over to their thinking, the color green was for the other side winning, and red meant that neither side budged and everyone ended up pissed off. Much like arguing whether or not we needed to take any DTs this year with trolls. I can just let it slide off of me, but it’s taken a long time to master. Hope you have a good afternoon. Home calls.
I’ve always tried to “keep it cool” myself, Rick. I’m an extremely passionate fan and Alum of OU.
My mom always complained of being embarrassed by the way my dad acted during OU games. Never wanted to be “that guy” myself.
Under that scenario, are you ever satisfied? Are you ever happy? I’ve learned through many years not to wrap up my entire existence on the performance of student athletes, coaches, or any other outside influences sans family, friends, and perhaps the tax man. People who argue vehemently about things they have no say or influence strike me as somewhat futile beings. Discussion, on the other hand is entertaining.
I hear what you’re saying. We all expect more out of our team. I dont think anyone on here says hey, lets not play to win a championship this year. And I dont want to speak for everyone but I feel alot of posters on here are really passionate about the team. But are also realistic, so most of the time I think we take a realistic approach on things. Not wrong or right just the way we talk about things. Saying that “real fans” should feel 100% like you is labeling and that’s cool that’s your opinion. And we all can agree to disagree at some point or another. But yesterday there was some really out of line things being said by posters that we rarely or ever see. I for one appreciate posters like you that can post and have an strong opinion without having to resort to name calling like yesterday.
yup you are right. everyone is a fan in their own way.
By the way, appreciate some of the behind the scenes info and insight you bring to the board
Anytime bommer
Nice. The thing that gets me is….we all know the status of the team on the national scale and what it means to go up against Bama for example and we all want to win NCs every year, and we want to beat Texsa in everything, etc, etc. But we can’t control any of that obviously. Its never going to be perfect, it will always be a chicken or the egg scenario imo. Its starts with recruiting, it starts with coaching, its starts with facilities and on and on. Even if every poster on TFB wants Stoops out, it wont affect a dang thing, why bother? So instead of waiting for that once a year moment to puff your chest out and tell everyone what we already know, come around more often and talk about ALL the things TFB brings to us for free. Then maybe the regulars will be a little more accepting when you have strong views. After last year, Im always going to believe that no matter who we get year after year…we can always make a run for it.
I know people who are fans of OU but get very frustrated when we don’t win and/or lose in recruiting. Their natural response is to lash out and demand to get better. That is not my approach, but it is theirs. Does that mean they are not worthy fans? I don’t think so. Every fan base of every team has complaints, since no one person or no one team is perfect. And how you react to those challenges says a lot about them as human beings, not as fans. JMHO.
If you watched me during games, you’d probably think I need a very strong prescription of chill pills ;]
” It is what it is”. I hate that saying. However, a critique list the good and the bad. Just because someone lists some shortcoming doesn’t mean they aren’t a fan. We don’t need sunshine pumped up our arses all the time. It is called Critique, not criticism.
Again, that’s why I referenced the over-the-top stuff I read yesterday. I’m all about critiquing, but there was just some outlandish stuff going on yesterday. I’m not sunshine & rainbows guy by any means.
And there is something to be said about civil disagreement. When your first action, after running into a disagreeing position, is to start using vulgar names and discussing inappropriate things with someone’s mother, you have gone well beyond the line of civility. At that point, you’re just a miserable jerk that most of humanity should be ashamed of sharing air with.
Schafer looks to have a live arm and pretty good feet as well. Me likey!
After Baker, I’m open to just about any walk-on QB who grew up liking OU!
Chaz Ah You – any idea if we’ll offer him. We’ve offered a bunch of safetys but not a kid whose cousin played and worked for OU. He is also ranked really high and has a ton of offers already. I know he’s said he’s looking for our offer
I think he already has a OU offer.
Oklahoma no offer
didn’t he make a visit already?
They already have one commit, and I suspect Okudah may be their top choice. Perhaps they are trying to see if he’s a possibility before they offer Chaz Ah You. Or perhaps they just haven’t had time to eval him yet.
Yesterday reminded me of going to the gym after New Years on my normal days and seeing people there crowding out people and staying way too long on a machine while not knowing what they are doing.
Completely off topic here, but I wanted to see if anyone here has heard the story going around about an OU coach cussing Cobb during an in home visit? That’s the rumor going around as to why he flipped. I find it hard to believe that a coach on Stoops staff would do this, and still have a job.
I would find that really hard to believe.
Same here, just wanted to see if there was any validity to what I had heard.
I can’t imagine. I wasn’t there, but I can’t imagine that happened.
If it did happen, some might say there could be a likely candidate 🙂
I also doubt this actually occurred
Before we attack this coach, remember that Caleb credited him heavily in Caleb’s decision.
No attack sir, stated in jest, carry on with your day
Yeah, I wasn’t trying to give you grief. I just wanted to make the point that we heard good things about the coach yesterday. Obviously, he’s gotten a lot of criticism, some warranted, but I wanted to say something nice about him.
Grief, you straight up pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I’ve criticized in the past (prior to this past season), but I’ve moved on. Give him a lot of credit for accepting changes that probably weren’t easy, but everyone is better for it.
Please feel free to just tear up the ticket!
I’m looking forward to what MS does with the D next year. He said yesterday that each year it has to be tailored to the guys. Like everyone, I’m wondering 3-4, 4-3, 3-3-5
I don’t buy it.
I don’t buy it.
I find this really hard to believe.
An OU coach, trying to woo a recruit, is going to walk in to their and their parents home, and cuss them out? I don’t think so. And especially if they did, I think the parents would completely turn on that staff not wanting their son to be under their tutelage. Since it was Cobb’s father who was apparently the strongest proponent for OU, this sounds like complete and utter horses__t.
I completely agree, sounds like a fabricated story.
heard it where? who said it?
Probably Art Briles
No, it wasn’t Art, he was too busy sweeping rapes under the carpet!
BTW anyone know where we ended up in the class ranking?
I think most had us somewhere around 19, without the transfers and the WO kicker. That would have been a 5*, 4* and a 3*.
Ok thanks
Ok thanks
FWIW, we were also the only B12 school to get a 5*.
Not a clue, I try my hardest to ignore rankings.
I saw this morning on Team Stream we ended up 20th.
What are the rules concerning contact with outstanding 2016 recruits currently? Does the quiet period extend beyond NSD for unsigned recruits or what? ; )
February 5 through April 14, 2016 is a ‘quiet period’
Quiet period
The quiet period tightens things a bit more, preventing any off-campus contact or viewing. Visits to the college’s campus and written or electronic communications are still permitted.
Coaches often try to have prospects visit campus unofficially during this time in the spring and early summer, so that they can become familiar with campus.
Bob, thanks.
With so many knowledgable people, and you certainly are one of them, I’ve learned so much more about recruiting.
Seriously Sam!
Most definitely.
I always ask people this question: How much of what you know today that you didn’t know before you learned it?
What do you guys think of Strong allegedly using race of coaches as a selling point against us/others during the big weekend visit in Austin? Is this acceptable practice or unethical.
UT’s “Core Values” are a lot looser than advertised
Racism isn’t a one way street, sad if he went there; even sadder if the recruits bought it.
That’s sort of my take. I think they got a fairly sharp batch of recruits also so maybe over blown. But then, maybe they aren’t so smart if UT crashes like aggieville next December and the staff is wiped out.
I mean they have to know Strong can’t survive 2 more disapointing seasons
Yeah, they also might see it as they are the class the resurrected Longhorn football.
“Playing the race card is the ultimate last resort, but you sometimes have to do it when dealing with an African-American prospect and the numbers are in your favor,” Coach X said. http://espn.go.com/college-sports/recruiting/football/story/_/id/14661315/negative-recruiting-alive-well
How black are the people who REALLY run the program though?
Oh, that. The black coaching staff is a facade for all the rich white men that control the $$$ and call the major shots.
The Texas program is a facade. Boone Pickens is like damn.
Awful, I tell you. I mean all of it.
If this tells you anything about OU, it should tell you Stoops doesn’t do this.
I think you should use what the good Lord gave you.
I think the irony is thick with UT using the race card. UT’s football team didn’t integrate until Barry kept going in and picking up black players from Texas and taking them down and beating the crap out of Darrell Royal. They had to integrate because they couldn’t win without the black players.
You mean the last team to win an all white national championship, that Texas? It was the 1969-70 season, Barry wasn’t quite coach. I think you’re thinking of Bama vs USC and the Bear getting LA confidential’d. Funny thing is Texas kicked our butts in the 60s segregated but no one could stop us in the 70s. I think Texas’ reasons for integration were a lot more political.
And with that, it’s on to 2017 recruiting
Where we’re crushin’ it.
crootin’ is a 2 year game, all our new coaches are even now and they can sell the Playoff berth. Gonna help immensely
Everybody kept saying that and now we’re seeing it come to fruition.
They just have to follow up last year with another great year, and they will sign a top 10 class
It’s comical seeing the LosuR fans saying that Bundage committed to them over OU, then I read a newsok article saying the same thing. ESCO! Didn’t we back off of Bundage??? I don’t think there was a spot available.
Loving Delpit’s film. Great closing speed, good moves with the ball after INTs, good ball skills and very physical.
Schafer reminds me of Baker, ha! What’s a brother gotta do to get an offer? 6’3” 76% comp rate, 3704 yards, 47 TDs and 2 INTs? State Champ, too. Really wonder why no one recruited this kids. Looks like Tulsa was his only offer. Strange?!
Who’s that WR from Vegas? Tyjon something? he looks like a stud. Hope we get in on him. I think he’s from DeMarco Murray’s old H.S.
Tyjon Lindsey 5*, 5-9 / 161. Las Vegas, Nv. Has OU offer. from Bishop Gorman
Tyjon Lindsey…total stud and he is from Bishop Gorman where D Murray hails. We’ve had 3 or 4 players (Ryan Reynolds I think?) from BG in Nevada.
I want him and would have no problem if they gave him a scholarship right now. Kid looks like a player and he reminds me a lot of Baker. He seems like the taller version of Baker. I want.
I agree…if Tupai doesn’t come then give this kid the scholly….
I just don’t think Bowlsby get’s it.
HT: Jordan
Great comment under there: “So in other words, ‘At least we have OU’.”
Thinking the same thing. We need to bolt.
If it wasn’t for Oklahoma having a great program the Big 12 would really be in a bad way.
And the leader of Oklahoma ain’t happy. Thus my doesn’t get it comment.
Yup, don’t know how much longer President Boren puts up with it.
The climate is perfect for us to play hardball. Texas is between a rock and a hard place with no conference willing to take LHN and performance at all time low.
I kinda think UT tries their hand being an Independent if OU leaves the B12
Even most of the hardcore whorns have realized that isn’t really sustainable. Even ND schedules games with the ACC
In the past he has said he would rather stay and expand. Do you think he will ever get to a point where he finally makes the move to another conference?
The GOR ends in 2025. Right now the monetary loss would be huge because we would lose Tier 1 & 2 media rights. That means we would lose the revenue from our best games. However, since it’s lost revenue and not a exit fee the value goes down every year. Where the tipping point is, I don’t know.
We also have to give two years notice.
It looks like Boren is either setting it up to leave or challenge the GOR in court. The first is a long play and make take a number of year.
Thanks again Bob!
Good to know Bob. As always your wisdom is appreciated.
I’d be willing to bet there is some loopholes in the GoR.
My understanding is that GOR’s are very hard to break in court.
I’m sure it would be, but I bet if OU were to challenge it and find some legal footing, the result would be OU pays a buyout fee and then are free to leave after the 2 year notice
I also wonder if OU couldn’t play some games with the media rights. For instance refuse to reschedule games to fit the TV schedule etc. I don’t like that solution but we could sure make it a pain for them to enforce.
Also since ESPN, etc pays the B12 for TV rights would the B12 lose money or does the B12 guarantee ESPN, X amount of OU games per year(Fox incl)
You would think. I am assuming it was written by lawyers which means it is probably full of loopholes.
I hope OU gets the heck out of this conference with this kind of leadership in place. OU’s brand can’t carry the banner for the Big XII, year in and year out. That’s too much to ask. OU will certainly not be able to deliver year after year.
Bowlsby is in Texsa’s back pocket. Has to be.
Don’t even get me started about texa$$.
Bob thank goodness for OU Bowlsby
Good lord. Let’s get the p1$$ outta this conference already!
OK Bob. Good point. Tell Boren what he can do with “disadvantaged comments”.
Way too early for 2017 recruiting excitement.
Commits this early means some will end up as ‘ soft verbals’ in my mind after this years fiasco. Looong way to go
another 365 days to eff it up?
Regarding Schafer’s highlights, it’s clear #2 was his favorite target
I like schafers film a lot. If I didn’t know better I would have thought it was Bakers HS highlights.
I agree. He’s not quite as quick as Baker. He’s deliberate and puts the ball where his target has a chance. Offense is very similar Riley’s.
Go back and watch Baker’s HS highlights…He’s not as quick in those either. He’s definitely improved his mechanics and his strength and speed. Schafer’s highlights are Baker’s 99.99999%
Now that you mention that, I have to agree.
I don’t know if it’s the No. 9 or what, but I feel like I’m watching a clone of Trevor Knight in that film above
I agree. Kid seems like a gamer and his footwork ain’t bad but he has one read. I know it is HS but these are 3 and 4 WR sets and everyone is running routes. His throwing motion is really bad, especially since he doesn’t have the strongest arm, but he is a proven winner and that’s always good. Not trying to sound too harsh on the kid but giving reasons on why he received the offers he did. QB is a tough position to play, now if this kid had a better 40 he’d have at least 2 Big XII offers some for maybe even WR.
what about the qb already on the roster from heritage hall
The walk-on from Texass may be even better. That is the one already on the team. The state of texsa, not uterus.
Thought I would pass this along after yesterday. The board had a lot of trolls and pessimists on it so here is my take: Not all these pessimistic people are trolls, some really are diehard Sooner fans. This started way back during the Wilkinson era. Our fans got so spoiled that they became critical of everything that happened in our football program, but deep down they still loved OU and never missed a game. This has been passed down from generation to generation and at times gets even worse. And some of these people now days know not what they speak. JMHO
Too true. I happen to work with one of the accused trolls and he really is one of the most diehard Sooner fans I know. He just tends to be feast or famine on the state of the program with very little gray area.
That’s true. I don’t remember much about Comments on Bud’s teams, but even with Chuck and Barry there always seemed to be someone around me that thought the offense was too predictable, the running backs too slow, or the cheerleaders needed to go on diets. It’s just my Karma to always have a seat near his ass-holiness.
Can we find a way to get Delpit and Okudah to go along with Barnes? How can we make that happen? I know Okudah is a long shot, but he and Barnes are good friends and rode up to JR Day together…
Reggie and Robert can be huge with Okudah’s recruitment.
Speaking of Tupai, does OU have room for him or are they full now?
They still have room – Stoops said as much yesterday
Have room, not sure OU has much of a shot though.
How come?
The word is he wants to stay close to home. I tend to think Utah is ahead of us possibly UCLA if they have a spot for him
Don’t get me wrong though, I’d LOVE to have this kid!
I’d expect more attrition during the spring as well
Just for grins…….if OU left the Big 12, where would we best fit?
B1G or Pac-12 – I mean I’d love for them to be in the SEC, but I see better fits elsewhere
I hate to even say it, but Big 10? (let the shellacking ensue)
I don’t hate it. Has to be better than B12, no?
I think so, reunite with Nebraska and geographically makes sense.
Add Oklahoma to Michigan, tOSU, MSU, Iowa…adds prestige to the conference
I don’t hate saying it now, looks pretty good actually
Real question is: are the bottom dwellers better in the B1G or B12?
That’s the weird snag because minus Kansas and Taco Tech, our bottom dwellers can win
Yup. The other snag, to me, would be is Iowa here to stay or having another flash in the pan stretch?
Great year this past season, but they always trod along and win ballgames. Brian posted above referring to us taking the Pukes or Texas with us (I would take the Pukes and leave Texas on an island), that would take their brand to a new level
They can be Independent and see how far that gets them. Personally, I would like to see OU just do OU and not drag anyone along.
Me too, I’d give a $5 bill to know who Boren has spoken to “confidentially”, you know politicians, all about leverage and the best deal
I’d toss in a $5 bill as well
No your’re talkin’. I think that is the point where our top dogs are right now. Putting on notice that this is about to stop being a “we” thing unless you can reach some unrealistic goals in x amount of unrealistic time.
About the same, I would think. Kansas is bad in football, the others have their moments.
Texas recruiting pipeline would dry up. But if OU went to the SEC, it would open up, plus NOLA, Florida, Georgia, Bama, Tennessee, and the Carolinas.
Dude. Stop making sense! LOL
Come on Sam, KC and I have us going to the B1G!
I just want the opportunity to go in and rule the SEC, show everybody that it’s not all it’s made out to be.
And Texsa would die a slow, painful death alone.
While a slow painful death would be nice, I’d settle for fast and brutal as long as I could re-watch their death five days a week with a 24-hour marathon on Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas.
This big time !
I think as far as time zone goes it makes the most sense.
Connections with Iowa and Nebraska…If Texas or Okie State go with us…then play occasional games against Michigan, Michigan State, and Ohio State…much better than Big 12 play
Personally, I want to walk away from texa$$. I know many don’t agree but let them flounder. That pompous s%&thole fan base and their arrogance can be someone else’s problem.
I would want to keep the RRS, but other than that to hell with em
Thanks, but no thanks.
OU would get 6* players in the SEC 😉
Only if they are on bamas board. 3’s become 4’s and so forth.
No doubt
I think the best fit is the SEC. It’s culturally very similar and geographically contiguous. I know many want to go to the PAC or B1G for academic reasons, but I think we would be looked at as the red headed step child with two heads in those conferences. All you have to do is look how their fans looked at us that year we played in the Rose Bowl. They were surprised our fans didn’t drive up on tractors wearing bib overalls.
You do have a way with eloquence Bob:-)
I agree, the B1G has not exactly worked out well for Nebraska and they were once very similar to us, not quite on the same level but similar. Look at them now.
I always come back to that thought as well. But then I always wonder if they’d be in the same spot if they’d stayed. My guess is they would have.
I cannot argue with that. The coaching merry-go-round has created a dumpster fire.
Wouldn’t parity be a concern with the SEC, plus $$$, could we command more in the B1G and provide more balance there?
Yes, but I think parity would be a concern no matter where we went.
Neb, Ohio, Mich, Mich, Penn, Wisc,Indy,Illinois, etc.
I don’t like those places. Basically get airfare or wait for a home game if you are local. Plus I don’t think OU identifies with the Midwest like maybe Nebraska does.
The funny thing about parity is that it’s equal.
Sam, you are treading in R/R territory here. Save your good stuff for the TFB follies later in the SLOW period 🙂
You bet. Don’t tell RR I did that. He can be down right nasty, that one.
I have lots of material that references he-who-must-not-be-named.
Right, should have been clearer. Help the B1G rise to the perceived level of the SEC, there’s your parity buddy.
There’s a lot of bib overalls in the BIG, too. Lot of blue collar fans. Any of those three would be better than now.
What did they expect? We can’t drive our tractors that far! Sheesh.
Geographically only the SEC is logical. Ark, Mizz, Baton Rouge, TAMU, RRR, Vandy
Those are all road trips potentially for our core fan base. Then who knows, they might just throw little brother in for free instead of having to shop and give us a rivalry week. Another easy trip.
Honestly? I’m glad to be rid of the Ags
I hate aggy about as much as texsa, but getting to stomp their butts again would be all right i still have that screenshot of 77-0 in the 3rd quarter against them.
I still see that butt-whoopin OU took in the bowl game
Well Satan decided to spawn JFF. It happened. Teams got beat and coaches got filthy rich and promoted.
It’s over now. Swagcopter Down.
Salt in the wound is Manziel was involved
Gah! Hate that guy.
If he were a cartoon character…
Wait…..what??? I thought he was.
I think little brother would be a hard sell to the SEC. The SEC has an unwritten rule that they won’t take a new school in a state that already has a school. That doesn’t exactly apply to OSU but OSU brings nothing to the table from a TV set perspective either. And TV sets are what it is all about.
The more likely scenario for an B12 school is Kansas because of their basketball team. Though they would be just as likely to go east since it is more densely populated and thus gets more TV’s.
Well, that’s still OK…i figure we can play them still rivalry week. Do Clemson and SCAR play that week?
Just asking since they are different conferences, so there would be precedent
So which new conference will we be able to win championships as
consistently as we have the Big 12? I really don’t think it’s about the $$, it’s about rings
Perception is skewed. The other conferences are like the big12. Usually a couple of heavies at the top fighting it out and then just middle teams.
I think OU would be competitive in any conference. Probably wouldn’t win half of the championships, but they’d do all right.
If all things were equal, I bet the SEC would go after Va Tech if they could wrangle them out of their GoR as well.
GoR isnt the problem there, its the $50 million buyout the ACC instituted.
Them and texsa would have to be our out of conference games every year.
Reindeer boy would fit right in with some of the fan bases.
Okay, so a day after NSD and conference re-alignment is already back. I have to catch my breath – carry on 🙂
Thanks for the post on Schafer! I was just trying to find out more about him on the other thread.
Looks salty
I think OU would fit the SEC just right . That atmosphere in Knoxville last year ! Whoa , could you imagine that every year
Every week!!
It would definitely be intense
Maybe I wouldn’t get in trouble for being too loud and always standing
What? Loud? Standing? What do you think this is???
Sorry I will golf clap next time.
Thank you.
You’re welcome, I apologize for being a fanatical fan at live sporting events.
I could go for that. They have some great venues.
We have to all swear to never chant SEC! SEC! SEC!
You have my word. I will never make that chant, unless it’s to mock those who do it for real. I pledge to Boomer Sooner anytime the mob mentality kicks in.
I pledge to never chant that crap
Caleb Kelly big on Mike Stiops and “Americas Team” http://abc30.tv/1SuJo0A
Caleb Kelly – “Biggest thing it’s weird because you aren’t supposed to choose off coaches, but coach Mike Stoops just got a 3 year contract he was a big part in it. The other thing that set them aside from others, was I think I can make a change at Oklahoma, I just want to go and be something special over there.”
Chris Alvarez- Clovis West also a big part of your story, what did you learn there?
Caleb Kelly – “Clovis West I learned how to love the people who hate you. Learned how to ignore all the bad comments especially. I’m playing this game for fun more than anything, I’m not playing it for the money or anything. I’m playing football because I love football and this is just what I do.”
Chris Alvarez – That being said you had some fun with the Dallas Cowboys hat out there, are you sending Jerry Jones an early message?
Caleb Kelly – “If he wants to take me that’s my team. But I would be find going anywhere in the NFL you don’t get to pick there. Just going there that’s a big thing.”
Chris Alvarez – You talk about family a lot and maybe a great experience here, you put Coach Stoops on hold.
Caleb Kelly – “Coach Stoops is on hold because family is first. He is going to get my for four years, he’s going to get me, they are going to get me for 4 months now. Every little bit I get with my family I have to get, I have to take advantage of. This is where I grew up, these are my people, this is my family, this is my last name, I love these people so much.”
The transcript .That video player didn’t like me.
Thanks for taking the time. We folks back in the middle don’t get West Coast info very well.
Never met the kid but any video I see he seems very intelligent and full grown. Don’t let the curls and dimples fool you.
He has a lot to like “upstairs” as well as his athletic skills. I believe he can be a team leader after he “serves his time” as a newbie. Anyway, thanks – we need west coast “correspondents” to keep us TFBers informed.
I travel but I am firmly back in OK full time now.
Okay. My bad. I thought reading through things for the last few months that you were in SoCal. Well then Welcome Back sir!
Thanks Colfax! I know you’re out there. He seems like a great kid. What was the local view of him in his HS playing days? (not this recent recruiting circus stuff).
That’s pretty cool. And one of the reasons he feels at home is probably because Norman looks like Clovis…hehe
JY gave a breakdown on the OL recruits in the comment section of the previous article from this morning!
on ‘Sizing Up OU’s Signing Class’ thread. very good…
His arm strength tho…….
He gets the ball there, be he’s not rockin’ a cannon for an arm by any measure.
Yeah, I’m not saying his arm is bad. Just not a D1 arm yet. Wouldn’t take long in OU’s program to develop it a little more.
I hope so. Watched his tape last night and WRs were having to go low to scoop up screens or come back on his deep balls quite a bit.
Yup, he was dropping a few in some pretty tight holes though. He’s got me intrigued!
Yup. He’s DEFINITELY got some shake n bake to him though. Very impressed with his elusiveness. Very Mayfield-esque.
I don’t worry too much about arm strength, 49td’s, 2int ,78% completion is impressive. Shows me he takes care of the football.
Arm strength is more important on the way to the NFL. While it CAN come into play in college, that isn’t always the case. Hell, Ken Dorsey was the starting QB of one of the greatest college football teams of our time (Miami ’01), and he had linguine arm.
I like Schafer, he’s got some shake-n-bake in him too.
Sometimes I pump sunshine, sometimes I cry doom and gloom. I’m a young emotional OU fan. Sue me.
On a different subject, I like this walk on kid. He can certainly put the ball right where it needs to be, sometimes. He has nice strength and presence in the pocket too. And another QB wouldn’t hurt OU all that much either.
In your all’s opinion, do you see this last years’, 16 class of having some of the biggest surprises. Eric Swenson, Mykel Jones and Zack Farrer seemed to come out of the blue. I didn’t know much about them a couple weeks ago and blammo, Boomer Sooner!
nature of the game I guess- we were fortunate enough to land some good replacements when plan(s) A tanked
Cant wait to see kelly and mark jackson in action and im very intrigued about jon Michael lb from ok
Y’all have a good evenin’!
Could this season’s non-conference rank in our all time best due to Houston and Ohio State?
Edit: I thought this was a good question crickets
Gonna be good. I’m planning to make the trip to Houston
Good time, heard their stadium is nice
I’m thinking about going to that Houston game too, my little brother lives down there and I’m due a visit 🙂
I think it is going to be at the NFL stadium instead of the Cougar stadium.
It is looking good, should be 2 very tough, highly contested games. Our OOC games are usually second to none.
That Ohio State game is going to be huge. Hopefully both teams go in undefeated. I could see it as a 7pm, Gameday type of deal. 2nd game in the new stadium. Fun stuff. Hopefully it turns out better than the ND game did. That was a tough game to lose at home after all the buildup.
I can’t wait!
This time yesterday the comment counter had another 2 in front of it, what a difference a day makes
I’ve a feeling Caleb Kelly is gonna be breaking hearts on and off the field. He’s got that California bro look about him that little Okie gals just ain’t seeing at the corner of Goat Trail and Main.
RR, you are always off the hook.
What’s up, brother?
Writing, man. But hit a wall. What about you?
Work stuff. The usual red tape. Other than that, it’s all good.
I pulled out a story the other day, beginning the editing process. I put it down for about 6 months because I didn’t know where to take it.
What’s blocking you?
Meh. That’s what. Little energy this time of year.
Cush and I were just speaking of you. And here you are. Remember what they say, a little writing is better than none at all.
Same with…oh, never mind.
Funny man!
True. Sometimes it’s a task to just sit down and brain vomit. And TFB ain’t much help. What’s the gist of your piece? Are you writing for a particular publication source?
I’m still seeking publication but I still call myself a writer.
I’m all over the place: poetry, fiction, some stuff I call “True Observations: yep, you got it: recording real life stuff on paper.
What I’m working on write now is nothing unusual but it’s the idea behind how I’ve crafted the story. We should talk off-line. This idea is unique and I want to protect it. It’s not the story but how I’m crafting it.
Do you have a website?
Roger that, man. I dig it. From my experience, getting one’s first crack at publication is always tough. A lot of publication sources, unless they explicitly pitch to new voices, will hesitate before stamping their label on one fresh on the scene. Authors with a bibliography or with any publication history provides them a networking avenue.
Good news is, once you get out there, the portfolio expands quickly so long as you’re pushing out quality products.
Thanks for the advice. I take it that your are well on your way.
I know because I only recently broke through. Received many, many rejection letters until I realized that, just as I wanted people to read the crap I write, so journals want people to read the crap they publish. Had to find a small-time niche, then craft a careful biography.
How can I get a copy? Where can I find it.
My most recent pieces are theology. But here was a fun story I submitted a few years back when testing the waters of the host site:
But, I liked the piece, kept it, and have since made revisions. Sitting on an old hard drive now.
RR, I really enjoyed that. Great job. It seems like a much bigger story, almost a coming of age story. You should consider continuing the story.
Definitely a coming-of-age piece. In it I was mining the meaning behind the Eucharist event, but not sure how well it worked. Anyhoo, that’s that and out there. Actually revised it and sent it to a journal only to get one of those aforementioned rejection letters. Disappointing, but one of the editors took the time to send me some quality feedback. It’s fascinating what trained eyes will pick-up.
Editors are something else but necessary. You will have to explain “eucharist” to me. I don’t know that I’ve heard that term. I’ll read it again.
It’s the Catholic term for the sacrament of communion, where Christians ceremonially eat bread and wine/grape juice in remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Thanks, Drew. I’ve only known of it as communion, that the common term I believe.
I figured that was the case, but I thought I might as well explain the whole thing while I was at it.
The Lord’s Supper. There’s more to say about that, but I’ll leave it there as you make another pass. Thanks again, Sam.
Oh, and thanks, man. And thank you for the read.
Thinking back 50 years, I believe that was a true story
Do you have a website?
I don’t. But I’m featured by a few. Here’s a link to a hasty, initially
throwaway piece from a few years back:
Note: “Tom” is usually included in my few pseudonym variants.
I’d love to check out some of your stuff. I like to read from time to time.
Ste;phen, thanks for the interest. I’ll have to see how we can make that work.
Sounds good. I had a professor in college who published many books and really got me into it. I tried writing, just don’t have the patience to finish books. However I did have a little job writing sports articles right after school for Score.
I love it. It allows me to decompress sometimes.
Good luck with your work!
My suggestion is to start local. Submit to some regional journals in your neck of the woods and get plugged into a writing community. Welcome criticism. Especially from editors.
All about that. Trying to build my own website.
Boom. Pass it along when you got it up. Hope to chat more in the future.
No doubt, when you get it up let us know!
You bet.
RR when are you gonna go pull Eastex out of hiding?
Give the guy time – he doesn’t want to get any of that Troll dropping stuff on his nice clothes.
Those are boggarts, Cush.
I haven’t seen that Huggies wipe all day, speaking of trolls.
Yeah, I remember seeing that – just have to get up to speed with the current lexicon.
Oooh, he’s using the big words, slinging the hash.
I have to bridge the gap between you with R/R and Bob Edwards 🙂
You, mah deah, suh, ah uh gentleman.
‘S all good man (oh, and that’s coming in two weeks). I love my Sooners, but being a little silly when things are slow is O’Tay by me!
You bet Cush. This is a cool community where you get to meet cool people. The thing I like the most is that not all of us agree. We’re just offering up what we think, The good thing is that I always walk away feeling like I’ve somehow filled myself with something I need.
Yes. And the TFB staff have done a great job of educating as well as informing. For we general consumers here, a lighthearted thread is often welcome – after yesterday, whew –
I’ve got your back.
I get the Troll deal. I felt neck deep in it yesterday.
Yeah, kinda’ like the Sliming in Ghost Busters. I found the only way to remove it is to bathe in Clorox and use number 2 grit bar soap to scrape away the outer dermal layer. I find it less painful than self-immolation, which is the other cure.
For real, man. Miss that dude. Silly nonsense just ain’t the same without him.
I agree. I miss his tot recipes.
Why would you be talking about the busiest corner in stoolwater?
LOL! That was a good one, Coach. Very well played, sir.
I have my moments sometimes. I heard thats where all the reindeer hookers hang out.
Glad my daughters are still in single digits
You ain’t kidding. I can just hear Norman fathers chambering rounds now.
Nothing like the pump action sound of a 12 gauge, I practice often
Meet you at the Range someday…I hope!
With 3 daughters and 5 grandaughters, mine stayed chambered. 7 in the mag, one in the tube.
Must have been one of those glorious 1911s!
My grandaughters are all double digit except for one.
Forgot you were an extra in the movie Cocoon 🙂
If you’re old enough to know about the movie Cocoon, you are getting up there too lol
I am an older dad, but not as tenured as that old fart Rick
Edit: moving comment to Rick
Extra….my foot!!!!!
Alright, fess up. I’m missing something, here.
He’s trying to make me feel older than I am Sam.
Dang, I am concerned that if EasTex stays gone that I am THE oldest – nah gooood.
I’m 58….you got me beat there cush?
Oh yeah – I graduated from my beloved OU in 1973 (oh, and I was not a child prodigy :)).
That would put you about 65ish?
Reasonable math – I keep telling everyone that I am Sargent Schultz and “I know NOTHING.”
I turned a young 69 on January 3rd.
Young whipper snappers.
Commented on my own comment instead of Rick’s
I’m so old, I remember “Owen Field” before it was astro turf.
Whoa, sandlot days, pre-leather helmet
Not quite that, but I do remember being at sideline level and you could see the apex in the middle of the field. It seemed to me at the time to be 3 or 4 feet. I don’t know for sure how high it was raised in the middle, but I remember it was high enought to be noticeable from the sideline. There were a lot of ankle issues, turf toe and rug burns in those days.
As a matter of fact, that crown was so high that at ground level you could only see a person on the other side of the field from the knees up.
True story.
Same here. Not looking forward to them getting older, i dont own a shotgun….yet
(I can say this cause I’m an older dude) He is a good looking young man. It was kinda special seeing on the stage with little bro, and mom. He’s all about family, grades and football, I think in that order. The coolest thing he said last night was the remark of not liking Oregon because of the bling. He didn’t care for the unis. Thank goodness the Stoops paid him one more “in home” visit to change his mind. How’s my bud Mr. R/R?
Now that’s the right state of mind for LBs. And yeah, he’s a handsome dude. He’s the LB that Charlie Strong thought he was getting when he got Malik. Strong’s visible lust. Malik’s jealousy. Why, the Cotton Bowl will have all the makings of a really sweaty The Bachelor finale.
Interesting tidbit about The Bachelor. The host, Chris Harrison, was a soccer coach of mine before the fame. Back when he was with the local station here in OKC. Totally off-topic, but interesting (to me) even after 20+ years.
Whoa! That’s pretty dang cool. Small world, huh?
Indeed. It’s always a point of pride when someone tunes into that show, and I tell the tale.
He’s a handsome devil no doubt about it.
Under Armour is salivating, Curry, Spieth, next, Kelly
he needs to use that charm to help in recruiting some of his cali brothers to OU here in the next few years
Nailed it!
He will.
I like your thinking, RBear!
Indeed. Looks make a dominating football player.
LOL! Definitely not saying that, man. But hey, because the internet is a thing, we now have the “Handsome Quarterback Theory”:
That’s pretty freakin’ funny.
I’m glad all of OUr redshirts and backups who haven’t yet seen the field got to play with this class. It was a great group of seniors and all of the juniors who left early were great leaders, including and especially TK. I have high hopes for this group, especially with a hard work attitude class coming in.
I could not be more excited for this upcoming season (what’s new though, ha).
Dude what is up with Johnny Foosball….
Kid’s whole family seems to be off, so not surprised by any of this.
That’s some serious issues.
He’s a big Drake fan (and friend), so I’d say the issues were public many moons ago.
This is as surprising as a Kardashian photo bomb.
Manziel is his own worst enemy. He’s on his way to an implosion.
He needs to hit bottom to change. Don’t know how low that is, some have lower floors that others.
He needs to be curb stomped!
That sounds unpleasant
It is if your on bottom.:)
I’ll pass, but would view on YouTube
This generations Todd Marinovich
Worse. Everybody but the Browns saw this meltdown coming. Marinovich played nice until he fell apart.
Okay worse, but at least in the same category
He’s like the white speck on chicken sh&t.
Johnny gonna Johnny!
Maybe he can be pen pals with Aaron Hernandez soon
Johnny “foosball”
I have the perfect cure for his penchant for beating women. I’m sure we could find a female MMA fighter, approximately his size, we could fix him up with. Hell I would pay money to watch that date.
silver spoon fail
Wait until Jenni Carlson get on him. Wait, I forgot, she doesn’t really care about domestic violence against women.
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but Marvin Terry, a kid who OU backed off on in September, is in jail…couldn’t even sign his LOI with Mizzou. Wow.
Dodged a bullet there.
Outta be a photo op with Mon and coach at the jail. errr, Correctional Facility.
Way to go Tanner! As a fellow native of the Texas Panhandle (home of true diehard Sooner fans), you definitely deserve a shot at OU! Boomer!
Isn’t there still time for players to sign? If so, is there any chance that Maxs Tupai and/or Bryce Youngquist will sign with OU?
– Maxs Tupai: Just wanted to pass along a note regarding recent OU visitor and 2016 DE/OLB, Maxs Tupai (Murray, UT). If you weren’t aware, Tupai did not wind up signing on Wednesday. He is planning a UCLA visit for this coming weekend and though most expect him to sign with a school closer to home, a final decision has still yet to be made. – (Super K)
Thanks for sharing…and I guess we’re all still pretty much in the dark re: Youngquist?
Yea, hopefully everybody lets him and his family be as they work through their situation.
I was just thinking about how he has managed to stay true to his word in spite of whatever adversity he is facing. All the decommits and flips across the country can learn from the character he’s displaying. Makes me want his family well and him in crimson & cream that much sooner.
Yes seems to be a very classy young man. much respect for him. Wish him the best!
I asked ahout Toungquist yesterday and got nada. He says he is still committed to being a Sooner. I assume his problem is academic but I have no evidence to point to.
Im pretty sure its not a grade issue because we would have been told about it. I could be wrong, but I think this is some kind of a personal/family issue, and really none of our business. The kid seems all OU. So prayers are with him and his family and hopefully he will come when he can.
Maybe you are right. I hope not. I hate to think of a kid having a problem that will force him to delay college but it happens. He still seems OU bound but the timeline is still up in the air. Hope the best for the young man and his family.
Some are also speculating that he may have a personal health issue as well. Definitely not good, whatever is going on. Just hoping to see the kid get to live his dream, SOONER than later.
No doubt me too
Yes they could. As far as i know, it could be awhile for Youngquist, and I think Utah is the favorite of Maxs. I hope I’m wrong there
I watched a few interviews and he seemed open to attend school out of state
Thats good news, I was hearing the opposite yesterday.
I’ve been hearing the same thing. However, his out-of-town trips to UCLA & OU are at least encouraging to some degree. He looks like he’d be a great addition.
Yeah for sure
I paid zero attention to the possible walk on QB but decided to take a look at his film just now. I don’t see how we could go wrong for the price, didn’t look too bad. The fact that he has gone undefeated as a starter at least makes me think he doesn’t do a lot of stupid stuff with the ball. I say come aboard Tanner and take a few snaps.
I was startled at how good he was at throwing while scrambling down the field. Huge numbers, protects the ball, and has a strong arm. What an impressive kid. Hope he comes to the Sooners!
I hope and think he will. Never hurts to have a guy in the background just in case and we are slightly short at the position this season.
With our talent, just a backup who can hand off, and complete a screen or slant. Is that too much to ask?
and that OL was pretty good. We still have a few unknowns this year with the two empty spots.
I like the idea of just rolling with Baker and Kendall. We should come to the realization that if we get down to QB3 the season is doomed anyway.
Good points
Bless them, but TK and CT could only hand off…need to complete a pass or two.
I really hope TK lights up the SEC this year, maybe he’ll catch the completion fever he had that one night
Surely you’re asking too much of the QB position ?
I’m in, we’ve fared pretty good with walk on QBs
6′ 4″ and 185. He has a strong arm and he’s accurate. Add some weight and muscle and he’ll be running over people. Then some coach time with LR and he could be very impressive. Shouldn’t take him long to get a scholorship.
Man, that’s some SUPER light weight on that kid. For perspective, Shep is 5’10 and weighs 10 pounds more!
Levis would size that at 27X42’s
“…he has gone undefeated as a starter…” on a team that includes many other players on offense and defense that participate collectively to win a game.
Fact, but I never said he carried the team or was responsible for every win, he just didn’t lose games for them. Only two int’s in 377 throws Senior year.
I was just thinking about this next team. They will be a little bigger on the O line than last year. Most of the skilled playmakers will be back (Hope you do well in the NFL Shep). We have a new crop of really good players coming in, we have a class full of redshirts that have gotten bigger, faster, stronger. We have some talent returning upperclassmen on both sides of the ball. The orange bowl showed where we were deficient. We weren’t as deep, big or athletic enough to finish with Clemson. Hung with them for a half, then lost to a better team. I am encouraged as to the improvement that can be made. I think the O line will be much improved. I think the DB’s will be much improved. The skilled players are pretty much back. The depth should be better. I’m already looking forward to Sept. Boomer and good night friends!
Good insight Rick, now hurry and don’t miss that early bird special, or is it old fart bedtime already?
So we finished 19th per rivals. Star average was 16th though.
Think RBear said it best, we really acquired some needed pieces. I personally like this class a lot despite the rankings. A few more 4*s and we’re at or near top ten.
Our class isn’t as good as some other teams we should be whipping on the recruiting trail. That being said, the rankings don’t account for team needs or class size. Considering we addressed needs well and had a small class to work with I would put OU in the top 15.
Thumbs up
I felt that one.
You resemble those remarks too? Good I’ll make sure to include you! I’m not 35, nor 55, in between, so I’m knocking on old fart’s door myself 🙂
You’re feeling your oats, I see.
I always say that you will either die young or live to get old. Neither of them, it seems sometimes, is the preferred option.
just watched the Tanner Schafer vid —
My first impression – that is one Long highlight reel !
Not as accurate all the time as some five star recruits I’ve seen lately but there is something there that I can’t help but notice , that is even more important : that is his decision making ..
his quick thinking is readily apparent and I believe it is the most essential element at this level .
Like this kid 🙂
Ran into Sam Mayes in the grocery store the other night, he’s a biggin!
Just had to throw this back in front of your wonderful Sooner faces, love this guy:
Seems he could play a variety of positions
Watched interviews today, he would do exactly what was asked of him, period
perfect fit
Our recruiting is becoming diabolical, and I love that
I sure hope we can land him
Wouldn’t hurt my feelings to have him on board
Absolute steal, the guy is money
He hits with violence. I like it! He and Mark Jackson would be a QB’s nightmare.
In addition to the adjectives below – I like his business-like approach. Just gets up after huge hits/plays, and gets back to huddle… I like him
agreed- I think I gravitate towards the humble kids, they tend to lead by example- the kind we seem to go after
He is just way too good to go to Utah. He needs to come to OU.
Just wanted to pop over from the Texas side and tell you guys congrats on your class. With the lower numbers of commits, I thought you guys got some quality not reflected in the stupid rankings. Here’s to better competition across the conference next year and to aggy tears.
solid, thx- see you next October
RBear, how are you today, sir?
fine thanks, you?
I’m good. I just got home from working out. Tired now. Getting ready for bed.
Death to the Aggies. Death to college station.
Its already pretty dead in College Station. And Stumblin is as good as dead man walking…
Kudos on the Horns recruits – good building blocks for certain.
Thanks…yeah, the DT, Oline, and LB’s are looking good for the future for sure. Hoping Hager comes in strong. His family thinks he’s more athletic than his brother up in Rapco. He could fill the middle and let Malik move outside to his natural position. The young guys in the seconday from last year plus Jones is gonna be huge too. Plus some solid WR. Just that pesky QB position that’s still smarting from the curse of Garret Gilbert Grape. Hopefully the new Gilbert fixes that.
ok, that’s enough… 😉
sorry…i was obviously excited. Trying to come down from NSD as I’m sure yall are. I’d enjoy reading yalls take on your team next year too. Good luck…see you in October.
just playing w/ ya
I’m no friend of Texas, but ATM has managed to pass Texas on my hatred scale by at least two lengths. I wish them nothing but destruction.
I’d rather see Texas return to national prominence and strengthen our conference than those turds EVER becoming relevant in any way.
aggy is delusional. that delusion is worse now cause its an exacerbated delusion called $ec aggy delusion
Worse than I’ve ever seen it. Jim Jones type sh*t. “We run this state!”
Whaaaaaaaaat? They’re not even in the top 3 of programs in Texas right now.
They think they are…always have thought they were. They’ve never been more than little brother. And when they ran away crying to the sec they felt like they were asked to the prom by the prom queen. Now its all this “they must not be SEC good since they won’t come here.” They said it about Brandon Jones after they made a video tribute to him back when they thought they were going to get him. I think they proclaimed the same about Jackson flipping to yall. That he must not be sec good and that he’s too undersized and scared to play in the sec
They said the same when Murray transferred here. “He wasn’t good enough for the SEC!”
Not that they threw him to the dogs as a true freshmen in a desperate attempt to win, or because they promise their recruits will all start right away or anything.
And don’t get me started about them running away crying to the SEC and their goofy SEC introduction videos they made. I’m SO glad they’re gone……and I see the SEC fans are starting to figure out what they brought upon themselves already.
Some friends and I made the trip to Oxford a few years ago when we throttled Ole Miss (pre David Ash concussion syndrome) and apologized to them in advance for what they were getting with aggy. Told them about the delusions…the corp…the sheep.
Funny story…the Rebs were very friendly in The Grove. At the game, not so much. We nearly had an incident and it didn’t even involve us. There was a Miss St guy there with his girlfriend that attended Ole Miss. We were being tame but he was having a good time watching the beatdown—vocal but nothing excessive. Then some hillbilly threw his beer in the poor girls face and cussed the Miss St dude and her out right beside us. We told hillbilly dude he needed to apologize and the guy started patting his pocketknife on his leg…his 3in blade pocketknife. It was sec hillbilly at his finest. After he saw there were 6 of us…one being like 6’5″ 260 he ended up leaving quietly.
couldn’t disagree more…..TEXAS has always been the turd in the stewpot and will continue to be. aTm will always a tougher ‘road to hoe’ in the SEC West regardless of the quality of their roster….Even Sumlin didn’t stoop to using the ‘race card’ to snag prospects like Strong apparently did……to * ell with Texas and everything burnt orange. OU just needs to leave this conference and get out from under the Longhorn shadow……….I’m hoping every Horn signee this week suffers a major injury before he leaves Austin………
Thanks for coming over to say hello. We are all pleased. The number of stars is one thing, the amount of desire is a different animal.
You all had a good class as well.
If you guys would build a wall around Houston we could split their recruits, what the hell has Houston ever done? On another note, aggie always gonna aggie.
That’s a great idea. Sadly Herman will probably be aggy new coach once Stumblin’s buyout isn’t as big an issue. Need to definitely have that wall in place. Too bad oil is down or it would be a much easier finance job. But if oil stays down, maybe some of those kids leave Houston anyway.
You may be right. Oklahoma and Texas are really feeling the oil loss.
Get The Donald to build it.
aggy is as aggy does…which is stupid
and today…dealing with grief
Nasty defensive class ya’ll landed. Good luck next year.
Tell Super K hello for us 🙂
Kick to the sack. 🙂
Ye ole marble speed bag
❝my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here:a31➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsStuff/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2::::::a31…
Kelly is going to be a best
Yes, so is your entire DL, again
You do realize you are talking to yourself now right? 🙂
Definitely a Longhorn
I think OU and UT had some of the better defensive classes in the country. We hit some needs and you guys reloaded on talent as usual. I think you have a staff that can develop them now. Hopefully it translates to the fall of Baylor and the RRS featuring a top 10 clash year in and year out again.
Agreed. Strong should be able to develop which is something Mack didn’t do. If gilbert/mattox can do the same on the offensive side I think OU and Texas will be back to putting Briles in his place. I think TCU is probably around to stay. Patterson is just too good a coach
Yep. TCU won’t ever go away. Baylor can be sent back to the dumps with Texas re-emerging but Patterson has done more with less for years and they will survive and prosper.
You didn’t get the note! Taco Tech will rule the world! ! !
Yeah, if they manage to spread the pandemic that is Raider Rash outside of the arid wastelands of Lubbock…then yes…they might rule the world…
What was the take on your side regarding Daniels
Apparently the OV where we so many on campus and had his former teammate in Vahe with his was huge…and I’m sure the family connections to Strong helped. I think colletively, when the player saw the buyin from the Houston guys, it got more of them excited. Don’t know if you saw Daniels quote about Charlie coming into the livingroom…that was pretty good.
I did see that about Strong, good battle now it goes to the field I guess
Howdy nugget! Good to see another highway 82 sooner fan! Can get lonely in the fall around here with all the castrated ones fans around here
he’s a horn
I was fishing to see if maybe he was a closet sooner. Few of them around here so you never know. Live in a divided family here so I seek where I can!
Yeah…I’m a Horn who wanted to congratulate you guys on your class. I’ll try to not take too much offense to the “castrated ones” moniker. 🙂
horn, your thoughts on chg to baylor o
Other than the fact that I don’t like in any way to be associated with Rapco…I think it will be good. I liked what Sterlin’s offense looked like at Tulsa and really enjoyed it at Bowling Green—BG won me some “chips” a couple years ago. I think its more similar to what the guys are running in HS already, so that helps. Can’t do worse than what that tard OC Watson was trying to do. Norvell tried his best. I think with Glibert and Traylor, the offensve coaching should be improved. And Mattox seems more a players coach than drill sergeant Wickline.
RB stable is strong with Foreman and Warren. QB…QB…QB. I don’t think Heard will be able to make the throws from what we’ve seen. Swoopes has a cannon. The question is does Heard improve dramatically (doubtful), can Gilbert get Swoopes to develop the accuracy and touch a bit (more likely) or does Locksley or Buechele step up. IF Buechele is the better passer and adds some weight I think he gets the chance. Ehlinger coming next year from Westlake should be afforded the opportunity to RS a QB (finally) which would be nice.
You guys had Tulsa last year…what were your impressions of their offense?
They played great against us, mostly because Keyarris Garrett is a fantastic receiver and made outstanding catches. Their QB can sling it pretty good, and when you have that and good receivers, anything can happen. It’s uptempo and fast. No time for defenses to adjust. Virtually unstoppable with top tier talent.
Well, we’ve always had talent—just Mack never developed it. Thank God Vince and Colt fell in his lap. I think Charlie can develop it. We found some diamonds on the OLine in Williams and Vahe. Again…its the curse of Garrett Gilbert Grape and Mack’s complacency and support of player entitlement that set Texas back 10 years (with some help from Ash’s concussions sadly). And as I know you guys are aware, that entitlement spread to much of the fan base.
amateur observer, but they gave us problems after we were about to run away with it and didn’t, 2nd half got iffy………for tu’s level of talent they were good although I didn’t keep up with the balance of their season…..should be intersting if ut gets the system down…..btw, the hiring of brick haley was smart by strong, proved himself
Yes, Charlie and Brick should do some amazing things with those DLinemen
not too amazing on a certain sat hopefully, lol…….good luck with nd to start it off, fun/interesting game probably
Was at that game. They were very Baylor’esc.
Is he suggesting that the Big XII add two teams and have a CCG? It was posted today that officials from Cincinnati were down recently. I don’t want Cincinnati. I don’t think there are any appealing teams left to add. I say bolt.
I am so tired of these guys talking about the same thing. They are stuck on stupid. Let’s get the heck out of here.
Our commissioner. …lacks a spine.
From the comments from the article….a championship game may be impossible. ..etc.
If you’re the commissioner, then run things. All of he schools can have an opinion but an opinion is not a vote.
Maybe they should poll the fans like Cobb did. LOL!
They just need to have a move the f’in mountain attitude…and get it done! The Big 12 is like a dog chasing it’s own tail.
Houston wants to…Louisville should have been added. I just don’t like the PAC or SEC option. Game times/travel would be horrible in the PAC.
I will say the LHN for us should NOT be that big an issue. That was Deloss’ baby. Deloss was quite arrogant. I wish everyone would have wanted the Big 12 Network back when. Once again…aggy
Travel wouldn’t be so horrible when you consider SEC West has Arkansas, Missouri, LSU, Ole Miss, MSU, A&M, Bama and Auburn, It’s the SEC East that’s going to be a challenge, but hey, teams are traveling to WVU already.
To be honest, I would like to sever all ties to Texas. They’ve played a major part as to why the conference is losing relevance.
I think Texas and OU should always stick together. I don’t want to see that rivalry disappear. And I think the other conferences want it that way too
just may happen though- they’ll always play but maybe from diff conferences
I don’t know man…we are like Yin and Yang. A symbiote of respect and detest. lol
A symbiotic relationship is when both parties serve the role as host and both are parasites. There is mutual benefit. Texas was looking out for its own interests and forgot about the relationship.
I don’t say that inferring that you guys need us or that we need you. Its just the way it should be.
even if we went separate ways conf wise, keep ou/ut, I agree
That game was played when Texsa was in the Southwest Conference, had nothing to do with being together.
This. The two teams are better together whether the want to admit it or not. I’m not anxious to move to a new conference where we’ll be the new kids. There is a sense of ownership here in the Big 12. It’s “our” conference.
I think we should go sec and wish everyone else good luck.
it’s a cluster… we missed the boat and it was a HUGE boat, can’t figure out how we didn’t see it
arrogance of our AD’s and “academic standards” Texas had the most arrogant among them in Deloss
LHN is a key sticking point.. Nebraska left for a reason
LHN isn’t a sticking point, it is THE point that broke this conference.
there’s other things going on as well but nothing larger
Yes, Nebraska let over, once again, arrogance. People need to put their egos aside. Way too many egos. But heck, so many of these 17 and 18 year olds set the bar pretty high with theirs. Can’t belieive Deontay Anderson jumped out of a plane with an Old Miss parachute.
Yep, and LHN was Deloss’ baby. Like I said below…wish everyone would have agreed to the Big 12 Network back when Deloss wasn’t quite as arrogant. Then it probably wouldn’t have been as big an issue. I also blame aggy for pulling Deloss further into the arrogant dark side.
Not on,y does Texass eff up its own football program they have managed to trash the Big 12 conference…. My hatred for all thinks uT is boundless.
What’s up, Blaster. In case you’re not aware, Noc is a UT fan. Stop in for visit from the other TFB site. He stopped by to congratulate us on our recruiting haul and to talk sports.
Yep, should have gone south when Nebraska went North. Too expensive to move right now.
IF we could somehow obliterate the LHN and get Nebraska back along with Iowa, all would be fine.
I agree, SoonerRay. I’m tired of all the talking.
There are two ways to take that.
1.) He’s definitely NOT a lock for UCLA.
2.) Sandwiches taste good.
Where the H, is East Tex? Doesn’t seem the same around here.
Kelly looks good….but GOD Striker was a beast
new era, it’ll be fun to watch ’em develop
Whew….will September ever get here
Love it, Only five star signed in conference.
Let’s see how this picture changes 1 year from today shall we???????? I will save it so we may cross reference!
I can already tell you. Kelly will be bigger and Striker will be richer. 🙂
Very observant.
I was reffering to the fire in Kelly’s expression!
I know,lol, Kelly just looks too kind in that pic.
Exited he picked the Good Guy’s, That’s all I can figure.;-0
EDIT: Spelled Excited wrong fixed!!
Me too.
Edit: there would have been a meltdown to match Chernobyl if he had not.
You are not kiddin about that, It was brutal the other day.
King was off the hook. He should have been a king crab in Winston’s hands. Walk right out the door with him.
You mean Prince?
EDIT: Let’s call him Prince Albert Shall we?
No, I mean King. Was there a Prince on here yesterday? Wow, tell me that wasn’t staged.
No. we are talking about the same. But the lower of a King is a Prince,
You had my heart racing. I see that you’re making a funny.
You know me, As long as they are laughing at me there giving you a break.
I appreciate it, 47.
Anytime, Sam. “It’s always a great night to be a SOONER”
Crafty, even. And diverse.
You would say that.
Where’s Dustin. I was only kidding about Whaley. He doesn’t have any explaining to do.
I think Dustin is in love, we’re chopped liver now. 🙂
She has his nose wide open, I see.
Delpit kid has great instincts. He can lay the wood too.
K, have you heard anything with regard to what is going on with Sci Martin?
This walk on QB is freaky accurate with his passes; puts the ball through some tight Windows and only two ints.
I think it was Jordan that said something this morning and I agree, he’s like watching a young Trevor.
But one that can hit an open reciever
Uhhhh….it’s a highlight film. If he wasn’t freaky accurate I’d be worried.
stats at the beginning of the video say the same though
Exactly. Obviously these videos cherry pick the best plays but only 2 oskies is pretty darn impressive nonetheless.
Gotta love this:
I believe He too is Excited he picked the Good Guy’s.
Saw that this morning, seems like a good teammate.
Could that comment reflect what recruits are told, come here and work to play, repelling many others?
maybe- you can never start too early when it comes to weeding out the undesirables
Quality over quantity all day long
The Twitter is strong with you RBear.
May the twit be with him………..that’s not vulgar is it? 🙂
Only if you say twot.
close 😉
You made it a verb. Wow!
Suffix is the key
You are on it today, aren’t you young man?
It’s been a good day
That, it has. We need JY to get on here and breakdown some film.
I’m calling you out JY.
Isn’t he a sports reporter? 🙂
Yeah, his last name is Trammel. I haven’t gone there for quite some time.
Also a Trotter (Twotter).
It’s the newest media site invented by Al Gere
I have to say I love the character of the guys we signed Sylvie, Kelly, now Jones. These are guys that we won’t have to worry about creating distractions. Plus they all have potential to be strong leaders.
This dude gets it.
Go out there and make your mark.
Wow, he’s wise for his age! The humble road is the way to most fan’s hearts.
This open post is going to reach 600 comments on a slow day, not one update.
Onward to spring ball, going to be a long couple of months. Thanks goodness for Buddy’s team
No doubt, helps get us through the slow months
Ready for KU at home
Absolutely, will be a lot of fun!
Just keep winning. The BB team could very well be undefeated. But, honestly, I wouldn’t want that. Adversity is always good when building character.
Well, my TFB friends, I’m out. Good night, all.
Just got here! G’night Sam!
Exiled, my man. I’m beat. I’ve been up since 5am.
Yep, and yesterday was exhausting. Sleep well, friend!
You too. I’ll catch you tomorrow.
NIght Sam
Buenos noches Sam!
It’s great that the kid is interested in being a preferred walk on but with an offer to Ohio, I would hope he takes that. I know he could earn a scholarship here, but that could be 2 or more years down the road. Gasteluem earned his in the first semester of his final year. Plus it’s very unlikely he would play here, if it were my kid I wouldn’t pick for him but I would heavily suggest the school that’s offering a full scholarship and a seemingly better opportunity to play ball.
Hey Zack, how are ya?
Doing alright Stephen. Recharging a little before 2017 recruiting really kicks off.
Thats good to hear. yes, this next class will be a lot of fun!
Fair opinion but he may not like Ohio.
True but maybe some other schools missed on a qb. Not sure about rice or north Texas but perhaps those schools didn’t land a qb this year. Something closer to home.
Not sure but I think n tx signed Mason Fine from Locust Grove.
That is correct. He was a long time Sooner fan that was offered a preferred walk on at OU, but decided nt was where it’s at.
I think I read that he attended games in Norman growing up and has always been a fan. If it’s his dream to be crimson and cream, I have no problem with that. We have walk on’s quite often that just want to be a Sooner. Don’t know his family, the expense may not be an issue.
Part of it would depend on what other scholarships he had available. If he is a good enough student, he might get a full ride at OU or at least enough that it would be worth following his dream.
Dalton Wood will be in that line (for a scholarship) as well.
Too lazy to look tonight. Will OU or is it possible they could have the same offensive starting lineman for 2016 and 2017. Seems like it could be the same 2 deep in the offensive trenches.
Possible, we are stacked stout right now if they blend well together. JY touched on it in the earlier thread. Future looks good right now.
Next Qbs: https://youtu.be/QDOhECr9S2w
Kendall looks really good. I hope the coaches dont try to “Tinker” with his delivery. Too many times that backfires. Our future at QB looks bright.
❝my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet❞….A few days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here:a32➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsStuff/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2::::::a32…….