– Chris Daniels: Sooners played host to three defensive lineman this past weekend. One of them was 2016 Trinity (Euless, TX) HS star Chris Daniels. I spoke with Chris Daniels Sr. after his visit and OU seem to put their best foot forward, to say the least. When a recruit/recruits family comes away saying, “damn good” and “ best so far” it can do nothing but bode well for the Sooners in their recruitment of Daniels. I asked Daniels Sr. what made the visit so great and he elaborated, “ Everything was just amazing. The fans, hosts and coaches. What coach opens up his to guys? Stoops was with us the entire time. Took so much time with us, even while preparing for TCU.” If that’s not a ringing support of OU, I don’t know what is. Still, that could be just the post visit high that recruits and families get shortly after taking their visits to schools. Daniels still confirmed to me that he plans on committing on December 18th. Sooners seem to be sitting in a great spot with Daniels. – (Brandon)
– Trystan Castillo: The Missouri offensive line commit took an unofficial to OU this past weekend. He is a late find for Sooners offensive line coach Bill Bedenbaugh, who is a tireless recruiter, but things seem to be moving quickly for OU and Castillo. When I spoke to Castillo he was on his way home from his visit and stated that he really enjoyed it. He went on to say that, “ Coach B hasn’t watched my film with the staff, but he feels like I am definitely an offer guy. He just has to get the okay from Coach Riley and Coach Stoops. He said I should know where I stand by Thursday, at the latest.” Castillo then went on to say that, “ I liked the visit a lot. The dorms were way different than the housing I have seen before. I didn’t get to see a lot of the academic side, but I expected that being on an unofficial. If OU does offer, I’m definitely going to take an official.” – (Brandon)
– Rowdy Frederick: The one question, as far in state players being offered, has been when will OU offer 2016 Broken Arrow offensive lineman Rowdy Frederick? TFB spoke caught up with Rowdy’s mother Sunday night. No offer had been as extended, as of yet, but she did say, “ I think they are waiting to find out where they stand with their JUCO and standing offers before they do anything. They mentioned something about attending the 6A championship game.” She went on to add that, “OU has been the most persistent of all the schools with mail outs from the start.” Rowdy is currently committed to Tulsa, but she did say, “No matter the offers that come his way, we are just extremely blessed to have Rowdy be able to further his education at an FBS school on scholarship.” I know a lot of OU fans want Frederick to be offered and it looks like the possibility of that is increasing by the day. – (Brandon)
– No Commits? No Worries: I know many of you hoped a commitment or two might happen this past weekend. We’ll have more updates on this past weekend’s visitors tomorrow. But I want to assure you all that, despite not getting a commitment, believe us when we tell you, OU put themselves in the lead for multiple top recruits this past weekend. They all still have more visits but I will be surprised if OU doesn’t eventually land multiple players from this past weekend’s visits. – (Super K)
Also, sounds like a great weekend for recruiting. You always love to hear that. Thanks for the info guys!
Today is Monday the 23rd. If that matters
I vote to make it Wednesday
I vote Friday. I have to work all day on Thanksgiving.
Same same sir.
Same for yOU, broh.
Come again, broh?
Sorry to hear that you are working on Thanksgiving. I hope that someone has a turkey sandwich waiting for you at the end of the day. God Bless
Oh right. My tone may have seemed mad, not mad. Actually like the spelling of ‘broh’ quite a bit. Thanks sir. Happy Thanksgiving. God is good, I’ll be spending the day with boys doing time, eating some turkey on the clock.
Sorry to hear that. I know that there are some companies that do not have the luxury to be closed on Federal holidays. I hope that someone has a turkey sandwich waiting for you at the end of the day.
Any feedback on Velus Jones?
Ill have something on him tomorrow. You’ll like it.
I like that you said we’ll like it!
247 is predicting him to OU now… Fwiw. I wonder if the kid really runs a 4.37.
I believe it was Brandon, who said that Jones is a classy young man… This seems to be a growing trend with OU recruits and I love it. We are long departed from the days of this guy…
Thank God!
Awesome news. Thanks K.
I like it when you say “You’ll like it.”
Excellent news. Seems like a weapon. Definitely wasn’t lost on me that he wears #3. Keep the talent flowing in the #3 jersey..
WOW … TFB has been hopping today. I figured the OP would come tomorrow. It’s been a busy day for the Soonernation. But no….you post it today. I can’t believe this is free. Thanks TFB.
Really appreciate the work and enjoy the info.
Saw that Chris Baccus was at the game. Any new updates on him?
When you have C Daniels , C Sylvie , C Kelly , P Cobb , M Southall , J Elliott , doing the dab and having 2k16 Boomer Sooner in the title for twitter. I like our chances in the future. My Boy Mique Juarez should have red carpet rolled out for him when he takes the OV.
To get Kelly and Juarez would be phenomenal. Those two guys are about as good as they get at LB’er.
Hopefully Kelly is recruiting him hard
Take my upvote, just for the dab
Thanks as always. Just like children, we fans want Boom after Boom and we want them NOW. When we stop to consider this weekend’s visitors and that it went very well, we really should be happy. Maybe I’ll get some Booms for Christmas.
TFB Mods, thanks for your relentless effort to get us information.
Winning the b12 with the defense we’ve had will be a selling point. Beating TCU and Baylor is a start
What is crazy is that you know if we lose to OSU all we will hear is that OU was never really that good and the team that played texas is who we are. I hope the players realize that and just play with an unbelievable edge.
If Mayfield can’t go I hope the OL RBs and Defense get a smash mouth edge and mentality this week of winning bedlam 10-0 because that is what it will take.
Step 1. Win the Big 12
Step 2. Win the CFB Playoff
Step 3. Sign lots of good players in February
Step 4. Repeat
Step 4.0 Lather
Step 4.1 Rinse the Trophy
Step 4.2 Repeat raising the Trophy
keeping trophies clean and polished is a real struggle
Especially when you have so many of them!
Not for Okie St. :p
Post of the Day +1000
Another Caleb Kelly to OU prediction on 247. I’ll allow it
Would be great if he would just announce it.
I like that the ND recruiting analyst has him going to OU even with Kelly’s upcoming visit to ND Dec. 11
Wasn’t he the one that left the game to grab some food?
I’m sensing there is a correlation between success on the field and recruiting
It’s because boosters give bagmen more money when they see better ROI
LOL!! Excellent
Good thing the TFB readers don’t have a concussion. All this free information you guys put out is nearly too much for the brain to process. Thank you for what you do!!
I noticed Chris Daniels has been very active on Twitter, favoriting & retweeting messages related to his visit, fwiw
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for ‘Merica, my family, sweet baby Jesus, all of our service men and women, emergency responders, and TFB. Thank you!
Nice post. Agreed.
Agree and add Baker M.
re Baker on the sidelines after the half:
very cool
I could see Baker having a fine coaching career with that fire and intelligence.
Lincoln Riley takes over for Stoops and his replacement… Baker, ha.
Found this share-worthy:
He was actually making a case for OU when I watched a show he was on yesterday.
That’s good- must have missed that part. What I did see, and from what I’ve seen in the past, he fits the bill most of the time. Funny shirt anyway.
A few comments this week doesn’t make up for years of nonsensical SEC adoration and OU hate speech.
I’ll never forget him saying with utmost confidence (and contempt) his prediction for bama beating the Sooners in the Sugar Bowl, then pretending to be an impartial commentator in the post game interviews.
Yeah I remember that. I believe he said that Bama was going to destroy us. Post game he looked and acted awkward. Like he chocked on some crow.
It wasn’t crow he was choking on that’s for sure.
It certainly wasn’t a Biegnet.
I believe he was high on OU towards the beginning of Stoops’ tenure as well. Some of you hold on to a few negative comments for way too long.
Does the shirt say something??
Funny, reminds me of Men in Black.
Does it say something on her shirt?
She has the prettiest set of teeth!
I noticed that too.
One set is fake, the other is not. Which is which? 🙂
Her teeth look natural to me.
Look at top set of teeth, especially the bottom edges. They seem to be perfectly 90 degree angles. Nature does not do that, not from what I’ve seen. They look like dentures to me.
Is this a cry for help?
I can’t really believe I’m arguing about this topic! It is sad on my part. 🙂
The only reason I posted on this is because I have experience with porcelain enamels and I had to pick out the style. They showed me ones that were “natural” looking with slight imperfections and rounded edges to not be noticeable as being fake. Other than that, I know next to nothing about dental topics other than I’ve spent hundreds of hours in the chair with Novocain pulsing through my veins. Ugh.
Sorry, should have posted a smiley after 😉
No arguments here, just fun.
Oh yeah. Good fun. Dentist drills are sooooo much fun! 🙂
I defer to your expertise. 🙂
I wish I didn’t have it though! Sadly… 🙁
She has teeth?
just as lethal
How about that HW 20 rivalry started in about 1921 that we have going down this weekend in the 5A playoff’s?
Unbelievable. Everybody is talking about it. We made plans to be in Kansas and Missouri this weekend visiting relatives for the annual Thanksgiving dinner. I am still trying to come up with some kind of disease which will keep me from crossing state lines.
I still can’t believe C’ville went to Lawton and whipped the #1 ranked team. I fully expect Skiatook to move on but you know more about their health and ability than I do.
I don’t have a very good feeling. When Skiatook lost their starting linebacker, punter, kick-off man, field goal kicker, extra point kicker, plus one of their defensive ends they have been struggling. If it comes down to a field goal it will be tough. I was shocked Collinsville destroyed Lawton at their field, but glad also.
I was happy for them and shocked at the same time. JJ went to the game and said it was awesome. I’m really glad these guys meet in the playoffs, should be a great rematch.
I didn’t even notice she had teeth 🙂
That running back that visited (the decommit from MSU) has some guns.
Adams is his name, I do believe.
Looks like the D recruiting is going to be special. But I’m getting pretty worried about WR and to a lesser extent RB for 2016. OL is a bit slow, but I have faith in BB to pull that out.
lots of young talent already on campus at OL, WR is scary next year w/out Shepard OU is set at RB for at least two more years(if no injuries) with Anderson and possible Mixon or Perine if one or the does not go pro early
Thanks for the info, Super K.
Seeing all the tweets and photos from players and their families from this past weekend was very encouraging. Hearing Mr. Daniels comments gives me much hope that Chris will be a Sooner.
Question: you or any of the Brainiacs attending high school playoff games this weekend? There is a triple header at Cowboy/ATT stadium on Saturday starting at 10:30a.m. that will have some fantastic athletes, some not well known to recruiters.
Looking forward to some new Bedlam memories.
This is the best one of them all. Pure domination.
One of my favorite moments from Bedlam!
See you later!
We are better at all things….including boobies.
Although frankly I have never seen a more perfect definition of ‘moob’ in my life.
My eyes! How do I unsee this image?
Lots of tequila.
Never been a fan of orange boobs.
Ill be honest, if the boobs on the left were orange, I wouldn’t care
Never been a fan of man boobs. Except my own. Those are ok.
The NCAA is scrambling to figure out a process for filling bowl slots because there may not be enough bowl eligible teams. Let me help: stop creating new bowls! It should be capped at 30. If you’re not in the top half of the country then get in the gym and film room so you can try again next year.
It’s a participation world we live in now. We goin straight to hell. 🙂
The NCAA is scrambling to figure out a process for filling bowl slots because there may not be enough bowl eligible teams. Let me help: stop creating new bowls! It should be capped at 30. If you’re not in the top half of the country then get in the gym and film room so you can try again next year.
Let’s not forget who and what we are facing Saturday night.
Mad skills to wave that turkey leg, grab a bite, and never miss a beat
We need to move that game to a week before Thanksgiving…..those damn leftover turkey legs are gonna kill someone.
Brain to eyes-locate turkey leg.
Brain to teeth-bite turkey leg.
Brain to arm-keep waving.
In the lower pic, love the background. Talk to the hand gesture to the girl. LMAO
Good eye, didn’t notice. LOL!
I have a knack for paying attention. 🙂
Does the Big 12 have any review process for plays like the targeting on Baker after the game? In the NFL I’m sure it would be reviewed by the league and a hefty fine but it just seems like that hit was so malicious to me it deserves more than time served.
Coach Stoops sent the targeting hit on Mixon from baylor to the conference authorities and we never heard squat on that blatant hit.
They also missed one on samaje vs tcu. I don’t think Patterson runs a dirty program but I do find it odd the amount of injuries in that game and they weren’t incidental.
That one too. Then there was the blatant pass interference on Samaje that resulted in a tcu interception.
I’m not sure we would expect to hear squat. But I imagine the league has been in communication with OU about it.
I would think we would hear if an announcement he was being suspended for a half came out.
Got the call right on Baker, though. Perhaps that was the result of the Mixon complaint?
That call was made on the field and was egregious, the hit on Mixon was obviously targeting and should have been called when it happened.
Does the Big 12 have any review process for plays like the targeting on Baker after the game? In the NFL I’m sure it would be reviewed by the league and a hefty fine but it just seems like that hit was so malicious to me it deserves more than time served.
I got Bob Stoops. I’ve also seen Barry Switzer, Joe Washington, and Joe Don Looney tinkering around.
I’ll take a shot later, just made it into the house and it appears I have some catching up to do….as usual.
I got Bob also.
Sam Bradford
Steve Owens
Joe Don Looney.
I had a feeling.
Some pretty messed up options in that test, should have been a “none of the above” panel available.
Yeah, I never took Stoops for a George Jones fan. 🙂
Are we really thinking that this thing put together by the Tulsa world has any basis in reality at all?
I don’t, just a goof…a really bad one.
Yeah, I had a tough choice of Michael or the Beatles, when I really wanted a Van Halen in there.
I was looking for some 70’s prog rock. Maybe some Yes, ELP, or the Moody Blues.
I could go there also. I am basically a classic rock guy.
Me too, though I have a bunch of odd things on my play list, I am mostly rock with a spattering of metal thrown in.
I’m all jazz, oldies second, anything that sounds good third.
Anybody that has a great guitarist. Eddie, Clapton, Satriani, Jimi, BB, and many others that catch my ear. My true love is a person that can make the guitar talk. Hmmm, first for me was …
When I first heard that many, many years ago, it mystified me.
Me too. Had to go buy the album with my lunch money. lol
Wore out the cassette.
I would have picked VH, was afraid to pick Garth because I may have shown up as a Gundy. 🙂
Apparently we had different choices.
VH wasn’t an option….we were just wishing.
I was okay with the Foo Fighters, but the people or cartoon characters to identify with were weak.
Uh, who is George Jones? /s
No show!
Me too. And I don’t even know anything about him. That was before my time. I wanted Dr. Death Steve Williams!
Jack Mildren
Same here.
Jamelle Holieway
Always thought you were a wishbone girl. 🙂
Same here.
Bob Stoops
Funny, took it again and chose every category that I didn’t like and came up with Bob Stoops.
I took it again and went with the other of my tough choices and it came up with Yours truly, Joe Don Luney. 🙂
There you go. 🙂
Well at least you have the love of football in common.
Jack Mildren for me. I like it. Good stuff.
Bud Wilkinson for me
You’re not old enough for that! LOL.
Barry Switzer here =)
I came up as Boomer the mascot!
Steve Owens
Billy Sims
Billy Sims…yelling Boomer all the tine.
Boomer-que! The sauce. 🙂
Yes! l also with slight embarrassment remember him yelling it alot during Bradfords Heisman trophy acceptance.
LOL, It did get out of hand. BOOMER….BOOMER…BOOMER!
Billy may, or may not, have imbibed a little too much that evening. Ironically, I got Billy as well.
Probably so..he means well. He is Boomer Sooner through and through.
That, he is. Hell, I’d love to run into him out and about and yell, “BOOMER!” at him.
Sam Bradford for me.
Billy Sims and his afro-logistics.
Best way for the Big 12 to earn respect is to win the National Championship
For OU to win a natty
Who will call Bedlam Saturday night, Herbie?
I really don’t like Hoover!
Welcome to the club.
Hoover sucks. And vacuums do too.
They actually made decent vacuums, just failed miserably in the media department. 🙂
The vacuums are better at their intended purpose than the hack.
What has he done now?
Published an article about OU ‘just the latest program to not follow concussion protocol rules’. I listened to him jab Bob in the presser today. His questioning reeked of a set-up for his pre-fabricated article. Strange professional.
He wrote an article with the subject centered around how OU was not compliant with the Big 12’s concussion policy concerning BM.
John E. Hoover: OU just the latest school to not follow Big 12’s new concussion policy
He has his Sooner visit pinned up top on his twitter page.
Who do you take vs okst this weekend? White, Baker, or Bradford….I honestly think we have the best possible Stoops qb to win this weekend. Who you guys got?
Bradford for me. If Baker wins, he might overtake Sam as my favorite!
I loved Bradford (still do), but am good with Baker being the new face of Sooner Nation! Love the kids heart, everyday and everyway. Seems to be the epitome how to represent OU. I absolutely love the fire and comaraderie from Baker.
Would agree. Bradford didn’t lose to osu. Mayfield has with much less talent. If mayfield wins us the title he will overtake Bradford for me.
This weekend? I want Baker because he would run through a brick wall to win. Loved Sam’s accuracy, loved White’s beautiful deep balls and escaping, but Baker is a street fighter who refuses to lose. We are in a street fight.
Baker..Walk on at TTech…made starting QB. Walk on at OU…made starting QB and Heisman consideration. His story needs to conclude with a National Championship. This needs to happen.
Baker = Warrior.
I think White and Bradford were great in their own right and their Heisman’s prove it but to me, Baker kinda reminds me of a William Wallace kind of leader/warrior and I think this team would follow him anywhere- tells me all I need to know about him.
Wouldn’t doubt that he has this memorized or as a tat:
“Once more into the fray…
Into the last good fight I’ll ever know…
To live and die on this day…
To live and die on this day…”
BM is probably best given our still maturing offensive line. And he is more fiery and intense than our previous Heisman winners. However, Jason White with two healthy knees? Would like to have seen that.
Could Parker’s game saving play against TCU be the 2015 equivalent of Marshall’s interception against A&M in 2000?
Beat osu, and I’m in.
I would love to think so. Definitely instant classic.
If the year ends the same way…absolutely.
I think Parker’s play is more comparable to Derrick Strait’s pass break-up in the OSU game that year. The Sooners were leading and OSU was down to their last play (4th and goal at the 12). The pass was a jump ball to the right front corner of the end zone. Strait out-jumped marcellus rivers (who had about a 7″ height advantage) to tip the ball away. There were a lot of similarities between Parker’s play Saturday night and Strait’s play in bedlam 2000.
Rowdy is a great kid and since we have decent depth at O-line I think an in state kid would be great, wouldn’t pressure for immediate playing time.
Also it could snow this weekend so I hope Poke fans stay home, would be funny if there was more Crimson than orange in their stadium, with a conference championship on the line, on national TV!
That would be great but I know plenty of poke fan and snow doesn’t scare them. They have to feed their sheep in the snow, just walk on up to the stadium when they’re done. 🙂
If I recall last time it snowed/sleeted for Bedlam in Stillwater, there were some shoes, ice balls and turkey legs thrown on the players and a cheerleader attempted trip leading up to a Sooner victory.
You can dodge a snow ball, dodge a turkey leg, but those pesky cheerleaders are some son beeches.
The same cheerleader spit at Saunders in the end zone after his punt return TD.
Saw Rowdy play and as a guard he will push for early playing time. He can be dominating. I think he commits if the offer is made.
Did anyone see the end of the NFL game? Horrible officiating, and both the missed completion that was overturned and the non-stoppage of the clock were the same clown.
Seems like there might be a silent commit or 2 that aren’t so silent.
His Twitter profile says he is an OU commit and 247 has him as a hard commit to OU.
Well I think they’re talking about others. I knew these 2 were committed.
I knew about Sylvie but I guess I was late to the party about Cobb.
I would venture to say a good DL commit would make a DBs life easier.
“I’ll unwrap the gift during Christmas time.” Chris Daniels? Isn’t his commitment date on December 19th?
Had the same thought.
Please vote for Samaje, dude from UConn is ahead.
31%-32%. The UConn guy got 7 receptions for 102? That’s not Perine worthy.
No sir, it isn’t.
Big family
Just hit up all the devices.
Chanse Sylvie: you gotta love that kid. I will be rooting for him to no end. Joe is the same way. Those two are all in. Folks talk about getting Oklahoma kids because they care about OU. That’s overrated. Look at Sylvie out their recruiting for OU.
Just wait until you see him play. I’ve seen him on tv twice this year, the first game made me come up out of my seat, the second I just sat and smiled. He’s like a Sidewinder missile when he attacks.
Well, there you have it. I will be rooting for this young man on and off the field.
Same here, his personality is infectious.