Sooners News Daily 10.5.15


If you’ve spent any time living in the great state of Oklahoma or you’re just familiar from a distance, you’ve surely become accustomed to Berry Tramel waxing idiotic on some poorly thought out premise in a pathetically transparent attempt to do nothing but sell papers. So dumb columns are certainly nothing new, but his latest effort proclaiming Ok State has unseated Texas as OU’s primary rival has to be one of the dumbest.


Streaking Sooners look to add to Texas’ historically bad start to season (DMN)


Texas is battered, but Sooners ‘can’t sleep on them’ (TW)

Surging Oklahoma won’t overlook a dysfunctional Texas team (TW)



  • BleedCrimson says:

    Morning fellow Brainiac followers. It is 7am and Texsa still sucks!!!

  • Cush Creekmont says:

    Love a win and a BOOM. Very nice weekend. texsa week – I just hope the players consider the uniforms and not the current stuffing.

  • Soonerfandave84 says:

    Good morning. The Sooners may get to be a Playoff caliber team but the OL still isn’t where they need to be. But they keep surviving and that’s all they need to do.

    • rainydaze114 says:

      That’s what I’m thinking too. Seeing all the “experts” picking OU in the playoff is somewhat confusing to me considering the lack of consistent OL play. All great teams have great OLs. Hopefully they get there soon, but they aren’t there yet.

      • Soonerfandave84 says:

        Yeah, they see the talent at WR, RB, and QB on offense and the D seems to have some playmakers at each level, and the kicking game looks good. Now just to get a cohesive and effective OL and this team might be the team some are hyping them to be.

      • SamSooner says:

        Why start paying attention to what ESPiN or any of the news outlet has to say?

        • rainydaze114 says:

          I didn’t just “start”, I always pay attention to them. If anyone is saying anything about my favorite team, I’m going to listen.

          • SamSooner says:

            I get it. I understand. They must have given you 23 hours and 59 minutes back into your day. They don’t say much and it’s usually not flattering. LOL!

          • Walter Sobcek says:

            I’m the same way. eSECpn is the car wreck I can’t turn away from. And I will continue to fight their sec bias on every football site I can. As my namesake said in Big Lebowksi: “This affects all of us, man.”

      • SoonerGoneEast says:

        I just assume they don’t watch the games. We could develop into a playoff team, but we’re not a top four team at this point.

  • Golfluvr13 says:

    Good morning!

  • 47 Straight OU Know says:

    ” Yet another fine day to be a SOONER “

  • Sooner Ray says:

    The wife’s vacuum cleaner quit working over the weekend so I slapped a longhorn sticker on it……it started sucking again. Heard this on the radio this morning. lol.

  • BoomerDave says:

    Call me “idiotic” and “dumb” as well if you like, but OSU supplanted UT as my most hated rival several years ago. Same goes with almost everyone I know, as well. Jordan, I suppose we are all idiots!

    • James Gustina says:

      I’m a student and I don’t manage to hate Oklahoma State more than Texas. It’s just a personal thing on which team you hate more. I can imagine being OKSt fans more often makes it worse.

      • Hartshorne Miner says:

        While Poke fans can be super annoying, they are part of my state that I take pride in calling my own. When it comes to Texas, the enemy of my most hated enemy is my friend.

    • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

      My sentiment is similar. UT’s is a whiny, petulant, arrogant fanbase with a few achievements to back them up. While OSUcks is just a whiny, petulant, arrogant fanbase.

      • SamSooner says:

        I like how you worded that. Speaking of wording: you owe me the next entry. I’m waiting: #WaitOnIt.

        • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

          LOL! Man, I ended the saga with an underwhelming finale a while back. Didn’t want my silly nonsense to take anything away from talking football once the season got rolling.

          • SamSooner says:

            Well, I guess that means we’re not friends anymore. LOL!

            You’re one of the cool ones that come here RR. Just teasing you, for clarity.

          • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

            It’s all good, my brother. Give and take is the name of the game. I’m sure it’s obvious, but I’m not one to take myself too seriously. Especially in a world of avatars and pseudonyms.

            May we look over the Red River and thumb our collective nose.

          • DrewChubbs says:

            All available middle fingers, raised skyward and in a generally southern direction is more apropos to that endeavor, I believe.

          • 47 Straight OU Know says:

            Just to be clear. Your saga was clearly football related it had a football coach and it had a football commenter that shall remain nameless. So therefore I think that the board would allow for the great saga to continue. “What say you Brainiacs”

          • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

            I’m flattered, 47. 🙂

          • SamSooner says:


    • SamSooner says:

      Not for me: I just enjoy dispatching the annoying gnats. As for texsa, yeah, I want a thorough beat down each year. I have a friend who’s a texsa fan. They used to be our neighbors before they moved to Wisconsin. At first, I was trying to keep it cordial, play down the OU routes as nothing major. It’s just a game. texsa has talent. Yada. Yada. Yada. But one year they got lucky and I heard it forever. And for every year that texsa won, she would come out of the wood work to talk trash, even on Facebook.

      So, now, I give it to her big time. You all know the record. I’ve had the better end of that deal.

    • cpearc00 says:

      Although I don’t agree with you at all, I also don’t agree with the unnecessary name-calling by Jordan.

      • Josh says:

        When it comes to Trammell I believe Jordan is spot on in his assessment.

        • cpearc00 says:

          Agree to disagree, I suppose. I don’t love the guy, but don’t think he deserves this level of hate either.

          • John Garner says:

            I disagree. Given his lack of integrity and professionalism, Trammel deserves all the hate and venom we can muster and throw his way.

        • Oscar says:

          Aggots do not come close to being the Sooners’ biggest rival. What a stretch. There is probably about (at least) 100,000 Sooner fans that have never been on the internet that also, still despise the horns more than any other team.

        • Bart Young says:

          Tramel pretty obviously trolls Sooner fans to generate hits/readership and on-line comments. It is usually pretty clear in the first paragraph whether he is really trying to write something thoughtful or just producing bird cage liner to generate hits/responses.

      • SamSooner says:

        cpear, I believe Jordan is describing the article, not Trammel.

    • Dick Bump says:

      As an OU alum living in Texas, I have several friends who are UT fans and alumni. It’s a pain to put up with a loss to UT when it happens. On the other hand, having a few misguided relatives who are OSU fans and alumni, it really sucks on the rare occasion when we lose to them. At my age, you can’t ignore the phone call from a relative after the game, for fear that someone croaked. Family abuse is much worse.

    • Walter Sobcek says:

      No question Texas is OU’s longest and bitterest rival. It’s a border war. OU-OSU is nothing but a comically lopsided family feud, wherein the big brother (OU) routinely pounds lil bro’ into submission. Once in awhile lil bro lands a lucky punch.

  • rainydaze114 says:

    Hoping for a similar sight this weekend!!

    • SamSooner says:

      Yes, with 3/4 of the stadium in crimson.

    • John Garner says:

      Anytime we have Texas kids on campus for their OV, we ought to have a blow up of this pic in the Switzer Center as they walk in.

      • Jane Troy says:

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    • rainydaze114 says:

      Hell, at this rate, it might look like this at kickoff.

    • DrewChubbs says:

      Any time there is a Mass Texodus, it is a great day!

  • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

    I thought about posting one observation (because one is all I got) from the WVU game, but screw that. Texas, you suck. Yours is the suckiest suck fest in the history of suckery. Why, they should interchange all instances of the word ‘suck’ and ‘sucker’ with Texas. You would then have the:

    –Texaspunch: [noun] an unexpected and gutless punch or blow: Joe Texas-punched him and ran like a schoolgirl.

    –Texasfish: [noun] some leach-like fish that depends on a much stronger species of fish for relevance:

    –Texasling: [noun] an unweaned child or animal; you know, on the teat

    And new phrases. Like my favorite:

    “Texas it up!” informal to accept hardship (because, you know, you took a gamble on a suckTexas-tastic coach and told us over and over that, “Oh, he’s so awesome. He’s–he’s resilient is what he is! Why, he’s a developer of character and toughness.” Ba-loney, Texas).

    Yours is a dying brand. And the only reason I want you to come back around is to see that all-too-glorious expression of uniform disappointment on each and every suckTexas-er that bought a ticket to the Cotton Bowl to see you get smeared over the turf like butter. Sucky McSuck. Suck Suck O’ Sucky. Suck Suck Suckaroo.

    May your tears end the drought in California.

  • Josh says:

    Might chip in starting next Sunday.

  • SamSooner says:

    This whole Big XII officiating thing is makes be think the officials in this league are really incompetent, inconsistent and incapable of achieving excellence. For a league that is responsible for being innovative, who found a way to get an 8th official on the field, allowing the offenses in this league to go fast, have difficulty getting the simple things correct.

    Two weeks ago, Shepard was flagged for flexing after a catch. This weekend, after De De was stripped of the ball, the WVU DB taunted him with the official right there.

    You guessed it: no flag at all. How could they miss this? I hope this is something Bob sends to the league for review.

    • Bart Young says:

      There is so much that can be said about the officiating in conference it is hard to know where to start. I’d settle for some sort of consistency, and consistently sucking doesn’t count. It is unfathomable to me how the crew that botched the OSU/UT game two weeks ago could be assigned another game this past weekend. I just can’t wrap my mind around it. As much as I loved seeing UT finally have an officiating crew not bail them out at every opportunity, it was still frustrating to watch a game like that knowing the officials directly impacted the outcome of the game.

      Then the OSU/KSU game this weekend and the phantom 1st down which led to points a few plays later. Piss poor officiating does affect the outcome of games, regardless of what we are supposed to believe.

      So far this year we’ve learned that piss poor officiating is acceptable, but if your band creates an image of another team your band director will be disciplined. Got it. . . . . stellar leadership by Bowlsby and Anderson.

      • SamSooner says:

        I just don’t know how that’s not called. He’s a yard away. I can’t believe the OU coaches didn’t go ballistic.

        • Oscar says:

          I thought I saw to helmet to helmet hits by WV. One on Baker and one on Westbrook.

        • Bart Young says:

          Mind blowing; . . . . and there is no explanation for it. Your example above; Ref is standing right there on top of the play. The textbook targeting penalty that wasn’t called early in the game; the whole stadium saw it but not one official? The down/distance situation in Stoolwater. . . . . . . . the examples are seemingly endless.

    • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

      But I’d be danged if they didn’t catch that “illegal wedge”. 🙂

      • Bart Young says:

        I’ll be honest, I don’t think I have ever seen that called. Has anyone else?

        • Boom says:

          Called? Heck, I didn’t even know it was a penalty. I learned one on Saturday. Also, I found it interesting to call the home team for a sideline penalty.

          • BoomerDave says:

            The home teams sideline is always more crowded than the visitors. That is not an unusual call at all.

          • Boom says:

            I understand. However, I would bet that there wasn’t one sideline penalty called in any other college game last weekend. Not one.

        • Josh Weaver says:

          There was one called on Baylor this past weekend as well.

          • Bart Young says:

            Interesting; Didn’t see that game. Maybe it is called more than I’m aware, but I watch a lot of FB and I can’t recall ever seeing it called before.

          • Josh Weaver says:

            I randomly switched it over there and happened to catch it as it occurred. Never knew the penalty existed and saw it “happen” twice on one weekend. OU’s looked more like 3 guys thinking Ross was taking a knee and quickly turned around when he ran out with guys right there to block.

        • Eric Hoffpauir says:

          It’s a fairly recent rule change.

      • Golfluvr13 says:

        There is an article in the DOK about that “illegal wedge”. WVU’s NT asked Ty what the heck it was on the next snap when they were waiting for the call. LOL!

    • HoustonChiver says:

      That pissed me off. I was screaming for a taunting flag

      • SamSooner says:

        The officials continue to be a “protected class” in sports. Why?

        This is disgusting and this is what frustrates players: the official had obviously determined that he wasn’t going to call this penalty. This is the same crew that botched the texsa game. If I’m the referee, my crew is on high alert.

        The hands to the face call, only one was legit, the second one. However, one of WVU’s lineman got his hands in Striker’s face, no call.

  • Sooner born, Sooner bred says:

    Why is no one questioning the end of the first half? We have the ball 46 seconds left three time outs and we run the clock out? As fast as we were scoring you’d think we at least would try to get in field goal position with 3 timeouts and 46 seconds left!

    • Sooner4life says:

      It seems there really is no need in that situation. We had the momentum already and we were getting the ball to start the second half. Last thing you want is a turnover and a score from WV and shift the mo.

      • Sooner born, Sooner bred says:

        Sounds like we’re hesitating and playing scared to make a mistake. I say keep your foot on the gas and at least give Siebert a shot. We came out flat after the half anyway.

  • Jason Vos says:

    Just imagine how good this offense would be if we could run the damn ball. Why not just run the ball like Baylor does?

    They run the play on the same play the whole game, and gain massive yards

  • Scott says:

    I hope we can drop 70 on Texsa this year , that should help sway Malik Jefferson to OU

    • John Garner says:

      Man, no way saxeT lets Malik go should he want to transfer. Not without a major fight. Besides, with the LBs we have coming up and in, I don’t think we need Malik.

    • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

      Nah. Malik’s the skinny girl at fat camp.

  • Defend Colfax says:

    I wasn’t sure if I could find this anywhere online so I did a little work with numbers regarding P5 conferences. as of 10/5/15

    1. ACC
    Overall conference record (36-23) 61%
    Out of Conference record (3-13)
    vs P5 conferences (3-10)

    2. BIG10
    Overall (49-18) 73.1 %
    OOC (9-13)
    vs P5 (9-9)

    3. BIG12
    Overall (30-10) 75%
    OOC (4-5)
    vs P5 (4-4)

    4. PAC12
    Overall (38-17) 69 %
    OOC (4-6)
    vs P5 (4-4)

    5. SEC
    Overall (46-21) 68.6%
    OOC (5-4)
    vs P5 (5-2)

  • BigJoeBrown says:

    That route by Shep is just sick…

  • David Morris says:

    I have been working nights for the last couple of months and these early games are killing me, but nothing beats OU texas. I doubt I will even sleep at all when I get home that morning. BOOMER!

  • h-townsooner says:

    Can someone remind me what Georgia has done recently to be deserving of a top 10 rank and why they are such a “big win” for Alabama?

    • SamSooner says:

      Uh…, SEC, maybe. Just a guess but I could be wrong. LOL!

      • hushnpa says:

        A lot of sports reporters and such like Georgia .. for no apparent reason ..
        besides , they ought to be good /:

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      I really think rankings shouldn’t come out til October. Most likely everyone will have played at least 4 games by then and people will have a better idea of who is who

      • Walter Sobcek says:

        That would be logical, but promoting the sec requires inflated ratings before the season begins.

  • soonermusic says:

    I would be surprised if the officiating in any of the other conferences is any better than the Big12. Are there any reasonable ranking systems for such things? Or is it just the eyeball test, in which case I imagine the teams in each conference will tell you their officials are the worst.–right up to the point that they get screwed by officials from a different conference in an interconfertnce game.

  • RBear says:

    Who’s the home team this week, us or texsa?

  • Walter Sobcek says:

    Point spreads mean nothing in the Red River Rumble. Prepare for a street fight. We’re going ot get UT’s best shot, filled with frustration, anger and resentment. Going to have to hit back hard, early and often. This is a game for players who like contact!