Image via Sooner Sports
While it has been rumored for a couple weeks now, SoonerScoop is reporting that OU’s stadium renovation plans are being put on hold, at least for the time being. According to the report, Boren has instead chosen to focus on pet project of his, a new Residential College.
UPDATE: Oh, well maybe hold on a minute.
Boren is not as untouchable as he thinks, he can be replaced as well as any other.
Oh, I think Boren’s nearing the end of his time in office. In fact, he may have decided to go this direction because the next president will likely have no choice but to upgrade the stadium while the more politically difficult residential college project is not likely to get done by a fresh president.
THIS! BOREN is looking for his legacy….
I tried to tell everyone the other day that I don’t like boren and his way of handling the football program. And now he puts something on hold that would benefit the university more than the stupid Oxford project as I will refer to it.
You have to wonder if this is a “not so subtle” message to the football coaching staff: “you need to win before we pony up any more money”. Hate to see it, as those renovations would go a long way toward attracting some of the top talent in the country to a place like OU. Combined with Headington Hall, it would make us second to none, facilities-wise.
Well if any commits flip on signing day, I will link that to this news about “no upgrades for now” because according to josh with SS there have been no smoke of possible recruits flipping from OU.
OU still has a fine student area for the players. The stadium isn’t like USC’s where chunks were coming down.
I dont want to come off as a pessimistic person the stadium hasn’t been as exciting as it has in the past and compared to others right now.
I know. Considering three losses at home. And back to back to K St at Norman. But I was referring to the broken down coliseum in LA LA land. OU’s field is better even without the renovations.
True. Ours isn’t near breaking down. I will say the fans, even early, weren’t the loudest. I’ve had people complain when my friends and I yell during the games.
Really? I live in Los Angeles. I wish more games were like the Tech game in 2008.
One of my high school football coaches took me and my dad to that game. The stadium was literally shaking at times it was so loud.
What about the commit,s who flipped on all the other signing days, both to us and away from us. Is everyone running around saying “OMG it’s dark out tonight. Wi
Hat if the sun doesn’t rise tomorrow?”
Why the hell is this leaking before signing day?
that’s what I’m saying.
I’m not gonna lie…I share your sentiments.
I wish I didn’t think that is the total driver behind Boren’s denial today.
Can’t argue with that but I’ve heard many of the coaching changes that have been made and are forthcoming were advocated for by Boren himself. That doesn’t seem to vibe with the idea that he doesn’t recognize the priority of the football program. I have been told that the money from boosters has dried up significantly but with the coming changes I would’ve guessed things would be fine post NSD when all the changes/hires are in place.
One thing I’d say about Boren, besides being a politician capable of god knows what idiocy, is that he was a Rhodes Scholar. Part of the being a Rhodes scholar is realizing the balance between sports and academics. Boren is not clueless. He understands politics and what drives OU. He understands what his boosters are saying. I’d have a hard time believing he’s flying this ship blindly. He definitely had a say in everything.
Very good point!
Reading this post, I’m glad to hear there are hires in place, but infuriated that they’re waiting until AFTER NSD to announce. There is no scenario where that makes any sense to me. This is a cutthroat business, and Bob’s fighting for his football coaching life now. Forget courtesy right now…rob whatever staff you need to rob and get recruiters in place. I mean, what coach isn’t recruiting against OU right now because we still don’t have coaches in place, playing up turmoil and uncertainty within the program? Having a full staff with improved hires plays a lot better in the minds of recruits than how Bob’s handling this.
Yeah, after a few phone calls I think you’re right on the money. One suite sold, and donation commitments disappearing for the Switzer Center, etc. I do hear, though, some dissatisfaction with the lack of change on the defensive side of the football.
Could this Boren project be related to what Spencer Tillman was talking about in his interview about a week ago.
It’s like they don’t think before they speak.
huh…do you think they post here?
Well it’s ok to do that here. I always use the edit button when I say something incredibly stupid.
I thoug,ht it was Murdock who spoke and not “them?”
Cause everyone in the media want to be first, not necessarily right, but FIRST!!
The football program at OU feels like it’s in free fall. Nothing to be excited about when looking into the future from my perspective.
I dont think I am alone in thinking the above.
Nope. I chuckled at the post above. While oil is a culprit for sure, the clear and obvious decline of the football program is also a culprit as well. People aren’t going to donate to watch this.
This is why I’m not renewing my season tickets after 24 years and won’t be donating for the first time in 18 years.
Dropped mine two years ago. Go to games all the time, spending about 40 percent or less of face and I don’t get stuck for the donation, which is going to jump 10-fold anyway.
This report reads funny but I guess we’ll see. I wouldn’t be surprised about the renovations put on hold but the rest about the appropriation of the other funds comes off less like news.
This has nothing to do with the football team nor should it have any effect on recruiting. Simple economics; oil crashed and most of the deep pocket supporters are heavily leveraged.
“No effect on recruiting”. Do you think announcing the renovations had any impact? I do. The sec isn’t putting football projects on hold. And I don’t want to hear anything about oil prices (I know some feel the effects like eastex) but not the every donor is in the oil business and if these guys were big time donors when gas prices were flying high, then why weren’t they pledging money football renovations then? Was there thought to be little need back then?
Seems to me this was Boren’s plan all along. Push the football stadium only to get the $’s for his project. Nice place but for 600 students? Help me understand, will this make me want to come to OU over maybe Stanford? Timing and who got what they want is on center stage and football just had their offer resended.
IMO you’re overreacting and reaching. The football team is not playing a pasture and their weight room is not a bunch of sand bags. This project will get done in time and those with deep pockets will get their suites. In the mean time life goes on.
That’s fine to think it’s an over reaction it could be. But like I said below if we lose a couple commits on nsd, this imo will be a significant reason why.
Now some would say if a kid chose someone else because of a project being put on hold then why would we want that kid and I could agree with those but it is important to get talent here regardless if some are more materialisic than others
Amen bruh, preach it. The renovations are the sort of “edge” we need for the program right now, not tomorrow.
As a student at OU that won’t even be around to experience this project, I’m not disappointed at all. Without question, Boren has improved the academic standing of OU throughout his time here. If he believes this will help, I’m all for it. Improving educational opportunities for Oklahomans means infinitely more to me than any game.
In a vacuum, I don’t think anyone would question that. However, the stadium renovations were announced with such fanfare that it really excited the fanbase and made an otherwise horrible season forgettable. Now, it appears that Boren has pulled money from the football program to build his pet project (whether or not that’s true, that’s the perception).
The financial contribution the football program makes to the University should never be overlooked or taken for granted. OU enjoys a lot thanks to the finances the football program pumps into the school.
Personally, I think the living/learning project sounds great, and will be a great addition to our school. It’s just really poor timing.
Very well said and I concur.
its another boondoggle for ‘elitists’ at the expense of the fans of the football program. none of this years recruits will ever get to enjoy playing in the renovated stadium…are the Board of Regents simply ‘YES MEN’ for Boren or do they have the authority to actually veto his proposals ? I see no purpose for the BOR if they won’t ‘grow a pair’ occasionally and vote down Boren’s ‘pie in the sky’ ideas……
Yes, why would a university ever want to improve academic facilities and academic standing?
I’m with you…I want the new dorm but it shouldn’t supersede the plans already made. I can’t discount the effect athletics (i.e. football) has on academics.
Very poor timing, Coaches were using it as a recruiting tool.
Yeah but nobody wants to drop $400 to watch an afternoon of chemistry experiments either………
Well it would be nice to get some sort of good news for the football program. It is really starting to feel as though OU football is in a real bad place. Not sure what Bob can do about this one.
He can take his team and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes! Just a thought.
It is.
Bob needs to start closing on recruits(his life blood of the program)everything else will take care of itself!!Go Soobers!!!
“really starting to feel as though OU football is in a real bad place”.
Be careful! I’ve been saying this for several months now, but apparently, that notion made me an idiot acoording to some of our resident “geniuses”.
so why doesn’t the Regents vote Boren;s idea down and save wasting millions of dollars on Boren’s ‘pipedream’ ???? OU is never going to be thought of as Cambridge West, etc etc—-a total waste of bond money…wonder what the recruits will think after being fed the story on the stadium expansion ???
update added
This is squirmy. I bet someone at the athletic office called boosters, who then called Boren and said to backpedal on this until after signing day.
My hope is that Sooner Scoop simply out scooped themselves. I know money is hard right now in Oklahoma with oil prices and all but, I cannot believe for a second that the school would have announced the stadium upgrades and then pull the plug for Boren’s pet project.
If it is true then it is a poor job of presidential work by Boren but, it does sound like a Scoop Loop.
The project is threatened. That much of the story is accurate. They got Boren’s involvement all wrong, though.
I think you’re right on the money with this one. The timing of today’s announcement is terrible, given the lurk of signing day and the apparent limp to the finish line.
So Boren is a member of Scoop. I wonder what his user name is?
Dr. Mazeppa
We’ll see then. Anyone out there with hard hats and lunch pails yet?
Are you afraid to tell us you got some info from Blevins? 🙂
never mind…when is signing day again? Need to set my DVR…love recruiting but only if it translates to the field of play…
Scoop at it again?
Journalism is to say the least interesting. Rumors and unsubstantiated facts. Does getting the scoop outweigh the harm? Something to ponder!
What is most interesting is the struggle among the Athletic Dept and the Administration…. Apparently alot of smoke there and Boren’s priorities……..Interesting stuff….
I wouldn’t leave the regents out of that equation, either. Lots of unhappy people.
“Shovel Ready”, now where have I heard that term recently?
Well we all know what team he batted for when he was in congress so………….:-/
We are going to need a shovel to help clear out the heaping pile you’ve left around here.
Oh—-how so?
Hopefully it isn’t as much bulls*** as the president’s use of the term.
It is being reported that there is some serious communication breakdown and some bad feelings between Athletic department and Administration. Report came from a paid site. What the heck is going on in Norman?
“Paid site” like maybe the Stoops to Forida one? Or the Mixon is gone one? Or the Aliens abduct Elvis one?
Pretty sure the first 2 were both blevins…not paid.
Sounds like attempted ……
Is it just me or do things seem a bit out of sort at our alma mater?
20,000 going to classes, Top five W & M Gym squads, Softball going great, beautiful day today … Just you.
And nobody cares about those sports…………..just you.
I care about them, and I’m a big fan of Patty Gasso. I also follow OU baseball (just not a fan of Pete Hughes, one of Joe’s few bad hires).
I just care a lot more about OU football than I do the other sports.
I’m a pretty big OU wrestling fan
It’s not just you.
Can anyone confirm the design pictures being changed a couple of months back? Mainly the N EZ concourse?
Yes. They were changed. I don’t think there will be any major renovations on the N EZ.
Boren was the one who changed the design,to meet his personal specs.
“Ze shovels are ready!”
Got one but I can’t get the dang thing to start.
My shovel doesn’t fit my hands. Still looking for one that does.
The one on the front of my tractor seems to work great.
Easiest way to tell Boren is lying? His mouth is moving. Saw it all to often in my time on campus. I’d be more apt to believe Sooner Scoop, assuming their sources are reliable.
If by “troll” you mean I have years of both first hand experience and observation to support my claim, then yes. But something tell me that isn’t what you meant. I’m aware that not everyone shares my disdain for Boren, and that’s ok.
Civil response so I retract my exaggerated response but you need to rephrase yours. I too spent many years around the man and do not hold him in disdain, but, I know for a fact that many times he has spoken hard truths. Your canard is tired and your “claim” that you support, if I read it correctly, is that Boren never speaks the truth. Simple hyperbole.
It may be hyporbole to say he never speaks the truth, but there are far too many examples that show that he will stray significantly from the facts when it suits him. Maybe he manages to convince himself of an alternate reality, who knows. At the end of the day he is what he is, both good a bad, but to call him always honest would be to overlook the reality of his tenure at OU.
Well, I was there when Boren was there too. I’ve known a number of players or coaches over the years. Never witnessed or heard that accusation thrown out about Boren being dishonest. He makes mistakes, some of them devastating like the John Blake hire which was a 100% political hire insisted upon by Boren after oSu hired Simmons. That social experiment sent our program deeper into the crapper than it’s ever been. At least he hired Joe C to fix that disaster and has since deferred to Joe’s judgment until he decided to take Stoops to task after the oSu disaster.
How is everyone? What did I miss?
We’re all still in limbo on whether there should or should not be a meltdown.
thanks funny. LMAO
Here till Friday evening.
Same bat channel
Hmm, think Boren is a little miffed at seeing Josh go?
I’m sure flags were at half mast outside the president’s office that day.
You should be a comedian and getting big$$$$$$$$$$$$
I don’t think I’m funny enough to pull that off.
Watching Snoop and his Son, I want the Bishop Gorman head Coach to be our Linebacker coach. He seems like an intense, hype coach! Lol
The BG head coach is now the UNLV head coach.
Oh well, the search continues. Lol
So, are we questioning Carey’s “art” or Boren’s denial.
I don’t trust either. But with that said, I think I’d tap the brakes on any “stadium expansion is on” celebration until the regents meet in March.
Sounds familiar. Oh yeah…Carey Murdoch….lol
Ok, so with the “shovel ready” comment out there.. Next to Carey’s article.. Is there any chance this residential college & parking garage have just been added to the overall stadium expansion budget… & this story was just a misunderstanding by Carey & his “sources”?
Isn’t he the one that’s always mad when people question why he gets paid for this information.
He got his info directly from the athletic department. So, it’s not that his info is wrong, it’s that they’re is obviously a lack of communication between Boren and the AD, which isn’t good either.
Story doesn’t say that. It, along with the God-awful quasi-apology today, says “close to the athletic department.” Big difference. Boren’s comments do indeed suggest to me that there’s a problem between him and football, but I’d be surprised if athletics is where the leak came from. More likely a bidder.
I’m going to ride this one out until after the BOR meeting. Racing to judgement and jumping to conclusions is too damn tiring for this old man.
I think that’s a good strategy.
Shovel ready
Is that manure???Looks like it!!
If that’s manure, there is a lack of filler in the diet.
Must be hungry…looks like cake batter…lol
Someone stole that from the sheep pen in Stoolwater! This is what happens when sheep have to look over their shoulders constantly, I’m told.
why would this come out a week before signing day
Is Kish at it again?
Yeah it appears the we’ve been “Kish’d”
I’m thinking that this story will force Boren’s hand to put the dorm on hold for now.
I hope so…I tired of Boren treating the football team like a step child when he knows damn well that it pays for all of the athletics
Wait, what?
Yeap, Boren only cares about academics
I would disagree. His predecessor Richard Van Horn absolutely did not care about athletics. Boren’s been pretty supportive over the years. I like his dorm idea, but I think it will have to wait it’s turn like anything else. There isn’t a shortage of campus housing options right now. There is an absence of football progress.
Boren has slowed the progress of the football team…having compliance up there butts everywhere they go…the Shannon situation (ironic is was a rape investigation and Shannon gets shafted)…admission standards have gone up…making it harder for guys like Patterson or Overton to qualify…i’m sure we could go on and on
Having dealt with some situations like this, as a cop, I can tell you Title IX ienforcement is not on Boren. The university has their own Title IX compliance officer, and they are required by federal law to enforce Title IX and investigate independently regardless of the outcome of any legal investigation. If the Shannon went univestigated by OU, the University would be I’m deep legal doo doo. I forget what the fines for each instance of noncompliance are off the top of my head, but they aren’t cheap. Also, the federal government can pull funding (such as research grants). FSU failed to do this for Jameis Winston’s rape case and are suffering the consequences.
As for academic standards, if a kid can’t meet the requirements we or any other public institution has, then they don’t belong on a college campus. It ain’t that hard (colloquialism intended). The athletes don’t even have to meet the same requirements as the rest of the student body…they make plenty of exceptions.
You know what I just typed out a perfect rebuttal but then deleted it…lets just agree to disagree on the subject…no use all the neg
So what consequences are being suffered by FSU?
Jordan, if Scoop is correct in their story, I think this is more the result of disgruntled fans deciding to NOT throw any more money at the program until they fix the problems on the coaching staff, and dumping the OC & WR coach don’t hardly begin to scratch the surface.
Looks like a …
Some of the comments sound very sophomoric. There are times that I think a recruit would be swayed away from Sooner Land more by some of the comments on this site than just about anything else, if he really took them seriously. Lighten up, folks! The sky isn’t really falling! 😉
You should go to the pay sites. This site is very mild to all the Doom and Gloom over there.
Anyone care to tell me why I should pay good money to join that crapshoot over at Scoop? lol
Sometimes wasting a little money helps one to appreciate a good bargain.
LOL No way I would pay for any site. Well, maybe this one if it ever went that way. Love TFB !!
Good choice.
God don’t do it!! Been a member of Sooner Scoop for 5 years and as soon as my current subscription ends I am done. Carey is an arrogant ass Who banned several posters who were talking up this site, when someone asked how he could do that his reply was ” because I can I own this thing.
As a professional in Murdock’s “art,” I can tell you this: It’s the height of bad journalism to publish such a story without a comment from David Boren, or at least a notation that he isn’t returning calls on the subject. That omission tends to erode the credibility of their report. I guess the Gaylord School doesn’t teach calling primary sources as part of their Intro to Reporting classes.
The residential college is going to be sweet, and so is the new stadium. Maybe I should just do my undergrad again in a few years…
I am so tired of Boren’s act. He may be involved, but when he gets involved things tend to go south or just get downright screwed up. I am sick of hearing about his academic achievements. A lot of OU alums have outstanding academic records, and it is just BS when someone or a group begins to believe only they can do a job. This stadium work over is way past due, and the athletic department will put sufficient money into the academic program to fix the ‘residential college’ situation.
I think a lot of folks on this board just blew their lids over nothing. Let’s remember the purpose of a University is education. Football is nice, but watching football doesn’t pay the mortgage.
I’m one who thinks we can excel at both. But the reality is with oil prices down and the stock market declining, it’s like capirtal projects will be impacted.
Final point, I wonder how many of the whiners have mailed their $5,000 check for the stadium fund raiser. Bet most haven’t and won’t do much.
Yes education is the first function of a university, but don’t kid yourself when thinking football doesn’t pay a huge amount of your so called mortgage. College football is big business and as with all business you have to spend money to make money.
Football only pays about $3-5 million directly to the University. The majority of funding comes from the state, our tax dollars plus tuition paid.
That said, enrollment increases when the football team is successful. So, the academic side does get a lift from athletics, but they really are separate entities.
not really. I can tell you from personal experience. When I started going to OU, it was the tail end of the Blake years (I was at the open meeting where they fired him) and graduated in the early Stoops years. There was a stark difference in everything on campus. All of a sudden huge donations (and small donations) were coming in for everything from the communications and business college, to the natural history museum. Just the on-campus morale skyrocketed. Whether that’s right or not, it’s how it was. The donor effect may have been secondary, but it was not separate.
Rene, football may not pay the mortgage at most people’s homes, but it does pay the mortgage at OU. In fact, the football program produces a lot of money that can fund many people’s scholarships that might not be able to get an education otherwise. So in a way, football ends up paying their mortgages.
Check out OU’s budget.
Improving the incomes of a few thousand graduates by elevating the academic standing has a much greater impact that say an athlete’s degree in health and exercise science, or communications.
That might be true at universities that are double the size of OU, but if you’ve paid attention to the status of football success and the improvement of OU in EVERY academic field, you’ll have noticed since the early fifties, they go hand in hand. Bud’s last 3 years, Gomer’s 1, the last 3 of Gibbs, and ALL of Schnelly’s and the last 2 of Blake’s donations swooned. EVERY OU president has at some point in his tenure thought that academia was the driving force ONLY to find out that it was the THOUSANDS of fans who never did or ever will attend OU that pay the school the money needed to acquire status. Without THEM, professors salaries would be way less, the facilities that all students enjoy from classrooms and dorms would pale compared to what they have now. Call it sad, stupid, or even pathetic, but football is KING in this school and state. Boren isn’t the first Pres to find this out AFTER the program went downhill, and I’m sure he won’t be the last .Keep winning 10+ games EVERY year and you’ll have the elitist university that folks think is so important. G0 8-5 for a couple decades and watch UCO become the largest school in the state. In fact, they are growing faster than any school in the state already.
Ah, the age-old periodic attempt by the academics to assert their moral superiority over football. Somewhere, David Swank is smiling from ear to ear.
Fail to understand why the ivory tower types can’t figure out that the two need to work together for the university to be everything people want it to be.
Good take.
Rene, I am totally for that. Believe me, I think everyone should get a quality education. I also agree that helps to raise the income of those individuals and the quality of the school.
My point is simply this: more money coming in means more students can get an education. People who couldn’t afford college otherwise who would end up in entry level jobs.
Plus, even if they don’t finish with a degree, some college experience along with the extra curricular involvement looks much better than the same person with only a college degree.
Finally, take a look at some of the athletes. Yes, some do graduate with degrees like you describe. But the stereotypical dumb jock with worthless degrees isn’t as common as in the past.
** Plus, even if they don’t finish with a degree, some college experience along with the extra curricular involvement looks much better than the same person with only a HIGH SCHOOL degree.
The Athletic Program, mainly football, pays a pretty nice chunk of the Academic Program’s bill. It’s a major reason why a lot of OU’s Academic Programs have been able to make the jump that they have.
Rene, football may not pay the mortgage at most people’s homes, but it does pay the mortgage at OU. In fact, the football program produces a lot of money that can fund many people’s scholarships that might not be able to get an education otherwise. So in a way, football ends up paying their mortgages.
Didn’t we have a former Boren intern on here not long ago…I didn’t get the impression he like Boren very much…heck he’s a politician
Dear signing day gods,
Please have mercy on our poor little university as we strive to play and be more like other ‘real’ universities. Our football program is all we have!
Never mind our traditions in Basketball, Softball, Wrestling, Baseball, Gymnastics, and being highly competitive in most all of our other athletic programs.
Do not pay attention to our award winning Communications program, excellent Business, Engineering, Meteorological Science, Law and Medical schools and a nationally recognized brand with alumni all over the world.
We are just a poor college on the prairie with no future, if you don’t let a few 17 to 19 year olds with finite potential pick our football program over the ‘real’ programs…
I think we may have to burn it all down…down to the ground….(and yes I am being totally sarcastic..but hoping they are not paying attention heh heh).
Sooner born….if you don’t know…you better ask somebody….
I have received the presentation of the renovations and am probably moving seats from the Club on the east side to the new Loge on the west side. I can tell you that they are asking for a certain 3 year financial commitment, beginning this year, with a promise that the south endzone will be done after next season and the west side done after the following season.
My capital commitment would start this year and I would be in the Loge box for the 2017 season…at least that is the promise I received last weekend.
BTW, the picture above is no longer accurate, as I understand it. They will not be covering the walkways on the north end, will not be adding the new big screen on the north end, and may not be adding the south endzone suites. They will be doing the south, upgrading locker rooms, adding the weight facility and doing all the west side upgrades.
Here’s my guess on the whole renovation thing: it’s a half-truth on both sides. Renovations will start, but they won’t be as aggressive as previously assumed. “Shovel ready” doesn’t mean shovel funded. It just means that the designs are in place. It’ll take years to finish anything to the stadium and these sorts of things are bonded up to 30 years. They’ll start up on stuff right away, just not as much stuff right away. That will be fine as long as progress continues to be made.
If they collect the money from me and others, for the Loge boxes (as an example), they have to be there by 2017. Payments are over a 3 year period, starting in March, so this is going to get done.
They may remove some big screens, reduce the “extras”, but this is getting built between now and 2017.
Or, you hear from the regents in March … I’d tap the brakes on the confidence until then. Right now, the bond required to do the stadium stuff is too large.
True. “Shovel ready” in the construction industry means “when we get the money.”
Yeah right he will say this after NSD and look like a FOOL
Cant we get Mary K or someone to sponsor us to help with this project?