Image via ktul.com
Trying something a little bit different as the Football Brainiacs continue to expand their presence amongst Sooner Nation, this time with a basketball game thread.
Because a Top 25 Bedlam match-up warrants the coverage.
So hang out with us, take part in the comments, and watch what should be a terrific basketball game between two teams — and fanbases — that don’t particularly care for one another.
let’s do this damn thing!
about time I was getting worried
I’ve just never understood putting the thread up an hour before tip
now don’t make me regret this y’all. there will be no talking to myself here tonight.
You’re the most entertaining person you know anyway Jordan! 🙂
if only
unconfirmed rumor Smart flopped during the pregame intros
I expect it to be close, but optimistic OU can pull it out in the end. OSU has a bunch of talent.
I can tell his mama is hoping the crowd chants that!
I am not sure are crowd is smart enough to even know he is there and who he is
don’t underestimate them my friend
I think the rufneks and soonermen are gonna try to start the chant via twitter
Hes probably number 3 on my wish list!
My wife has officially left the room
Not a good shot by Buddy
Tough draw tonight for Woodard with Smart defending
Nice Rebound Spangler
dude is a beast
Spangler can rebound with the best of them
How do yall like spanglers matchup tonight?
needs to dominate
Woodard has to do more of that and get Smart into foul trouble
Got to make FT’s
Ryan Spangler (My favorite) and Steven Clark. Players to watch. I played with the Woodard brothers and Steven Clark. He could ball at Douglass and pull up from Half Court with ease.
Wow incredible effort by Spangler. I think he wants this w tonight!
Now this is funny.
unnecessary foul
Too many open shots
where’s the foul?!?
crowd is LIVE tonight!
We need the cam clark from the kansas game
Anybody see this guy? This is great.
Accidentally uploaded it twice…oops.
You’re always bringing too much game Leroy!
I don’t like Neal on Nash
How did that not fall
That hook was so pretty if only it would have dropped!
And1 baby
Spangler has improved his free throw shooting
My high school played him 3 or 4 times when he was at Bridge Creek. He played a lot of a point forward type player and had some pretty good range then. I don’t remember much about him shooting FT though.
Capel messed up not recruiting him
Big time. He was a kid that wanted to be in Oklahoma.
2 blocks for DJ
don’t cut under screens for Forte!
two turrible shots from Buddy Love so far
MAN our bench has shown up tonight
hells yeah!
BTW I don’t know if you noticed but poor Rich
they’re getting what they deserve as far as I’m concerned
I don’t know about that foul call there
Tyler got bailed out there
Smart picks up his second!
Smart cant hurt us on the bench
those chairs better watch their back tho
Its ok he will tweet them later and apologize
sharp. shooter.
Nice feed from Booker
Booker dropping dimes!
Somebody needs to take a charge
Spangler is in foul trouble now
That is a terrible call on Ryan Spangler!
c’mon Buddy! dunk that
That is big getting Nash on the bench
Cam and 1
love that pump fake
Damn cam!
Cmon guys make the FT’s
damn FTs
We aren’t shooting free throws very good tonight
Getting Chippy…I like it
Hope dre dont mind its with his brother
Could not ask for much better of a start. Get Nash and Smart on the bench early. And jump out to a lead. Boomer!
need to extend it tho with those two guys on the bench. Sooner!
Damn, this thread didn’t show up on the main site, thought it failed.
didn’t either for me on the iPad but was there for me on the phone. weird.
Is it bad sitting watching this and seeing Clark catch the ball that I immediately think he would have shot that at Douglass?
some HUGE minutes from Bennett so far
He is playing great right now
Hope we don’t fowl out early
More Blake Griffin commercials please
Forte is their best player right now
Nice drive Buddy
Some boys that are still learning playing pretty good so far against NBA talent
Sounds like Musbeger has his money on the Sooners tonight!
Mus doesn’t know where his hotel is
so smooth
And another nice drive for Buddy
Dang that kid can shoot
might want to defend him on the arc. just sayin
Anyone have a mute button for that little girl screaming during the free throws?
I thought that was you
Sorry…that was me.
do we really need a camera dedicated to a Smart on the bench? me thinks not
Lets get Spangler in the last couple of mins of the half
Foul trouble
I disagree. I would much rather take the lead into the half and keep Spangler with 2 fouls then try and stretch it out more and him possibly pick up a third.
wtf was that shot???
In and out
Is there such thing as an osu flop drinking game? If so wed be hammered
Is there a drinking game they don’t have?
Damn good point
What a shot by Tyler
Tough foul call there
Hope we have a finish like this
I’ll take it
They were doing We want Dre chants lol and Deondre knows it!
Kruger always looks like he just heard funny inside joke
Well Jordo, you pulled off the BB thread and people actually showed up! Nice job.
I agree. This isnt an easy thing to get people into. On another note, I really enjoy the brainiacs and their info
Top notch, I can’t wait to see the site rebuild
I too am glad we can do this for basketball
just giving the people what they want, no thanks necessary 🙂
That’s what you’ve always done, that’s why we’re here!
I hate we might be on a Markel Brown highlight but that back door screen for a lob was pretty. Boys came to play tonight and Deondre wants to sit in the Student section
somebody has gone full on beergut 🙂
Now.. #thunderup during half time
They are trying to come back
They should try that kevin durant guy..heard he aint to shabby
Was he a JUCO?
Yeah university of south Oklahoma in austin.
If we win, are you heading over to crff for some redemption Jordan? Ill gladly tag along and share my feelings with those women too. Nothing like sandy va jay jays.
OH no here we go
We’re all gonna be banned!
Haha screw it. Those low life pathetic excuses for men.
I peeked, it’s the same lonely conversation
haha! I would but I’m quite certain I’m still banned. have thoroughly enjoyed my critique of them whining about refs, only to be met w/ world record level denial, has been more than sufficiently justified w/ countless posts since doing just that.
You’re even banned from the neibors house?
I can give you my pw for sbnation and let you get 1 solid rant in. Just make sure it would make me proud.
Needed a charge call on Smart there
3rd on Nash
That foul is on Spangler
B F’n S
Smart gets star calls. Gotta be mindful of that. Big foul call there.
Stay in that zone please
Hes having a great game
What high school did Woodard go to?
Edmond Memorial
Sometimes these ref’s make me think about the pac 12
Shooting lights out
4th on Nash…no self control there
what a moron
Nashy go bye bye
dude is gonna go down as one of the most overrated players in Puke history
From 1st round pick in coming freshman to maybe 2nd round?
Don’t seem so devastated by that Jordan lol
I just stopped by the “other” site…Heath C. was right…it’s just Rich DeCray posting like 100 comments…LAWL (this is the actual pronunciation of LOL in case you didn’t know).
in a thread where you are literally talking to only yourself you drop a ‘boom goes the dynamite.
I’d like to introduce you to someone, rock bottom.
Hello? is anyone there?
Rich DeCray.
“Hey rich, its rich. How do you like the game so far?”
Meh….. It’s only basketball.
Should the fans take it a little easy on Clark right now
uh-oh, Deondre ain’t gonna like this
Does he not like winners?
His brother goes to osu, you figure it out..
Wow. Clark fouled out with 1218 to go. Time to attack Smart hard!
Seeing the tweets from Rufus Alexander to Dre Clark?
Kruger needs to get on them a little bit. Someone needs to step in the lane and take a charge on Smart. Do that and it could be a game changer
need to start running again, our game isn’t slowing it down in the half court
Someone break that kids arms!
Big answer
I heart you, tyler
Are we supposed to hand it to them at our end?
ideally, no
Wow they called a foul
push it = success
New game plan, Force it and draw fouls
Keep doing it
Got to keep making FT’s
yes, please
Thank God for Spangler
I don’t know about that call
dang it
Wow….are you going to call every touch foul
here come the refs
Rufus Alexander is blowing up Dre Clark’s twitter for the past hour or so. Still waiting for the “WE WANT DRE!!!” chants
arena needs to show him on the big screen
Give them a call!
Big and 1 plus the foul on Smart
Ryan Mother Fucking Spangler!
They’re gonna play on the outside till the end
man, got lucky there. no need to even attempt that, buddy
Why are we showing Toby K. and not Dre?
Nice ISO on Smart
That was a charge
horrible call
Pac-12 type call
Is this rugby?
forget three seconds, that was like fifteen
I could have played this game but they told me my socks were too tall
wake up!
c’mon, make these dang FTs
Then Steal
Man was hoping that would be Smart right there with the foul!
Hope Spangler makes it to the end
Smart is begging for a cheap foul call at this point!
BIG foul!
loving it
Spangler is a grown man out there.
Beast and home grown!
“Make Way for Spangler
The Rebound Wrangler” Hahahaha
ONE M F’n 45 baby!
Man that kid is unreal
that kid’s release is ridiculous
I don’t know how he does not start
The crowd was about to explode!
freaking buddy
Turn out the lights…
Let’s go ahead and peel the orange off that fruit!
Wait timeout did Forte just miss a 3?
Jordan, I would call tonight a success on all fronts!
And as if there were any doubt, the Pukes still suck!
had fun y’all, thanks for hanging out!
Thanks for getting this going tonight
You the MAN!
Lets go get a nice road win at Iowa St. now
Very nice win tonight for the Sooners. Beating your Top 10 ranked in-state rival is always sweet. Keep it going Sooners!
Great game! Boomer Sooner!
Man…what a night! Live near Austin, TX now but up visiting the family in Owasso. Got to take my 3-yr old and 5-yr old to their first Thunder game. What a show that was. AND my Sooners beat OSU!?!? It’s a GREAT time to be a Sooner and a Thunder fan!
I work evening shift, so was not able to watch the game (Did keep up with the score of the game). I watched the game on DVR after I got home. How AWESOME were the SOONERS tonight. Loved the team effort. They are a team that plays together as one, I love that in the Sooner family. Bob Stoops, Lon Kruger, Sherri Coale, KJ Kindler. Mark Williams, and all of the other Sooner coaches seem to embrace the family/close knitt culture tor new recruits to beocme as large of the program as they would like to become themselves.
Sorry,Im getting tired, hope I am on top of things. I thought the Bedlam game was an awesome win for OU, but thought that the officials were a deffinate part of the game. Thought the Smart flop late in the game was sooooo bogus. He seems to be able to get calls that should have been against himself. what an acting job. Would like to see the NCAA officials take a better response to the flop calls. But long story short, The Sooners were all over the Cowboys from the start. Great Win!!!
Go Soonmers!!!!