I (K) will be looking at some Clemson film later today. Also, J is working on a final post for his Trench Warfare breakdowns that should be up later today and then he will be putting together some thoughts on the match-up in the trenches between OU and Clemson. A couple quick recruiting notes:
– Brandon Burton: We’ve been asked about where things stand with ATH Brandon Burton (Gardena, CA). The question has been specifically raised because Burton tweeted out the following:
I'll be making a decision January 2nd #JustWaitOnIt
— Coach B (@braandontmc) December 26, 2015
You’ll note the “JustWaitOnIt” hashtag that the Sooners were using a lot last year. We haven’t had much communication with Burton in a few weeks and with the commitment of Parnell Motley we were under the impression that the Sooners are done at defensive back. Burton is a 2-way player so there is, of course, the possibility that OU has still been recruiting him as an offensive weapon. All I can tell you is that publicly Burton maintains that OU is in the mix and is one of the schools he will be deciding between this weekend. But most believe he’s staying in California and if he ventures outside the state it will be to Florida State. – (Super K)
– Tramonda Moore: A recruit that is trending in OU’s direction is 2016 OT Tramonda Moore (OKC). Moore has been considering OU, OSU, TCU and Alabama for a while but more and more it looked like OSU was pulling away. We’ve been told that may not be the case as much anymore and that his latest visit to Oklahoma went really well. Moore has folks around him that want to see him at OSU but we are told OU is his current preference. With signing day only a little over a month away though, the Sooners should know their fate soon enough. – (Super K & Brandon)
Come on down Mr. Moore. Join the winning team.
It was rumored a little while back that TMoore was a grade risk. Is there any truth to that rumor?
That’s the impression I’ve been under for a while now..
I think as a general rule TFB does not comment on grades of recruits. Been their stance from the get go.
YES. that’s from every website ( Rivals, Scout, ) . To what degree is the question ! some guys surprise and make the grades ; others drift into obscurity……..
Moore and EJ Price would be a huge finish to the Oline. Anyone know when Price plans to announce?
doesn’t make much difference : EJP is SEC bound to Georgia …..
You were doing so good there for awhile…
Could we get a breakdown of which of the OU Recruits will be playing in each of the HS All american games?
Rivals posted the breakdown a few days ago………..
Lets Focus on the 31st, and I think recruiting will be great after that.
Just 2 more days guys
50 hrs to be exact……………….
I count 53.
Think we could suit him up, one more time?
Love me some GKM! Like so many before him, he was, is, and will be a SOONER!
What a savage!
Off the field he was one of the nicest guys… But between the lines, he was one of the meanest. Always liked him. He has played most of the year with a torn ligament in his hand or arm this year too.
A true Oklahoma boy! You’re absolutely right, he’s a great role model to boot.
Yes he is. Raising his younger brother, every time I read that story it brought tears to my eyes.
I forgot all about that.
wow! I wanna run thro a rick wall RIGHT NOW!! #BOOMER
McCoy is the best DL of Stoops tenure. I’ll get roasted for this but, Tommie was the better athlete but if I were building a defense McCoy would be my #1 pick.
I will have to agree with you!
#2 pick…Roy Williams
Roy is pretty darn high up there. I have a lot of favorite defensive players during the Stoops era, just because of plays they made in games.
I was in school during the sixties. My fav defensive player was Granville Liggins. Not a big guy but oh so quick.
He was my hero on that team. I was devastated when he got hurt in the Orange Bowl.
Mine was always Lucious Selmon, not the biggest, not the loudest, but when the pile was cleared after a play, he was always at the bottom of it.
Selmon and the Boz were a couple of my favorites.
I think it might have been 73 or 74, something like that when all the Selmons were there. It was like an immovable wall up front with those guys. If my memory serves me right, (I think I am right), someone years ago went back through the defensive film for a year, and couldn’t find a single play where Lucious was knocked off his feet on a play.
That is pretty darn impressive.
I wouldn’t even know how to confirm that, or if my mind just hiccupped, but I think I remember that.
My Uncle had a picture taken with Lee Roy and Dewey after a game. Looking at their smiles and seeing my Uncle, he said, you wouldn’t know they almost killed three people that day. LOL
That would have been LeRoy, but the point is well taken. LeRoy made everyone around him either all conference or All-American, he was that good.
LeRoy may have been better than Lucious, but I remember visiting the dorm back then and met all three. When they walked off, I commented to my friend (who was an All American tackle) that Dewey and LeRoy were both bigger than Lucious. He said, “true, but they are both scared of Lucious!” LOL. I remember he said Lucious was by far the strongest man on the team at that time. Good memories of some class acts.
I personally, would not have wanted to be on the bad side of any of the three of them! 🙂
Lucious almost signed with Eddie Crowder and Colorado…..Just think how OU’s history would have changed had that occurred……..
Lucious almost signed with Eddie Crowder and Colorado…..Just think how OU’s history would have changed had that occurred……..
I liked what one commentator said about the Selmons. He said: “It was so easy commentating on the defense, all you had to say was “Selmon on the tackle. One of them was bound to be there.”
They were so very talented. Usually you do not get a family that has that much talent. A father might have it and pass it on to a son, but to have brothers like that? WOW!
I remember Switzer talking about their first visit Lucious Selmon. He said when they arrived there was this huge guy on the porch. Switzer thought, Oh, my, we have to get that one.
The conversation went something like this.
Switzer, well Lucious…
Selmon, I’m not Lucious, I’m his youngest brother LeRoy.
Switzer, there’s more than two of you?
Selmon, yes, there Lucious, Dewey, and LeRoy.
Switzer, you all play football?
Selmon, yes, sir.
Switzer thought thought, if we have to offer all three to get this one, we will.
There used to be video on Sooner sports years ago that had the three Selmon’s sitting around telling the story of Lacewelll’s first recruiting visit. Lucious was charming and funny–they all were– relating the story about how neither he nor Lacewell thought much of each other at first sight, but that as Lacewell walked further down the hall at the high school, he caught sight of Leroy and his attitude changed dramatically. 🙂
Messed Switzer up for awhile after Lucious graduated though. He still thought he could rush 3 all the time and get the same results. LOL
McCoy and Williams are a great start for a defense
yep……McCoy was the Leroy Selmon of his generation……
I can’t pick OU Fav’s – it’s like picking your favorite child – I love’em all and each is different. Given the circumstance, a little shout-out to Torrance and Rocky – play like them and bring home #8!
people have favorites even amongst their children….some get the inheritance and others are left out—-same with picking the “all time” OU teams…..
I realize you mentioned Stoops era. I always kind of get flustered when everyone mentions the best DLine to play at OU. Everyone’s answers are great and correct. I get flustered because so many people leave off Cedric Jones. Still leads OU in most sacks in one yr. Played in the NFL forever but gets left off. I know he didn’t play for Stoops but hell of a player to not remember.
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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I’d take McCoy over Harris in a heartbeat. He was and is a better player.
I’ll take McCoy and Harris as DTs side by side in 4-2-5
Hoping one of the young men currently the roster is willing to challenge for the title.
That was beautiful.
I haven’t seen a Sooner fan read that and not want to run on the field and play yet! Great post!
Baylor and Taco tech on the small stage today.
To clarify, it’s Taco Tech vs. LSU, in the Procter & Gamble Old Spice Armpit Bowl
How did they feature those two particular coaches and not have a mental health facility for a bowl sponsor.
To clarify, it’s Taco Tech vs. LSU, in the Procter & Gamble Old Spice Armpit Bowl
Looking for Dede, Neal and Andrews to beat their coverage on New Years.
Speaking of watching film, did anyone watch Clemson’s last game against South Carolina? From what I remember they had 2 guys playing really deep most of the game, taking away the deep ball, and it seemed to work well considering the #1 team in the country struggled against a bad Carolina team. I wonder if we’ll see any of that.
He forgot that even when triple teamed, that 5’10” #3 guy gets open!
This game is going to be CHIPPY from the start… I CAN”T WAIT!! Tear-em up Shep!!
Prediction: Alexander will be featured in a youtube video set to Yakety Sax.
And as a dupe for those “you had one job” clips!
5’10: Shepard’s height and catching radius.
Wow…they have really have no respect for OU.
I said it on the daily news post and will say it here: I hope Mayfield takes his funk-tastic, stanky bandana, rubs his taint with it, autographs it, and gives it to Watson after the game. Or Dabo. Whomever sticks their hand out first.
You can’t quote a guy saying “nothing else to say” and then use an ellipsis! The audacity!
Is that the Stoolwater Reindeer unmasked?
It’s a tigger fan watching Shep torch their DBs.
Well played
Is that the Stoolwater Reindeer unmasked?
Nothing new, Mack will have the biggest mouth on the field from any team.
I expect this game to be very chippy
Goddamn son… statements like that make you look foolish.
Shep’s gonna have like a dozen catches for 150+ yds in this game. Book it.
*Keep it clean*
That’s PG-13.
More of a big no-no.
To each their own.
Plus, I’ve seen TFB post similar wording in some of their articles. It’s just a word.
These guys are writing a novel full of bulletin board material with each chapter dedicated to a specific player for OU. I’ve never seen anything like it.
I’m thinking the game’s OU Nasty Meter just went up a few notches…
I hope we not only win, I hope we torch them
This is kind of interesting, comparing the $$$ for the final four teams:
Clemson is already making room in their trophy case.
I’m surprised they waited this long to do so. It’s a foregone conclusion that they’ll need the space.
My memory is they have plenty of room already, just dust off an area, put in a new bulb and add a participant ribbon. Problem solved!
Is there a 4th place playoff trophy? Hang that Final Four banner ClemPson! You might not see another for what twenty, thirty years? Visit Norman in the upcoming off season and then make a small copy for your program.
Not sure about a trophy. But there is a blue consolation ribbon similar to what you’d find at your nearest county fair. It’ll match their orange well and fit nicely over Dabo’s big, fat mouth.
actually there is : a chamber pot with the school emblem on it.. it symbolizes the HC of that school being full of _ _ _ _ for thinking his team had a chance to win a NC….just room on the side for the picture of a tiger.
It’s already full.
ET are you insinuating that the case or “Dumbo” is full of something?
No insinuation, their case is already full…of themselves.
What the?
Poor Dabo Dribble, not quite ready for prime time
This is the very moment he thought of his “guts” rally cry
Press: “So Dabo, what do you think about being in the CFB Playoff?”
Dabo: (Whispers sweet nothings into stuffed tiger’s ear). “Huh? What was the question?”
That’s good, kill and stuff your own mascot…
It’s already full.
I know we’ve beaten this Kyler Murray debate to death but looking at our schedule next year – I can’t imagine a better scout team QB to play the role of Greg Ward Jr, JT Barrett and Jerrod Heard…. just sayin’. I’ve also watched his film both from HS and college and my god what an athlete. He also has a quick release and incredible touch on his deep balls. Kyler > Kyle, IMO
I wasn’t in favor of taking a transfer, but if the coaches thought it a good idea I’m all for it. I know what he can do as a QB, having watched him for three years at Allen High.
DITTO East. I was neutral on the transaction initially, but am coming around as well… Especially after reading the additional positive influence on our recruiting as a result… (on both sides of the ball) In Bob we trust.
Saw on twitter he’s going hard after Quartney Davis and Deontay Anderson.
I think he’ll have to stand in line behind LR for Quartney. If Lincoln gets him, he’ll already be on the roster, by the time Kyler is eligible.
I don’t think he is the head case some believe, I think the problem was with gAggie.
Kid can make any throw you want, is fast and elusive. What impressed me the most watching him develop for those three years was his good decision making and field vision. I know he can play and has the heart of a champion.
If he were the only QB to leave, the “head case” moniker might fit, but this is what 2-3-4 QB’s to quit lately?
A 4* last year(now at tcu) and two 5* this year.
So Kevin is only running off his sure bets.
Don’t know what is going on down there. They had a bunch of kids kicked off the team in the past couple of years for serious criminal activity, too.
They just weren’t “aggie good.”
Five. atm has had three 4* and two 5* QB’s leave the program in the last two years. Something going on there.
Rick you’re right as rain,
Totally agree. Can’t tell you how many times at Allen games that I thought “No Way” are we going to win, and then this Murray kid puts the team on his back and ‘here we go…’. 57 straight W’s…
I doubt he plays a snap for OU as a starting QB. I bet he plays baseball one year and gets drafted. Very talented baseball player. As for QB, nah too small (weight wise). Not much pro potential. Slot wr maybe, not QB.
I disagree and we shall see.
etx…….I asked you about the statue pic last nite…….another poster responded that it is william wallace in scotland
And so it is.
you certainly make good use of the internet……that’s a compliment
I appreciate the help. I couldn’t figure out what the big round thing was behind the fence, seeing it uncovered it is clearly a shield.
Shame they have to protect it from vandals, now.
That was what we DIDN’T want as a quarterback, right? Statuary!
No sir.
Time will tell, he doesn’t have an elite arm (which isn’t a knock really). I have hope he’ll do well though
big opportunity for bb……..clones, turn around and play hawks in lawrence, then play the clones again a couple of weeks later there
Three guess who Brandon is referring to, and the first two don’t count.
Are they making Mixon available to the media?
they have to or get fined. I heard Mike Houck will be there with him.
That’s really a thing? Does every single player have to do a media session? That seems like a waste of time.
that is correct. every player, even the younglings
I hope he gives them the Marshawn Lynch treatment then.
It’s not a one at a time type of thing. It lasts an hour in the stadium and all of the players have to be made available for that hour.
Not to get a “should college athletes get paid?” discussion going here, but how do they make him do anything other than play football for his scholly? Bunk.
And I suspect there will be someone form the SID right beside him to say, “He’s not going to answer any questions that aren’t related to the game.”
He probably won’t have any questions to answer then.
Kenny Mossman will be his shadow
Heck, Stoops may be his shadow.
This sucks for him, but it was bound to happen at some point
I agree. Voiced earlier that I wish we had made him available earlier but they didn’t so it is what it is. Glass half full – will be a big load off his chest just to get past first mention of incident.
I was just about to say, we’ll see “I’m just here so I won’t get fined” College edition.
My point below LOL. Or better yet, just completely ignore them altogether. Silent treatment.
Bob, I think Mike Houck is supposed to be with him.
I’d just take the fine. I’m sure OU can afford it.
This will be the busiest table. If I’m Joe I just say, “I made a terrible mistake and I’m thankful for this university and my coaches to have a second chance and help set me on the right path as a young man.”
Not even that. Joe is still under the threat of civil litigation. Anything he says will be used against him. No apologies, no admissions of any type. He’s there to answer football related questions only.
I don’t think that’s a great concern since he’d have as much of a case against her as she could make against him. Being spat upon is assault & battery in OK, and she also went hands-on first before spitting on him.
Good luck with that argument if the case ever went to a jury. The only advantage is that jury would presumably be filled with OU fans in Cleveland County, but to say it’s not a great concern just isn’t true. Any admissions he makes now could be used in a civil trial.
IMO, I don’t think he needs to say anything about it.
Why are they in Miami?.. The Orange Bowl.
There will be some jackleg side prick will ask about it.
No comment…next question.
Mixon literally doesn’t have to say anything.. the fine is for not showing. it isn’t for not answering the questions.
Mixon should just answer every question with:
“No comment, I’m here to play and win a football game.”
Keep his focus on the game and knows Sooner nation has his back.
Just ready for Clemson.
Enjoying the prospect of a large chip growing on Mixon’s shoulder
Wow, really??? So Clemson’s O is better than OUr D and Clemson’s D is better than OUr O??? I think whoever wrote this article was smoking something!
Well, it’s obvious this cat doesn’t watch football and sits behind a computer all day. He gave punt return advantage to OU based on average per return. Apparently he hasn’t noticed we only returned a handful all year. Says all u need to know about who wrote it.
And he said OUr special teams is what keeps it close and he had the score as 33 – 31?? Really, we score 31 with special teams?
That was obviously a homer article. It was easy to pick apart his arguments, too easy.
no source material for the numbers.. F
Go there to check out some stats per drive metrics. interesting stuff.
Clemson is the best football to ever take the field, ever–you didn’t know this???
I guess I did not know that. I could have sworn it was the team that won 47 straight games…. But what do I know. LOL
I’d rather have Kyler Murray on our roster opposed to playing against him. Phenomenal athlete, not convinced he possesses the size necessary to be an efficient passer in the pocket. Maybe we can covert him to slot.
So apparently at the Cotton Bowl the teams are required to give the media fifteen minutes rather than the traditional ten. So what does Saban schedule during that time, fumble drills. Saban is as big a fan of the media as Stoops.
BOB’s all stars
QB – Sam Bradford
RB – Samaji Perine
HB – Trey Millard
TE – Jermaine Gresham
WR – Sterling Shepard
WR – Ryan Broyles
OL – Phil Loadhoalt
OL – Jamal Brown
OL – Gabe Ikard
OL – Davin Joseph
OL – Trent Williams
DL – Jimmy Wilkerson
DL – Tommy Harris
DL – Gerlard McCoy
LB – Eric Striker
LB – Rocky Calmus
LB – Torrence Marshall
LB – Teddy Lehman
DB – Derrick Strait
DB – Roy Williams
DB – Reggie Smith
DB – Arron Colvin
It’s A A Ron.
D’Pez Poopsie
Gerlard and Samaji. LOL
I’d take Lane Johnson over Loadholt and Lofton over Striker.
Lofton has to make it, I don’t think people remember how good he was. Striker has to make it too. He misses a lot of tackles coming off the edge but a lot of tackles miss him off the edge as well.
Don’t forget Lance Mitchell (pre-ACL tear) either
We all have probably a fav or two other than this, BUT, overall, that is a pretty impressive list.
12 on offense and 11 on defense. For me, list all you believe are outstanding. Dan Cody had a better career at DE than most.
Special Teams
PR – J.T. Thatcher
KR – Antonio Perkings
P – Jeff Furguson (guy who scored FSU’s points in 2000—smartest punting move I’ve ever seen)
K – Garrett Hartley
Thatcher and Perkins were awesome on returns!!! I agree with your additions!
Bake n Shake is going to take Sam Bradford spot after he wins this National Championship.
I think that’s a good list, but as you might expect, there are a few i disagree with. I’d have to go with Heupel in place of Sam. Sam was great on the stats, but no one was a better field general than Josh. Josh, while injured much worse than any of us knew at the time, still led OU to the NC. Sam’s performance in that game and the UT game came up short. I’d also probably take Jason White ahead of Sam. JW was the most accurate deep ball passer I’ve seen under Stoops.
I’d also put Q ahead of ANY RB at OU. Some have been more powerful runners (Perine), faster runners (Peterson), and some were more explosive receivers out of the backfield (Murray). But Q was the best blocker of them all. Q had the best hands as a receiver, and he protected the ball better than any RB we’ve had at OU. Q never missed games due to injury.
Q was the most complete, dependable back of all of them. He’d be my primary RB.
I’d have to put Lane Johnson and Chris Chester on my OL.
I could make a strong case for Brodney Pool or JT Thatcher at free safety, and Ronnell Lewis at DE on D, but I think that’s probably pretty close as you listed.
Jessica has another excellent piece up.
Can we bench Jenni, and move Jess up on the depth chart.
I second that!
No, just put Jenni on waivers.
She will be a free agent within 72 hours!
Just flipped on espn and it showed the Sooners arriving at the media event.
One would hope. But yet it’s still hard to find an article about OU (especially on espn) that doesn’t bring up last year’s ‘disappointing’ season.
Clemson is now favored to defeat Oklahoma in the semifinal at the Orange Bowl with a probability of 50.003%.
I’m gonna go with Vegas on this one.
Andrea AdelsonESPN Staff Writer
No. 4 Oklahoma is favored to beat No. 1 Clemson on Thursday by 3.5 points, the first time all season the Tigers are an underdog in Las Vegas. Receiver Artavis Scott said, “They don’t look at the numbers and what we’ve done. To me, I don’t think they know what they’re talking about. It adds fuel to the fire.” Clemson has won three of its last four as an underdog, including the last time it happened — against Oklahoma in the Russell Athletic Bowl last year.
The efficiency measures shows this game is going to be close.
O and D pts per possession.
OU 3.12, 1.58
CU 2.95, 1.40
OU .17 , CU .18
CU .1 point per possession favored because of their D.
CU Favored .003%
Taking all this like a grain of salt. I just love numbers and its keeping me busy until 12/31.
I don’t disagree with you it’s just that I feel following the money typically works out.
The problem with all these numbers is that Clemson has not faced an offense like the Sooners all year. Yes, UNC runs somewhat of a spread, but they are not really as up-tempo as the Sooners. And no team they have played has a good D and a good O to test them at every point of the game.
exactly. and unc only had the ball 20 minutes and still scored 37 pts
Well, my quarter came up Oklahoma Sooners three times in a row! Of course, my quarter has “Oklahoma” on one side and “Sooners” on the other, but it’s as good of indicator as theirs.
I like that quarter.
I would give you 25 cents for that quarter.
Me too! LOL
My dog Boomer just farted twice, which means we’ll win.
Don’t be blaming the hound dog, now. 🙂
ESPN has the Sooners at 63% to win.
Just heard the snake Hoover whining to Bob about Joe not answering any questions not related to game. Such a douche.
I can see Bob saying, we are here to play a football game, if you want to ask about something else, go to the mall.
Lol. Hoover was salivating like a rabid dog & got straight shutdown!
Previous tweet asking if Mixon has a desire to answer non-football questions, answered “no”. Proceeds to ask a series of non-football questions.
Obviously not. Have you seen his girlfriend? Joe is doing fine.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Just look at his instagram.
Trust me on this one. He’s doing fine. The sorority girls at OU are still as unbelievably gorgeous as they were 20 yrs ago. Boomer!
As someone who graduated recently, I can attest to the fact that plenty of the sorority girls are unbelievably gorgeous.
Plenty of the GIRLS are gorgeous. Not so many of the sorority chicks. And yes – I did find them stuck up a lot of times. Can you imagine not being thrilled to meet me? I’m a cleaning icon.
Who would ask him that, Jeni Carlson?
Jenni wasn’t there. I don’t think she would have been allowed to be in the same zip code for the interview.
She does not know how to conduct an interview anyway!
Good response
Great answer Joe!
Good for Mixon!
Striker’s interview with Marty Whats-his-name was hilarious. Striker is such a good interview.
Marty Smith, nascar guy but does a good job covering anything.
That’s the guy. Striker forgot his name too…then complimented his beard. Lol!
That explains the accent.
For those of you who can’t watch on tv, interviews are streaming live on WatchESPN.
For my two cents worth, I think Shep maybe hampered in having his usual awesome game by Clemson’s very good corner Mack Alexander, so I’m expecting another WR to step up and have a monster game. Neal? Westbrook? Andrews? One of those guys is going to go off on Thursday night. My other primary concern is with Clemmy’s NFL bound tight end Leggett. Hoping we have an answer for him.
I haven’t ever seen anyone shut down Shep. Just saying…
Except for Jay Boulware on special teams…
Agree, I don’t expect him to be totally shut down, just slowed somewhat. I think there will be nice opps for the other WRs to make big plays.
Only Shep’s groin pull shut him down. Other than that, the kid can get open and make plays.
I’m guessing Neal, Westbrook, and Andrews all up their game a little bit.
I need to go back and see how OU defended against Jace Amaro and NDs TE (Kyle Rudolph ?). If I remember right those two guys basically disappeared when they played OU.
not sure about Rudolph but Amaro had a decent game.
He had some catches but we have better horses this time around.
according to Pro Football Focus’s college team who supposedly watches every snap of every college game, Shepard is THE best WR in the country. Advantage always goes to the receiver in close matchups since the offense can use them in the most advantageous way possible. That being said, I don’t think the best WR in the country will get shut down by anyone. Kid is second only to Baker in terms of clutchness.
Shep is very clutch. Very very clutch. My guess is that Coach V is going to do everything he can to stop him, and take his chances with OU’s other receivers, who have struggled with drops at times. Which is why I think one of them will have a 100+ yard game.
I happen to agree with you. The only time I remember Shep having issues is when he was recovering from his injured groin last year. Even when he had a QB that didn’t have a great arm or accuracy throwing to him, he made plays.
yep, that’s shep
They will have to play the Safety over the top of him to come close. Which would leave other options open. Especially the running backs out of the back field. But the Clemson DB is very good.
I believe they will move Shep around quite a bit to look for a matchup we like. I feel confident another receiver will step up in this game. If they don’t we may be in trouble.
Not worried even a litle bit.
If Shep being on the field forces their D to do things they aren’t accustomed to they have lost already.
I am not worried either. I just have a feeling about this years team.
I wonder if Mixon will be the top receiver for the game.
I don’t and don’t care who is, but I still think Shep will be Shep.
Very true. It seemed like against the better competition in the Big 12, his game stepped up even more.
Someone posted stats on here last week I think that showed that the better the competition the better Shep’s numbers were.
Riley has shown an ability to create advantages just by how he lines the team up. There is one play in most of the highlight reels where he pulls all the DB’s off to one side and then runs Perine into the empty space. Once he makes it through the line there is no one between him and the endzone 50 yards away. If they start trying to change alignments to account for Shep, Riley will eat their lunch.
Yessir, and their dinner and all their Halloween candy.
Well, if they put Mack Alexander on Shep, and he shuts him down, someone else will have to step up. I just really don’t have confidence in any of the other receivers as the go to guy.
I’ll take Shep in any match up.
So will Baker. He said it in his interview today that he will throw the ball to Shep no matter what.
My guess is that the slot, and HB, will get lots of targets, so Westbrook and Andrews should open the home run balls for Shep. We have already beat this horse already but, Shep’s stats are dramatically better with tougher opponents.
I think Baker said something of note during his interview. “We just have to win our 1 on 1 match-ups.” If you combine that with what Perine said about exploiting a weakness. I think we may see a lot of 4 to 5 wide formations (TE involvement as well) to further space the Clemson D out. Watching their past games, it appears that their LB’s (that play extremely well in a box) are a weakness in space. Of course Clemson will counter by playing zone principles in their back end coverage. Just a guess. Can LR adjust to VB multiple looks with good rhythm play calls? This will need to be the OL’s best performance so far. The pressures that the Tigers bring will be very similar to Baylor as far as athleticism. They struggle a bit with that. Hope they come out sharp and uptempo, scoring TD’s on the 3 of their first 5 possessions.
I think LR got a lot of information from Bob about what VB likes to do. I would like to see some 5 WR formations with a QB draw in there, and if the LB’s stay home, to play short zone the WR screen will be open as will double moves on the outside.
We need to exploit the passing game. BV’s weakness has always been stopping the passing game of wide open offenses. Dropping into soft zone is all he knows and it’s what got him demoted at OU. We need to set up the run with the pass and take away their aggressiveness with some quick short passes like we saw against KSU.
We need to exploit the passing game. BV’s weakness has always been stopping the passing game of wide open offenses. Dropping into soft zone is all he knows and it’s what got him demoted at OU. We need to set up the run with the pass and take away their aggressiveness with some quick short passes like we saw against KSU.
Everybody’s weakness is stopping the passing game of wide open offenses. Ask Saban. Last losses to OU, A&M, Mississippi, Ohio St (the only team that doesn’t apply). 3 of the 4 wide open passing attacks.
ugh Samantha Ponder </3
I would get after that so fast…
No doubt!
I feel like your last name is a double entendre.
it’s from Cupid’s Arrow. I like Chiz Dippler myself.
Double ugh. When did the ditzy dames take over at espn?
she doesn’t have to talk if you know how to handle yourself homie.
oh, behave…
Looking at this game, with a top flight corner taking on Shepard, it sounds like the matchups with our #2 and #3 receivers could be a huge deciding factor in the game and if we look at Neal’s career, he struggles to make plays in tight 1on1 coverage for the most part. Dede hasn’t been much better this season. That being said, this could be a breakout game for Dede. I think we expected too much out of JUCO WR to come in and get 1k yards in his first season. Every JUCO WR we’ve had has taken time to adjust. Heck even Kevin White wasn’t KEVIN WHITE in his first season at WVU. The bowl practices may have really helped him and he may surprise us all and show up a completely different player in the post season. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway. Plus the fact that Venables’s defenses always struggled with passing attacks that attacked the middle of the field.
I think Baxter and Andrews are going to play into the game plan as well. I believe Clemson is going to get a heavy dose of Perine and Mixon as well.
I see P&M catching quite a few passes in the flats and turning them into painful occurences for the defense.
Yep, I believe that will happen as well.
Yep, I believe that will happen as well.
Add Flowers
Cannot forget about Flowers! He has been pretty darn sure handed when catching passes, and his blocking has improved by about 500% over the season.
With the D that Coach V likes to use, I will not be surprised if OU’s RBs have more receiving yds than rushing yds. Screens and dump offs all day.
Oh yeah.
VB has a hard time adjusting in game as well. He has to make his adjustments at halftime and we have seen all year that LR can make adjustments from one play to the next and has no problem admitting what they are trying is not working, so let’s do this and come back to that.
Striker was incredible at media day.
I was not impressed with Gary Patterson’s remarks about Mayfield. Never really liked Patterson, and now I know why.
He really dropped several notches in my book with his remarks.
I’m sorry to bang on about this, but I am SICK of hearing espn mention the loss to Texas repeatedly. I didn’t hear them mention Bama’s loss to Ole Miss at all during the Tide’s media session. Or did I just just miss it?
The only mention I heard of Ole Miss was by Booger McFarland who said, “both Ole Miss and Tennessee are better than Mich St.”
Booger’s gonna Booger
More on Mixon’s media day:
I had read that article earlier, if I had a subscription to 247, I would have cancelled it after that article.
How is it that some moron in the media can say that it is OU’s fault this is being brought up again??? It is NOT OU bringing it up, it is the idiots in the media doing it. ARGH!
Because there really is no check/balance system for media. It’s extremely frustrating because we want and expect instant information. Unfortunately a good majority of it is worthless.
Exactly! They are just typing up crap and throwing it on the Internet. Journalism is really dead. No one goes about digging through a story to find out the facts anymore. They sure do not care about reporting those facts.
I don’t really think he is going to be selling any annual subsciptions with that kind of garbage reporting. Remember who his clientele is.
Garbage. “OU should’ve coached him to answer questions. Not a good look, etc””. Just a garbage article by a bottom feeder.
I could not agree with you more! I was ticked when I read it.
I disagree that he should have been coached to answer questions, but I agree with the larger sentiment that the PR aspect of this was mismanaged. It should have been addressed a long time ago.
What did they say that was wrong? His first interview should not have been in front of the national media at the Orange Bowl. Period! Some people need to take their Crimson colored glasses off every once in a while.
Read the tweet above, he had no choice
I’ve only been saying that for months. As a former attorney, I knew there was no chance he would answer anything with civil trial still pending.
Is it? I thought SOL had run…
Isn’t it 7 years for civil action?
According to this, 2 years. Not sure of the validity, just the first thing I found. Maybe the former attorney could help us out.
Two year statute of limitation on all torts, which A&B is.
Right on.
I never take mine off. Do you even own a pair?
I’ve been a Sooner fan as long as anyone on here. But I do take my Crimson glasses off at times so that I can see things objectively. You ought to try it sometime.
That’s no fun though! 🙂
Nah. I’m fine. My Sooner MOJO has been going strong since ’72. I know what’s right and wrong and at the the end of the day – props to Bob – I get it. It’s like when someone talks bad about your mama, you don’t like it.
Criticism of how ou handled the mixon/media situation. This is exactly why ou had no reason to make him available. The media was going to be critical no matter what mixon said.
This may be the only thing I have ever read from Joey that was actually intelligent.
This may have already been posted but I don’t think OU has a snowball’s chance after listening to this.
Meh. FWIW, Bud Elliott is a FSU guy.
Guys, EVERYONE knew that when Mixon was finally made available to the media, that this was going to happen. The time to do it was weeks ago following the OSU game, not at the Orange Bowl. Had they done it then, it would have been over by now. It was a blunder not putting him in front of the local media then, not the national media now.
And EVERYONE knows Joe is not going to answer any questions pertaining to “the incident”. So why ask? Have just a tad of integrity and ask about how being in the backfield with Samaje has changed the offense.
They are just doing their job. Jeez! The questions had to be asked, and Joe responded just as I’ve said for months that he would. My only gripe is that this should have happened in Norman in front of local media, not on a national stage.
Their job is to cover the Orange Bowl, not interrogate an amateur student-athlete about something he can’t/won’t comment on. They’re just trying to make a story where there isn’t one because they suck at their job.
small minds
Eloquent, precise, accurate (“suck at their job”).
They would suck at their job if they didn’t at least ask. They asked, he didn’t answer. Case closed. That is what everyone, except you, expected. OU expected it as well, otherwise they would have bothered to set up rules.
So if you had your way, every question to every OU player would only be about the upcoming game. Boring and unrealistic.
I never said I didn’t expect it. I did. That’s the level of journalistic integrity these days. Not to mention the build-up that they played across all social media. Any and all answers they need/deserve can be easily obtained with a FOI request.
They knew what to expect if they asked. What bothered me most was all the whining, complaining bashing OU, bashing Joe and some of the other players. These guys, some of whom do blogs, etc, were butthurt to the max. They’re not entitled like they believe they are. I liked how Tulsa World’s Emig tweeted about his comments with Joe. “Maybe some day when he feels like talking about it.”
Agree, should have gotten this out of the way much earlier. Perhaps they were thinking that with so any other things to focus on this week the media would quickly go after a newer, shinier toy. Which they will.
Legal Councel was the reason for Joe not answering questions, as alluded earlier.
Screw the enemedia. Let them eat dirt.
Can someone work on Joe C’s interview prep while we’re at it? Good lord
He could do with a little polish.
Dang that lady was going at Joe C. I don’t think she knows that you never go after a Castiglione!
“You’re one of the most powerful people at the university, you don’t think your opinion matters?” Nope, it’s not a university issue, it’s a legal issue.
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned here or not, but according to Jack Arute, any media who attempts to question Mixon about the incident will be removed from the Stadium.
It always cracks me up when the virtue challenged enemedia questions some one else’s virtue.
My suggestion would be to have Doug Gottlieb (former theif) to conduct the interview, coaching Joe on the situation before hand, so they could conduct the interview on a level playing field.
Ha ha. Enemedia.
Hilarious isn’t it?
And ‘yes’…this ‘isn’t finished’. There is always the very real possibility of civil litigation down the road. Especially if Joe, as expected, plays for some big $$$ in the league. Think the ‘victim’ might not be waiting to cash in on some of that?
As I recall from doing a little checking when it all was fresh, she had a limited time to file any civil suit.
I think that the statute has run and Joe is out from under that threat.
I might be wrong on the latter point, but she does not have unlimited time to file.
One imagines that it may have been suggested to her that other things, like her outstanding drug charges, might also be pursued if she chose to persist.
The statute has NOT run. She has (2) years to file a civil suit. That would be August of ’16.
That’s what I found. If she decided to file right before fall camp, next season, that could get interesting.
I fully expect her to file on the last possible day, if for no other reason than to preserve her rights until it is determined whether Joe gets a big NFL deal or not. She hiresd a South OKC lawyer I know days after the incident. This thing is not over.
Lawyers can be such dicks. 😉
Lol! Just doing what their clients want them to do.
Not to mention, I’m sure her lawyer will probably get a good chunk of any monies awarded her.
My wife spent about 10 years as a paralegal in the KCMO area. Her boss made money hand over fist off of settlements. Of course her job got me out of jury duty a couple of times, so that was nice.
50% is the going rate. On punitve damages she would be liable for taxes on the whole amount awarded. I’m not sure she would recieve a lot on actual damages other than hospital expenses. That’s assuming she could even win her case.
33.3%-40% is more the going rate. Deduct all litigation expenses and then split the remainder according to the retainer agreement.
Sounds about right. I think my wife’s old bosses were taking around 35%.
I had one in Georgetown, TX – a longhorn guy – saved my ass! Still don’t know how exactly he pulled it off but needless to say, I’m a big fan of the lawyer.
Are the alleged actions (spitting, racial slurs etc.) of any relevance in a case like that, or her rap sheet.
Civil cases are so much different than criminal cases. All kinds of things can be brought up and you do not have to be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Everything should and will be brought out, just as it would have been had Joe gone to trial on the criminal charge instead of pleading. As for her criminal record, it can only be brought up if she testifies (which she will and only as it relates to her credibility, and not to a violent nature.
I don’t know if I like the fact that ESPN and all the other experts are picking OU to win. If OU loses…they will roast OU…lol OU HAS GOT TO WIN THIS GAME…. and the next…
I don’t think anyone picking OU to win will do much of anything to diminish the anger of last year’s outcome. Yes, they’re different teams and it’s a different season, but putting a beating on Clemson this year will make it easier for the players to deal with the beating Clemson put on us last year.
We complain when they don’t give us respect, and we complain if they do! Sometimes I just don’t get it. ESPN has been giving us respect from the beginning of this whole playoff. Most analysts I’ve heard are picking us to win it all. I know this is not a popular thing to say on this board, but ESPN has been very fair to us.
For the last few weeks, I would agree with you. E$PN loves it when OU is doing well.
Did you happen to read the article about how much money the LHN is losing? Something like $25 million a year. LOL! E$PN needs one of the big 12 cash cows doing well.
I wouldn’t mind if this was the type of media coverage we got every year. Some in the media have been very kind proponents for us this year while others have been non-believers in us and the Big 12. I like that mix. I don’t want them to talk about us like we’re Bama, but I also don’t want to be crud in their eyes either.
Exactly! I can handle having an even balance, as long as I do not have to listen to Mark May!
Or Paul Fineboom.
I do not even attempt to listen to that moron. But May is on at halftime sometimes and I just cannot stand him!
That’s why I suggested the Jersey swap, during halftime yesterday! 😉
Oh, I mute it when May is on anyway. I could careless about the halftime “analysis” which is usually a bunch of hot air. LOL!
Lately maybe, but not usually mostly.
In all fairness, OU hadn’t been living up to any hype for a while, either. Not saying that there isn’t a bias, just that many of us (myself included) haven’t been sunshine pumpers either.
I can understand your sentiment when you look at the larger sample size of OU fans. Also, given so many opinions and comments about the media from the group as a whole over time, combined as a singular entity “we”, it would make your sentiment well founded.. I can only speak for myself. Which is what I attempted to do in my comments. I don’t believe I have complained about the lack of coverage. It really has no bearing on the game itself. Just stating not sure if I am comfortable with all the love. Kind of feels like a Charlie Brown Lucy scenario…lol
I definitely agree with you on this point. ESPN overall has been pretty much pro OU during the playoff coverage. I have a tendency, like many intense fans, to only focus on the slights. It’s the Mayfield in me!
Most of the better football analysts are fair to OU, but they have dumping on the Big 12 all year.
If OU is favored by so many ESPN pundits, why were they happy to see them at #4? I don’t recall anyone picking Ohio St over Bama last year.
The Mixon situation is a non-issue at this point, and expected behavior from media types who have skeletons in their closet just like everyone except for me.
Nobody is perfect, but me and you, and I wonder about you sometimes. 😉
I guess I have no problem admitting I have skeletons in my closet. They will not be discussed here, but most people who know me personally, know about them and think I am a better person for acknowledging them and working through them.
I am unqualified to “cast the first stone”.
As am I.
Where is it? /s
Amen to that!
Me, too. So I pay a guy to cast them for me. (He’s a former pitcher!)
My skeletons are all out in the open and well known. I move about freely. 😉
I have used my skeletons to help others improve their lives. So if my mistakes can help others be better people, I have no problem with them being known and out in view of everyone.
All I need to know about you Golf is what I know. What I know, I like.
Thank you Sam. Same to you! Most of the people I have met on here are awesome and I would give the shirt off my back to them.
I hereby request the new OU jersey off of your back. 🙂
Umm, except that shirt. LOL
/worth a try
True, but it has my last name on it so you’d have a hard time telling everyone how to pronounce it. 🙂
Luverr? Luverr? Luvre? It’s French, right?
ROTFLOL! Actually I’m a cross breed. Part German, part dutch, and part Cherokee.
I received one of the new ones with the line down the back for Christmas. It may look silly- but if Bob Stoops is wearing it, then so am I, by God! And no you cant have it, either.
I bet you would and I bet they’d do the same for you.
Too cold to give up a shirt. I’ll buy dinner, though. 😉
It’s the thought that counts. 🙂
All my shirts have pasta sauce on them. But anyone is welcome to them.
You need a Sooner bib. Enjoy crimson sauce and no one is the wiser.
That’s a multi-functional fashion piece…not a shirt! Because you can take your lunch with you.
I like that kind of thinking. It’s a clothing – and a lunchbox.
I had skeletons in my closet. But I am old enough now that not only have I lost the key, but I can’t remember where the “H” the closet is.
Getting the skeletons in the closet is a win. Mine still take up space on the sofa.
That would be sooo saaweet. Open up that Allen pipeline.
Not going to get my hopes up for Little. He would have much more compo at OU for playing time than he will at Ye Olde Miss.
He would have the opportunity to start just like everyone else. Samia would most likely move inside to RG.
Not sure Samia gives up that spot. There are other candidates for guard with more bulk.
Just saying Little is a beast and would have every chance to win that spot. Samia would have no issue at RG as he is at or over 300 now.
I am well aware of Little’s abilities, having watched him the past few years. To me he would be better at guard than Samia and unless some one else shows they can grade out 100% like Dru on the playbook he isn’t going anywhere.
It is pointless to argue when his commitment isn’t even in place. Just saying that with 100% certainty, Little would start if he signed with OU.
I don’t think he comes to OU, he can start right away at TSUN, not at OU.
He’s as likely to start as Frison. Wait until the kids commits and gets Schmidtty in his crawl. if he survives that he’s golden.
I would love to have him. It took Bobby Evans knee injury for people to learn his name as he moved over to LT and had two great years.
He would have far more competition at OU than to TSUN, if early playing time is important to him, including his old team mate Evans.
I just don’t see his flipping happening, but if I’m wrong it won’t bother me even a little bit.
My good bud a Miss St alum taught me that.
*That School Up North*
Now that you say that, I remember this from when I was working in MS.
You’re a well traveled man.
I’m getting there. I’ve seen a lot more than many people my age.
So long as you’re aware of that. My brother told me that the world is big, go see some of it.
Bout to go see some more of it, too.
My goal is to make it to all 50 states. I’m over halfway there in my short time on this planet.
I can help you with that goal.
ROTFLOL! Yes you could. But I could just get into one of my trucks and do that too. Except for going to Alaska, don’t really want to go through the Canadian hassle to get there.
My wife and I put the truck on a ferry, to make a delivery to a military base years ago. That’s the way to truck.
I had a truck do that in California a couple of years ago. My driver asked if he could do that every day. LOL
We didn’t have a choice, it was going to happen that way. We just had to endure it. /s
He didn’t either. It was the only way you could load at this place. It was on an island right off the coast. He had unloaded in southern Oregon and that was the closest load we could find him. (His truck was not legal in CA. and the place we loaded gave him directions to avoid the CADOT)
I’ve only been to 18. Surprisingly, I’ve never been to Texas.
Seriously? Wow! I’ve visited 40 states so far.
I once drove a UHAUL from OK to WA. That felt like 40 states worth.
Yeah, that would be a long trip. I took a bus from Topeka, KS to Washington D.C. in 1983. I would NEVER in life do that again.
Also been almost everywhere in California. That should add at least 2 more states to my number.
No kidding. CA is like 10 states by itself.
We almost had 51 states . They would have carved it out of Northern California. I think WW1 or WW2 happened and they never revisited the proposal.
51 would be such an ugly number lol
Make that 52 then. Our Oklahoma was originally going to be two states, Oklahoma and Cherokee, but the president offered to expedite the process if they consolidated into one (or something like that). The region at the time was of the opposite party of the president, and he preferred the idea of 2 opposing senators to 4.
I did not know that. Interesting.
I actually learned something in my “Oklahoma History” highschool class. Imagine that, lol.
Boston to northern Ontario (Parry Sound) for thanksgiving. Upstate New York is like the back side of the moon in winter
That would not be much fun either.
I can scratch Maine off the list.
I have not been to Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, North Dakota, North and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, or Florida.
I need to visit the northwest, Alaska and Hawaii and I will have touched them all.
I’m getting close. I have never wanted to go to AL or MS, other than to say I have been there. Almost drove down there when I was in TN once, but decided not to. I want to go to AK more than I do the southeast.
I’m from Georgia, so, I’m very familiar with all of the “Southern” states.
I spent a day at the Atlanta airport. Plane was late coming in. But I love the Braves. LOL
If you’re ever up this way, please pay a visit.
I’m not 100% at this moment. I was in Michigan this past spring/summer. There might be a job in Ohio. I’ll find out more info tomorrow.
You let me know. Exiled and I will look you up. Columbus is a great city. Exiled is around the Dayton area (Cincinnati) I’m up near Cleveland.
I was in Cleveland once. It was winter time about 7 or 8 years ago. I flew in on the red-eye, installed a computer system on a clients network and flew out the same day.
Fun times, in Cleveland, in the winter.
Yeah, the company I used to work for would plan things like that for me. Syracuse, NY in the winter, Appleton, WI in the winter, and New Orleans in the middle of August. UGH!
Appleton, WI, that’s way up there. Not so much snow but cold as the dickens.
Really? An hour after landing there they got 13 inches of snow. They kept telling me it was just some flurries. I walked outside and I was like, this is just flurries? They laughed and said yeah, no big deal. My flight was cancelled coming back.
13″ is a lot of snow but that’s kind of “meh.” That’s a lot of snow to get at once, but cumulative, not a lot.
LOL! Well to this farm boy that grew up where we get 3 or 4 snows a year and it melts off in a day or two, that is a lot of snow at once. When I lived in KCMO, we got that much in one day and it shut the city down.
Most definitely, if I’m ever up that way.
We will have you for dinner, where everything is made from scratch.
Living on the road, you eat a lot of Burger King. A home-cooked meal is a welcomed change of pace.
You might want to re-word that. Sounds like Dustin is the main course. LOL
There’s plenty of me to feed a small army.
Well, Hannibal will be there, too.
Tell Dustin to steer clear of the fava beans. LOL
They want no part of my liver.
It would take one helluva player to unseat Mr. Samia, he has improved so much. I’m not sure they wouldn’t leave him there. It would definitely be after the battle.
Which is why I am only saying that in regards to Little.
would love to have him but OU doesnt pay.
Not saying that they do, though there is much speculation. Little has already been tabbed as the replacement for Tunsil at OT. He would most likely red shirt at OU.
Watch out, you’re about to have an angry “adult” here to call you names for joking about this…in 3, 2, 1…
Not getting my hopes up either but if he’s as good as they say, he’ll be on the field before too long.
Quote from that thread (page 2):
“Big news out of Greg Little.
Committed to Ole Miss, but now OU is in the mix because of the transfer to OU.
He also has some other teammates on roster there.”
Scout.com reporting Gre Little now interested in OU due to the Kyler Murray transfer. This guy will be a huge tool in recruiting.
lol. thanks.
yeah had to sign in to post this and by then i didnt realize someone posted it right before me….
A huge FACTOR in recruiting. Dabo Swinney is the only huge TOOL we will be encountering (other then those in the media! ) LOL
Dusty Dvoracek and Adrian Taylor were some good D Lineman for Oklahoma as well then Remi Ayodele was alright too. Demarcus Granger despite his back injury he was pretty good as well in the Stoops Era along with Gerald McCoy.
I don’t know how to do the tweet thingy to make it show up here, but this is another example of what I was talking about regarding some decency displayed by Emig;
Guerin Emig @GuerinEmig 4m4 minutes ago
Mixon on decision to keep ?s football related: “It’s mine and my lawyer. You all have to hear from him if you want to hear anything.”
Just copy and paste the url from above when you are on the page of that tweet.
F !! WAIT !! It worked after I refreshed. lol Too old.
Smart kid!
I’m starting to wonder whether our key guys need to skip any remaining media events… Mixon and Mayfield are becoming fodder for sports bloggers today. GP could have shrugged off the Mayfield comment, but instead went after him (and his dad).
I think Gary Patterson should be the one skipping media events. I used to have a ton of respect for the guy as he seemed to be the type to do a lot with a little, and consistently. Even though GP wasn’t the one who made it public, and isn’t the one who brought it up, the manner in which he responded disappointed me.
Mayfield should be ignoring these issues, but Patterson went way overboard by attacking the kid and his father.
And by attacking him, he will tend to validate Mayfield’s story. A 20 something kid complains about the recruiting game everyone pretty much shrugs and says “that’s life.” A 50 something coach hits back and you think “there must be something there.”
I think it makes both sides look bad at this point. I like Mayfield and hope he wins the Heisman next season, but he needs to stop answering these questions and do what he’s done on the field. His dad has answered some questions that he should probably ignore from now on as well. I have no doubt Klingsbury is “a punk” but to say it to the media won’t help anything.
You’re right Mayfield just needs to drop it. He just comes off as being whiny at this point. Still he’s a kid and most people will just let it slide unless he keeps it up.
Patterson, on the other hand is doing himself and TCU a lot more damage. Not sure I would want my son playing for a coach who lacks the self control to get in a he said/she said argument in the media with a twenty something.
If Bob Stoops were in this position his response would be: “Baker is a great player and they have a great team. I wish the luck.” End of story! Not all coaches can be as classy as OUr coach.
I agree, its been played over and over, the next time he’s asked he just needs to say, “I’ve addressed that at length, I won’t be talking about it anymore”…it absolutely serves no purpose other than some personal vindication. You know what, the biggest vindication is winning it all in my opinion.
The general sense I’m getting is, we probably won’t ever get a good sense of what actually happened, and it probably doesn’t even matter. I’ll probably catch some flack for saying anything that hints of negativity towards Baker, but as much as has been said, I think there remains a lot of bitterness, and doubt anyone who addresses the matter publicly will be portrayed in any positive manner. I get the sense that if he didn’t have any success at OU, he might still harbor bitterness towards OU too.
I don’t like Patterson. Don’t like the way he rants on the sidelines like a clown and embarrasses his players. And taking cheap shots at an opposing team’s players is low class. He’s a coach – should have taken the high road.
Reporters have responsibility to their employers. You can’t come back with nothing after a long day of hunting and gathering. If you do, you won’t eat and have to get fed somewhere else.
Is the media on this as well? :
Still on their roster:
I think the first link was messed up. Both go to their roster.
thanks, will fix
fixed, refresh
I’m not familiar with his name, but assuming he wasn’t a big recruit or player? Probably why they’re not on the case. Mixon was already on his way to getting the media’s attention before his incident, so I’m not surprised things have turned out the way they have.
How does a kicker have injuries to his back, shoulder and ankles? And since when do they run until they puke? Weird.
That happens when the laces are not turned out. 🙂
So you’re saying Finkle is Einhorn?
Ask Charlie Brown.
I kills me.
Not only is he still on the roster, he played. Kicked a FG and 8 XP’s.
Maybe when he runs out onto the field on Thursday, he’ll act like he did during his field sobriety test.
If I understood correctly he played sparingly until he was suspended for most of the season. I might be wrong though. Nothing to see here.
nope- he was suspended when the arrest occurred – must have been reinstated later.
Not my point anyway- am pointing out that there are issues within EVERY program if you look. Mixon being singled out is bush league.
Higher profile players draw more publicity, naturally. It’s always been that way. Look at the nature of the offense also. Mixon’s variety will ALWAYS draw more media attention than suspected drug use.
Right you are. Anyone here remember Hunter Wall former backup QB at OU? http://newsok.com/article/2788001
I didn’t think so.
Yes, I do. Wasn’t he also a backup punter?
“fifth string tight end”
Maybe that was it. I do remember when this happened and I loved Bob’s response to it. Quick and precise. He’s gone!
And no controversy because he was an unheard backup and it was handled quickly.
He did the same thing for the starter when Rhett Bomar was busted.
Yeah, I remember him- didn’t he fall out of a truck or something?
No that was Brent Rawls the guy who beat him out.
I do.
I think Bob has to remember, we are Sooner fans. We have a LONG memory for somethings. 🙂
I just remember it because someone said his nickname in the program was “brick.” As in Hunter ‘dumb as a brick’ Wall. After all he did get arrested for stealing his friend’s stash. His friend who called the cops on him for stealing his stash. How can you forget a story like that? Still no one outside a few hard core OU fans remember because he was a nobody.
That kinda reminds me of the Doug Gottlieb story.
C’mon Bear, don’t stoop to their level!
This is all the media, nothing else.
Honestly, bob and dabo are both 2 guys that good parents would want their kid playing for. As goofy and annoying as he is I can say dabo is a good man and good leader of young men.
Let the media fools be what they are.
Read below- i point out why I posted it
Just saw that. On point again my man. Should have known better!
If it were allowed and I were a coach in this position, I’d ban the media from speaking to any of my guys- nothing good could come from it.
This is supposed to be about the game.
are you ready for Thursday?
If I could live each day in the week, in any order I want, I would have spoiled it for everyone here by posting the outcome of the game.
you already do know the outcome, don’t you?
Yes, I do. I hope Stoops forgets his friendship with Brent. I hope lets the dogs come home when they feel like it.
Sam, hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas. Boomer!
We did, Brad. How about you and yours?
I can’t wait for Thursday to get here.
Pretty well, thanks. I’m ready too. Imagine how the players must feel, not having played in over a month! They’ve gotta be bouncing off the walls!
The proper answer is to put them in a phone booth with Clemson.
Happy Birthday, Mique Juarez. Hope Chris Daniels sent you a cake.
You know you’re back on top when the media (social and otherwise) are taking pot shots at you.
Feel sorry for Joe Mixon because trust me, he wants to just say I’m sorry, I made a horrible decision that night that I have to live with and be judged by for the rest of my life but it’s not who I am. But no one in the general public wants to hear that they want to slander him, the media wants a villain because bad guys sell and OU or his lawyer aren’t doing their job to try and flip that narrative they’re just riding the wave. I think most (not all I know) of Sooner fans are kind of over the ordeal and would love for people to move on as well
“Oklahoma RB Joe Mixon avoids domestic abuse questions”
….umm what did you expect??? “Mixon goes full
That is a stupid line. It might have been assault. But the woman had no “domestic” situation with Mixon that I have ever read.
Yeah I just think it’s misleading (shocking)…and then you watch the video…and the reporters are asking a question from a football perspective….but the kid is not mature enough to answer and shut any follow up questions down right then and there. So better to just not go down that route. The second reporter even said it’s a football question, but yet the headline says domestic abuse…. I mean come on…really SI?
Just gross, man.
THIS mistake occurs OVER & OVER & OVER AGAIN. It’s not a “domestic violence” issue, it’s a misdemeanor-assault charge.
I’m not sugar coating the issue at hand, but get your facts straight when you start “reporting” about a kid.
It’s sad to see a teenager get ambushed about a year-old incident, and something that he is LEGALLY obligated to not speak about. Just ignorant on the media’s part.
Huh? He is not legally obligated to be quiet. Do you mean because his lawyer instructed him not to talk? That doesn’t make it a legal requirement.
I may be mistaken…but I think Jake may be saying he’s under no legal obligation to talk if he chooses not to.
Thanks, bad wording on my part!
See KJ’s reply below, apologies for the poor wording!
Right, it’s not a DV case.
Does OU practice today and rest tomorrow or vice versa?
Practice today and tomorrow. Today is like their normal Thursday schedule, then tomorrow is like their normal Friday practice.
I thought BS was using a new practice schedule that Kelly of the Eagles uses
that allows more rest two days before the game vs the day before.
I think he was using (or has been using) the format of….walk through practice on Thursday and on Friday morning they go padded practice (just uppers). Traditionally Fridays are just walk throughs…but he said it’s been working good for them so far.
The more intense practice is on Friday rather than Thursday in a regular game schedule?
Yep, they have been doing that all year.
They changed it this year. Stoops is using the data collected from from Chip Kelly on athletes performance.
As long as he doesn’t coach like Chip is doing this year, we should be fine.
Yes, I can see the concept, sort of keeps the guys fresh and in game mode, instead of taking it easy and being laid back before a game.
What are you hearing, KJ?
Good stuff so far. Hearing the defense is really fired up. Offense is moving the ball well against the 1’s, especially on 3rd down situations. Also hearing a few guys on the OL are really practicing hard and being intense. Also hearing that they are getting pretty spoiled out at the Trump location. Some of the non-starters are out enjoying south beach. Sounds like a great time….One more day!
One more.
Guys, this is an absolute must-read! Especially on a day like today, where the media is throwing stones left & right at Joe Mixon/OU.
For clarification, he has a #25 OU jersey. #amateurathletics
Just looking at her twitter….she’s a piece of work.
KJ are you sure about that last word being correct?
Im working my way up to the other 4 letter word..lol
Best response I saw on twitter: “These same people will be in church on Sunday nodding their head on a sermon about forgiveness”
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her”
Will be read…Mrs.Van Patten will sweat like the whore she is in church.
I never understood things like that. Pretty much everyone has made a mistake, or is flawed in some way. Appreciating the things that a person does well doesn’t preclude you from recognizing and condemning the things they do wrong. Thomas Edison was a part of inventing a lot of great things, and I admire that. I still don’t think he should have forced that elephant to ride the lightning.
Idk if you know this, but if you’re interested, Edison actually helped commission the invention of the electric chair to build up animosity towards Tesla’s AC power.
Nobody aimed anything at your family. Just at your relationship as a dad to your son. Good golly o’ gracious almighty. The Stupid buried into this woman’s skull and consumed the entire state of South Carolina.
Looking back, what an amazing job Coach Stoops and the rest of the staff did of bringing this team together and then holding them together following the whole SAE mess last spring. That whole situation could have blown the team completely up. Remember how some wanted to conduct spring practice and others didn’t? Striker and Will Johnson going to social media to express their anger and frustration. The leadership shown by Stoops and also Striker and Darlington really symbolizes what this team was all about this year.
No kidding! It has helped build some great chemistry. I also think their small locker room for this year helped as well.
It does seem to have been one of the things that brought them together. I am at a loss as to what effect a drunken frat boys song had on them to begin with, however. If one can forgive Mixon for such an act of violence against a girlthen why did they expel the other young man, ban him for life and close down his entire fraternity? Talk about guilt by association. I think he was just as contrite as Mixon ever was, if not much more so; he certainly made more public apologies to everyone involved then Mixon did, but I do believe in giving young men A SECOND CHANCE for doing stupid things.
Young people, in particular, deserve redemptive opportunities.
Aint that the truth…and alot of patience…
I agree, but I do wish there had been more consistency in the way Mixon was handled vs the SAE boys. It just begs to be called out by national media when a 5-star athlete is given a second chance and those boys aren’t.
How did this become the story line. This is one year old. Anyone who wanted to ask about this could have flown to Norman. Leave this young man alone, allow him to heal and move forward.
My favorite tweet of the day.
Oh so he can say stop, but Mixon cannot?? Interesting….
“We’ve been waiting over a year for this chance….wait what do you mean he won’t answer non football questions?”
He should follow his own advice.
I like that. Good point.
The timing is perfect, though. This will continue feed the thought of “us” against “them.”
You’re a sports columnist, Trotter.
How about we publicly grill you on some of your more embarrassing life’s moments Jake?
Yeah, like his bibliography.
Yeah, like his bibliography.
Sounds like an invitation to troll.
Just another reason I do not tweet – too many twits tweeting; too few talented talkers taking part.
Dude wanted the attention and now he’s BEGGING for it on Twitter, while crying about it at the same time. I’m cool with those similar giving him what he wants…attention to cry about.
I think I’ll skip today’s Open Post. Too much of a downer.
To me the this whole Mixon ordeal seems like an opportunity for any team we face to have built in deniability. “Yeah well, they played a guy who shouldn’t have even touched the playing field.” Exhibit A: Baylor fan shortly after we whipped their tails.
Frankly, I trust Stoops judgement on the matter more than any other coach, or fan.
Agreed. Stoops should purchase a shirt that says “They hate us cause they ain’t us.”
Yeah, because Baylor has handled its own violence-against-women scandal so well.
Seriously. It took everything within me to not rip this kid a new one on facebook. But then again, when you win championships like OU does, you don’t have to say a word.
Seriously. It took everything within me to not rip this kid a new one on facebook. But then again, when you win championships like OU does, you don’t have to say a word.
True. But did you know that Oakman is 6’9?
They have a really fat TE, too. How do they ever lose?
Carey plays TE? For Baylor???
Carey plays every position. At once.
Ignorance is ignorance
Honestly, I’m hoping angry/upset Clemson fans do this sometime before the ball drops in NYC.
As I read all the hoopla surrounding Mixon, something occurred to me: it appears those who are asking about this, still, don’t have an issue with the average “Joe” hitting women. But Joe Mixon, the athlete, sports figure, is another thing, it appears. My point, most have an axe to grind with athletes. If not, they would be giving this epidemic much more attention.
Beat the clemsa !!
Yes, but you mean Clempsa.
Yes, but you mean Clempsa.
Those in the media are fair game as well, dig away:
Ok be honest…how many of you are looking yourselves or your ex’s up…lol
Nobody has gotten back to see this comment, yet. HAHA
I use this one.
That was no fun, I found out Jason Kersey likes to drive around without a seat belt.
Best quote of the day brought to you by the one and only Gerald McCoy
“I’d just like to thank Clemson ahead of time for giving us a live scrimmage before the national championship.”
Ha ha, I imagine our guys will come out playing like this is the national championship game.
I’m kinda hoping to see Shep burn that trash-talking CB for a long TD on the first drive. That would make my whole year.
I’m kinda hoping to see Shep burn that trash-talking CB for a long TD on the first drive. That would make my whole year.
Now that’s funny….
Now that’s funny….
That was awesome!
That sounds awfully close to the sentiment being spouted off by the Clemson players. I’m glad our guys are keeping it on the down low.
McCoy always says things of that nature, including the games where OU has destroyed their opponents.
Haha “Clemson barely even beat South Carolina (who lost to The Citadel!),” Just imagining him saying that is funny.
McCoy always says things of that nature, including the games where OU has destroyed their opponents.
Love seeing those young men having fun. Can’t wait to see them ball out in the coming years.
I’m hoping his McCoy impression is even better.
No program is immune from players violating the law, just ask Clemson…
Diron has them boys pumped.
Loving Diron. You can tell his players love him.
“I’m not surprised (about the trash talking),” Kearse said. “They lost 40-6 last year. They need to talk junk. The need to boost their self up. They need to give themselves confidence and talk their way into a win. We don’t have to talk. We put it on film last year and we put it on film these 13 games this year and we are going to go out and do the same thing on Thursday.”
They’ve been talking for the past two weeks….Samaje says one thing at Media Day and now it’s “oh they have to talk themselves up!” Please…..there’s a difference between mindless rhetoric and true confidence in ones ability.
We don’t have to talk. But we will do it constantly…non-stop…probably even after we lose…and maybe even next season too. But we don’t have to talk.
Gotta love a guy whos complaining about trash talking by talking trash himself.
Exactly…I mean honestly it sounds like they’re “scared” to me.
If theyre not now I expect they will be by halftime of the game.
Everything I hear from Clemson players makes it seem like they think this game is a done deal. You’d think they don’t have anyone in their program who has ever been in situations of this magnitude, but I guess they just won’t listen to Venables.
This win is going to be so rewarding.
The Sooners come onto the field for practice
That was cool.
Facebook Live: (although it was recorded)… is that Anderson around 3:09?
Thanks for this, Clint. The intensity is palpable, even through the screen. Makes me miss my time in a helmet.
Yeah they were pumped for sure.
Let me get my punch (pun intended) on this dead horse: These ex-journalism majors (no, I’m not affording them the satisfaction of being journalists or writers) are the most disingenuous of the lot. They’re not asking Mixon these questions with the expectation of receiving a print-worthy answer. They’re asking in order to get clicks from a broader audience. Mixon’s silence is painted not as prudence or legal precaution, but as an episode of misconduct on the part of the institution. Abuse perpetuated by systems, no matter the arena, is a hot topic in the blogosphere. Both OU and Mixon are darned if he does speak, darned if he doesn’t.
So I say, respond to every question with, “Let’s pioneer new avenues of equal opportunity.” Indict the asker, offend them, and elevate the conversation to a higher plane of snark than what is typical of the language of “to punch or not to punch”.
RR, I like it, especially this: “So I say, respond to every question with, “Let’s pioneer new avenues of equal opportunity.” Indict the asker, offend them, and elevate the conversation to a higher plane of snark than what is typical of the language of “to punch or not to punch”.
Those jerks have not taken the heat very well today. They are still complaining about it.
It’s a shame because it appears there is no real interest, other than to give a kid a black eye.
I just read an article by a CBS hack, he said that (not a quote) Joe showed no remorse for his crime today, and was unwilling to talk about it. That’s just ugly, evil non-journalism.
It’s irresponsible.
It’s irresponsible.
Sometimes, Sam, a little gem appears in the mire of my silly nonsense. Usually, it’s a Ring Pop.
Everything you say has great value. For some, they have to sift through it, for others, it’s well constructed prose.
You should read my other silly nonsense. 🙂
Bring it on. The moment of truth is near.
LOL! It’s out there. But I’d rather not promote my stuff using TFB. It’s non-football related and featured by either political think tanks or other publication sources of narrower thematic niches, to include theology.
I’m a writer as well. And I, too, touch on a lot of topics.
An interesting thing happened last night: my wife and I were out with our neighbor, they informed us that their 15 year-old son is an atheist. We were taken back, as they seemed to be celebrating it.
Yeah, several atheist voices, some of whom I actually admire in their craft of polemic, have brought to the table of public discourse the appeal of intellectual liberation. I have my observations (and rebuttals and criticisms and…), but I’d rather not say more. Not here, that is.
Yeah, not the place. But I wanted to share that with you.
Appreciate that, Sam. Maybe when you come down for a game next season, assuming you make it a two to three-day venture, we could meet and, so said the Walrus to the Carpenter, talk of many things.
I will be there for the tOSU game. You can count on it.
I can promise you I would have been unable to stop myself from throwing out a “Well, we’ll say a prayer for him!” LOL
Or maybe a “bless his heart” heh heh.
It was interesting. I did say this: “It’s interesting that the thing he needs to support is choice has to exist.”
Go Bears?
It’s really hard to pull for them, but mainly because of the joke of a coach they have. The players this week have been somewhat complementary and supportive of OUr team in the media. They really do have some talented players, it’s just hard for me to see them past Brile’s ego.
Yeah, but they are playing a team that lost to Clemson.
That was the point DC was making above, and a valid point. A blowout Briles fashion would look pretty good.
I want them to win just to further laugh at Clemson’s “victories” seeing as how they give us grief for playing backup QBs when their CCG opponent and ACC runner up couldn’t beat Baylor’s 4th stringer.
*3rd stringer. Hawthorne is 4th string.
Just hit me: Dabo looks and acts like Delmar O’Donnell.
YOU, made me laugh again!
LOL! Am I right?
You are referring to the dude with Clooney in that stupid hick movie, if you are, then you are exactly spot on the mark!
Exactly. The actor, by the way, is an Okie. From Tulsa.
Didn’t know that, I wonder if he can coach?
“Everyoneth canth coachasfpl.” –Lou Holtz
Ahhhh….Dr. Lou!
I picked up what my son calls him, he is a SGT. in the army, some of his guys are from SC and are Clemson fans. He calls him Dumbo Swinney.
He ain’t dumb, Rick. He practices his words, e’ery night.
I can see it
I thought Barney Rubble for a second.
“No, they never did turn us into a hoarny toad.”
Baylor Qb is pretty bad.
really bad. I feel for Baylor. I got the feeling they will be getting it handed to them today.
How’s the weather up there?
He needs to worry about catching the ball with two hands.
Yeah Baylor tied it. Big 12 baby! No?
So what does it mean if Baylor beats UNC with a 4th-string QB and missing its leading receiver and running back?
That we’re right about the ACC.
That we’re right about the ACC.
That UNC doesn’t want to be there? 🙂
UNC no football pedigree.
That OU is talking “junk” and should acquiesce to Clemson’s chest-thumping and endless self-congratulation.
I’m more concerned that Coach “Dreamy” and his defense will allow Perine’s single game rushing record to be broken tonight.
“Coach Dreamy,” LMAO.
You beat me to it….funny, funny!!!
EasTex has dry humor but he’s funny.
Never thought about that. Hopefully not, but not sure what else LoSUr can do.
I HATE HATE HATE rooting for Baylor. Yet here I sit..
I am drinking, so it’s not a fully conscious type rooting.
Excellent suggestion.
That was funny. I almost snorted.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
This dumb ass Ed Cunningham says he likes Clemson a lot in the Orange bowl. What basis?
on the basis of him being a dumb ass….as you said.
That’s just his opinion. Probably heavily skewed from last year’s bowl game. He was the analyst that was pretty rough on us.
Gotta pick someone…
But “a lot?”
He’s Ed Cunningham. Nobody ever said he was a smart guy.
same thing as folks hanging around with popular people even when they don’t really like them, they’ve no sense of who they are, just a sheep.
So…someone picks Clemson so he’s a dumb ass?
Probably because he saw us in Orlando last year.
Is there a way that we can get a post that says all the OU commits/targets at the All american games? it would be great to watch and know who to look for!
Ah. The phonetics of choking: “Ack, ack, ack.”
I can’t believe I’m rooting for Baylor, but right now this is one of the most fun games I’ve watched all year. If the Baylor defense can figure out how to get off the field on third down, this may get out of hand.
Really want to watch this baylor game, but i havent watched anyone but OU play since the texas loss, and im not messing with anything until the chase for 8 is complete.
Superstitious mind.
Not in much else, but when it comes to OU, i am lol.
I use to have to wear my OU helmet during games in the 70’s.
Hope it was a punters helmet, those facebars would drive me crazy lol.
Two bar Qb type.
I want to win this game so bad.
Man me too. Im pretty nervous though. Been a long time since we have had a game of this magnitude.
08.’ Title game I suppose.
Least we dont have to face like a dozen future NFL players this time. Unless you talk to clemson fans, who think everyone they have is a 1st rounder.
Use my line. “I’m not superstitious… but I’m not taking any chances.”
Damn straight lol.
Turn the the TV off, man.
Dont worry, its on daniel tiger =)
Im keeping up on gamecast.
Turn that off, too. Take no chances. LOL!
Tried. 4 year old death stared a hole through me! =)
That fat te for Baylor just pancaked a 5’9 safety and then started talking trash to him.
If you read comments on tigernet before this game.
It was all UNC and Baylor sucks.
Big 12 doesn’t play defense
Marquise Williams is better than Baker.
Well, UNC is all kinds of bad, that’s for sure.
But they are a Clemson top 10 victory!
Acc defense rules!
Baylor is playing with their “B” team, essentially.
at best
Smash mouth
Goodbye, Chip.
Stay out of Big 12.
Yes. Please.
He would be a good fit at Auburn. 🙂
You didn’t catch the humor. The HUNH, not just in the sec, but next door to bama.
Speaking of Auburn, they’ve had four different head coaches since 1999.
Texsa will be screaming to fire Strong and hire Kelly.
Baylor has 300 yrds rush
I don’t know how UNC isn’t able to take away their run game when there is no passing game.
UNC us MUCH slower than Baylor and MUCH less athletic than Baylor. I see it all over the field.
Too scared of the Baylor deep ball. Seems like to me they are playing soft and placed more numbers in pass. I’m not counting th numbers to stop run.
So they made sure to do a trick play to get into the endzone…
Steve Harvey says that field goal was good.
At half time breakaway I thought I heard Reece Davis say “congrats to NC for letting Baylor get tired for running for 350 yds in first half”. Was that sarcasm or cheerleading?
I see it more as a
Chip Kelly is gone!
Yup, Sammy will be wearing a new uni next year too.
Which is probably good for his pocket book in the long run. There will be several teams bidding for him now that he doesn’t have the baggage of his last contract.
Saban to the Eagles
aTm Boosters: “So Chip….I heard you need a job???”
Chip: “Not that bad, I don’t.”
“Im good for a couple years”
“Did the 12th Man transfer?”
I’m not sure, but I did see that the stadium fell.
I thought the stadium was transferring?
ET, I think yOU are right!
OUr defense cannot whiff on Watson. I am thinking of Bond, Evans and Alexander.
Don’t forget ol’ Sanchez…..
Sigh, he’s rested and not injured.
He better throw his body.. Nfl is watching
They won’t pay millions for a corner that hesitates tackling a 200+ lb qb or rb
I don’t understand where this comes from. Sanchez made many tackles for loss crashing down on RBs and Qbs. He is a darn good CB that is just like every good CB, some times he misses a tackle or gets beat on a route.
Sanchez is very instinctive and calculated with the risks he takes. When he gambles it almost always pays off. I like Sanchez.
Sanchez’s tackling has improved this year…
Yes he has. His shoulder injury last year just lingered on. Glad he is healthy for this game.
Sanchez’s tackling has improved this year…
Yeah. Double move worries. Clemson throws deep.
Baylor tackling like a Big XII defense.
BOOMER Playoffs….
After all the injuries to Qbs this year, I want our two backups to get enough reps next Spring. We had very few injuries this year. The next man up needs to be ready. This third stringer for Baylor is a liability in the passing game.
Baylor doing their very best Tony Romo impression….
Taco tech or “Let em Rip?”
Tech. Can’t stand them, but can’t stand the SEC getting sunshine pumped for every win, good or bad.
True. I hope Tech and Baylor win or else next year the media will continue the negative narrative on the Big 12.
Yep. They have to protect their investment, but the only way to prevent further collusion is to expose it with wins.
TTECH can’t stop the run. Fourtnet might break the single season rushing record. The interesting battle will be Techs WR vs the Tiger DBS.
lsu should be able to pound the ball and milk the clock long enough to keep it out of ttech’s hands
The only problem with that philosophy is Techs run D is so bad, LSU’s run game may be quick strike. Lol… They will need an Arkansas like effort.
LSU struggled offensively to finish the season.
Taco Tech struggled to stop a toddler on a Big Wheel. Perine’s record is already in jeopardy and the players haven’t even started their warmups.
That’s all I’ve got, EasTex. I’m reaching, I know.
LSU doesn’t need to throw the ball, unless they just get bored with their RB ripping off 25 yard runs.
How did TT beat Ar-Kansas? I have not watched Ark any… No offense? No running game?
I watched some of that game in the second half. Trying to explain how they beat the hogs is like trying to explain how the Sooners lost to Texsa.
And struggled to stop a popcorn fart too
That might change when they no longer have to worry about the pass.
Samaje’s record could go down tonight…in the first half.
Weirdest targeting call I’ve ever seen in my life.
Why brother? He led with his helmet.
Definitely don’t see it like that. He ducked his helmet while turning around the defender. More about protecting himself than trying to hit the defender.
He did duck a bit. Sometimes the refs see things that aren’t there. They confuse the shoulder with the head! I’ll grant you that.
Looked like a valid call to me. It had all the elements, not just one or two.
KD Cannon – just another Baylor thug.
Thank the lord he didn’t take our offer.
And Briles has no control. Did you see him motioning Cannon to calm down. Stoops would have been in someone’s earhole.
Weak, very weak…
I’m glad Cannon didn’t come to OU. I suspect he wouldn’t get any playing time or he’d be gone.
I don’t think he would behave that way with an adult as his HC.
There’s that humor again.
A team takes on the demeanor of its coach.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
Are you speaking of Baylor or Clemson?
What did I just say?
Yeah, you did say that.
Does that make all the TT players PRETTY?
You gotsta pay attention. It makes them “dreamy.”
/nuff said
sorry coach….
Baylor being Baylor…
The number four big xii team is going to beat the number two acc team.
I’m becoming more confident of OUr win the longer this game goes on. NC is not a good football team. They are in this game because of Baylor QB mistakes, not because of NC’s offense. Marquise Williams is a nice athlete, but not a great QB. Baylor is winning this game, WITHOUT a QB.
Going tempo in the run game looks like a potentially good plan.
Too soon..lol
It’s over, the NC D is gassed, Baylor will probably add at least 3 more scores.
Exactly. I was thinking the same thing.
A out to see if NC has any quit in them.
Just wearing them out with basic run package. Beatdown!
Hmmm. Looking like Big XII D again.
No focus. They think this is over. No respect for the opponent. But then that’s BU football.
ESPN showing Fournette with 1,583 yards.
Is that against TT?
No, first quarter.
Wow..before kickoff!..lol
These announcers asking if anyone has run for 600 yards anywhere? Meaning in a bowl game or non-bowl game. Freaking morons.
We had what, 786 vs ksu when we set the record?
Who on here has access to those Clemson boards? They need a dose of what a team can do with less than their backup QB. This is the next best thing the ACC has to offer and they are getting dozed by a “pass happy” conference team.
Nah leave’em alone…for now… Hopefully our Sooners can dominate them….then we say thanks for coming…. next!
They won’t shut up. Heard some idiot call in on local sports radio and said he watched media days and it was obvious we were scared. I had to pull over I was laughing so hard.
Well let’s hope for a nice quiet stadium full Tiger fans staring at the bad side of 45 to 23. .that will be enough for me.
This is truly noteworthy — a team WITHOUT a QB beating another bowl team. Don’t know that I recall witnessing this event before…
The bears had 44 rushes for 159yds against the Sooners, that’s 3.61yds per rush.
They really took it to UNC. It could have been much worse. OU played them much better. Could bode well for the Sooners.
OUr game was in Wacko as well… It does bode well…
Someone that knows something about North Cackalacky please explain this to me. They are called the “Tar Heels” and their mascot is a Ram. Is that what they call a Ram over yonder?
Hmmmmm – Rameses:
The Dorset or Dorset Horned breed of sheep is known mostly for its prolific lambing. It has been known to produce two lambing seasons per year: bred in May for lambs finished by the holidays, and bred again immediately after the first lambing to produce again in March or April. This type of management, the ewes sold with the lambs, sometimes produces as many as four or five lambs a year.
Does this help explain?
No. I think it meant to indicate that rams must have tar on their heels the way they walk on some mountains.
and then there’s this:
What’s a Tar Heel?
Our nickname, which also applies to North Carolina citizens, has at least two possible origins. One story hails back to the Revolutionary War and the troops of British General Cornwallis. After fording a river in eastern North Carolina, the British troops discovered their feet covered with tar, a product of North Carolina’s abundant pine trees and one of the state’s most important exports at the time. Some say the clever North Carolinians dumped it in the river to slow down the invading army. The British were said to have observed that if you waded in North Carolina rivers, you would get tar on your heels.
Another story comes from the Civil War. A group of North Carolina soldiers scolded their comrades for leaving the battlefield when things got tough. The soldiers threatened to stick tar on the heels of the retreating soldiers to help them stay in the battle. General Robert E. Lee is said to have commented “God bless the Tar Heel boys!” Whatever the reason for the moniker, our students and sports teams have long worn it with pride.
Okay, then. Thanks guys, much more info than I bargained for. I think I will stick with the mental image I already have.
Still watching Baylor. Is Fournette over 100 yet?
He needs one more yard, he’s only carried the ball once so far.
Game getting ready to start, he only has 92 yds, so far.
Good job Baylor. You still suck.
Baylor out “thuged” ’em.
Rumor on LT via Clemson message board that swinney suspended 3 players, 2 of which might be starters or in their rotation of players.
One of the posters in the thread says the 2 impact players are both WR. Me likey
2 starters per tigernet.
Too bad, would rather beat them at their best but I admire Coach for doing the right thing if warranted.
The plus here, is that this “should” take any spotlight off of Mixon.
Clemson WR Deon Cain, TE Jay Jay McCullough & K Ammon Lakip sent home from Orange Bowl. Failed drug test.
Per a buddy of mine… No idea of his source.
Good job UNC. You got beat by some linemen and a running. You REALLY suck.
odds ttech actually wins?
same as BM transferring back there
yeah, the college bowl mania, or whatever it’s called, had ttech at 3% and lsu at 97% (fan voting).
TTech doesn’t really want to be there…
TTech doesn’t really want to be there…
Fournette scored already?
4 carries 40 yards, and a TD. TT looks beat already. The receivers are dropping passes, the line looks like swiss cheese and the D looks nonexistant
Fournette scored already?
Big ol Maea looks huge…would of been nice if we flipped him.
75 (OL) for LSU Maea Teumahema or something like that. I thought he was out of Euless but I think he went to HS somewhere else. Remember he was maybe considering flipping to OU from LSU.
Don’t recall the name.
I think he was the #1 ranked guard for 2015.
Don’t recall the name.
Didn’t he have a brother on LSU staff or something like that?
Yeah I think his brother still plays there or was a senior last year or something….on defense.
Didn’t he have a brother on LSU staff or something like that?
His loss. F him and all who do not want to come to Norman.
75 (OL) for LSU Maea Teumahema or something like that. I thought he was out of Euless but I think he went to HS somewhere else. Remember he was maybe considering flipping to OU from LSU.
holy crap TT looks small compared to LSU
Looks, heck they ARE smaller. They are loading 10 in the box and getting blown out.
This is two games in a row where one of the teams doesn’t have a QB. Baylor lost their’s to injury, LSU didn’t have 1 to begin with (not that they need 1 with TT), but hey…. just sayin’.
I’m just waiting for the top of the hour to switch to something good.
Good is not this, that’s for sure.
too soon?
I don’t think so, on this one Bear. They really are looking like they are beat. LSU’s DB’s are head hunters and TT’s receivers are not even trying to catch them. The D is obviously overmatched, they will be giving up yards easily, so no….not too soon.
yeah, i got ya- it was just great timing on your part and I couldn’t let it go… 😉
Wasn’t a game I had any interest in when it was announced.
‘Chasing Classic Cars’ is much better viewing, for me.
Yea I know. I keep thinking it won’t be long until there is no more football. I guess bad is better than none.
We get Nessler and Blackledge. Ugh
Mute tv, tune in the radio broadcast
I’ve tried. I just can’t do it. It never matches up. Plus, I’m not a big fan of Toby.
Touchdown Sooners.
yeah, I understand that.
OU radio will be on ESPn 3.
I think they are great. Watch the bama sugar bowl. They were very good to us.
I enjoy their calls as well. The Tennessee game was excellent.
They didn’t have a lot of choice in the Sugar Bowl. Except for Bama’s first TD drive, we pretty much had our way with them. And it showed. But i agree, in that they always seem pretty fair.
Could be much worse. I pretty much filter them out, unless they are exceptionally stupid.
I like Toby. I’ll go with that.
Toby has grown on me, was not a fan to begin with, but I’m better with it now.
I like his broadcasts but he tends to be a little high on himself on his radio show
I should clarify a bit. My “ugh” just means that I would much rather have Fowler/Herbstreit. I’m kinda surprised the #1 duo wouldn’t call the #1 ranked team versus OU. That’s all. They’re not bad. I would just prefer the other guys.
not the “Primetime” game
At least it’s not Flemming/Mack
I think it show, who the network believes the #1 team is really.
I like Herbstreit. Fowler is a gigantic DOUCHE
Taco 50 yrd td pass…
Clemson suspensions – 3rd leading WR, kicker, backup TE
I thought the kicker was already suspended.
2nd time this year.
Yep, the Cain kid is the only one that would impact them at all, and it’s not a killer by any means
Starting placekicker?
It doesn’t hurt them.
when we smash that mouthy starting TE in the mouth and they need their backup, it just might
lol, how doesn’t it?
2nd leading receiver, most yards avg per catch, I’m thinking Deshaun may be missing him a bit…
…failed drug tests. Hopefully they are all effin up.
Freshman WR Deon Cain, senior K Ammon Lakip and junior TE Jay Jay McCullough will not play in the top-ranked Tigers’ College Football Playoff national semifinal game Thursday vs. No. 4 Oklahoma for failed drug tests, per ESPN’s Mark Schlabach and multiple reports. Cain is Clemson’s second-leading receiver.
Nothing more to see here.
At least the media has another squirrel to chase instead of overblowing mixon’s no comment interview.
Rumors were they were caught smokin’ weed on Southbeach.
Clemson sucks!
That’s interesting. Has OU recruited him much at all? I don’t seen an offer from OU on his list.
OU is a favorite and he runs a 4.3 40? Well, if he hasn’t been offered yet he will soon.
I doubt it at 5’8″, unless Bob wants a scholarship punt returner.
I’m in Desoto right now. Maybe I should take the guy some icecream or something? lol
maybe you could drop it off at my house, I live here
Who dis?
check below
Got it now, thanks as always.
whos 559?
Caleb Kelly
Fresno area and where I live!
TFB Family, I need some advice. I was out with my neighbor last night. He asked me what time the OU game is on. I said 4pm. He said, “Great, I’ll be over to watch it with you.”
Other than the fact he didn’t ask if I was okay if he came over, here’s what I need help with:
1. We used to get with them quite a bit. We’ve rotated the responsibility of hosting, back and forth, for holidays. They’ve gradually drifted toward another crowd and we always seem to be the back up plan if all else fails.
2. So, we’ve gone about our business and planned without them. The thing is, when things fall through for them, they always end up at our house, often times not contributing in any way. The last time this happened was for Halloween. I can’t remember the last time they’ve entertained us at their house.
3. We’ve made plans for New Years with other friends. We are hosting. When my neighbor mentioned he will be over for the OU game, I could only think that he would be there as everyone starts to arrive. Honestly, I don’t want them over. I am afraid if I don’t get in front of this, I won’t be able to get out of it without being rude.
Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this?
What did you tell him when he said hell be over?
He asked what time the game starts. I said 4pm. He said, “I’ll be over.”
There were two other couples at the table with us. I didn’t say anything.
Could always tell him you’re having a swingers party… Maybe scare him away?
Well, I have a story for you. Not this couple but another couple.
….. Or they show up with toys…… And Sooner Ray.
Then in that case I would just be straight up and say hey we got plans and well be busy getting ready for our plans, even during the game. So it won’t be a good time to come over. I dont knoe your neighborhood but it could of just been “talk”. But if it wasnt then yeah you need to nip it in the bud and be straight forward.
It was cool when they would share in the hosting but I’m starting to think their late to the party behavior is intentional.
And it could be…Ive had friends that do that to me so I had to just straight up tell them bring some chips or drinks. You could always go with…were having a support group over for people with social anxieties and they REALLY dont like meeting new people so it would really be an issue if you came over. Any other time we’d be ok…lol
Dont mean to make light of it, I know it could cause some anxieties. Just be upfront things will work out fine.
by delaying the inevitable, you’re enabling them- nip it
It’s more my wife than me. I would be direct but she cares a little more than I do.
you need to care about yourselves, too- sounds like an unhealthy situation that will continue until you make a change
Agreed – up front, blunt and candid.
Watch the game only wearing underwear. They will leave and you both will have a great story to tell.
I’ll get my Al Bundy on.
Make it sparkly thong and they won’t even look at you again!
Well ..if we’re going that route…go to Walmart pharmacy and buy a bottle of Fiber Gummies (fiber gunmy bears). Eat 3-4 before bed. Eat 6 in the morning and 3-5 more at noon. Have the wife & anyone else do the same. Just don’t light any matches indoors as the methane content of the air will be high. Everyone will be farting loudly and constantly. I bet that ought to do the trick. 😉
Tell him straight up and get it over with- game starts at 3:10 CDT by the way.
I’m in the EST time zone.
I would just be honest, well mostly honest. Could always say you already have plans with some other folks coming over that you haven’t seen in some time, and you’d like to spend some “personal time” with just them this time. But if for some reason this doesnt strike your fancy, you could always say, “yea, we are having some folks over already, and already planned for the meal and such… so if you’re coming, you’ll most certainly have to bring something to pitch in.”
It’s tough. They are not the same people we met when we moved in our house, back in 2000. They are always asking what our plans are and it obvious they are taking advantage.
Yea that is tough.. never feels good to be second fiddle. Just tell him you have plans already then, and you’re not sure about “mixing company..” Blame it on possibly making the other folks (your guests) uncomfortable, as in, they don’t really take well to being forced to meet new people (your neighbor)….and definitely throw in the, “maybe next time..”
Your advice and KJ’s advice is solid. Thanks.
I hate this but I really don’t enjoy them as much as I used to.
Good luck!
Thanks! I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Nooooooo!!! Maybe suggests future possibilities…Sam wants to be rid of these people.
Tell him fine as long as hes ok with the $5000 admissions charge
That’s not helping, Fear. LOL!
Sorry Sam…believe me you wouldnt be the first one to not take my advice.
I can see why. But, I’ll keep your advice in my hip pocket. That might discourage that behavior.
Set some boundaries or it will never stop. Don’t be rude or lie, just tell him you all already have plans.
I find if I show people pictures of guns with personal names on them and talk to the guns and then have the guns talk back in a different voice, people generally don’t want to come to my house.
Okay, then….
As I was told in self defense class, if you can’t look tough look crazy.
model student 😉
Crazy is hereditary. I got it from my kids.
They must have told Mel Gibson the same thing in acting class.
Works for me.
As Billy Bob Thornton would say “I like the way you talk”.
I always go with the,”sorry we already had plans” when this happens to me. Usually they get the hint, especially if they find out what your plans were, then you really don’t have to deal with them again. Lol.
There’s not much of a friendship anymore. But I’d like to preserve the illusion, anyways.
Yeah it works like that too sometimes depending on the person you’re dealing with. You’ll get that effect with the thick skinned lol
Why? That illusion keeps them thinking it’s okay to take advantage of you. Be friendly or polite when you see them. That ought to be enough
Sam, I can’t imagine you ever being rude so don’t worry much about that. Basically, you have very aggressive neighbors who are constantly taking advantage of your accommodating nature. I would tell them up front the truth – that you already had plans for a private NYE get together with someone else. Just be plain, to the point, and truthful. You are not responsible for being their safety net for all occasions. You shouldn’t feel bad about any of this since they were the aggressors. You are welcome.
Abigail Boomer Freakin’ Sooner
Thanks, Abbey.
I didn’t know you were still doing your advice column. LOL!
Food and drinks are expensive, as you are well aware. I hope they get the picture.
You could’ve just told me in person instead of making it all impersonal on the Internet. 😉
Well, read all of the comments, pick the one that is most sensitive, let me know and I’ll call you tomorrow.
Tell him to F OFF. Unless, of course, he’s willing to buy ALL of the food and drinks.
Well, if this is the approach you’d take, I can’t imagine what Sooner Ray would say.
All Ray ever says to me is, “Thank you, sir. May I have another?”
I would just be blunt and say you weren’t expecting them so they can’t come over. My family has similar problems with events and holidays, because my grandmother isn’t in her right mind and can’t say no to anyone, so she’s always inviting over people no one wants around. My parents and I actually skipped out on thanksgiving this year because a couple of annoying neighbors invited themselves over. My parents are smokers, and one of these neighbors flips out if anyone smokes around him, so we missed thanksgiving because of it, which is ridiculous. If they’re uninvited and not wanted, don’t let them come over, imo.
Several people have suggested that. I do believe we are going to need to have a heart-to-heart with them but only if we care about sustaining a relationship.
Or make like Shelby’s parents and buy a pack of stogies and smoke em out! lol
That’s the big if. I would say that you talked it over with your wife and those on the original invite list and you want to keep it small and spend time with them (the ones invited) as well as everyone was prepping for the original amount of people. If he gets all butt hurt over it tell him the original plan was to keep the invite list small and he through his hat in too late.
The only thing I don’t like about that is it leaves the door open to possible future invites.
True. I couldn’t tell if our young man was interested in keeping some level of interaction or not. Those types of people tend to really put me off. I know neighbors are neighbors but people move more now than in the past and living next to me doesn’t make us blood brothers.
You and your parents should have walked in lighting up some big cigars and ran that neighbor out of the house. Just my opinion. 🙂
That’s pretty much what I told them. I think that’s the plan next time he invites himself over and takes advantage of my grandmother’s generosity.
Honey, never miss an opportunity to be with family. Our time is short with each other, there may not come a next year. Value each and every moment.
Missing my loved ones who have passed…
I’ve been through this, tell them it is a clothing optional party and they need to bring a crisp $100 dollar bill and a can of whip cream. Smile and wink then walk away. You will never see them. 🙂
Oh my lord. You are a sick puppy.
Since when do you use whipped cream?…. Rumor on the street was you are a cool whip guy. Will the kinkiness ever stop?
Ah, you are wise grasshopper, I am indeed a cool whip guy. Whip cream is meant to scare the pushy neibghbor, cool whip would suggest a friendly invite. 🙂
Oh my…lol!
Thanks, all.
You’ve all given me sound advice on how to handle this.
You could just have your wife turn tv to Hallmark channel marathon and you and other guy slip out and watch the game at the bar.
Rehearse this scene until it’s convincing, then perform it for your neighbor:
RBear, I had stopped peeing my pants. You are cracking me up.
I had a friend/business associate like that. Basically a nice person, but he would just invite himself over around dinner time, knowing I always had food. He would eat, then just get up and walk around and go into every room while I was in the living room.
I had enough. He asked what I was doing on Independence Day, knowing full well I would be smoking brisket or ribs or chicken with all the trimmings. I told him he was welcome to come over, but that most people that I know always bring something when invited over. He looked perplexed. He showed up with one of those cheap packages of cup cakes from Walmart. He hasn’t been in my home since, and he got to be impossible to do business with also because of his moochy behavior. My only regret is I let him get away with it for so long.
That’s what this has become. They are fully aware they are taking advantage of the situation. There kids are into theatre. We used to go to all of their plays until I told my wife that we are not going anymore, as they’ve never come to any of our kids sporting events.
You are aware of being trod upon by them. You can let him know they aren’t invited on this occasion or tell him what to bring.
No one wants to feel rude, but there’s a difference between being direct and being rude. Their feelings will be hurt either way, but the good news is…they’ll get over it. If you want to present it delicately, then tell the neighbor that you forgot but you’ve already got plans for that day and night and will have to cancel on them and maybe catch another game sometime.
The alternative is to not do anything and let this continue tp bother you unnecessarily. Life is too short for that in my humble opinion, so I would have the talk. If they decide they don’t like you or want to associate with you, then it’s a victory
Or you could tell them to come at 4:00 since the game starts at 3:00, assuming you are in CST zone!
You have received some very good advice below. I will just add my 2 cents worth. Feel free to take it or leave it. I am not a confrontational kind of person, I do not live for arguments. I detest them. I always try to be the nice guy and sometimes it bites me in the backside. However, I have a couple like the neighbors you describe. I had to flat out tell them last year on NYE that we were only having a few close family members over and it was a small invite only party. They never would bring food but had no problem not eating for what seemed like days before coming over and mooching everything they could get their hands on. We are still friends and go out to dinner with them once in a while, but they are not coming back to my house. I think telling them that you forgot you had made plans and that you will have to take a raincheck is just fine and if it offends them, well they need to stop and think about what they have done. When my wife and I are invited somewhere we always bring food with us. Sometimes the host will tell us what kind to bring, meat or veggie tray, or dessert…. But yes, I cannot stand having moochers derail my plans, and it is best to nip it in the bud as quickly as possible. Good luck.
Golf, they for taking the time. It’s been handled. He acknowledged that he’d invited himself, which was, I hope, revealing for him. In addition, he said that they also have plans for NYE; it is my hope that he understands that they did not reach out to us or include us as part of their plans. That, in itself, should indicate that our relationship has changed and he/they need to be as cordial to us as they would be to someone they’ve just met.
So their fans wanted to slander Mixon all day but now can’t defend their own players and are suddenly “hoping these guys get a second chance” note to self..don’t do drums when competing for national Championship
Yea, I had the same drum problem before I got out of school. Had to quit bangin em to get and keep my job.
Losing Cain will probably hurt. 2nd most receiving yards, tied for second most tds, tied for 3rd on catches. Other two, probably won’t notice.
Of course, this will be the excuse for the beatdown we lay upon them NYE. I can hear the announcers harping about it all night long…
Don’t do drugs either.
Don’t do drugs either.
Mark May just said, of the Clemson suspensions, that this is something that you don’t want to have happen at this point in the season.
Theres no way it cant be a distraction. Just human nature. I agree with May that they need to address it head on.
To me, it was akin to stating that the sun is bright.
Lol yeah no kidding.
I’m reminded of that 2007-2008 season where we got pasted by West Virginia…I think we had a few suspensions that year too. There was talk about how we weren’t focused on the actual game. Hopefully that applies to what’s going on with Clemson.
They are not taking this seriously. There is no way that team is focused.
Someone post the chick wearing the Mark may shirt ASAP please!
U always come through in the clutch!
I believe those are located above the clutch. 🙂
He should make some PSAs about hot stoves.
I heard rumors that boiling water is also hot. Tough to say for sure though.
I’m waiting for his opinion on whether water is wet. He always expresses his opinion as fact.
Everyone know’s that water is just liquid ice.
Not until the all knowing May says so.
A while back, somebody posted a pic of a girl wearing a shirt that read, “Mark May is a douche.” I admit that I laughed a bit over that.
Update:someone reposted it below.
He is a pretty fart smeller… I mean.
He ain’t a pretty anything…
remember 1978…
Arkansas kicked half the players off the team and drilled us 31-6, costing us a natty. We need to ignore Clemson and focus on our own prep.
I’m sure the team is doing just that.
What year was this??
This Tech-LSU game is pretty entertaining.
3 and out and the tt dc looks like he hit the lottery.
Probably their first one all season.
I’m not entertained, slightly amused and mildly surprised at the score.
Tough one to root for eh?
Neither team does anything for me.
It’s past your bed time.
You don’t know me.
It’s funny how LSU looks stunned, like they expected to run all over tech, cuz you know, SEC. HA!!!
Wow… think Heupel’s play calling was bad. You haven’t seen LSU!
They should fire Les now that Chip is available. lol
They would never say one thing and then change their mind though.
Talk about a complete shift in coaching concepts
Seattle Seahawkish
Its worse because that was only one play! This is like that over and over.
With Chip Kelly being fired tonight, I’d like to see one of these several scenario’s come to fruition:
1) The Eagles hire Bill Cowher, and re-sign Sam.
2) The Eagles hire Jon Gruden, and re-sign Sam.
3) The 49ers hire Mike Holmgren (interested in job there…) and then they sign Sam.
But do you think they should re-sign Sam?
Did I say I think they should re-sign Sam? lol, but only if he can finally get a damn coach who will give him a few years of stability!
Freaking ridiculous this guy has had a different OC for every one of his seasons. How they hell they (anyone) expect him to succeed going through that type of change every season?
It broke my heart to see the misery he was obviously in during that post-game interview. He looked damn near defeated.
Hmm, Fournette stuffed again. I’m liking this game.
Considering I was thinking that Tech didn’t have a chance, I’m pleasantly surprised that the Big 12 teams have been showing well thus far.
He gone…
Bush League.
Did 33 just poop his pants and run to the locker room with a towel draped around his waist?
Techs DBs are…subpar..
the whole team is subpar save for Grant
I know the life and surroundings some of these kids have to overcome is much more difficult than I could ever imagine. I’m sure Jarvis is thinking about this day and night. I can’t imagine what is facing him day in and day out. I hope he chooses the constructive way and betters his life so he doesn’t fall into the trap so many of his friends have found. We should all pray this doesn’t happen.
Not knowing how they died, we can only surmise. I lost friends at an early age to vehicle accidents and war, the feelings of despair were immense.
True, I shouldn’t assume.
Assumptions often bite us in the butt. I didn’t live in the ‘hood, but I had a friend who was murdered my junior year of high school, presumably by the older man she was dating. I had a classmate who was murdered in a drive-by shooting, and 2 others fall to their death…all within 2-3 months of graduation. I also had a college friend who was politically assassinated when I was 29. Of the 4 I just mentioned, 3 were female.I’ll bet you wouldn’t assume any of this would happen around me given that I came from a middle class family in Tulsa and I went to private schools for 10 years. But it all happened.
I bet Jarvis uses these deaths as motivation, for sport and for life.
Ok done watching this train wreck…good night Gracey…
parting thoughts about the Tech team…
No wonder Bake bolted!
It’s the Tech wreck! See what I did there…
Hey Tech, how’s your bowl game going?
I hate Taco Tech, but I gotta give respect to Patrick Mahomes. That kid is keeping Tech alive, and his O Line is atrocious.
He is a very good QB. Very good.
He’s an athlete. He’s had some bad throws, but I think that’s the price you pay when you have no protection and have to make big plays every down.
He could probably be a decent backup to Baker
And all this time we thought it was techs DL that was the problem.
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Clemson suspends 3
huge…kicker and wr are big losses
A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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OFFER : Apple iPhone 6s (Original) iOS 128 GB Promo Buy 3 Get 1
The phone comes with a 4.70-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 750 pixels by 1334 pixels at a PPI of 326 pixels per inch. The Apple iPhone 6s is powered by A9 processor and it comes with 2GB of RAM. The phone packs 16GB of internal storage cannot be expanded. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Apple iPhone 6s packs a 12-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 5-megapixel front shooter for selfies. The Apple iPhone 6s runs iOS 9 and is powered by a 1715mAh non removable battery. It measures 138.30 x 67.10 x 7.10 (height x width x thickness) and weighs 143.00 grams. The Apple iPhone 6s is a single SIM (GSM) smartphone that accepts a Nano-SIM. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, 4G (with support for Band 40 used by some LTE networks in India). Sensors on the phone include Proximity sensor, Ambient light sensor, Accelerometer, and Gyroscope.
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