Sooners News Daily 5.27.16


Good stuff here.



Boomer frickin’ Sooner, baby.


This is way back from last Friday, but it’s a fantastic listen and an even better cause.


  • BleedCrimson says:

    Morning All. Boomer!!!

  • J.r. Kamm says:

    Good morning, fellow Brainiacs!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Great job by the baseball and softball teams!!

  • BleedCrimson says:

    99 DTG

  • BleedCrimson says:

    Time to get going. Gotta get to work.

  • brainpimp says:

    Morning all.

    So metz how can i speak to you about concrete?

  • brainpimp says:

    Morning all.

    So metz how can i speak to you about concrete?

  • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

    Good morning all. I’m about to hit the gym, give my bae a little longer to sleep and then we’re off to my cousins high school graduation/ long weekend. He was accepted into damn near every school he applied for and chose Michigan. My grandfather went there and none of his kids ended up there and this is his first grandchild to go there so he’ll be ecstatic. Unfortunately Oklahoma wasn’t on his list ?. Thank goodness the Texsa business school didn’t accept him or he would have gone there! Anyways, Boomer!

    • Unofficial Longhorn says:

      That’s so petty, I love it lol. Congratulations to that young man. I don’t know what kind of weather your brother is used to (I’m assuming desert?), but that Great Lakes cold is a totally different beast, or so I’ve been told. Good luck to him, I’m sure you’re proud!

      • Matt S. says:

        I went through bootcamp at Great Lakes Naval Base. You are correct about the type of cold they have. Brutal.

        • J.r. Kamm says:

          You ain’t lying. And I got out of there in October before it got really bad. Went to a Cubs game in late May and froze my butt off. That wind off of Lake Michigan is something else.

        • Unofficial Longhorn says:

          Yeah my sister and nephew went through there too. I went through Army basic at Ft. Leonard Wood in MO. It wasn’t too bad. It was from August to December, so I caught the tail end of summer, and left JUST before the snow.

      • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

        It’s my cousin and He’s from Southern California. Born and raised. Both parents went to UCLA and his father, my uncle got his masters at Cal Berkly. His older brother goes to Berkley now, but the younger one wanted to go elsewhere. The weather is going to be a B!tch LMAO! He’s already pale enough, so it’s just adapting to the constant cold! Lol.

      • Dick Bump says:

        Could be worse. He could be hooked on drugs. Good luck to him.

    • Slim Sooner says:

      Sooner! Safe trip!

    • Oscar says:

      Morning Vegas

  • Lincoln Hawk says:

    Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a blessed day and weekend.

  • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

    I thought I saw a tweet yesterday saying that the way Briles was dismissed means he can’t coach at the D1 level again. Is this true or was it some yahoo posting BS?

    • cdzendolet says:

      Depends on if the NCAA hits him with a show cause. That is kind of a black mark and makes it a big risk for other schools to hire him. My guess is that he has the ability to get a job at D1 level, but it might take a bit for a school to take that risk.

    • MoJoOkie says:

      Considering how long it took Leach after locking that poor boy in the closet, I’d say it could be a while at the very least.

      • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

        Yeah, that was crazy. I guess we will see with time. I couldn’t care less, I just was wondering if any of y’all knew the legality behind him “not” being allowed to coach at the D1 level or if it was more to the tune of no program will actually hire him after this incident.

        • MoJoOkie says:

          I have never heard of a true death penalty for coaches. But the show cause that cdzendolet cites is “death for a certain term”. I think our own John Blake got one when he departed North Carolina.

    • Unofficial Longhorn says:

      I’ll bet he has a very soft landing at a HS in a very wealthy district. Hell, he’ll probably send some of his blue chips to Baylor if they treat him right.

      • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

        I doubt even if he landed a job at the HS level he would send his players to Baylor. His daughters post on FB was pretty telling. The family honestly can believe they used him as a ” fall guy” and blah blah. She also claims she’ll never wear a Baylor shirt again, even though her husband is still currently working at Baylor. Idk. Oh well.

    • CrimsonNative says:

      After reading what was found by Pepper Hamilton, I think it will be very difficult for him to land a D1 job any time soon IMHO.

    • SoonerSpock says:

      The NCAA would have to make such a ruling. I doubt that any NCAA violations will be levied against Briles to warrant a ban. However, the occurrences at Baylor are only superseded by the Penn State events and Baylor’s own cover-up of a murder of a basketball player by another player.

      I cannot imagine any administration wanting to take on the negative exposure associated with hiring Briles in the future. Art needs to go home and spend his money. He career should be over.

  • jimintexas says:

    Good morning from rainy north Texas

  • DR LEO MARVIN says:


  • MoJoOkie says:

    From a strictly physical appearance standpoint (I know “judging’) Phil Bennett doesn’t look any less guilty than Briles. Just saying. How was he not involved in all this? Didn’t know? Doubtful.

    • cdzendolet says:

      There were a lot of ‘football coaches and staff’ mentioned in the report findings. Briles isn’t the only one for sure.

      • MoJoOkie says:

        And yet Bennett has been interim head coach. It just puzzles me how he was not complicit.

        • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

          They obviously didn’t want to clean house this late into the year. There is no damn way these other coaches didn’t know about it. Baby Briles seems worse to me than his dad. His whole staff drives me crazy lol

          • MoJoOkie says:

            “They obviously didn’t want to clean house this late into the year.” I’m thinking this is what got them in this spot to begin with.

    • Dick Bump says:

      He was known as a good guy when he coached at OU.

    • OUWade says:

      I think it’s possible that he didn’t know all of the details with each case, but it’s unlikely he didn’t know a lot. However, if his name doesn’t appear in the PH report as someone who actively took part in covering up stuff or failing to take proper steps in the reports, I can see why Baylor would promote him as a band-aid measure. I have to think he’s not named in any wrongdoing because IF the full report were ever to be released/leaked, and his name was in it… Man, it would go back to making Baylor look like they were still trying to cover it up in order to keep the football program going. And I’m not sure they could recover from a second round of this type of stuff.

      • MoJoOkie says:

        Very plausible. I guess we have to assume he’ll be interim until they find a new head guy.

    • Boom says:

      Like Switzer said, when something happens to a player, EVERY coach/staff person in those meetings know. Everyone of those folks within the department knew. They were told to stay quiet. That is why Bennett and some of the other may be gone too.

    • SoonerSpock says:

      The Pepper Hamilton report to Baylor indicates that more than one coach was complicit in the failure to disclose the sexual assaults. With only Briles being fired I suspect this is an attempt by Baylor to save the projected strong football season anticipated in Waco.

      Bringing in a totally new staff at this late date would force the team to be in a system learning mode for most of the football season. Keeping 9 of the 10 coaches on staff allows a continuation of the systems in place and maximizes the opportunity for success on the field.

      I consider Baylor’s actions as a continuation of Briles’ practice of sweeping transgressions under the rug to maximize wins. I foresee the entire staff being gone next year but winning this year is more important than ridding the school of the vermin on the football staff.

  • CW says:

    Anyone catch what time the girls play?

  • Sooner Ray says:

    The smell of smoking bear in the morning is wonderful.

  • metzker says:

    O my i forgot its7:41 and texsa SUCKSSSSSSS———

  • HoustonChiver says:

    Any of you boys planning in coming down to my neck of the woods for the UH game?

    • Dick Bump says:

      I plan to be there, although I haven’t heard from my buddy who is an UH alum. I think he’s worried about the price of beer.

    • ouwooferman says:

      Live here. Good times ahead.

    • MoJoOkie says:

      Saving up for tosu the week after. Trying to avoid the flood.

    • Slim Sooner says:

      My brother lives in Spring, got us tickets so I’m driving down! Can’t wait to hunt some cougar

  • SoonerFan92 says:

    Good morning, you filthy animals!

    • Rick says:

      I do fit that description most fridays.

    • Oscar says:

      Morning SoonerFan

      • SoonerFan92 says:

        How’s things going for ya, Oscar? Rainy morning to start out for me in Durant.

        • Oscar says:

          Finally sun in Cleveland! Yeah. Do you ever run into Dennis Rodman walking around town down there? LOL

          • SoonerFan92 says:

            Lol not yet! Maybe I will get to see it in the future! I’m from Ada originally, which is the the hometown of Blake Shelton, and I never was successful in meeting him either so I’m not getting my hopes up.

  • Rick says:

    Should be getting an OP soon, (hopefully Metz recharged his Friday meeting mojo last night) looking for an Isaiah Thomas boom this weekend!!!!

  • ouwooferman says:

    Baylor its whats for Lunch. Whats Next?

    Starr was the chair of the expansion committee. Will be interesting to see if he shows or not.
    BIlsbey does not think this is a Conf matter but thinks the issue will come up in the forthcoming meetings.

    Riddle me this –

    IF the NCAA hands down the death penalty, Can Fox reopen the TV contract? Could the B12 survive with only 9 teams for say two years? Might this be the crack that the TV rights clause could vanish and the B12 dissolves??

    I know I know….lots of Ifs

    • SamSooner says:

      Those are the kinds of “ifs” that deserve to be scratched.

    • Unofficial Longhorn says:

      I’m sure Houston would jump at the chance to take Baylor’s place.

      • ouwooferman says:

        That would be ok if Baylor is gone from the conf.

      • SamSooner says:

        I want OU to give this conference the stiff-arm and bolt. This whole conference is dysfunctional. We have members who want other member to trust them while they are looking out for their own self-interests and no one else.

  • blaster1371 says:

    The Briles situation makes me appreciate Stoops that much more. You don’t have to be a creep or check your ethics at the door to run a successful program. Here’s to all those coaches that take the high road and value integrity over personal success, and even better, to those who see the two (integrity and success) as inseparable.

    • SamSooner says:

      This is what the “sunshine pumpers” were saying when Stoops was getting a lot of heat, before he fired some coaches. OU has a coach who operates with passion and integrity. Winning is such a small part of what I want in a coach.

      Now, given Baylor’s situation and the nature of the crimes, the sheer volume of the crimes, someone gave Briles the green light: there was a promise nothing will happen to you: just win.

      • blaster1371 says:

        I like hanging out with the sunshine pumpers that have a dose of realism.

        You’re right in that this Baylor situation reeks of institutional rottenness.

        • SamSooner says:

          I have a feeling Baylor, the university, not just the football program, is going to take a serious hit.

          • Ura Hogg says:

            For sure this is more than just a Football Department problem. Why was it that it took outside people to come in and do an investigation? Couldn’t the administration do an investigation first and come to the same conclusions and then take steps to punish the offenders on staff?
            If something stinks in my house, I’m going to start looking for the source and then I’m going to throw out the trash.
            Then again, if those in charge are part of the trash…

          • blaster1371 says:

            Yep. It’s a huge breach of trust between the students and administration. As both a public school teacher and a parent I live on both sides of that coin and have adopted the motto in my classroom and my department (I am a department chair) that kids will be treated in the same manner I wish my child to get in their classroom/school site. Part of that involves protection of both mind and body. The parents of my kids can damn well know that if harm comes to my door that the only way harm will come those kids is if that person has been able to step over my dead body. For people entrusted with student safety to look the other way and even worse, cover up sexual assault just upsets e beyond words. I think getting fired is too easy; criminal prosecution should be looked into.

      • Stephen Dale says:

        Briles should have had company leaving Baylor : namely the AD and the president…..Starr should have been fired and the AD likewise……both were complicit and had to know what was going on inside the program……..

    • Birddawg says:

      Best Pres/AD/Coach combo in the country.
      18 years of consistency.

      • Stephen Dale says:

        not sure I can include the ‘wallflower’ in that triumvirate…..

        • Isabeijscholl says:

          “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr”…..!ti20ur

          two days ago grey MacLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !ti20u:➽:➽:.➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsOfferGetPay-Hour$98…. .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::::!ti20u….,

    • Stephen Dale says:

      terrific post…………

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    Realistically if Baylor isn’t as good and Texas doesn’t get their crap together the conference will be weaker.

  • Matt says:

    saw an idiot Poke fan on twitter last night compare what was happening at Baylor to what happened with Joe. Said Bob “covered it up”…

    • Lincoln Hawk says:

      I stopped reading at Poke fan.

    • SoonerMagic76 says:

      Shows how stupid they are

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      Idiot Poke fan is redundant

    • ⚡️Electric Sooner⚡️ says:

      I live next door to these idiots and I do mean IDIOTS!!

    • SoonerinLondon says:

      Blackmon at OsU?

    • Birddawg says:

      I had a texsa fan at work say this same thing yesterday.
      He thinks/says Bob has been corrupt since Bomar/JD Quinn Reminds me almost everyday of that situation.
      I don’t let get under my skin.
      Just ask “How many wins you expecting this year?”
      Texsa workmate ” 11..”
      “Same as last year and the year before that and before that…Good luck”
      Texsa workmate ” At least We don’t pay our players..”
      Me: “That’s a good idea…maybe you should…”
      blah blah trash…Texsa sucks

      • jimintexas says:

        I know a guy who played Baseball for Texsa, who admitted to me about getting paid. His excuse “everyone does it”. I will admit that Texsa allows non-sexual case offenders walk as well as Baylor does

  • Soonerfandave84 says:

    Morning all

  • SoonerMagic76 says:

    Thanks for posting a lot of the Baylor stuff. Nice having a compilation of the more succinct and interesting articles.

    That situation has a long way to go before it can even sort of be called “justice”

  • Dick Bump says:

    If there’s any thing to be learned from this Baylor situation it’s the evils of dancing. Baylor didn’t have these problems until they rescinded the ban on dancing in 1996. It was all downhill from there.

  • SamSooner says:

    I can’t make out what this means but Stidham might be disgruntled also.

    • Matt says:

      Sumlin won’t be there long enough to reap the benefits. Stidham would have to sit out a year.

      • BleedCrimson says:

        NCAA has been generous with transfers in cases like this. Would probably not have to sit a year.

        • DrewChubbs says:

          I’m not so sure. The NCAA has been generous with transfers in cases regarding coaching/administration misconduct, but the root of this problem is falling on the players. The coaches and administrators made it worse, but I can’t see the NCAA allowing the players the same amount of freedom in this case to move a la Penn State and Sandusky.

    • Mark_in_VA says:

      There should be any number of players on BU’s squad that can now see the light and be thinking how much sweeter life would have been in Norman.

    • @DallasSooner says:

      Why go from one mess to another. I’m sure most every player on that roster down there is disappointed and has some sour grapes this morning but in a week or two things will settle down and they will get back to business.

      This just sounds more like an Aggie fan trying praying for a transfer.

    • SoonerinLondon says:

      The changes at the top, made yesterday by Baylor, indicated that they were serious about trying to change the priorities at the school.

      Naming Bennett as HC, though, seems to indicate that maintaining continuity within the football program was a priority and (IMHO) risks the other changes appearing disingenuous.

      • Jordan Esco says:

        What change did they make other than Briles? Starr still has a job, so does the A.D.

        • OceanDescender says:

          Absolutely absurd that the pres- I mean “chancellor” and AD still have a job.

        • David Morris says:

          It was there way of saying you win, we fired our coach. However if they were really serious, there would have been a complete house cleaning. It is the only thing that would make sense. But it is Baylor…

        • SoonerinLondon says:

          I think you’re making my point.

        • cush creekmont says:

          Indeed. And, for me, the long term assistants HAD to have known about the coverup and pressuring the victims – they should go.

          • David Morris says:

            They should, but apparently that is not going to happen. You would thing the entire coaching staff and the AD would go at a minimum.

        • jimintexas says:

          Appearance of change and caring at the top.

        • SamSooner says:

          Bennett should not take this job. Any coach on the staff that knew anything about this and did nothing should resign.

          Shut it down and forfeit all games for the upcoming season or until you get this right.

          • Birddawg says:

            There are good players on the team that deserve to play. NCAA needs to give those players assurances they can leave w/o a loss of eligibility.

            We just need to give it some time. Surely, all of this will happen.

            The implications on the league itself is huge.
            Big12 with only 9 teams competing is a big deal.
            Does Texsa/tech/tcu stand pat?
            or will this galvanize expansion?

        • Rick says:

          Jordan, If Baylor survives an ensuing NCAA or DOJ investegation. Wouldn’t it make sense that the incoming coach who will eventually take the job want to hire his own staff. I’m not sure anyone there now will survive.

          • Dick Bump says:

            That’s usually the way it works. I’m sure it will take awhile to do a coach search, hire, and fire. That’s why he’s an interim. He’s there to keep things going during the process. I’m sure he wants to impress them or someone else during this time.

          • Jordan Esco says:


        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          True. They are stopping short because they believe they can win the Big 12 and compete for a N. title. But is that really something that should be a focus? Women were RAPED and they covered it up! Do they know the life time effects and damage a victim suffers? I am still pissed that some of those low lifes and coach, beat us 3 out 4 times. Thank God for 2015!

      • SoonerSpock says:

        No question Baylor’s action said winning on the football field in 2016 is a higher priority than ridding the football of it vermin. Following the footsteps of Art Briles and sweeping the violations by coaches and staff under the rug.

    • cush creekmont says:

      It should be “unacceptable” to keep any coaches. I also think Tulsa needs to take a very long look at their head coach, who is only one year removed from being Briles’ OC.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        We should just stop playing Tulsa while they have that coach. No doubt he’ll bring in some iffy characters.

    • David Morris says:

      Ya they learned a lot apparently.

  • Collin says:

    Good morning Braniacs! As I was thinking about the floodgate of things to come as a result of the Baylor fiasco, my mind keeps going back to the Joe Mixon punch. I know without a doubt that Stoops and the AD took every step possible to stay in line with the NCAA and with the police investigation. Everything about the process was above board. However, I can’t help but think the release of the video to the public is going to draw a lot of concern from outside media and others regardless of the pro-active steps that were taken by our staff. I’m afraid that the end result could be something to the result of having to let Mixon walk.

    I still am in full support of Stoops and the AD’s decision to let him serve his suspension and stay, but as of yesterday we have entered a very new era of college football outside of the field as we know it.


    • MoJoOkie says:

      “Thoughts?” WTF; that’s about all I’ve got on this particular reach.

      • Collin says:

        You don’t think it’s possible that the media and others (butt-hurt Baylor fans) would try and put pressure on OU to let Mixon walk after the video goes public?

        • RocketCitySooner says:

          I think it’s possible that those who thought Mixon should have been kicked off the team will still think that way. But you must remember Mixon was not charged with assault. If he had been so charged, the woman would also have been charged with assault.

        • MoJoOkie says:

          Not sure a program with integrity would punish a player twice for the same offense. I, for one, would be very disappointed in the administration if they caved to some self important media head who thought it was a good idea.

    • OceanDescender says:

      I like to think that Joe won’t be affected by double jeopardy. Sensible, rational minds will acknowledge that he’s been punished already (and it wasn’t just stadium steps for that matter).

      • Unofficial Longhorn says:

        I would have thought the same about Ray Rice too. I’m not saying it’s the exact same situation, but the looming possibility of double jeopardy is similar. I don’t agree with double punishment, personally, but something about actually seeing something bad happens freaks the general public out even if they already heard an accurate account of events. I think it’s stupid to revisit the matter, but there it is a very real possibility.

        • SamSooner says:

          I am believe in everyone and I want to give folks the benefit of the doubt: I believe in redemption. Everyone deserves the opportunity to regain trust and become a good citizen. I won’t give up on Joe until he does it again.

          Where would we be if everyone were not given second chances?

          • David Morris says:


          • Rick says:

            Sam, the main point of the Joe story that you hit on the head was answered by 2 questions. What was Joe’s history before the incident and what was Joe’s history after the incident? People can and do make mistakes.

          • SamSooner says:

            I agree, He’s kept his nose clean and handled himself admirably. That must have been so tough on him to go through that without adult leadership. I remember the photo of him walking into court with his head high. It was just him, all alone. That was tough as hell.

            Joe will be fine: he survived without support so I believe he will thrive with support.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            I totally agree with you.

        • OceanDescender says:

          I think the release of the video will drive CERTAIN fans and all the local media into a frenzy of wanting him gone for good. That being said, that will be it. I think the persons responsible for making that decision are just too rational and sensible to send Joe off after he served his year-long suspension in exemplary form.

        • MoJoOkie says:

          How far back do you go with revisiting every indiscretion that has already been punished and resolved? And is it every school? Every situation? That a lot of bird cage liner.

    • David Morris says:

      My thoughts, are he served his time and it is a dead issue. OU handled that situation the right way, unlike Baylor who ignored it, or went out of its way to be negligent.

    • SamSooner says:

      The kid was punished as soon as it happened. Hitting a woman is deplorable. Multiple sexual assaults is on another level. You can’t talk about the two and draw parallels.

      • Collin says:

        I would agree. I just hate how the media will try and draw parallels. It seems like no matter how above board you are, the media can take it all and burn it in front of you.

        • SamSooner says:

          The only parallel is violence against women. After that, they are reaching. Mixon’s deal is an individual incident that doesn’t involve a break down in the leadership, multiple assaults, and an attempt to cover it up.

        • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

          I’m with you Collin. I voiced my concerns about this video being released just last week. I’m worried the media will make it a whole new issue even though it’s been over and done with for 2 years at this point. Let’s just pray nothing more happens, but it wouldn’t shock me at all of the media just went bananas on the story. I mean hell, even Dede getting in trouble this week was plastered all over the major sports sites.

          • Collin says:

            That’s all I am saying. I completely back our staff and Joe and believe this matter is over and done with, but I just don’t trust the media and their agendas to stir the pot.

          • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

            What’s awful is it’s the local media that’s trying to really stir the pot. That whole entire orange bowl situation still makes me cringe. Throwing him to the media like that and the constant bombardment of questions directly related to his incident, even though they weren’t supposed to ask those questions just made me furious.

      • Dick Bump says:

        It was a mistake by an 18 year old kid. I’m sure both parties involved wish it had never happened. It’s also deplorable to keep crucifying someone who has paid the price for his mistake solely to create interest and ratings for a dying media. Same old BS, yada, yada, yada.

    • Rob says:

      Will they be able to drag the video release out until after this football season? That’s the best case scenario as I’m 95% certain Joe will leave early for the NFL. If he is no longer at OU there will be really nothing to discuss even if the video is released.

      • Unofficial Longhorn says:

        I’m certain that would hurt his draft stock. You know, perception is reality with the NFL. Especially with the domestic violence crusade.

        • Birddawg says:

          DGB broke into gfs apartment and pushed her downstairs as well as caught doing the ganja. He went 2nd round.
          I doubt a mistake 3-4 years ago would hurt him especially if he doesn’t do anything else stupid

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            The difference is that DGB’s incident had time to simmer. If the video released after the season, then it’s right on the front of everyone’s mind. And with RBs already losing value, on top of it being a deep class… Well let me rephrase, it certainly wouldn’t be doing him any favors. Fair?

          • Birddawg says:

            I believe the video will get out and I don’t think it will harm him.
            The Deep draft will have more of an impact on his draft stock than the video. (unless the video is like Tunsil and comes out day of draft) There are a lot of NFL owners that are risk takers but they don’t like surprises. They take risks on talent all the time.
            That’s not his biggest problem.
            Maturity in front of the camera/interviews is something he needs to continually improve on. That just takes time and experience.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            I hope you’re correct, and I hope he’s able to move on from this whole ordeal.

          • Boom says:

            Difference, Bob is respected by pro scouts who will listen to what he has to say about Joe, along with JC. If he was suspect in anyway, Stoops would tell them as it’s he rep he’s maintaining.

          • Birddawg says:

            Let me rephrase lol, I mean the video coming out will harm him but it wont have the same impact has that deep draft that’s next year. Unless the video comes out in a very bad time like day of draft or something.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            I agree with that. I’m just saying he might feel some kind of way if it dropped when there’s nothing between that time and the draft but evals and scrutiny.

      • SamSooner says:

        The only people who want to see that video must have some kind of sick, twisted, fetish. I wouldn’t want to see it anymore than I’d want to see a video of someone stabbed to death, shot, beaten or raped.

        • Rick says:

          We have been described quite vividly what is on that video. A very young angry man, who had been spit on, blasted with racial slurs and slapped, retaliated with a single vicious punch. He certainly should not have hit her, she certainly should have been arrested earlier in the evening. What more does the “populous” (instate media who look for opportunity to show OU or a young player in a bad situation, or rabid sheep herder fans) want to see.

          • SamSooner says:

            So true, Rick. Sometimes people disgust me. I have to shake my head. Trying to reason with an unreasonable person is like trying to drink an entire ocean.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            Believe me, I hear you. I’m totally with you. The thing that worries me, for Joe’s sake, is the parallels between this and the Ray Rice situation. Let me be clear, I’m not saying it’s the exact same thing, because it’s not. However, there are similarities. One that jumps out to me is that when the video was released, Roger Goodell said that pretty much everything we saw in the video was in line with Rice’s accounts of the evening when they initially handled the situation. But for whatever reason, actually seeing the video put the incident in a whole new context, which was why he retroactively levied the harsher punishment. Though I don’t think it would be fair, I can’t say I’d be surprised. We’ve seen it happen before.

          • Birddawg says:

            Its not like the Ray Rice situation at all.
            Ray sucker punched his wife.
            Joe was in a bad spot with too many drunk people around saying stupid crap.
            Not condoning anything just saying its different.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            I also said it was different too. There are only some similarities, the main one of which I pointed out. I’m not trying to crucify this young man. While I DO NOT condone his actions, I can still follow his rationale if you adjust for the “heat of the moment” emotions. As black man, who understands what it’s like to singled out like that, I get why and how he could be that mad. I’m not saying he SHOULD have reacted the way he did, but I’m not shocked or surprise even. It doesn’t take a monster to react that way in that particular set of circumstances (according to the limited knowledge I have of the situation). I actually think it’s unfair that it became a “man hits woman” thing. That is a gross over simplification of the matter, and it completely absolves her of any responsibility. I just wanted to make that clear. I’m not against Joe or how OU handled it, if what I’ve heard is in fact true.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            Being a known meth head didn’t effect Ricky Williams draft status, so I think Joe will be OK.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            Meth? That’s a new one. And that was a completely different era. In a draft where very little can separate the #2 RB and #6 RB, you don’t want to take those kind of chances. That could be the difference in being a 2nd or 4th round pick. Yeah, your still in the league, but the money ain’t the same. If I were him, I’d stay my SR year anyway. Let the dust settle on any I descriptions that may have occurred, give the NFL GMs and owners ever reason to believe in you (though they should anyway), and give yourself a year as the featured back. Why not?

          • MoJoOkie says:

            I figure it’s as solid as your Rice comparison; different era or no. And what kind of chances are being taken? The incident you keep referring to happened two years ago. Can’t un-break that egg. As far as staying or going, that would/will be a personal decision; probably somewhat based on the initial analysis of what level he will be drafted.


          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            Once again, you’ve taken my comments out of context.

          • Birddawg says:

            I thought it was weed.
            Lots and Lots and Lots of weed.
            Santa Claus limitless bag of presents full of weed.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            Similar to the Rice/Joe Mixon argument, both are drugs so anything else is semantics.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            You’re taking my comparison out of context. I’ve said it multiple times, they are not the same thing, which is why I only compared the small parts that were similar.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            “I’ve said it multiple times,”


          • Brooklyn Sooner says:

            That’s ridiculous. Hyperbole doesn’t help your argument.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            At this point, I don’t care. Do I know you?

          • Brooklyn Sooner says:

            Haha! Wow, cool comeback. I’ll move to a different lunch table, Biff.

        • metzker says:

          What about a good old fashion hanging?

        • Unofficial Longhorn says:

          I wouldn’t say “only”. I’m sure there are people that justifiably want to know the truth… For better or for worse.

          • Dick Bump says:


          • SamSooner says:

            They already know the truth. They wan to see the truth. They want to judge for themselves if the punishment fit the crime. They want to be judge and jury.

            I know of a teacher who had sex with a student. People were condemning him. Some of the people crying foul were some of the main culprits who made off-color comments about teenagers. I’ve heard them say things they should have been ashamed of. But they didn’t have sex with a teenager. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t if they thought they could get away with it.

            One of them called me to see if I wanted to play a round of golf. I told him no. He called me on another occasion I told him no again. I ended it right there: I told him I don’t have friends who look at and lust after teenage girls.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            I’m not sure if what parallel you were trying to draw with that student/teacher (in all honesty), but I do applaud your morals, and I agree with you on that. But can we agree that hearing about something, and seeing it for yourself are two different things? If for nothing else, it can help paint a more full picture. If I were someone that looked up to him, I’d want to know for myself. But that’s because the younger me had a much more inquiring mind. Me, now, doesn’t care to see the video.

          • SamSooner says:

            What I’m trying to say is I don’t need to see him have sex with an underage girl to know he’s a pig.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            Ok, I hear you. I guess that’s where we differ. I wouldn’t be watching to confirm guilt, sure, we already know he punched her. It would just be about getting a more complete understanding of the situation. If I’m going to mentally judging him anyway, I might as well know as much as I reasonably can. Whether we meant to or not, we have all judged him in some way by this point.

          • Boom says:

            Since you are unofficial, you still have the opportunity to join the good guys. C’mon, be the best decision you will ever make. ; )

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

      • Framoka says:

        Based on the number of stud draft eligible RBs in 2016, I think he might stay and be the featured back for a year.

    • Unofficial Longhorn says:

      My thoughts are, if OU knows the video is going to drop, get in front of it by releasing it now. It would much more than likely get consumed by this Baylor fire, and the ashes swept away in probably a day or two. But if they wait, and the video drops after this Baylor business is settled, then the public outcry might force the NCAA to take even further action. Although OU already addressed the situation, the general public will want blood. I think that would be a shame, especially because Mixon doesn’t appear to be trouble maker (I don’t know him though, I could be wrong), so this seems like an isolated incident. Fan allagiences aside, I don’t believe in ruining someone’s life over one bad decision (unless the damage is permanent). I thinks it’s best to put it out there now, unless they know it won’t come out at all.

      • MoJoOkie says:

        You seem to know quite a bit about what exactly the video will show. You may be right, but you may not. As far as OU releasing the video, I’m not sure it’s their call.

        • Unofficial Longhorn says:

          I actually have no clue at all what would be on the video. Unless it’s him bombing away on an innocent young lady, then it shouldn’t outshine Waco. From the very limited information that I have, it was an altercation where both parties were in the wrong. I just hope it doesn’t become something it doesn’t need to be. Just because I’m a Longhorns fan doesn’t mean I want to see this kid’s life ruined. I’m sure he has worked his tail off to get to where he is, it’d be a shame to see it all go down the drain because of one mistake.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            The only thing (without having any direct knowledge) that leads me to believe mutual fault is that they determined (after watching said video) not to charge him with assault.

        • Unofficial Longhorn says:

          As far as the video, it may not be their call to not release it, but I’m sure they have the power to release it. So if it were me (which it ain’t), I’d rather put it out there now while everybody is focused of Waco. I wouldn’t want to run the risk of the sole focus being on me. But that’s just my opinion.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            I assumed that would be a judge’s call, but I could be mistaken.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            You have me mistaken. I’m not talking about releasing it in an official capacity…

          • MoJoOkie says:

            Oh, the infamous leak? I wouldn’t do that at all.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            Well otherwise it looks like you’re deliberately capitalizing off of Baylor. Then it becomes disingenuous, which only makes the matter worse in the court of public opinion. It’s a delicate game, sure. But if handled correctly, it can work.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            When is this video being released? Or is it strictly supposition? To me, even if this were a saxet player, it would be old news and not worth dredging up.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            That’s why I said I’d do it only if I thought it was going to happen anyway. If I was confident it stays sealed, then let sleep dogs lie.

          • MoJoOkie says:

            lol, so all we’re doing is dancing around a non sequitur? I don’t thing anything still needs to be said about the Joe Mixon situation. Baylor, however, still may have some skeletons.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            We agree on that point. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I was speaking purely in the hypothetical reality that the video would be released at some point in the future.

          • Jed says:

            I think you’re wrong about that. So far as I am aware, the power to release would rest with the court. Outside of Texas, the local university does not trump local legal authorities.

      • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

        The public HATES OU and they would certainly want “Blood”.

        • SoonerinLondon says:

          Why do you say the public hates OU?

          For 50 years OU has consistently had some of the highest TV ratings and has proven to be a big draw. OU licensing sales are 12th in the country. I don’t understand how that translates to hate.

          OU coaches and the AD are recognized as delivering performance with integrity. In fact, last year BS was voted by other HCs as the coach they’d most want their child to play for.

          • Unofficial Longhorn says:

            The same (and even more) could be said about UT, and it’s well documented how much the nation hates the Longhorns.

          • SoonerinLondon says:

            I guess I’m just asking for the evidence that the public hates OU. Outside of sports message boards, where does it exist?

            I’ve lived in Houston, Philadelphia, Dallas, Washington DC, Miami, Sao Paulo Brazil, Stamford, London, Hong Kong and Sarasota and I’ve never seen OU hatred outside of sports rivalries.

          • Boom says:

            It’s not hate, it’s jealousy.

          • Jed says:

            Yes, but OU is on the side of sweetness and light and UT consists of Satanspawn bent on evil and world domination.
            Semantic bantering, I’ll grant you, but true nonetheless.

          • Dana Rogers says:

            Why are you still posting here – Satanspawn. Keep repeating… Jed is right, Jed is right. Now begone unholy one.

          • Vegas_Sooner21 says:

            Ok, maybe Hate wasn’t the correct word. Maybe lack of respect, idk? I just don’t feel the media love from any network outside of fox. Cbs and ESPN couldn’t give a rats azz about OU or the big 12 for that matter. Maybe I’m only speaking about the Public, mainly SEC fans, in that sense.

        • Unofficial Longhorn says:

          Which is why I’d do it while they hate Baylor even more IF and only IF I felt like it would be released anyway.

      • Birddawg says:

        I thought last we heard it was going to released after a lawsuit by bored “journalists”. Due to the fact a judge watched it in his chambers. Anyone want to confirm that?
        OU shouldn’t be worried about it.
        and now after yesterday.
        Baylor is going to be in the news for a long time.

      • Wilson says:


    • Malicong says:

      I honestly think it is time for us as fans to move on. The media (and Texsa fans) won’t let it go because the detractors need click bait and something to talk about. OU fans really have nothing to worry about other than internet tough guys and people thinking they know what’s best for everyone putting their 2 cents in. He messed up, he knows he messed up, he served his punishment. No amount of media pressure is going to cause additional punishment 2 years later above him missing an entire season to go along with his court punishment. It would look far worse for OU to boot him now, especially since he has been nothing but a model student and citizen before and after this incident.
      This is nothing like the Baylor situation (or Penn St, or Tennessee, or Ole Miss) but I am sure someone is going to find a parallel. Best to just ignore the ignorance, IMO.

  • cush creekmont says:

    Late arriving at TFB – too much early work for a Friday.

    Still, good morning to ALL you great TFBers! Love those softballers – great team!

    I feel better now – took an extra long shower; scrubbed twice to make sure I cleaned all the Art Briles off of me.

  • BleedCrimson says:

    99 DTG
    CJ Ay You at about the 2:35 mark.

  • BigJoeBrown says:

    Good Morning TFB…

  • LottsSocks says:

    Misery loves company.

  • David Morris says:

    By the way How about that SOONER softball team!

  • CWFosh says:

    Well… it kinda does

  • SamSooner says:

    Well, folks, you’ve listened to me rant this morning. I’m going to check out for the day. I might lurk but that’s it.

    I received some bad news this morning: if you’ve been on here the last 6 or 7 weeks, you know my brother had surgery to repair a dissecting aorta. Early this morning, the graft ruptured. Unfortunately, Frank passed away this morning. I’ve lost my favorite brother and a very good friend. I will be in and out.

    I don’t mean to bring any of you down. Carry on, please. I only wanted to give an update to those who are familiar with the situation.

    To add what humor I can: he’s my favorite brother. I’m okay with my sibling knowing this. I’m sure if you ask them, he’s their favorite brother also.

    Thanks and have a good day.

  • SoonerOracle737 says:

    I’d rather discuss the Hallmark Channel instead of Mixon video. Ugh.

    • metzker says:

      Leave it to a whorn to bring it up on OUr board

      • Collin says:

        Too be perfectly fair it was me that brought it up. Not to create havoc on the board, just to see if people thought the recent events at Baylor would have an adverse effect on Mixon’s situation. I thought it was a valid question.

        Find it in your heart to forgive me Metz?? 😛

        • metzker says:

          Ive been in and out with conference calls didnt see your post,my bad.

          • Collin says:

            No worries. I’ve been lurking for the past week or so and should have eased myself back in. Boy, not doing that today backfired hahaha

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          The situation is over. He served a suspension. Done.

  • Oscar says:

    Staley Lebby (Briles daughter) twitter post: “anyone who knows my Dad knows he is a man of incredible character and faith. He is the one who taught me how to discretely hold a digital video recorder next to my purse on sidelines so as to capture future opponents hand signals. I’ve learned everything from him.”

    • Collin says:

      Thought this was going to be serious at first, but was pleasantly surprise by the end!

    • cush creekmont says:

      Oscar, regarding Oracle’s preference for Hallmark discussions, Staley Briles Libby will make a perfect Hallmark movie – the poor, hurt girl who struggles to redeem her wrongly accused father – Oh, the sound of tears falling in the Brazos….

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      John Gotti was a great family man! But…

  • Mark_in_VA says:

    Today should have been entitled the Baylor News Daily post!

  • metzker says:

    Well we can have llama day——–

  • Boomer4life says:

    Wonder what conference realignment or adding teams looks like if Baylor gets the death penalty.

    • bjwalker82 says:

      Question is, what must happen for OU to leave the Big 12? 4 major conf. 64 schools (each conf. with two divisions of 8)…it makes too much sense to not eventually happen

    • ouwooferman says:

      I can not see it surviving. 9 teams, Fox comes calling renegotiates it down…..

      I am floored that Bowlsby says its not a conf issue. WTF

    • Birddawg says:

      Give NCAA two weeks to analyze the evidence that was found.
      1) Players allowed to leave w/o penalty
      2) More coaches let go
      3) Death penalty? Probably not. 3-4 year bowl game ban. 10 schollys a year gone. Most likely.
      4) Galvanize expansion? I would expect not this summer but maybe next.

      • Boom says:

        spot on – good recap

      • Rick says:

        I’m just not sure about 3), they were on probation from 2012-2015. This makes them subject to the “death penalty”, by rule. Otherwise, good list.

        • jimintexas says:

          After SMU, the NCAA has mostly moved away from the death penalty. Severely restricting scholarships for multiple years is more like it. It takes a couple of years for the school to feel the penalty but several to recover. The problem that Baylor has, is they do not have the positives a school like USC or FSU would have to recruit the athletes, anyway.

    • Brent says:

      there will never be another death penalty. too many unintended consequences.

  • j l says:

    Baylor isnt going to have much happen to them, if anything. . Anyone see what “penalties” ole miss is going to have to suffer for all their violations?

    Its like playing poker and everyone but you has a stack of aces they arent even trying to hide. Its a testament to our coaches and players hard work that we can continue to do as well as we do playing against a stacked deck.

    • RocketCitySooner says:

      I wouldn’t be so sure. These are all Title 9 violations. Title 9 is the basis of the whole “bathroom” issues. The Obama Administration could come down on Baylor with both feet.

      • j l says:

        Does title 9 even apply to a private university? the law states it applies to those receiving federal financial assistance.

        • jimintexas says:

          Even private schools receive lots of Federal dollars at at least some levels

        • Rick says:

          Here is your answer j, it doesn’t matter if the private school doesn’t take a penny of federal money.

          • j l says:

            Good find.

            Now the question is, what are the consequences for failing to follow title 9 rules?
            Only thing ive found is they could lose federal funding. While not insignificant, im not sure if there is anything they can do to the athletic programs, aka scholarship losses, bowl bans, etc.

          • Rick says:

            I think more importantly title IX opens the door of litigation against responsible parties, can you imagine the law suits against the school, the coaches involved. There will be some enormous settlements paid out to resolve the victims and their families.

          • j l says:

            There already has been at least 1 settlement, that came to light during the investigations.

            They were able to hide it for a while using their private university status.

            Still wont hurt the football team directly though.

        • RocketCitySooner says:

          If the Obama administration can find that Title Nine allows anyone to choose their own gender, changing it on a daily basis, and grants anyone who wants access to any bathroom or locker room, I’m sure they can find that it applies to Baylor.

          • j l says:

            the law dosent give them carte blanche to dole out punishments the NCAA would normally handle.

            Obama cant be like “baylor, you lose 12 scholarships over 4 years and have a 2 year bowl ban”

            he COULD advise the NCAA to do so, but he cant do it himself.

          • RocketCitySooner says:

            No Obama couldn’t do those things but he could make life very miserable for those who do not do as he ‘suggests’.

          • j l says:

            True, just think his suggestions are more likely to affect the University more than the football team specifically.

            Baylor will take on more title 9 staff, form a committee to review policies, make staff go through title 9 awareness classes, maybe donate to some programs.

            Basically all pr moves, stuff to save face. Not much that actually impacts their on the field product, which was my original point

          • RocketCitySooner says:

            I don’t disagree completely but I would point out that this administration has a tendency to see powers in the law that don’t exist. They could make all sorts of threats until they get what they want. It’s not like Baylor is defending good ground.

          • j l says:

            True, hes overstepped his bounds on more than a few occasions. He would have to act quickly though, he will be a lame duck in about 5 months.

          • OohRah Mama says:

            Political discussions have been repeatedly requested to not be on this board. Really, on Memorial Day weekend, when it’s time to grieve & honor those who gave all? Disqus has a multitude of political boards. Please, just please – not here.

          • j l says:

            Read the entire chain before passing judgment please. Was talking about baylor, not politics. Thanks

          • OohRah Mama says:

            When one injects a personal opinion about a politician, that isn’t
            simply discussion on the impact of Title 9, that is making sure people
            read your negative or positive opinion about that politician. In other words,
            non-related to the specific point, a personal political opinion. I diligently read the entire thread carefully. I still object to discussion of a specific politician, whether positive or negative. One can make an intelligent viewpoint known without interjecting one’s opinion of that politician. The diatribe included personal opinion of a politician. That make it an improper discussion, not Title 9.

          • j l says:

            I was talking about him sticking his nose in the world of sports, nothing more. You are,reading far more into my comment than was there.

            Seeing as how this is a sports website, I don’t believe that to be improper discussion.

            I’m not the one who spoke about transgender bathrooms or anything of the sort, the other person I was replying to did.

            Had I spoke about specific policies that had nothing to do with sports, you would have a valid point, but I didn’t.

            Have a great weekend.

      • OohRah Mama says:

        Can we just discuss football without someone injecting their personal political opinion? This is the one place I can come to where I don’t have to listen to the subject. Title 9 can be discussed without someone stating their opinion of D.C. players. Just please stop.

        • RocketCitySooner says:

          There was a question of whether Title Nine would allow the Obama administration to get involved in the whole Baylor fiasco. Clearly, the proclivity of the Justice Department to make aggressive interpretations of Title Nine is pertinent to that discussion.

          • OohRah Mama says:

            When one injects a negative opinion about a politician, that isn’t simply discussion on the impact of Title 9, that is making sure people read your negative opinion about that politician. In other words, non-related to the specific point, a personal political opinion.

    • Brent says:

      Hugh Freeze will be gone soon enough. Today was self-imposed penalties. The NCAA will have the program on a USC-level probation within 18 months.

  • Tmac says:

    Reading that report on the Baylor football program just makes me appreciate Bob Stoops all the more. So nice to have a man of Character at the helm.

  • SWoods says:

    Wish me luck, 2 week business trip to Italy.

  • metzker says:

    One more conference call at 1:00,maybe that will get the OP up!

  • T. Rob says:

    ***BREAKING NEWS*** Art Briles has been fired from coaching at BU on account of covering up numerous rape allegations from former and current players. “Now the truly is Sick’em I would say”.

  • ouwooferman says:

    OP OP WE want to be down with OP

  • Ryan says:

    Y’all get slower every day with the OP.

  • ouwooferman says:

    New Post

  • metzker says:

    ok good luck, o boy pretty music.

  • Mike Reed says:

    For this Memorial Day weekend….

    “I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.” — Abraham Lincoln (excerpt from a letter)

    As you spend time with friends and families this Memorial Day weekend, please take a few moments to reflect on those who cannot. All gave some, some gave all…..

  • Spitting Bull says:

    Forgive me if this has already been said. What I’m finding pretty insane right now is this. Baylor fans saying they are proud of their university for doing the right thing. WTF? I suggest you bury you duck and run for cover Bear fans. And keep your big yappers shut!

    • RocketCitySooner says:

      Agree with them and then ask: “Why did it take so long?”

      • Spitting Bull says:

        Funny, that’s exactly what I said. Living in Texas I have quite a few Baylor friends. They sure were riding high a few years ago.

  • Isabeijscholl says:

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