Image via @OU_Football
In an oddly timed announcement, coming in the midst of national attention focused squarely on the U.S. Men’s National Team and the World Cup, OU Football released to the public plans for a newly designed alternative jersey dubbed #BringTheWood.
Alternative jerseys has long been a hotly contested subject amongst Sooner Nation with the majority typically falling on the side of unfavorable due to some fear that they would somehow affect the tradition of OU Football. Meanwhile, the simple fact of the matter is these type of things – in addition to something like the also recently announced stadium renovations – are a necessity in the current world of college football. Primarily with recruits who are looking for all different type of reasons to choose a school than they were even five to ten years ago.
If the initial reaction immediately following the announcement are any indication, then the vocal majority appear to be against these new uniforms. However, I’d simply ask you to consider the opinion of those who will be actually wearing said new uniforms. The reaction from OU players has been overwhelmingly positive, and many a recruit have similarly followed suit.
I suppose it’s all well and good if you don’t like them, and your opinion will and certainly does matter as OU will undoubtedly be asking you to buy these at some point.
As far as I’m concerned, if the players/recruits are on board then that’s good enough for me. Nothing about today changes the tradition of OU Football, in my opinion. In fact, I commend those in charge at OU for recognizing they needed to adjust their hard stance against this type of thing.
You can be unhappy that this is a necessary evil in today’s world of college football, but I’m not sure I understand how you can be happy that OU is now willing to allow themselves to compete on a level playing field.
All pictures below are via Sooner Sports.
I guess change is going to happen, but man… I would like to see the uniforms left alone.
I am glad for bringing something new everyone once in a while. But I guess, I don’t get the wood?
While not necessarily “flashy” I actually really like a majority of the designs. I think they convey a lot of attitude and frankly the black/grey face masks are pretty intimidating. Like you mentioned, it’s not really about how we feel but how the players feel and I’m seeing current and former player blow up Twitter right now.
I love these!!!!!! OU has needed to roll something like these out for a while now. I love your argument as well. As fans we do not play the game, we do not coach and we do not recruit. We should be happy if the current players love them and if recruits like them as well.
I love the wood crimson helmet. Do you know if we will be the only ones doing the “Bring The Wood”?
Agree 100% percent Steven, all we do is watch the games nothing more. Let the kids we are trying to get to wear the uniforms decide if they should wear them or not.
We don’t coach. We don’t recruit. We don’t play the game.
We just pay the bills!
And you will continue to pay the bills no matter what they are wearing because it is the SOONERS.
I am very much a traditionalist but we must have alternate uni’s for at least 1 home game and 1 road game. MUST in today’s recruiting and modern fan environment. These are much better than the prior 2 alternate uniforms, IMO. I do NOT want to change our uniforms a regular basis but for a couple of games I can live with it. I look forward to what we have in the years ahead.
I’m happy with them, mostly relieved because I know they could’ve been so, so much worse.
I absolutely love our current uniforms, but I do recognize the necessity of changing it up a little every now and then. Recruiting is about the buzz and we are now starting to get a little. The alternative uniforms will help. Heck, if the players want them then I am okay with it.
Old uniforms haven’t hurt the other traditional powerhouses in recruiting. USC, ND, Bama.
True, but ND has a lot of alternates they bring out every year.
I don’t consider their green jerseys an alternative. Those funky helmets were hideous and totally unnecessary.
They’ve had a few different ones over the years.
USC has had alternative uniforms.
I’ve never seen em.
I’ve never seen it on the field.
I hate change and love tradition but I think it’s time. It’s not like our uni’s haven’t changed any over time, in fact there have been many changes. As long as we stay with our colors and don’t do the sweatshirt gray and mix colors up with black I can live with it. The most important thing is to keep these kids excited and talking about OU.
I like the helmet just not the stripe. As for the jersey…well…no.
Everyone does realize that we will wear these 2-3 times a year right? Everyone can still get off on our old school jerseys the other 9-10 a year.
Lol at “get off on our old school jerseys”. People are acting like any type is change is bad.
I’m old school so this is going to take me a minute to get used to. But all that matters to me is wins so if this helps so be it. I do think the helmets are nice but the unis are just ok to me.
Exactly the same thought! I saw the jersies and I was like “ok whatever!?!?” But I saw the Helmets (especially the red one) and I said “BRING THE WOOD!”
Exactly the way I feel. I even like the simplicity of Penn State’s uniform. But, then I look at all the hype and excitement that Oregon stirred up with some of their changes.
Like the home uniform but the away uni……………….no.
Change is the only constant. It doesn’t matter whether I like it or not.
However, I really don’t get the “wood” effect and the stripe looks to Bama.
I would have preferred to see the Crimson helmet with the bright chrome effect.
I would also like to see OU go with the Riddell Flex helmet.
Well…..glad everybody here seems to like em anyway…wish I could say I did too.
“How do we keep our balance? Tradition.”
I’d watch our team play in their underwear if they won every game.
Longjohns maybe lol
You DO NOT want to see the offensive linemen play in underwear……sorry JY.
And it just got weird….
Well, Mbanasor seem’s excited. He just texted me this about them…”They’re icy man, I’m gonna represent and look good while doing it”
And I’m especially not wild about white helmets….ugh
I’m with you on the white helmets.
I have long been against multiple uniforms (Oregon and OSU) but I am totally ok with a one or two game change up. It is not the end of the world and OU will always be OU. Not like Stoops is just going to loose everything he has built over a uni.
Agree….will be not so bad if we’re just talking 1 or 2 games of the season.
They’re only alternates. I would be upset if they were a permanent replacement, but they’re not. I think they look great considering a wagon is the hardest thing to incorporate into a uniform (other than Wyoming’s school colors).
I’m excited, but more importantly the players and recruits are excited.
I don’t like the mixing of the colors… i’m more receptive to red on red, white on white… and I do like the white helmets…
The players sure seem happy.
is this in Meacham?
I don’t know, it is a photo from the same intro as the instagram video above.
Looks like holmberg to me, in fact I’m 99% they’re in Holmberg.
Ah yes. What am I thinking? Meacham doesn’t have a balcony that goes around the side like that.
And this doesn’t even look crimson by the way. These colors look more like Nebraska.
Don’t like them at all. I wouldn’t like them no matter which team had them. Screw the red pants – they look like pajamas. And I don’t like the stripe on the helmets. Are we trying to look like Nebraska??? Ugh.
I think we already have the coolest looking uni’s in the NCAA. Why mess with perfection.
You know these aren’t permanent right?
I guess that’s what alternate uni’s means. So what’s the point? If I need a new visual experience I can watch another team.
Are you also against the stadium renovations? Just curios because that is supposed to be for the fan experience. Uni’s are for player experience so why not let them enjoy their time at OU if that’s what makes them happy. We still get to watch great football.
Yes. They stadium renovations are both pleasing to the eye and serve a real purpose.
The last 2 times they wore something different they got smoked. At tech in’09 and last year against texas. They seem to get distracted by it. I remember last year the players kept going on and on about the gold stuff before the texas game, and I remember thinking, “They have never needed anything like this to get up for texas before.” With the current excitement about the program right now I just don’t think this was needed, and it makes me nervous.
I would be dishonest if I said things like this didn’t give me some concern. The only thing I see different is that it isn’t being handed to them in game week. They have the rest of the summer and fall ball to let it all settle in and seem normal. I don’t really put those losses completely on the player, there were some pretty poor decisions made beyond their control.
Very good points. The injuries didn’t help matters with those 2 games either. I have actually had some ideas about small changes they could make for a rare game, not that anybody cares, but I’m not a fan of these, except the facemasks. I have to admit those are cool.
Because your acting like they are ” messing with perfection” when really they didn’t change the jersey.
Without a strong and faithful, enthused fan base, NONE of this would be possible for the university, the players or the fans, therefore it does matter what the fans consider to be a part of the enjoyment factor of this form of entertainment. That being said… I love them! LOL That the players would love them is a HUGE factor since we fully realize that these top athletes can go pretty much anywhere they please. For those who do not like, what the players themselves like, I should think it a small concession to bring in the top talent to keep your team in that top tier of competition. So…bring on the wood.
If it’s really that simple to bring in the top talent and maybe actually get a #1 recruiting class for a change, then fine. Make em purple for that matter. I just don’t see this being that kind of a difference maker. Maybe I’m wrong….I hope.
My opinion is that as fans our opinions do not matter on this were gonna buy ou gear regardless. I think fans and any one linked to the program needs to help promote the alternate uniforms. This is helping recruiting and I know everyone wants big time recruits.
Agreed, recruits have been raving for the most part. Another thing is that these units will look better when the whole team is wearing them and not with a side by side comparison.
Yeah and I mean I get the whole tradition thing and wanting to keep the uniforms the same but what people have to understand is that these are alternates. And that stoops and the ad and boren all want the normal uniforms to be the one they wear 90% of the time but to get recruits excited this is the trend.
nice try, esco…………I could tolerate the uni’s if they had not gone over-the-top with the ‘bring the wood’ bs and incorporate streaks in both the helmet and jersey……..looks like a bad paint job and is artistic lunacy………..I hope nike cranks out a few hundred thousand of these ugly puppies and sell none…….
Well, if it’s Bring The Wood, the new stadium must be called The Wood Shed.
Sweet baby Jesus…no!!!!!!
Please only wear these against Louisiana Tech and Kansas
Look like shitty WVU knockoffs. DO NOT LIKE.
Let’s see how the sec/Bama fans relate this to something Nick Saban does “better”.
LOVE the new uni’s! I am ALL for it! Look how excited the players are? It only helps. The woodgrain in the helmets is sick. BRING THE WOOD!
The helmets are definitely sick. I really like these uniforms after looking at them over the past few hours. Hated them at first.
Those white helmets are smooth!!!!!!!!
“I really feel like knockin somebody back right now” – Eric Striker
I’m glad the kids like them. Horrible unis though. Such an OSU move.
Nah, osu went with the dirty sweat suit look.
2016 DB recruit, Louis Kelley said about the unis…”They are nice. I didn’t think they (OU) would change their jerseys”
I’m a big fan of both of the alternate helmets. From a player’s perspective, new uniforms are very welcomed.
Kind of off the uni discussion, but Bleacher Report did an article of the Top-25 teams competing for recruits in The Opening, yet OU was left out of all dicussion. Is that because OU isn’t on the radar of most of the recruits attending or just bias/marketing towards SEC teams.
I was wondering the same thing but it’s based on the top 25 team recruiting rankings for 2015.
Aw gotcha, thanks for clearing that up!
On the uni discussion. Maybe this is too progressive but I wouldn’t mind seeing a new alternate each season or every other the season that the leaving class helps produce, I think that being able to leave your mark even after leaving the program would only be positive towards recruiting. Just a thought.
As for the stripe on the helmets, I personally think it’s great. Not a perfect uniform but definitely appealing.
Good point about having seniors design an alternate to leave with the school. I think they could do something like that.
Curious what people thought of the timing of the release with it coinciding with US soccer game?
Players on last year’s roster said they’ve been working on them since last year, so maybe this date was set months before not knowing there would be a soccer game.
This is probably true. The US wasn’t even supposed to make it out of the group, so there’s no way they could have known until the last two weeks that there would even be a chance of a US soccer game on this date.
Doubt they’re related in any way. I think the date was picked because of the new conference logo and other changes being official today. And it’s not a bad way to start off a dead period in recruiting.
I think it’s fine given that most Sooner fans probably don’t give a **** about soccer. I’m assuming that of course.
Very few Americans do and the television ratings back that up.
What soccer game………………..? Lol!
We evidently have the best goal keeper in the world. The rest of the team not so much.
Honestly……now that I think about it……they could accidentally time this major announcement with the coming of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and it wouldn’t matter. The entire sooner nation would stop running for their lives long enough to check their mobile alerts, and 90% of us would be aware within the first hour. They know how we are.
Seriously……I think they just wanted to keep the buzz going around the program with the stadium renovation announcements last week, and following it up with this. World cup action wouldn’t stop the information from flowing out to the fanbase and they know that.
I think it was in very poor taste to schedule a soccer game at a time when the Sooners are getting new uniforms.
Well said, Corbin Dallas.
Personally, I do not like them and I think the traditional unis are the best. That said, I think the kids deserve to have their voices heard and I’m glad they are excited about these.
What tradition uni’s? R u talkin about the ones from the 60’s or maybe the 50’s how about the 30’s? I guess what I’m asking is what tradition style uni’s r u talking about 7 different styles of uni’s. And if u count all the different little changes plus throw back it up by the teens. Just wondering where y’all get the TRADITIONAL UNIS FROM, cause the one we have been using r not from BUD AND BENNIE’s coaching days.
Whatever became of the Nike Pro-Combat unis?
Those were nice I wouldn’t mind seeing those again but I think the new ones are more appealing just my opinion. Some one mentioned on twitter that they would like to see a black alternate…obviously that’s not one of our colors but black unis can be nice. I like the matted black helmets that some teams wear.
I can live with the white helmets with the red stripe, that’s what they wore until 1965. I prefer the metallic crimson that was introduced in 2000.
History of OU helmets.
If they were to go with a black helmet or uni I would raise all sorts of Hell.
I saw a picture of Tim Settle in front of a red top version of this uniform. There was also the jersey that soonersports.com posted with the 2014 recruits names on the back. I thought that they were going to roll these out as the new look this season. I guessed wrong, but hope we have a new look much like this one soon.
Hopefully they trashed them
I think it is almost certain that the alternate home uni will be worn when the Vols come to town. Lots of recruits in the house, national tv audience and lots of buzz.
I’m just thankful we won’t have those horrible blackout unis that some schools wear.
yeah, let’s show that wood grain streak bs on nat’l tv……..I fear you may be right
I think it is almost certain, at this point.
For the Baylor game, I think it all depends on how the season is going.
Like the uniforms, they are making an impression on the young men who will be wearing them, AND WILL BE SEEN in them. Leave of the strip on the helmet; reminds me of al.
The new Uni’s are sick! I say wear’em every game! Tradition? Is somebody gonna burn all the record books?
It would help if they at least got the right color red (crimson) and not Nebraska red. They look like a cheap highschool uniform and the designer should be hung along with whoever approved them for the university.
Bruce, how do you really feel.
That’s not Nebraska red at all. Maybe I’m color blind but that’s the same crimson bama wears. Nebraska is almost orange.
to my eyes, bama’s colors have been true for a long time…….ou’s got off track some yrs back, eg. the helmet is a different shade from the jersey and is shiny……..look at the tapes of sooner teams before stoops and maybe early stoops…….somewhere there was a change ……look even at the pics above……helmet is different shade from jersey and pants and the latter look like faded red…..it’s just sloppiness over the yrs
Here is the history of OU helmets.
…..thxs et……….learned where that metallic crap started
I like the Unis and what they did with the helmet. Glad to see the interlocking OU and not the schooner like some prototypes that were out there a few weeks ago. If the players and recruits are geeked about it, then that is a good thing for OU. Still staying true to the interlocking OU and color schemes, that’s all good in my book. BOOMER!!
we’re set up now for the time when we’re getting our asses kicked in some game and the opposing chant is ‘bring the wood’, or some variation
If we are getting our asses kicked im sure something will be chanted regardless.
Amazing, this got more reaction than who we are recruiting. Focus. This is just publicity and they always tame it down if they wear something new so I don’t get to excited about this stuff. How crazy were the unis for the UT game? I know I’m going to get grilled so go ahead.
It was the gold dammit, we should have never wore gold!
Agreed! The gold was a bit much!
Curiosity upvote.
If it helps with recruiting, then sure, why not?
I don’t care as long as we win…our unis have changed thru the ages anyways
I’m not against change but I don’t like these changes.
Gunga galunga.
Soonersports video.
Thanks EasTex. I didn’t realize the total concept of these uniforms and helmets until viewing this film. These uniforms will only be worn 2 or 3 times per year-wonder who decides when they will be worn. I’ve been reading posts on other sites and I have yet to see any current players or recruits say anything negative. The uniforms have created a lot of excitement among the athletes. Even Bob Stoops seems really excited. Is there any thing to unveil after the new upgrades and new uniforms. This so called dead period has started off with a bang.
I have to admit, after watching that video and the others on soonersports and watching the reactions of the players, I am much more approving now than I was only a few hours ago.
Some of the most excited I saw were Perine, Quick, Bond and Sanchez, with too much jumping around by the others to identify them.
I didn’t get the “wood” idea until I saw the video, for me “wood” often implies something entirely different from football.
Can’t imagine they have anything else planned in the dead period before the XII media days here in Dallas this month.
I think the whole “wood” concept will help the players get “up” for the game.
( believe me I hesitated before pushing post )
It very well could, I just hope it doesn’t create a “premature” reaction.
That’s sick as they say. lmao!
Or performance anxiety @disqus_UrrKRweCfL:disqus
Those road unis just suck. Red pants (not even crimson) and the wood pattern helmets…I just can’t get behind them. The uniform change gimmick is what schools like oSu have to resort to. But uni gimmicks aren’t going to get us more recruits. If it did, that would be the kind of superficial kid you don’t on your team. If it were the key to recruiting success, oSu should be outrecruiting us and regularly beating us which isn’t happening. The facility upgrades like living quarters & training facilities do make an impact, but winning has consistently proven the single best recruiting tool of all.
I’ m one of the guys that typically doesn’ t like all of this stuff, but I have to say I really like these uniforms. The helmets really stand out and the jerseys are not to flashy. I would think that coach stoops and Joe C told Nike not to go overboard on any designs and I think Nike kinda nailed it
People complain all day about the recruiting efforts and results but then never have a solution or never buy into the teams solution. Not one player on the team dislikes them and even alumni of the team like them. They didn’t bring out black jerseys with crimson trim, everything they have, they have done before. The white helmet with red stripe, the schooner wood grain, and the crimson pants. It’s an alternative, you’ll see it 1-2 games this season and probably never again
I love the theme. I”Bring the wood”
I like the helmets a lot. The uniforms don’t seem all that great to me. They could use a little more punch in the form of some cool gray or black trim or something it seems to me. These are a very conservative change and don’t seem all that different but if the players like them, I guess that’s a big vote in favor of them. I feel like you can retain your tradition and legacy while still updating and improving uniforms in a lot of different ways while still not changing them a huge amount.
A good statement that OU is not just living in the past. Nothing wrong with changing it up a few times a year and creating some excitement.
I really dig the white helmets!
Don’t care for them. Look like High School Uniforms to me. I’m old school , I know that but frequently, Less is More. They just look cobbled together. Change for the sake of change.
That said, I bleed Crimson and Cream regardless of the Uni’s.
The helmets are wicked. You know the defensive guys love the idea of having wood grain helmets and then the idea of laying wood to people. Especially this defense.
Are uniforms my favorite? No but at least they are trying to keep the program relevant and they creating buzz. This just adds to the hype machine that kids ride these days.
Now you take that current wave of hype and combine it with your tradition, and it should be a winning combination.
…sound doesn’t work on my computer…………would someone clue me in on the story of the ‘wood’ that caused the inclusion of faux wood grain streaks on the uni’s………much appreciated…….thxs
Trent Smith said it best “Our tradition is winning; it’s not any particular uniform.”
You know part of the reason I love this site is because of the regular posters here in the comments.
Love or hate the new look, we all seem to understand why they are important, and nobody seems to be over-the-top mad. Just as it should be.
Like Super K, I’m old-school, so it’s going to take me a while to warm up to these. However, the excitement from the players/recruits has already helped change my initial reaction.
I just appreciate the folks that comment here. Always good conversation/opinions, with lots of respect for others. THIS place is THE best site for Sooner football.
Agreed, Super Keith. I love the debates on here, passionate, well thought out, but respectful.
Hadn’t heard anybody mention this, so I think it’s more subtle than the other changes, but did you notice the BOOMER on the front of the helmet, and the SOONER on the back? I thought that was cool.
I like that the OU is enlarged on the helmet, and I like the white helmet since it’s seems like a throwback to the Wilkinson days.
I’m okay with the wood grain, as I’ve not seen anybody else do it and they seem to be tying it into the schooner. Now if other schools pop-up using wood grain for another reason, then wood grain is the new thing and the schooner was just a way to market it.
I don’t love the overall uni, but I don’t hate it either. Don’t want it to be the permanent uni, but as an alternate, I think it’s pretty good. Really thankful they didn’t do that gold lining mess or go gray like everyone else.
My daughter was part of the production team and said you can’t see the wood grain unless you’re standing next to a player. She also said that the camera doesn’t lie the players really loved the look.
Let me cloud up and rain on the parade.
Bad idea.
We just adopted the Nebraska color scheme.
White over red, red over white, contrasting helmet stripe, the whole thing.
We even have red instead of crimson. Yeccchh.
Scroll down to the recent years of Nebraska uni’s on this link:
I get it with the recruiting angle – but surely some decision maker in our program remembers a lil’ ‘ol football team called the Nebraska Cornhuskers?
Why did we copy them?
Bad idea.